/** * Add a Views containing the question text, audio (if applicable), and image (if applicable). To * satisfy the RelativeLayout constraints, we add the audio first if it exists, then the TextView * to fit the rest of the space, then the image if applicable. */ protected void addQuestionText(FormEntryPrompt p) { String imageURI = p.getImageText(); String audioURI = p.getAudioText(); String videoURI = p.getSpecialFormQuestionText("video"); // shown when image is clicked String bigImageURI = p.getSpecialFormQuestionText("big-image"); String promptText = p.getLongText(); // Add the text view. Textview always exists, regardless of whether there's text. mQuestionText = new TextView(getContext()); mQuestionText.setText(promptText == null ? "" : promptText); mQuestionText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mQuestionFontsize); mQuestionText.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); mQuestionText.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 7); mQuestionText.setId(QuestionWidget.newUniqueId()); // assign random id // Wrap to the size of the parent view mQuestionText.setHorizontallyScrolling(false); if (promptText == null || promptText.length() == 0) { mQuestionText.setVisibility(GONE); } // Create the layout for audio, image, text mediaLayout = new MediaLayout(getContext()); mediaLayout.setAVT(p.getIndex(), "", mQuestionText, audioURI, imageURI, videoURI, bigImageURI); addView(mediaLayout, mLayout); }
public FormIndex getFormId() { return mPrompt.getIndex(); }
public SelectOneAutoAdvanceWidget(Context context, FormEntryPrompt prompt) { super(context, prompt); LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()); // SurveyCTO-added support for dynamic select content (from .csv files) XPathFuncExpr xPathFuncExpr = ExternalDataUtil.getSearchXPathExpression(prompt.getAppearanceHint()); if (xPathFuncExpr != null) { mItems = ExternalDataUtil.populateExternalChoices(prompt, xPathFuncExpr); } else { mItems = prompt.getSelectChoices(); } buttons = new ArrayList<RadioButton>(); listener = (AdvanceToNextListener) context; String s = null; if (prompt.getAnswerValue() != null) { s = ((Selection) prompt.getAnswerValue().getValue()).getValue(); } // use this for recycle Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getContext().getResources(), R.drawable.expander_ic_right); if (mItems != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); i++) { RelativeLayout thisParentLayout = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.quick_select_layout, null); LinearLayout questionLayout = (LinearLayout) thisParentLayout.getChildAt(0); ImageView rightArrow = (ImageView) thisParentLayout.getChildAt(1); RadioButton r = new RadioButton(getContext()); r.setText(prompt.getSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i))); r.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mAnswerFontsize); r.setTag(Integer.valueOf(i)); r.setId(QuestionWidget.newUniqueId()); r.setEnabled(!prompt.isReadOnly()); r.setFocusable(!prompt.isReadOnly()); rightArrow.setImageBitmap(b); buttons.add(r); if (mItems.get(i).getValue().equals(s)) { r.setChecked(true); } r.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this); String audioURI = null; audioURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), FormEntryCaption.TEXT_FORM_AUDIO); String imageURI; if (mItems.get(i) instanceof ExternalSelectChoice) { imageURI = ((ExternalSelectChoice) mItems.get(i)).getImage(); } else { imageURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText( mItems.get(i), FormEntryCaption.TEXT_FORM_IMAGE); } String videoURI = null; videoURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), "video"); String bigImageURI = null; bigImageURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), "big-image"); MediaLayout mediaLayout = new MediaLayout(getContext()); mediaLayout.setAVT(prompt.getIndex(), "", r, audioURI, imageURI, videoURI, bigImageURI); if (i != mItems.size() - 1) { // Last, add the dividing line (except for the last element) ImageView divider = new ImageView(getContext()); divider.setBackgroundResource(android.R.drawable.divider_horizontal_bright); mediaLayout.addDivider(divider); } questionLayout.addView(mediaLayout); addView(thisParentLayout); } } }
public SelectOneWidget(Context context, FormEntryPrompt prompt) { super(context, prompt); // SurveyCTO-added support for dynamic select content (from .csv files) XPathFuncExpr xPathFuncExpr = ExternalDataUtil.getSearchXPathExpression(prompt.getAppearanceHint()); if (xPathFuncExpr != null) { mItems = ExternalDataUtil.populateExternalChoices(prompt, xPathFuncExpr); } else { mItems = prompt.getSelectChoices(); } buttons = new ArrayList<RadioButton>(); // Layout holds the vertical list of buttons LinearLayout buttonLayout = new LinearLayout(context); String s = null; if (prompt.getAnswerValue() != null) { s = ((Selection) prompt.getAnswerValue().getValue()).getValue(); } if (mItems != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); i++) { RadioButton r = new RadioButton(getContext()); r.setText(prompt.getSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i))); r.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mAnswerFontsize); r.setTag(Integer.valueOf(i)); r.setId(QuestionWidget.newUniqueId()); r.setEnabled(!prompt.isReadOnly()); r.setFocusable(!prompt.isReadOnly()); buttons.add(r); if (mItems.get(i).getValue().equals(s)) { r.setChecked(true); } r.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this); String audioURI = null; audioURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), FormEntryCaption.TEXT_FORM_AUDIO); String imageURI; if (mItems.get(i) instanceof ExternalSelectChoice) { imageURI = ((ExternalSelectChoice) mItems.get(i)).getImage(); } else { imageURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText( mItems.get(i), FormEntryCaption.TEXT_FORM_IMAGE); } String videoURI = null; videoURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), "video"); String bigImageURI = null; bigImageURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), "big-image"); MediaLayout mediaLayout = new MediaLayout(getContext()); mediaLayout.setAVT( prompt.getIndex(), "." + Integer.toString(i), r, audioURI, imageURI, videoURI, bigImageURI); if (i != mItems.size() - 1) { // Last, add the dividing line (except for the last element) ImageView divider = new ImageView(getContext()); divider.setBackgroundResource(android.R.drawable.divider_horizontal_bright); mediaLayout.addDivider(divider); } buttonLayout.addView(mediaLayout); } } buttonLayout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); // The buttons take up the right half of the screen LayoutParams buttonParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); addView(buttonLayout, buttonParams); }
protected ItemsetWidget( Context context, FormEntryPrompt prompt, boolean readOnlyOverride, boolean derived) { super(context, prompt); mButtons = new RadioGroup(context); mButtons.setId(QuestionWidget.newUniqueId()); mReadOnly = prompt.isReadOnly() || readOnlyOverride; mAnswers = new HashMap<String, String>(); String currentAnswer = prompt.getAnswerText(); // the format of the query should be something like this: // query="instance('cities')/root/item[state=/data/state and county=/data/county]" // "query" is what we're using to notify that this is an // itemset widget. String nodesetStr = prompt.getQuestion().getAdditionalAttribute(null, "query"); // parse out the list name, between the '' String list_name = nodesetStr.substring(nodesetStr.indexOf("'") + 1, nodesetStr.lastIndexOf("'")); // isolate the string between between the [ ] characters String queryString = nodesetStr.substring(nodesetStr.indexOf("[") + 1, nodesetStr.lastIndexOf("]")); StringBuilder selection = new StringBuilder(); // add the list name as the first argument, which will always be there selection.append("list_name=?"); // check to see if there are any arguments if (queryString.indexOf("=") != -1) { selection.append(" and "); } // can't just split on 'and' or 'or' because they have different // behavior, so loop through and break them off until we don't have any // more // must include the spaces in indexOf so we don't match words like // "land" int andIndex = -1; int orIndex = -1; ArrayList<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((andIndex = queryString.indexOf(" and ")) != -1 || (orIndex = queryString.indexOf(" or ")) != -1) { if (andIndex != -1) { String subString = queryString.substring(0, andIndex); String pair[] = subString.split("="); if (pair.length == 2) { selection.append(pair[0].trim() + "=? and "); arguments.add(pair[1].trim()); } else { // parse error } // move string forward to after " and " queryString = queryString.substring(andIndex + 5, queryString.length()); andIndex = -1; } else if (orIndex != -1) { String subString = queryString.substring(0, orIndex); String pair[] = subString.split("="); if (pair.length == 2) { selection.append(pair[0].trim() + "=? or "); arguments.add(pair[1].trim()); } else { // parse error } // move string forward to after " or " queryString = queryString.substring(orIndex + 4, queryString.length()); orIndex = -1; } } // parse the last segment (or only segment if there are no 'and' or 'or' // clauses String pair[] = queryString.split("="); if (pair.length == 2) { selection.append(pair[0].trim() + "=?"); arguments.add(pair[1].trim()); } if (pair.length == 1) { // this is probably okay, because then you just list all items in // the list } else { // parse error } // +1 is for the list_name String[] selectionArgs = new String[arguments.size() + 1]; boolean nullArgs = false; // can't have any null arguments selectionArgs[0] = list_name; // first argument is always listname // loop through the arguments, evaluate any expressions // and build the query string for the DB for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) { XPathExpression xpr = null; try { xpr = XPathParseTool.parseXPath(arguments.get(i)); } catch (XPathSyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); TextView error = new TextView(context); error.setText("XPathParser Exception: \"" + arguments.get(i) + "\""); addView(error); break; } if (xpr != null) { FormDef form = Collect.getInstance().getFormController().getFormDef(); TreeElement mTreeElement = form.getMainInstance().resolveReference(prompt.getIndex().getReference()); EvaluationContext ec = new EvaluationContext(form.getEvaluationContext(), mTreeElement.getRef()); Object value = xpr.eval(form.getMainInstance(), ec); if (value == null) { nullArgs = true; } else { if (value instanceof XPathNodeset) { XPathNodeset xpn = (XPathNodeset) value; value = xpn.getValAt(0); } selectionArgs[i + 1] = value.toString(); } } } File itemsetFile = new File( Collect.getInstance().getFormController().getMediaFolder().getAbsolutePath() + "/itemsets.csv"); if (nullArgs) { // we can't try to query with null values else it blows up // so just leave the screen blank // TODO: put an error? } else if (itemsetFile.exists()) { ItemsetDbAdapter ida = new ItemsetDbAdapter(); ida.open(); // name of the itemset table for this form String pathHash = ItemsetDbAdapter.getMd5FromString(itemsetFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { Cursor c = ida.query(pathHash, selection.toString(), selectionArgs); if (c != null) { c.move(-1); while (c.moveToNext()) { String label = ""; String val = ""; // try to get the value associated with the label:lang // string if that doen't exist, then just use label String lang = ""; if (Collect.getInstance().getFormController().getLanguages() != null && Collect.getInstance().getFormController().getLanguages().length > 0) { lang = Collect.getInstance().getFormController().getLanguage(); } // apparently you only need the double quotes in the // column name when creating the column with a : // included String labelLang = "label" + "::" + lang; int langCol = c.getColumnIndex(labelLang); if (langCol == -1) { label = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("label")); } else { label = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(labelLang)); } // the actual value is stored in name val = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("name")); mAnswers.put(label, val); RadioButton rb = new RadioButton(context); rb.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this); rb.setText(label); rb.setTextSize(mAnswerFontsize); mButtons.addView(rb); // have to add it to the radiogroup before checking it, // else it lets two buttons be checked... if (currentAnswer != null && val.compareTo(currentAnswer) == 0) { rb.setChecked(true); } } c.close(); } } finally { ida.close(); } addView(mButtons); } else { TextView error = new TextView(context); error.setText(getContext().getString(R.string.file_missing, itemsetFile.getAbsolutePath())); addView(error); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SelectMultiWidget(Context context, FormEntryPrompt prompt) { super(context, prompt); mPrompt = prompt; mCheckboxes = new ArrayList<CheckBox>(); // SurveyCTO-added support for dynamic select content (from .csv files) XPathFuncExpr xPathFuncExpr = ExternalDataUtil.getSearchXPathExpression(prompt.getAppearanceHint()); if (xPathFuncExpr != null) { mItems = ExternalDataUtil.populateExternalChoices(prompt, xPathFuncExpr); } else { mItems = prompt.getSelectChoices(); } setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); Vector<Selection> ve = new Vector<Selection>(); if (prompt.getAnswerValue() != null) { ve = (Vector<Selection>) prompt.getAnswerValue().getValue(); } if (mItems != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); i++) { // no checkbox group so id by answer + offset CheckBox c = new CheckBox(getContext()); c.setTag(Integer.valueOf(i)); c.setId(QuestionWidget.newUniqueId()); c.setText(prompt.getSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i))); c.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mAnswerFontsize); c.setFocusable(!prompt.isReadOnly()); c.setEnabled(!prompt.isReadOnly()); for (int vi = 0; vi < ve.size(); vi++) { // match based on value, not key if (mItems.get(i).getValue().equals(ve.elementAt(vi).getValue())) { c.setChecked(true); break; } } mCheckboxes.add(c); // when clicked, check for readonly before toggling c.setOnCheckedChangeListener( new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { @Override public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { if (!mCheckboxInit && mPrompt.isReadOnly()) { if (buttonView.isChecked()) { buttonView.setChecked(false); Collect.getInstance() .getActivityLogger() .logInstanceAction( this, "onItemClick.deselect", mItems.get((Integer) buttonView.getTag()).getValue(), mPrompt.getIndex()); } else { buttonView.setChecked(true); Collect.getInstance() .getActivityLogger() .logInstanceAction( this, "onItemClick.select", mItems.get((Integer) buttonView.getTag()).getValue(), mPrompt.getIndex()); } } } }); String audioURI = null; audioURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), FormEntryCaption.TEXT_FORM_AUDIO); String imageURI; if (mItems.get(i) instanceof ExternalSelectChoice) { imageURI = ((ExternalSelectChoice) mItems.get(i)).getImage(); } else { imageURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText( mItems.get(i), FormEntryCaption.TEXT_FORM_IMAGE); } String videoURI = null; videoURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), "video"); String bigImageURI = null; bigImageURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), "big-image"); MediaLayout mediaLayout = new MediaLayout(getContext()); mediaLayout.setAVT( prompt.getIndex(), "." + Integer.toString(i), c, audioURI, imageURI, videoURI, bigImageURI); addView(mediaLayout); // Last, add the dividing line between elements (except for the last element) ImageView divider = new ImageView(getContext()); divider.setBackgroundResource(android.R.drawable.divider_horizontal_bright); if (i != mItems.size() - 1) { addView(divider); } } } mCheckboxInit = false; }
public void refreshView() { try { FormController formController = Collect.getInstance().getFormController(); // Record the current index so we can return to the same place if the user hits 'back'. currentIndex = formController.getFormIndex(); // If we're not at the first level, we're inside a repeated group so we want to only display // everything enclosed within that group. String contextGroupRef = ""; formList = new ArrayList<HierarchyElement>(); // If we're currently at a repeat node, record the name of the node and step to the next // node to display. if (formController.getEvent() == FormEntryController.EVENT_REPEAT) { contextGroupRef = formController.getFormIndex().getReference().toString(true); formController.stepToNextEvent(FormController.STEP_INTO_GROUP); } else { FormIndex startTest = formController.stepIndexOut(currentIndex); // If we have a 'group' tag, we want to step back until we hit a repeat or the // beginning. while (startTest != null && formController.getEvent(startTest) == FormEntryController.EVENT_GROUP) { startTest = formController.stepIndexOut(startTest); } if (startTest == null) { // check to see if the question is at the first level of the hierarchy. If it is, // display the root level from the beginning. formController.jumpToIndex(FormIndex.createBeginningOfFormIndex()); } else { // otherwise we're at a repeated group formController.jumpToIndex(startTest); } // now test again for repeat. This should be true at this point or we're at the // beginning if (formController.getEvent() == FormEntryController.EVENT_REPEAT) { contextGroupRef = formController.getFormIndex().getReference().toString(true); formController.stepToNextEvent(FormController.STEP_INTO_GROUP); } } int event = formController.getEvent(); if (event == FormEntryController.EVENT_BEGINNING_OF_FORM) { // The beginning of form has no valid prompt to display. formController.stepToNextEvent(FormController.STEP_INTO_GROUP); contextGroupRef = formController.getFormIndex().getReference().getParentRef().toString(true); mPath.setVisibility(View.GONE); jumpPreviousButton.setEnabled(false); } else { mPath.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mPath.setText(getCurrentPath()); jumpPreviousButton.setEnabled(true); } // Refresh the current event in case we did step forward. event = formController.getEvent(); // Big change from prior implementation: // // The ref strings now include the instance number designations // i.e., [0], [1], etc. of the repeat groups (and also [1] for // non-repeat elements). // // The contextGroupRef is now also valid for the top-level form. // // The repeatGroupRef is null if we are not skipping a repeat // section. // String repeatGroupRef = null; event_search: while (event != FormEntryController.EVENT_END_OF_FORM) { // get the ref to this element String currentRef = formController.getFormIndex().getReference().toString(true); // retrieve the current group String curGroup = (repeatGroupRef == null) ? contextGroupRef : repeatGroupRef; if (!currentRef.startsWith(curGroup)) { // We have left the current group if (repeatGroupRef == null) { // We are done. break event_search; } else { // exit the inner repeat group repeatGroupRef = null; } } if (repeatGroupRef != null) { // We're in a repeat group within the one we want to list // skip this question/group/repeat and move to the next index. event = formController.stepToNextEvent(FormController.STEP_INTO_GROUP); continue; } switch (event) { case FormEntryController.EVENT_QUESTION: FormEntryPrompt fp = formController.getQuestionPrompt(); String label = fp.getLongText(); if (!fp.isReadOnly() || (label != null && label.length() > 0)) { // show the question if it is an editable field. // or if it is read-only and the label is not blank. formList.add( new HierarchyElement( fp.getLongText(), fp.getAnswerText(), null, Color.WHITE, QUESTION, fp.getIndex())); } break; case FormEntryController.EVENT_GROUP: // ignore group events break; case FormEntryController.EVENT_PROMPT_NEW_REPEAT: // this would display the 'add new repeat' dialog // ignore it. break; case FormEntryController.EVENT_REPEAT: FormEntryCaption fc = formController.getCaptionPrompt(); // push this repeat onto the stack. repeatGroupRef = currentRef; // Because of the guard conditions above, we will skip // everything until we exit this repeat. // // Note that currentRef includes the multiplicity of the // repeat (e.g., [0], [1], ...), so every repeat will be // detected as different and reach this case statement. // Only the [0] emits the repeat header. // Every one displays the descend-into action element. if (fc.getMultiplicity() == 0) { // Display the repeat header for the group. HierarchyElement group = new HierarchyElement( fc.getLongText(), null, getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.expander_ic_minimized), Color.WHITE, COLLAPSED, fc.getIndex()); formList.add(group); } // Add this group name to the drop down list for this repeating group. HierarchyElement h = formList.get(formList.size() - 1); h.addChild( new HierarchyElement( mIndent + fc.getLongText() + " " + (fc.getMultiplicity() + 1), null, null, Color.WHITE, CHILD, fc.getIndex())); break; } event = formController.stepToNextEvent(FormController.STEP_INTO_GROUP); } HierarchyListAdapter itla = new HierarchyListAdapter(this); itla.setListItems(formList); setListAdapter(itla); // set the controller back to the current index in case the user hits 'back' formController.jumpToIndex(currentIndex); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(t, e.getMessage(), e); createErrorDialog(e.getMessage()); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SelectMultiWidget(Context context, FormEntryPrompt prompt) { super(context, prompt); mPrompt = prompt; mCheckboxes = new Vector<CheckBox>(); mItems = prompt.getSelectChoices(); setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); Vector<Selection> ve = new Vector<Selection>(); if (prompt.getAnswerValue() != null) { ve = (Vector<Selection>) getCurrentAnswer().getValue(); } // Is this safe enough from collisions? buttonIdBase = Math.abs(prompt.getIndex().toString().hashCode()); if (prompt.getSelectChoices() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mItems.size(); i++) { // no checkbox group so id by answer + offset final CheckBox c = new CheckBox(getContext()); c.setId(buttonIdBase + i); c.setText(stylize(prompt.getSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i)))); c.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, mAnswerFontsize); c.setFocusable(!prompt.isReadOnly()); c.setEnabled(!prompt.isReadOnly()); int padding = (int) Math.floor(context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.select_padding)); c.setPadding(c.getPaddingLeft(), 0, padding, 0); for (int vi = 0; vi < ve.size(); vi++) { // match based on value, not key if (mItems.get(i).getValue().equals(ve.elementAt(vi).getValue())) { c.setChecked(true); break; } } // Note: This gets fired during setup as well, so this listener should only // be added after everything about the checkbox is set up // when clicked, check for readonly before toggling c.setOnCheckedChangeListener( new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener#onCheckedChanged(android.widget.CompoundButton, boolean) */ @Override public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { if (!mCheckboxInit && mPrompt.isReadOnly()) { if (buttonView.isChecked()) { buttonView.setChecked(false); } else { buttonView.setChecked(true); } } widgetEntryChanged(); } }); mCheckboxes.add(c); String audioURI = null; audioURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), FormEntryCaption.TEXT_FORM_AUDIO); String imageURI = null; imageURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), FormEntryCaption.TEXT_FORM_IMAGE); String videoURI = null; videoURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), "video"); String bigImageURI = null; bigImageURI = prompt.getSpecialFormSelectChoiceText(mItems.get(i), "big-image"); MediaLayout mediaLayout = new MediaLayout(getContext()); mediaLayout.setAVT(c, audioURI, imageURI, videoURI, bigImageURI); addView(mediaLayout); mediaLayout.setPadding(0, padding, 0, padding); mediaLayout.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { c.performClick(); } }); // Last, add the dividing line between elements (except for the last element) ImageView divider = new ImageView(getContext()); divider.setBackgroundResource(android.R.drawable.divider_horizontal_bright); if (i != mItems.size() - 1) { addView(divider); } } } mCheckboxInit = false; }