public void setXPathMapping(String xpath, String type, JSONObject target, int index) { JSONArray mappings = target.getJSONArray("mappings"); JSONObject mapping = null; target.remove("warning"); if (index > -1) { mapping = mappings.getJSONObject(index); mapping.put("type", "xpath"); mapping.put("value", xpath); } else { mapping = new JSONObject(); mapping.put("type", "xpath"); mapping.put("value", xpath); mappings.add(mapping); } if (mapping != null) { if (target.has("type") && type != null && type.length() > 0) { if (target.getString("type").equalsIgnoreCase("dateUnion")) { if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase("date") && !type.equalsIgnoreCase("dateTime") && !type.equalsIgnoreCase("dateUnion")) { target.element("warning", type); } } else if (!target.getString("type").equalsIgnoreCase(type) || (mappings.size() > 1 && !type.equalsIgnoreCase("string"))) { target.element("warning", type); } } } // mappings.clear(); }
public JSONObject removeNode(String id) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONObject targetElement = this.elementCache.get(id); JSONObject parent = this.parentCache.get(id); JSONArray children = parent.getJSONArray("children"); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { int targetIndex = -1; int targetCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { JSONObject child = (JSONObject) children.get(i); if (child.getString("id").equals(id)) { targetIndex = i; } } if (targetIndex >= 0) { children.remove(targetIndex); this.elementCache.remove(id); this.parentCache.remove(id); } result = result.element("id", id); } else { result = result.element("error", "could not find target element"); } this.saveMappings(); return result; }
public String showJson() { JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig(); jsonConfig.registerJsonBeanProcessor( Sucursal.class, new JsonBeanProcessor() { @Override public JSONObject processBean(Object bean, JsonConfig jsonConfig) { Sucursal sucursal = (Sucursal) bean; JSONObject row = new JSONObject(); row.element("id", sucursal.getId()); JSONArray cell = new JSONArray(); cell.add(sucursal.getNombre()); cell.add(sucursal.getDireccion()); cell.add(sucursal.getTelefono()); row.element("cell", cell); return row; } }); JSONObject rootObj = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jrows = (JSONArray) JSONSerializer.toJSON(sucursales, jsonConfig); rootObj.element("rows", jrows); rootObj.element("records", sucursales.size()); rootObj.element("total", Math.ceil((double) sucursales.size() / rows)); rootObj.element("page", page); writeResponse(rootObj); return JSON; }
public JSONObject jsonify() { JSONObject ret = super.jsonify(); ret.element("type", "monthly"); ret.element("dayOfWeek", getDayOfWeek()); ret.element("weekOfMonth", getWeekOfMonth()); return ret; }
@ResponseBody @RequestMapping(value = "/getWxUsers", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String getWxUsers() { JSONObject userJson = new JSONObject(); userJson.element("header", wxUserService.getWxUsersTitle()); userJson.element("content", wxUserService.getWxUsersContent()); return userJson.toString(); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.funambol.json.converter.Converter#toJSON(java.lang.Object) */ public String toJSON(JsonAuthResponse jsonAuthResponse) { JSONObject jsonRoot = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject(); jsonData.element(JsonAuthResponseModel.SESSIONID.getValue(), jsonAuthResponse.getSessionID()); jsonRoot.element(JsonAuthResponseModel.DATA.getValue(), jsonData); return jsonRoot.toString(); }
public JSONObject getDocumentation(String id) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONObject targetElement = this.elementCache.get(id); String key = targetElement.getString("name"); result.element("title", key); result.element("documentation", this.getDocumentationForKey(key)); return result; }
public static void appadd() { try { // 创建连接 URL url = new URL(ADD_URL); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setUseCaches(false); connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(true); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); connection.connect(); // POST请求 DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.element("app_name", "asdf"); obj.element("app_ip", ""); obj.element("app_port", 8080); obj.element("app_type", "001"); obj.element("app_area", "asd"); out.writeBytes(obj.toString()); out.flush(); out.close(); // 读取响应 BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); String lines; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); while ((lines = reader.readLine()) != null) { lines = new String(lines.getBytes(), "utf-8"); sb.append(lines); } System.out.println(sb); reader.close(); // 断开连接 connection.disconnect(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
public String getByID() throws Exception { System.out.println("hello"); System.out.println("通过ID查找对象"); String cid = this.request.getParameter("chID"); int id = Integer.parseInt(cid); System.out.println(id); Channel cen = (Channel) channelDao.findObjectById(Channel.class, id); System.out.println(cen); ChannelVo vo = new ChannelVo(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(vo, cen); System.out.println(vo); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); System.out.println(cen.getId()); if (cen.getParentChannel() == null) { } else { vo.setParentChannel(cen.getParentChannel().getId()); vo.setParentName(cen.getParentChannel().getName()); } obj.element("chan", vo); PrintWriter out = this.response.getWriter(); out.write(obj.toString()); System.out.println(obj.toString()); out.flush(); return null; }
public JSONObject mappingElementsUsedInMapping() { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONArray used = new JSONArray(); JSONArray not_used = new JSONArray(); JSONArray parent_used = new JSONArray(); JSONObject mappings = this.getTargetDefinition(); Map<String, MappingElement> map = this.inputSchema.getMap(); Collection<String> list = MappingSummary.getMappedXPathList(mappings); Iterator<String> keys = map.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String id =; String xpath = map.get(id).getXPath(); for (String xp : list) { if (xp.length() > xpath.length() && xp.indexOf(xpath) > -1) { parent_used.add(id); break; } } if (list.contains(xpath)) { used.add(id); } else { not_used.add(id); } } return result .element("used", used) .element("not_used", not_used) .element("parent_used", parent_used); }
private static JSONObject recursive(Element parentElement) { List<Element> childElements = parentElement.elements(); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); for (Element childElement : childElements) { String attributeValue = childElement.attributeValue(CLASS); if (LIST_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE.contains(attributeValue)) { List<Element> elements = childElement.elements(); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); for (Element element : elements) { jsonArray.add(recursive(element)); } jsonObject.element(childElement.getName(), jsonArray); } else { if (!childElement.elements().isEmpty()) { JSONObject recursive = recursive(childElement); jsonObject.accumulate(childElement.getName(), recursive); } else { jsonObject.accumulate(childElement.getName(), childElement.getTextTrim()); } } } return jsonObject; }
/** * Check whether the "incorrect version" msg should be displayed, and returns what the currently * configured version is, in a json. */ public void doVersionCheck(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, @QueryParameter String url) throws IOException { rsp.setContentType("text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); JSONObject versionJSON = new JSONObject(); String error_display_style = "none"; if (!isGoodCNVersion(url)) { error_display_style = "inline"; } versionJSON.element("error_display_style", error_display_style); VersionNumber version = getVersion(url); if (version != null) { versionJSON.element("version", version.toString()); } else { versionJSON.element("version", "unknown"); } rsp.getWriter().print(versionJSON.toString()); }
public JSONObject previewTransform() { JSONObject preview = new JSONObject(); XSLTGenerator xslt = new XSLTGenerator(); String templateMatch = "/"; String mappings = this.getTargetDefinition().toString(); // System.out.println("First 1000 caracters mappings = " + mappings.substring(0, 1000)); xslt.setTemplateMatch(templateMatch); System.out.println("**** XSLT = " + xslt.generateFromString(mappings)); String xsl = XMLFormatter.format(xslt.generateFromString(mappings)); preview.element("json", "\n" + mappings); preview.element("xsl", xsl); return preview; }
private PersistenceManager doJob(PersistenceManager pm, Object req) { JSONObject response = null; if (req instanceof AccessLog) { executeInsert(pm, (AccessLog) req); return pm; } RequestInfo requestInfo = (RequestInfo) req; switch (requestInfo.type) { case TYPE_QUERY_DELTE: requestInfo.ids = queryAccessLog(pm, requestInfo.query); case TYPE_LIST_DELTE: response = new JSONObject(); response.element("command", "listDelete"); response.element("result", "success"); executeDelete(pm, requestInfo.ids); break; case TYPE_QUERY_EXPORT: requestInfo.ids = queryAccessLog(pm, requestInfo.query); case TYPE_LIST_EXPORT: try { File exportFile = executeExport(pm, requestInfo.ids); Blob exportBlob = Blob.create(exportFile, true);; } catch (IOException e) { response = new JSONObject(); response.element("command", "listExport"); response.element("result", "fail"); logger.warn("failt to export", e); } catch (Throwable t) { response = new JSONObject(); response.element("command", "listExport"); response.element("result", "fail"); logger.error("failt to export", t); } break; case TYPE_IMPORT: try { pm = null; executeImport(requestInfo.importBlob, requestInfo.peer); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("failt to import", e); response = new JSONObject(); response.element("command", "import"); response.element("result", "fail"); } break; } if (requestInfo.peer != null && response != null) { requestInfo.peer.message(response); } return pm; }
public JSONObject setFixed(JSONObject object, boolean fixed) { if (fixed) { if (!object.has("fixed")) { object = object.element("fixed", ""); } } else { if (object.has("fixed")) { object.remove("fixed"); } } return object; }
public JSONObject mappingSummary() { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); // DataUpload du = DB.getDataUploadDAO().findById(Long.parseLong(this.dataUploadId), false); String mappings = this.getTargetDefinition().toString(); Collection<String> missing = MappingSummary.getMissingMappings(mappings); // Collection<String> invalid = MappingSummary.getInvalidXPaths(du, mappings); Collection<String> invalid = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, String> mapped = MappingSummary.getMappedItems(mappings); // Map<String, String> summary = MappingSummary.getSummary(mappings); // JSONObject tree_usage = this.mappingElementsUsedInMapping(); object = object.element("missing", missing); object = object.element("invalid", invalid); object = object.element("mapped", mapped); // object = object.element("used", tree_usage.getJSONArray("used")); // object = object.element("not_used", tree_usage.getJSONArray("not_used")); // object = object.element("summary", summary); // log.debug(object); return object; }
private void addConditionClause(JSONArray clauses, String path, boolean complex) { JSONObject clause = new JSONObject(); if (complex) { clause.element("logicalop", "AND"); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); array.add(new JSONObject()); clause.element("clauses", array); } if (path.length() == 0) { clauses.add(clause); } else { if (path.contains(".")) { String[] parts = path.split("\\.", 2); System.out.println("'" + path + "' '" + parts[0] + "' '" + parts[1] + "'"); int index = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); addConditionClause(clauses.getJSONObject(index), parts[1], complex); } else { int index = Integer.parseInt(path); addConditionClause(clauses.getJSONObject(index), "", complex); } } }
public JSONObject getJSON(JSONObject jo) { Problem p = null; try { p = ProblemMgr.getProblem(getProbId()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } if (p != null && p.isQuickAuth() && p.isMultiChoice()) { jo.element(letter, val); } return jo; }
public String getConfig(JSONObject jsonObject) { String areaId = jsonObject.getString("areaId"); WorldServer worldServer = worldServerDao.get("areaid", areaId); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.element("port", worldServer.getPort()); json.element("adminport", worldServer.getAdminport()); json.element("publicip", worldServer.getPublicip()); json.element("httpport", worldServer.getHttpport()); json.element("authport", worldServer.getAuthport()); json.element("areaid", worldServer.getAreaid()); json.element("machinecode", worldServer.getMachinecode()); json.element("serverType", worldServer.getServerType()); return json.toString(); }
@Override public void onBufferEnd(Object userContext) { endBuffer(currentZe); Iterator<String> itr = refDigests.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { StoreManager.ref(; } itr = addDigests.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { StoreManager.unref(; } JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.element("command", "import"); response.element("result", "success"); peer.message(response); }
// 列出此课程中所有学生 private void list(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { int courseId = Integer.parseInt((String) request.getSession().getAttribute(ServletUtil.COURSE_ID)); List<Student> students = studentService.getStudentsInTheCourse(courseId); if (students != null && students.size() > 0) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.element("students", students); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.write(jo.toString()); writer.close(); } else { // 此课程中没有学生 } }
private void setConditionClauseKey(JSONObject condition, String path, String key, String value) { if (path.length() == 0) { if (condition.has(key)) { condition.remove(key); } condition.element(key, value); } else { if (condition.has("clauses")) { JSONArray clauses = condition.getJSONArray("clauses"); if (path.contains(".")) { String[] parts = path.split("\\.", 2); int index = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); setConditionClauseKey(clauses.getJSONObject(index), parts[1], key, value); } else { int index = Integer.parseInt(path); setConditionClauseKey(clauses.getJSONObject(index), "", key, value); } } } }
/** * Retrieve the details about a product which exists on the Wish platform. You must have the * unique product Id that was returned upon product creation. * * @param productId id * @param apiKey apiKey * @return JSONObject */ public JSONObject retrieveProductVariationJSONObject(String productId, String apiKey) { String url = PropertiesUtil.getRetrieveProductVariation() .replace("product_id", productId) .replace("an_example_api_key", apiKey); // 发起POST请求 JSONObject jsonObject = CommonUtil.httpsRequest(url, "GET", null); if (null != jsonObject) { int code = jsonObject.getInt("code"); if (0 == code) { return jsonObject; } else { JSONObject errorJsonObject = new JSONObject(); return errorJsonObject.element("message", jsonObject.getString("message")); } } else { return null; } }
public String serializeSystemData(SystemData systemData) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.element("apiKey", systemData.getApiKey()); json.element("osArch", systemData.getOsArch()); json.element("osName", systemData.getOsName()); json.element("osVersion", systemData.getOsVersion()); json.element("javaVendor", systemData.getJavaVendor()); json.element("javaVersion", systemData.getJavaVersion()); json.element("type", systemData.getType()); json.elementOpt("serverVersion", systemData.getServerVersion().orNull()); return json.toString(); }
public static String getJSONuiLabelArray( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String requiredLabels = request.getParameter("requiredLabels"); JSONObject uiLabelObject = null; if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(requiredLabels)) { // Transform JSON String to Object uiLabelObject = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(requiredLabels); } JSONObject jsonUiLabel = new JSONObject(); Locale locale = request.getLocale(); if (!uiLabelObject.isEmpty()) { Set<String> resourceSet = UtilGenerics.checkSet(uiLabelObject.keySet()); // Iterate over the resouce set for (String resource : resourceSet) { JSONArray labels = uiLabelObject.getJSONArray(resource); if (labels.isEmpty() || labels == null) { continue; } // Iterate over the uiLabel List Iterator<String> jsonLabelIterator = UtilGenerics.cast(labels.iterator()); JSONArray resourceLabelList = new JSONArray(); while (jsonLabelIterator.hasNext()) { String label =; String receivedLabel = UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, label, locale); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(receivedLabel)) { resourceLabelList.add(receivedLabel); } } jsonUiLabel.element(resource, resourceLabelList); } } writeJSONtoResponse(jsonUiLabel, response); return "success"; }
public JSONObject initComplexCondition(String id) { String defaultLogicalOp = "AND"; boolean conditionInit = false; JSONObject targetElement = this.elementCache.get(id); if (targetElement.has("condition")) { JSONObject condition = targetElement.getJSONObject("condition"); if (!condition.has("logicalop")) { condition.element("logicalop", defaultLogicalOp); JSONArray clauses = new JSONArray(); JSONObject clause = new JSONObject(); if (condition.has("xpath") && condition.getString("xpath").length() > 0) { clause.element("xpath", condition.getString("xpath")); } if (condition.has("value") && condition.getString("value").length() > 0) { clause.element("value", condition.getString("value")); } if (condition.has("relationalop")) { clause.element("relationalop", condition.getString("=")); } clauses.add(clause); condition.element("clauses", clauses); conditionInit = true; } } else { targetElement.element( "condition", new JSONObject() .element("logicalop", defaultLogicalOp) .element("clauses", new JSONArray())); conditionInit = true; } if (conditionInit) { saveMappings(); } return targetElement.getJSONObject("condition"); }
private void init(Schema input, JSONObject mapping, JSONObject output) { this.templateCache = null; this.groupsCache.clear(); this.elementCache.clear(); this.parentCache.clear(); this.setInputSchema(input); // targetDefinitionFile = new File(output); if (targetDefinitionFile != null) { this.inputFileName = targetDefinitionFile.getParent() + "/input.xml"; } if (mapping != null) { targetDefinition = mapping; JSONArray groups = mapping.getJSONArray("groups"); for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { JSONObject group = groups.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject contents = group.getJSONObject("contents"); String element = group.getString("element"); this.groupsCache.put(element, contents); this.cacheElements(contents); } } else if (output != null) { targetDefinition = output; JSONArray groups = output.getJSONArray("groups"); for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { JSONObject group = groups.getJSONObject(i); if (group.has("contents")) { JSONObject contents = group.getJSONObject("contents"); String element = group.getString("element"); this.groupsCache.put(element, contents); this.cacheElements(contents); } } } // initialise namespaces if (this.targetDefinition.has("namespaces")) { JSONObject object = this.targetDefinition.getJSONObject("namespaces"); HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (mapping != null) { for (Object entry : object.keySet()) { String key = (String) entry; String value = object.getString(key); map.put(value, key); } } else { for (Object entry : object.keySet()) { String key = (String) entry; String value = object.getString(key); map.put(key, value); } } this.getXSDParser().setNamespaces(map); } // initialise mapping definition this.targetDefinition = this.getTargetDefinition(); // set namespaces JSONObject namespaces = new JSONObject(); // xsd schema namespaces Map<String, String> acc = this.getXSDParser().getNamespaces(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : acc.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); namespaces = namespaces.element(value, key); } this.targetDefinition = this.targetDefinition.element("namespaces", namespaces); // cache template JSONObject template = null; if (!this.targetDefinition.has("template") || this.targetDefinition.getJSONObject("template").isEmpty()) { template = this.buildTemplate(this.targetDefinition.getJSONObject("item").getString("element")); this.targetDefinition = this.targetDefinition.element("template", template); } else { template = targetDefinition.getJSONObject("template"); } this.templateCache = template; this.cacheElements(this.templateCache); this.saveMappings(); }