コード例 #1
  @RequestMapping(value = "/stop", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public ModelAndView stop(@RequestParam String externalId, @RequestParam String campaignName) {
    CampaignEnrollmentsQuery query =
        new CampaignEnrollmentsQuery().withCampaignName(campaignName).withExternalId(externalId);

     * See comment for service.startFor(campaignEnrollmentsQuery) in above method for a more
     * detailed description. When stopping a campaign, an event is not raised, the job is simply
     * removed from the Quartz scheduler and no more events are raised. stopAll stops ALL messages
     * associated with the specific campaign and specific external id. To stop a specific message,
     * instead call service.stopFor(campaignRequest, messageKey) with the provided message key as a
     * parameter

    List<Patient> patientList = patientDataService.retrieveAll();

    Map<String, Object> modelMap = new TreeMap<>();
    modelMap.put("patients", patientList); // List of patients is for display purposes only

    ModelAndView mv;

    if (campaignName.equals("Cron based Message Program")) {
      mv = new ModelAndView("cronFormPage", modelMap);
    } else {
      mv = new ModelAndView("formPage", modelMap);

    return mv;
コード例 #2
  @RequestMapping(value = "/start", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public ModelAndView start(
      @RequestParam("externalId") String externalId,
      @RequestParam("campaignName") String campaignName) {

     * The campaign name in the campaign request references the simple-message-campaign.json file
     * found in the campaign demo's resource folder. The required name of this file is determined by
     * the messageCampaign.properties file found in the motech-messagecampaign platform module's
     * resource folder.
    CampaignRequest campaignRequest = new CampaignRequest();

     * The enroll method schedules a periodic task that is executed every two minutes until the
     * campaign is stopped, as defined in the campaign request above. The MessageCampaignService
     * uses the motech-platform-scheduler module to schedule this task in Quartz. Each time the job
     * is executed, an event is fired and relayed by the Motech platform. The event that corresponds
     * to a triggered campaign message has a subject of
     * EventKeys.MESSAGE_CAMPAIGN_SEND_EVENT_SUBJECT, where EventKeys is a class in the
     * motech-message-campaign module. To take action based on this fired event, an implementer
     * should write a listener for the event (see TestListener for a demonstration of a listener on
     * a fired campaign event).

    List<Patient> patientList = patientDataService.retrieveAll();

    Map<String, Object> modelMap = new TreeMap<>();
    modelMap.put("patients", patientList); // List of patients is for display purposes only

    ModelAndView mv;

    if (campaignName.equals("Cron based Message Program")) {
      mv = new ModelAndView("cronFormPage", modelMap);
    } else {
      mv = new ModelAndView("formPage", modelMap);

    return mv;