/** * @param buffer The {@link Buffer} to check * @return The {@link Buffer} if this is an {@link SftpConstants#SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY}, or * {@code null} if this is a {@link SftpConstants#SSH_FXP_STATUS} carrying an {@link * SftpConstants#SSH_FX_OK} result * @throws IOException If a non-{@link SftpConstants#SSH_FX_OK} result or not a {@link * SftpConstants#SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY} buffer */ protected Buffer checkExtendedReplyBuffer(Buffer buffer) throws IOException { int length = buffer.getInt(); int type = buffer.getUByte(); int id = buffer.getInt(); if (type == SftpConstants.SSH_FXP_STATUS) { int substatus = buffer.getInt(); String msg = buffer.getString(); String lang = buffer.getString(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "checkStatus({}}[id={}] - status: {} [{}] {}", getName(), id, substatus, lang, msg); } if (substatus != SftpConstants.SSH_FX_OK) { throwStatusException(id, substatus, msg, lang); } return null; } else if (type == SftpConstants.SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY) { return buffer; } else { throw new SshException( "Unexpected SFTP packet received: type=" + type + ", id=" + id + ", length=" + length); } }
@Override public Boolean doAuth(Buffer buffer, boolean init) throws Exception { ValidateUtils.checkTrue(init, "Instance not initialized"); boolean hasSig = buffer.getBoolean(); String alg = buffer.getString(); int oldLim = buffer.wpos(); int oldPos = buffer.rpos(); int len = buffer.getInt(); buffer.wpos(buffer.rpos() + len); PublicKey key = buffer.getRawPublicKey(); ServerFactoryManager manager = session.getFactoryManager(); Signature verif = ValidateUtils.checkNotNull( NamedFactory.Utils.create(manager.getSignatureFactories(), alg), "No verifier located for algorithm=%s", alg); verif.initVerifier(key); buffer.wpos(oldLim); byte[] sig = hasSig ? buffer.getBytes() : null; PublickeyAuthenticator authenticator = ValidateUtils.checkNotNull( manager.getPublickeyAuthenticator(), "No PublickeyAuthenticator configured"); if (!authenticator.authenticate(username, key, session)) { return Boolean.FALSE; } if (!hasSig) { Buffer buf = session.createBuffer(SshConstants.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK); buf.putString(alg); buf.putRawBytes(buffer.array(), oldPos, 4 + len); session.writePacket(buf); return null; } else { Buffer buf = new ByteArrayBuffer(); buf.putBytes(session.getKex().getH()); buf.putByte(SshConstants.SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST); buf.putString(username); buf.putString(service); buf.putString(UserAuthPublicKeyFactory.NAME); buf.putBoolean(true); buf.putString(alg); buffer.rpos(oldPos); buffer.wpos(oldPos + 4 + len); buf.putBuffer(buffer); verif.update(buf.array(), buf.rpos(), buf.available()); if (!verif.verify(sig)) { throw new Exception("Key verification failed"); } return Boolean.TRUE; } }
@Override public void handleOpenFailure(Buffer buffer) { int reason = buffer.getInt(); String msg = buffer.getString(); String lang = buffer.getString(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "handleOpenFailure({}) reason={}, lang={}, msg={}", this, SshConstants.getOpenErrorCodeName(reason), lang, msg); } this.openFailureReason = reason; this.openFailureMsg = msg; this.openFailureLang = lang; this.openFuture.setException(new SshException(msg)); this.closeFuture.setClosed(); this.doCloseImmediately(); notifyStateChanged(); }
@Override public synchronized SshdSocketAddress startRemotePortForwarding( SshdSocketAddress remote, SshdSocketAddress local) throws IOException { ValidateUtils.checkNotNull(local, "Local address is null"); ValidateUtils.checkNotNull(remote, "Remote address is null"); Buffer buffer = session.createBuffer(SshConstants.SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST); buffer.putString("tcpip-forward"); buffer.putBoolean(true); buffer.putString(remote.getHostName()); buffer.putInt(remote.getPort()); Buffer result = session.request(buffer); if (result == null) { throw new SshException("Tcpip forwarding request denied by server"); } int port = (remote.getPort() == 0) ? result.getInt() : remote.getPort(); // TODO: Is it really safe to only store the local address after the request ? SshdSocketAddress prev; synchronized (remoteToLocal) { prev = remoteToLocal.put(port, local); } if (prev != null) { throw new IOException( "Multiple remote port forwarding bindings on port=" + port + ": current=" + remote + ", previous=" + prev); } SshdSocketAddress bound = new SshdSocketAddress(remote.getHostName(), port); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("startRemotePortForwarding(" + remote + " -> " + local + "): " + bound); } return bound; }
@Override public Result process( ConnectionService connectionService, String request, boolean wantReply, Buffer buffer) throws Exception { if (!REQUEST.equals(request)) { return super.process(connectionService, request, wantReply, buffer); } String address = buffer.getString(); int port = buffer.getInt(); SshdSocketAddress socketAddress = new SshdSocketAddress(address, port); TcpipForwarder forwarder = Objects.requireNonNull(connectionService.getTcpipForwarder(), "No TCP/IP forwarder"); SshdSocketAddress bound = forwarder.localPortForwardingRequested(socketAddress); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "process({})[{}][want-reply-{}] {} => {}", connectionService, request, wantReply, socketAddress, bound); } if (bound == null) { return Result.ReplyFailure; } port = bound.getPort(); if (wantReply) { Session session = connectionService.getSession(); buffer = session.createBuffer(SshConstants.SSH_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS, Integer.BYTES); buffer.putInt(port); session.writePacket(buffer); } return Result.Replied; }