public static void main(String[] args) { /** * Computing ALL computations for 8x8 takes 26,360,768 computations g1, or (8,7) takes the * longest; 2,503,040 a3, or (6,1) takes the shortest: 512 Average: 411,887 */ try { if (args[0].charAt(0) == '0') mutatedChessBoard(); else if (args[0].length() == 1) { // these lines read coordings from (1,1) to (8,8) m = Integer.parseInt(args[0]) - 1; // converts the string to a 0-7 int scale for row n = Integer.parseInt(args[1]) - 1; // converts the string to a 0-7 int scale for column EightQueens(m, n); } else { // these lines are for reading from a chess board; ie, a1-h8 n = (int) args[0].charAt(0) - 97; // converts the character to the column coordinate m = ((int) args[0].charAt(1) - 49 - (nByn - 1)) * (-1); // converts the character to the row coordinate // m=((int)args[0].charAt(1)-49-7)*(-1); letterEightQueens(m, n); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); board.display(); System.out.println("That is not a spot on the chessboard."); System.out.println("Chessboard locations: "); board.letterBoard(); System.out.println("\nLayman's terms: "); board.coordinateBoard(); } }
/** * This code takes a board input where the upper left is (1,1) and the lower right is (8,8). It * then displays the board and gives the queens using those coordinates. The calculations are done * as if the upper left is (0,0) and the lower right is (7,7) */ public static void EightQueens(int a, int b) { ChessBoard temp = new ChessBoard(); temp.copy(board); if (board.getSpace(a, b) == " ") { if (board.queenAmount() != 8) { board.placeQueen(a, b); // place queen for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { // count++; //for checking total calculations if (board.getSpace(i, j) != " ") { } // System.out.println( "cannot place queen at ("+i+","+j+")"); else EightQueens(i, j); } if (board.queenAmount() != 8) board.copy(temp); // retrace steps to the most previous bord } } /** * The next two sections of code change the solutions from a (0,0-7,7) scale to the "Layman's * scale" of (1,1-8,8) */ if (board.queenAmount() == 8) System.out.println("Queen location: (" + (a + 1) + "," + (b + 1) + ")"); if (m == a && b == n) { System.out.println("Initial placement (" + (a + 1) + "," + (b + 1) + ")"); // the next line shows the amount of computations the program took to calculate the solution // total+=count; board.display(); } }
/** * This methods does calculations using a chessboard as if the upper left corner was (0,0) and the * lower right corner was (7,7). It then displays the board and the queen locations using standard * chessboard identifications. */ public static void letterEightQueens(int a, int b) { ChessBoard temp = new ChessBoard(nByn); temp.copy(board); if (board.getSpace(a, b) == " ") { if (board.queenAmount() != nByn) { board.placeQueen(a, b); // place queen for (int i = 0; i < nByn; i++) for (int j = 0; j < nByn; j++) { // count++; //for checking total calculations if (board.getSpace(i, j) != " ") { } // System.out.println( "cannot place queen at ("+i+","+j+")"); else letterEightQueens(i, j); } if (board.queenAmount() != nByn) board.copy(temp); // retrace steps to the most previous bord } } /** * The next two sections of code change the integer solutions to the character solution, namely, * converts from a (0,0-7,7) scale to an (a1-h8) scale */ if (board.queenAmount() == nByn) // if there are 8 queens on the board System.out.println("Queen location: " + (char) (b + 97) + (nByn - a)); if (m == a && b == n) { System.out.println("Initial placement " + (char) (b + 97) + (nByn - a)); // the next line shows the amount of computations the program took to calculate the solution // total+=count; board.display(); } }
static boolean solve(int numQueens, int whichCol) { // Bottom-out condition 1: if (numQueens == 0) { // None to assign - done. return true; } // Bottom-out condition 2: if (whichCol >= board.size()) { // No columns left to try: done. return false; } // Try every un-forbidden spot in each row. for (int row = 0; row < board.size(); row++) { if (!board.isForbidden(row, whichCol)) { // Try this location. board.addQueen(row, whichCol); boolean solutionExists = solve(numQueens - 1, whichCol + 1); if (solutionExists) { return true; } // Else, un-do board.removeQueen(row, whichCol); } } // Couldn't find a solution. return false; }
private int examineMove(AbstractMove theMove, Player player, int depth, String position) { Player player2 = player.getOpponent(); player2.findAllMoves(theMove.isCheck()); int endPositionScore = getScoreForEndPosition(player2); if (endPositionScore != -1) { itsTable.add(position, endPositionScore); return endPositionScore; } else if (depth == 1) { int score = itsScorer.getScore(itsBoard, itsPlayer); itsTable.add(position, score); return score; } else { int bestScore = 1234; Collection moves = getAllMoves(player2); for (Iterator i = moves.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AbstractMove move = (AbstractMove); move.getPiece().findMoves_safe(); move = player2.movePiece(move); String newPosition = itsBoard.getPositionCode() + player2.getColor(); int thisScore = -321; boolean hasIt = itsTable.has(newPosition); if (hasIt) { thisScore = itsTable.getScore(); } else { thisScore = examineMove(move, player2, depth - 1, newPosition); itsTable.add(newPosition, thisScore); } bestScore = compareScores(player2, bestScore, thisScore); player2.reverseMove(move); } return bestScore; } }
private int getScoreForEndPosition(Player player) { int returnValue = -1; if (player.isInStaleMate() || itsBoard.isThirdOccuranceOfPosition()) returnValue = 500; else if (player.isInCheckMate()) { if (player == itsPlayer) returnValue = 0; else returnValue = 1000; } return returnValue; }
public void CheckRight(ChessBoard cel) { int r = cel.getRow(); int c = cel.getColumn(); if (c + 1 < 8 && cell[r][c + 1].state != ' ' && cell[r][c + 1].state != turn) { for (int i = c + 2; i < 8; i++) { if (cell[r][i].state == turn) { can = true; for (int j = c; j < i; j++) { cell[r][j].state = cel.state = turn; cell[r][j].repaint(); } return; } else { if (cell[r][i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } }
public void CheckLeft(ChessBoard cel) { int r = cel.getRow(); int c = cel.getColumn(); if (c - 1 >= 0 && cell[r][c - 1].state != ' ' && cell[r][c - 1].state != turn) { for (int i = c - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (cell[r][i].state == turn) { can = true; for (int j = i + 1; j <= c; j++) { cell[r][j].state = cel.state = turn; cell[r][j].repaint(); } return; } else { if (cell[r][i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } }
public void CheckDown(ChessBoard cel) { int r = cel.getRow(); int c = cel.getColumn(); if (r + 1 < 8 && cell[r + 1][c].state != ' ' && cell[r + 1][c].state != turn) { for (int i = r + 2; i < 8; i++) { if (cell[i][c].state == turn) { can = true; for (int j = r; j < i; j++) { cell[j][c].state = cel.state = turn; cell[j][c].repaint(); } return; } else { if (cell[i][c].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } }
public void CheckUp(ChessBoard cel) { int r = cel.getRow(); int c = cel.getColumn(); if (r - 1 >= 0 && cell[r - 1][c].state != ' ' && cell[r - 1][c].state != turn) { for (int i = r - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (cell[i][c].state == turn) { can = true; for (int j = r; j > i; j--) { cell[j][c].state = cel.state = turn; cell[j][c].repaint(); } return; } else { if (cell[i][c].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } }
public void search(ChessBoard board, Player player) { itsTable = new PositionHashTable(); itsMoves.clear(); itsPlayer = player; itsBoard = board; Collection moves = getAllMoves(player); for (Iterator i = moves.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { AbstractMove move = (AbstractMove); move.getPiece().findMoves_safe(); move = player.movePiece(move); itsBoard.recordPosition(); String positionCode = itsBoard.getPositionCode() + player.getColor(); int score = examineMove(move, player, itsSearchQuality, positionCode); move.setScore(score); itsMoves.add(move); itsBoard.removeLastPosition(); player.reverseMove(move); } }
/** * The ComputeAll method runs all possible initial board placements. This method is not called * anywhere, so it must be manually implemented */ public static void ComputeAll() { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { // count=0; m = i; n = j; EightQueens(m, n); count = 0; board.reset(); } } }
/** * constructor * * @param b * @param color */ public Knight(ChessBoard b, int color) { this.color = color; if (color == 0) // white knights { if (b.getPiece(7, 1) == null) { b.setPiece(this, 7, 1); curx = 7; cury = 1; } else { b.setPiece(this, 7, 6); curx = 7; cury = 6; } } else { if (b.getPiece(0, 1) == null) { b.setPiece(this, 0, 1); curx = 0; cury = 1; } else { b.setPiece(this, 0, 6); curx = 0; cury = 6; } } }
public void CheckLeftDown(ChessBoard cel) { int r = cel.getRow(); int c = cel.getColumn(); if (r + 1 < 8 && c - 1 >= 0 && cell[r + 1][c - 1].state != ' ' && cell[r + 1][c - 1].state != turn) { for (int i = 2; (r + i) < 8 && (c - i) >= 0; i++) { if (r + i < 8 && c - i >= 0 && cell[r + i][c - i].state == turn) { can = true; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { cell[r + j][c - j].state = cel.state = turn; cell[r + j][c - j].repaint(); } return; } else { if (cell[r + i][c - i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } }
public void CheckRightUp(ChessBoard cel) { int r = cel.getRow(); int c = cel.getColumn(); if (r - 1 >= 0 && c + 1 < 8 && cell[r - 1][c + 1].state != ' ' && cell[r - 1][c + 1].state != turn) { for (int i = 2; (r - 2) >= 0 && (c + i) < 8; i++) { if (r - i >= 0 && c + i < 8 && cell[r - i][c + i].state == turn) { can = true; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { cell[r - j][c + j].state = cel.state = turn; cell[r - j][c + j].repaint(); } return; } else { if (r - i >= 0 && c + i < 8 && cell[r - i][c + i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } }
public void CheckRightDown(ChessBoard cel) { int r = cel.getRow(); int c = cel.getColumn(); if (r + 1 < 8 && c + 1 < 8 && cell[r + 1][c + 1].state != ' ' && cell[r + 1][c + 1].state != turn) { for (int i = 2; (i + r) < 8 && (i + c) < 8; i++) { if (r + i < 8 && c + i < 8 && cell[i + r][c + i].state == turn) { can = true; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { cell[r + j][c + j].state = cel.state = turn; cell[r + j][c + j].repaint(); } return; } else { if (cell[r + i][c + i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } }
static void solveQueens(int numQueens, int size) { board = new ChessBoard(size); boolean solutionExists = solve(numQueens, 0); if (!solutionExists) { System.out.println( "No solution for " + numQueens + " on a " + size + " x " + size + " board"); return; } System.out.println( "Solution found for " + numQueens + " on a " + size + " x " + size + " board"); System.out.println(board); board.display(); }
public void CheckPlace(ChessBoard cel) { int r = cel.getRow(); int c = cel.getColumn(); if (r - 1 >= 0 && cell[r - 1][c].state != ' ' && cell[r - 1][c].state != turn) { for (int i = r - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (cell[i][c].state == turn) { canPut = true; return; } else { if (cell[i][c].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } if (r + 1 < 8 && cell[r + 1][c].state != ' ' && cell[r + 1][c].state != turn) { for (int i = r + 2; i < 8; i++) { if (cell[i][c].state == turn) { canPut = true; return; } else { if (cell[i][c].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } if (c - 1 >= 0 && cell[r][c - 1].state != ' ' && cell[r][c - 1].state != turn) { for (int i = c - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (cell[r][i].state == turn) { canPut = true; return; } else { if (cell[r][i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } if (c + 1 < 8 && cell[r][c + 1].state != ' ' && cell[r][c + 1].state != turn) { for (int i = c + 2; i < 8; i++) { if (cell[r][i].state == turn) { canPut = true; return; } else { if (cell[r][i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } if (c - 1 >= 0 && r - 1 >= 0 && cell[r - 1][c - 1].state != ' ' && cell[r - 1][c - 1].state != turn) { for (int i = 2; (r - i) >= 0 && (c - i) >= 0; i++) { if (cell[r - i][c - i].state == turn) { canPut = true; return; } else { if (cell[r - i][c - i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } if (r + 1 < 8 && c - 1 >= 0 && cell[r + 1][c - 1].state != ' ' && cell[r + 1][c - 1].state != turn) { for (int i = 2; (r + i) < 8 && (c - i) >= 0; i++) { if (r + i < 8 && c - i >= 0 && cell[r + i][c - i].state == turn) { canPut = true; return; } else { if (cell[r + i][c - i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } if (r - 1 >= 0 && c + 1 < 8 && cell[r - 1][c + 1].state != ' ' && cell[r - 1][c + 1].state != turn) { for (int i = 2; (r - 2) >= 0 && (c + i) < 8; i++) { if (r - i >= 0 && c + i < 8 && cell[r - i][c + i].state == turn) { canPut = true; return; } else { if (r - i >= 0 && c + i < 8 && cell[r - i][c + i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } if (r + 1 < 8 && c + 1 < 8 && cell[r + 1][c + 1].state != ' ' && cell[r + 1][c + 1].state != turn) { for (int i = 2; (i + r) < 8 && (i + c) < 8; i++) { if (r + i < 8 && c + i < 8 && cell[i + r][c + i].state == turn) { canPut = true; return; } else { if (cell[r + i][c + i].state == ' ') break; else continue; } } } }
public int Clicked(ChessBoard cel) { int judge = 0; int r = cel.getRow(); int c = cel.getColumn(); System.out.println("落子前:" + cell[3][5].taken); if (gameStart) { if (cel.taken == false) { Check(cel); } System.out.println(cell[3][5].taken); System.out.println(can); if (can && cel.taken == false) { /*for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) if (cell[i][j].changed == true) { cell[i][j].ChangeBack(); }*/ RememberState(); ShowChessNumber(); list.add(cel); JudgeWhoIsWinner(); turn = TakeTurn(); cel.taken = true; System.out.println("落子后:" + cell[3][5].taken); can = false; judge = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) if (cell[i][j].changed) { cell[i][j].ChangeBack(); } boolean flag = CheckAll(); if (!flag && white + black < 64) CheckAtTheEnd(); /*else { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) if (cell[i][j].taken == false) { CheckPlace(cell[i][j]); if (canPut) { cell[i][j].ChangeBackground(); canPut = false; } } }*/ } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "无法在该位置落子"); judge = 0; System.out.println(cell[3][5].taken); } return judge; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "游戏还未开始或已结束"); return 0; } }