protected void handleFinalMoveResponse(MoveResponse finalMoveResponse) { final String fn = "handleFinalMoveResponse: "; log.debug(fn + "Received the final move response. Move Id = " + new Integer(moveId).toString()); log.debug(fn + "Shutting down the Check Cancel timer."); checkCancelTimer.cancel(); log.debug(fn + "Updating the move database record"); num_objects_found_cache = getNumberOfFoundStudyObjects(); num_objects_moved_cache = finalMoveResponse.getNumberOfStudyObjectsMoved(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { Connection conn = getDbConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(CompleteStmt.SQL); stmt.setString(InsertStmt.PARAM_STATUS, MoveStatus.COMPLETE.toString()); stmt.setInt(CompleteStmt.PARAM_NUM_OBJECTS_FOUND, num_objects_found_cache); stmt.setInt(CompleteStmt.PARAM_NUM_OBJECTS_MOVED, num_objects_moved_cache); stmt.setString(CompleteStmt.PARAM_MAPPING_DOC, finalMoveResponse.getUidMappingDoc()); stmt.setString( CompleteStmt.PARAM_STG_CMMT_FAILURES_DOC, finalMoveResponse.getStorageCommitFailuresDoc()); stmt.setBoolean(CompleteStmt.PARAM_SUCCESSFUL, finalMoveResponse.moveSuccessful()); stmt.setString(CompleteStmt.PARAM_ERROR, finalMoveResponse.getError()); stmt.setTimestamp( CompleteStmt.PARAM_MOVE_ENDED, new Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime())); stmt.setInt(CompleteStmt.CONSTRAINTS_ID, moveId); if (stmt.executeUpdate() != 1) { log.error( fn + "Failed to update move instance database record.\nStatement: " + stmt.toString() + "\nWarnings:\n" + stmt.getWarnings().toString()); lastError.set("Failed to update move instance database record."); } } catch (SQLException ex) { log.error( fn + "Failed to update move instance database record. Exception:\n" + ex.getMessage()); lastError.set(ex.getMessage()); } finally { CloseUtils.safeClose(stmt); } log.debug(fn + "Move processing is complete"); }
void onCStoreRQ( Association as, int pcid, DicomObject rq, PDVInputStream dataStream, String tsuid, DicomObject rsp) throws IOException { String cuid = rq.getString(Tag.AffectedSOPClassUID); String iuid = rq.getString(Tag.AffectedSOPInstanceUID); DicomObject data = dataStream .readDataset(); // You have one shot to get the data. You can't read twice with // readDataset method. String suid = data.getString(Tag.StudyInstanceUID); // Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); // File struturedDestination = new File(destination.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + // today.get(Calendar.YEAR) + File.separator + today.get(Calendar.MONTH) + File.separator + // today.get(Calendar.DATE) + File.separator + suid); File struturedDestination = new File( destination.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "oviyam2" + File.separator + suid); String child[] = struturedDestination.list(); if (child == null) { struturedDestination.mkdirs(); } File file = devnull != null ? struturedDestination : new File(struturedDestination, iuid); //"M-WRITE {}", file); try { DicomOutputStream dos = new DicomOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file), fileBufferSize)); try { BasicDicomObject fmi = new BasicDicomObject(); fmi.initFileMetaInformation(cuid, iuid, tsuid); dos.writeFileMetaInformation(fmi); // dataStream.copyTo(dos); dos.writeDataset(data, tsuid); } finally { CloseUtils.safeClose(dos); } } catch (IOException e) { if (devnull == null && file != null) { if (file.delete()) {"M-DELETE {}", file); } } throw new DicomServiceException(rq, Status.ProcessingFailure, e.getMessage()); } // Rename the file after it has been written. See DCM-279 /*if (devnull == null && file != null) { File rename = new File(file.getParent(), iuid);"M-RENAME {} to {}", file, rename); file.renameTo(rename); if (cache.getJournalRootDir() != null) { cache.record(rename); } }*/ // NetworkQueueUpdateDelegate networkQueueUpdateDelegate = new NetworkQueueUpdateDelegate(); // networkQueueUpdateDelegate.updateReceiveTable(file, as.getCallingAET()); }
/** * Starts a new move instance for the study specified. Creates a new database record, starts the * move process on a separate thread, and returns the move instance id. * * @param studyUid The study to move. * @param xformObjectData DICOM object attributes to be added/removed/xformed during the move. * @return The new move id, or 0 if failed to start the move. If the move failed to start you can * call getLastError to get a reason for the failure. */ public int startMove(String studyUid, ObjectTransformData xformObjData) { final String fn = "startMove: "; + "Request to move study with uid = " + studyUid); dcmMover = this; this.studyUid = studyUid; xformObjectData = xformObjData; lastError.set(""); // Create a database record of this move attempt and get the primary key log.debug(fn + "Creating move instance database record"); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { Connection conn = getDbConnection(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(InsertStmt.SQL, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); stmt.setString(InsertStmt.PARAM_STATUS, MoveStatus.IN_PROGESS.toString()); stmt.setBoolean(InsertStmt.PARAM_SUCCESSFUL, false); stmt.setString(InsertStmt.PARAM_STUDY_UID, studyUid); stmt.setInt(InsertStmt.PARAM_NUM_OBJECTS_FOUND, 0); stmt.setInt(InsertStmt.PARAM_NUM_OBJECTS_MOVED, 0); stmt.setString(InsertStmt.PARAM_SOURCE_AE, getMoveSourceAET()); stmt.setString(InsertStmt.PARAM_DESTINATION_AE, getMoveDestinationAET()); stmt.setBoolean(InsertStmt.PARAM_ANONYMIZED, null != xformObjData); stmt.setString( InsertStmt.PARAM_ANONYMIZE_DATA, (xformObjData == null ? null : xformObjData.toString())); stmt.setTimestamp( InsertStmt.PARAM_MOVE_STARTED, new Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime())); if (stmt.executeUpdate() != 1) { log.error( fn + "Failed to create move instance database record.\nStatement: " + stmt.toString() + "\nWarnings:\n" + stmt.getWarnings().toString()); lastError.set("Failed to create move instance database record."); return 0; } ResultSet result = stmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if (! { log.error( fn + "Created move instance database record, but failed to retrieve new move Id.\nWarnings:\n" + stmt.getWarnings().toString()); lastError.set("Created move instance database record, but failed to retrieve new move Id."); return 0; } moveId = result.getInt(InsertStmt.RETURN_COL_ID); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error( fn + "Failed to create move instance database record. Exception:\n" + e.getMessage()); lastError.set(e.getMessage()); return 0; } finally { CloseUtils.safeClose(stmt); } // Start the move process log.debug(fn + "Starting the move process asyncronously. Move Id = " + moveId); doMoveAsync(); // Start a timer to monitor the move process for a client cancel request log.debug(fn + "Starting the CHECK_CANCEL_MOVE_TIMER timer"); checkCancelTimer = new Timer("CHECK_CANCEL_MOVE_TIMER"); checkCancelTimer.schedule( new CheckCancelTimerTask(this), CANCEL_TIMER_START_DELAY, CANCEL_TIMER_PERIOD); log.debug(fn + "Move process started"); return moveId; }