コード例 #1
   * Update the user expiration date with new values, and notify him with an email.
   * @param nIdUser Id of the user to update
   * @param plugin The plugin
  public void updateUserExpirationDate(int nIdUser, Plugin plugin) {
    // We update the user account
    int nbMailSend = DatabaseUserHome.getNbAccountLifeTimeNotification(nIdUser, plugin);
    Timestamp newExpirationDate = SecurityUtils.getAccountMaxValidDate(_userParamService, plugin);
    DatabaseUserHome.updateUserExpirationDate(nIdUser, newExpirationDate, plugin);

    // We notify the user
    DatabaseAccountLifeTimeService accountLifeTimeService = new DatabaseAccountLifeTimeService();
    String strUserMail = accountLifeTimeService.getUserMainEmail(nIdUser);

    if ((nbMailSend > 0) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(strUserMail)) {
      String strBody =

      ReferenceItem referenceItem =
          _userParamService.findByKey(PARAMETER_ACCOUNT_REACTIVATED_MAIL_SENDER, plugin);
      String strSender = (referenceItem == null) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : referenceItem.getName();

      referenceItem =
          _userParamService.findByKey(PARAMETER_ACCOUNT_REACTIVATED_MAIL_SUBJECT, plugin);

      String strSubject = (referenceItem == null) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : referenceItem.getName();

      Map<String, String> model = new HashMap<String, String>();
      accountLifeTimeService.addParametersToModel(model, nIdUser);

      HtmlTemplate template =
          AppTemplateService.getTemplateFromStringFtl(strBody, Locale.getDefault(), model);
      MailService.sendMailHtml(strUserMail, strSender, strSender, strSubject, template.getHtml());
コード例 #2
   * Check the password
   * @param strUserGuid the user guid
   * @param strPassword the password
   * @param plugin the plugin
   * @return true if the password is the same as stored in the database, false otherwise
  public boolean checkPassword(String strUserGuid, String strPassword, Plugin plugin) {
    String strEncryptedPassword = strPassword;

    if (_userParamService.isPasswordEncrypted(plugin)) {
      String strAlgorithm = _userParamService.getEncryptionAlgorithm(plugin);
      strEncryptedPassword = CryptoService.encrypt(strPassword, strAlgorithm);

    return DatabaseUserHome.checkPassword(strUserGuid, strEncryptedPassword, plugin);
コード例 #3
   * Do create a new database user
   * @param user the user
   * @param strPassword the password
   * @param plugin the plugin
   * @return the new database user with a new ID
  public DatabaseUser doCreateUser(DatabaseUser user, String strPassword, Plugin plugin) {
    String strEncryptedPassword = strPassword;

    if (_userParamService.isPasswordEncrypted(plugin)) {
      String strAlgorithm = _userParamService.getEncryptionAlgorithm(plugin);
      strEncryptedPassword = CryptoService.encrypt(strPassword, strAlgorithm);

    user.setPasswordMaxValidDate(SecurityUtils.getPasswordMaxValidDate(_userParamService, plugin));
    user.setAccountMaxValidDate(SecurityUtils.getAccountMaxValidDate(_userParamService, plugin));

    return DatabaseUserHome.create(user, strEncryptedPassword, plugin);
コード例 #4
   * Do modify the password
   * @param user the DatabaseUser
   * @param strPassword the new password not encrypted
   * @param plugin the plugin
  public void doModifyPassword(DatabaseUser user, String strPassword, Plugin plugin) {
    // Updates password
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strPassword)) {
      // Encrypts password or not
      String strEncryptedPassword = strPassword;

      if (_userParamService.isPasswordEncrypted(plugin)) {
        String strAlgorithm = _userParamService.getEncryptionAlgorithm(plugin);
        strEncryptedPassword = CryptoService.encrypt(strPassword, strAlgorithm);

      DatabaseUser userStored = DatabaseUserHome.findByPrimaryKey(user.getUserId(), plugin);

      if (userStored != null) {
            SecurityUtils.getPasswordMaxValidDate(_userParamService, plugin));
        DatabaseUserHome.updatePassword(userStored, strEncryptedPassword, plugin);
コード例 #5
   * Change all user's password and notify them with an email.
   * @param strBaseURL The base url of the application
   * @param plugin The plugin
   * @param locale The locale to use
  public void changeUserPasswordAndNotify(String strBaseURL, Plugin plugin, Locale locale) {
    // Alert all users their password have been reinitialized.
    Collection<DatabaseUser> listUsers = DatabaseUserHome.findDatabaseUsersList(plugin);

    for (DatabaseUser user : listUsers) {
      // Makes password
      String strPassword = SecurityUtils.makePassword(_userParamService, plugin);
      doModifyPassword(user, strPassword, plugin);

      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getEmail())) {
        // Sends password by e-mail
        ReferenceItem referenceItem =
            _userParamService.findByKey(PARAMETER_MAIL_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTION_CHANGED_SENDER, plugin);
        String strSenderEmail =
            (referenceItem == null) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : referenceItem.getName();
        referenceItem =
            _userParamService.findByKey(PARAMETER_MAIL_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTION_CHANGED_SUBJECT, plugin);

        String strEmailSubject =
            (referenceItem == null) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : referenceItem.getName();

        Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        model.put(MARK_NEW_PASSWORD, strPassword);
            strBaseURL + AdminAuthenticationService.getInstance().getLoginPageUrl());
        model.put(MARK_SITE_LINK, MailService.getSiteLink(strBaseURL, true));

        String strTemplate =

        HtmlTemplate template =
            AppTemplateService.getTemplateFromStringFtl(strTemplate, locale, model);

            user.getEmail(), strSenderEmail, strSenderEmail, strEmailSubject, template.getHtml());