@ManagedOperation(description = "Unlocks all currently held locks") public void unlockAll() { List<ClientLock> lock_list = new ArrayList<ClientLock>(); Collection<Map<Owner, ClientLock>> maps = client_locks.values(); for (Map<Owner, ClientLock> map : maps) lock_list.addAll(map.values()); for (ClientLock lock : lock_list) lock.unlock(); }
public Object down(Event evt) { switch (evt.getType()) { case Event.LOCK: LockInfo info = (LockInfo) evt.getArg(); ClientLock lock = getLock(info.getName()); if (!info.isTrylock()) { if (info.isLockInterruptibly()) { try { lock.lockInterruptibly(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread() .interrupt(); // has to be checked by caller who has to rethrow ... } } else lock.lock(); } else { if (info.isUseTimeout()) { try { return lock.tryLock(info.getTimeout(), info.getTimeUnit()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } else { return lock.tryLock(); } } return null; case Event.UNLOCK: info = (LockInfo) evt.getArg(); lock = getLock(info.getName(), false); if (lock != null) lock.unlock(); return null; case Event.UNLOCK_ALL: unlockAll(); return null; case Event.LOCK_AWAIT: info = (LockInfo) evt.getArg(); lock = getLock(info.getName(), false); if (lock == null || !lock.acquired) { throw new IllegalMonitorStateException(); } Condition condition = lock.newCondition(); if (info.isUseTimeout()) { try { return condition.awaitNanos(info.getTimeUnit().toNanos(info.getTimeout())); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } else if (info.isLockInterruptibly()) { try { condition.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } else { condition.awaitUninterruptibly(); } break; case Event.LOCK_SIGNAL: AwaitInfo awaitInfo = (AwaitInfo) evt.getArg(); lock = getLock(awaitInfo.getName(), false); if (lock == null || !lock.acquired) { throw new IllegalMonitorStateException(); } sendSignalConditionRequest(awaitInfo.getName(), awaitInfo.isAll()); break; case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: local_addr = (Address) evt.getArg(); break; case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleView((View) evt.getArg()); break; } return down_prot.down(evt); }