public void restartApplication() { try { final String javaBin = System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "javaw"; final File currentJar = new File(network.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()); System.out.println("javaBin " + javaBin); System.out.println("currentJar " + currentJar); System.out.println("currentJar.getPath() " + currentJar.getPath()); /* is it a jar file? */ // if(!currentJar.getName().endsWith(".jar")){return;} try { // xmining = 0; // systemx.shutdown(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /* Build command: java -jar application.jar */ final ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); command.add(javaBin); command.add("-jar"); command.add("-Xms256m"); command.add("-Xmx1024m"); command.add(currentJar.getPath()); final ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); builder.start(); // try{Thread.sleep(10000);} catch (InterruptedException e){} // close and exit SystemTray.getSystemTray().remove(network.icon); System.exit(0); } // try catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getCause()); } } // ******************************
// ask user for script file and name of new profile // return false if user cancelled operation private boolean getNewWkldInput( JFileChooser chooser, Object[] optionDlgMsg, StringBuffer name, StringBuffer scriptFile) { // let user select script file with queries boolean fileOk = false; int retval; File file = null; FileReader reader = null; while (!fileOk) { if ((retval = chooser.showDialog(this, "Ok")) != 0) { return false; } file = chooser.getSelectedFile(); try { reader = new FileReader(file.getPath()); fileOk = true; scriptFile.append(file.getPath()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Selected script file does not exist", "Error: New Profile", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } // let user select filename for profile int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( this, optionDlgMsg, "New Profile", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null, null); if (response != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { return false; } JTextField textFld = (JTextField) optionDlgMsg[1]; name.append(file.getParent() + "/" + textFld.getText()); return true; }
public File getSequencesDir() { File dir = new File( homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT + File.separator + DIR_SEQUENCES); dir.mkdirs(); return dir; }
public void loadImage(File f) { if (f == null) { thumbnail = null; } else { ImageIcon tmpIcon = new ImageIcon(f.getPath()); if (tmpIcon.getIconWidth() > 90) { thumbnail = new ImageIcon(tmpIcon.getImage().getScaledInstance(90, -1, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT)); } else { thumbnail = tmpIcon; } } }
/** * Checks to see if the absolute path is availabe thru an application global static variable or * thru a system variable. If so, appends the relative path to the absolute path and returns the * String. */ private String processSrcPath(String src) { String val = src; File imageFile = new File(src); if (imageFile.isAbsolute()) return src; // try to get application images path... if (MadChat.ApplicationImagePath != null) { String imagePath = MadChat.ApplicationImagePath; val = (new File(imagePath, imageFile.getPath())).toString(); } // try to get system images path... else { String imagePath = System.getProperty("system.image.path.key"); if (imagePath != null) { val = (new File(imagePath, imageFile.getPath())).toString(); } } // System.out.println("src before: " + src + ", src after: " + val); return val; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int x = jfc.showSaveDialog(null); // int x=jfc.showOpenDialog(null); if (x == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File f = jfc.getSelectedFile(); System.out.println(f.getPath()); System.out.println(jfc.getName(f)); File f1 = jfc.getCurrentDirectory(); System.out.println(jfc.getName(f1)); } if (x == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) { System.out.println("cancle"); } }
/** Read the thumbnail */ private Image readImageThumbnail(File fileThumbnail) { Image image = null; try { image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(fileThumbnail.getPath()); MediaTracker mediaTracker = new MediaTracker(new Container()); mediaTracker.addImage(image, 0); mediaTracker.waitForID(0); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // System.out.println("ERROR: InterruptedException beim Lesen thumbnail (" + // fileThumbnail.getPath() // + "). " + e); return null; } return image; }
public static void zipDirectory(File directory, File base, ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException { File[] files = directory.listFiles(); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int read = 0; for (int i = 0, n = files.length; i < n; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { zipDirectory(files[i], base, zos); } else { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(files[i]); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(files[i].getPath().substring(base.getPath().length() + 1)); zos.putNextEntry(entry); while (-1 != (read = { zos.write(buffer, 0, read); } in.close(); } } }
/** Runs this thread. */ public void run() { CommonFileChooser file_chooser = new CommonFileChooser(); file_chooser.setDialogTitle("Save selected data."); file_chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); if (file_chooser.showSaveDialog(pane) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { File file = file_chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (file.exists()) { String message = "Overwrite to " + file.getPath() + " ?"; if (0 != JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( pane, message, "Confirmation", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)) { return; } } AstrometricaWriter writer = new AstrometricaWriter(file);; int check_column = getCheckColumn(); for (int i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { if (((Boolean) getValueAt(i, check_column)).booleanValue()) { Variability record = (Variability) record_list.elementAt(index.get(i)); writer.write(record.getStar()); } } writer.close(); String message = "Completed."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message); } catch (IOException exception) { String message = "Failed to save file."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } catch (UnsupportedStarClassException exception) { String message = "Failed to save file."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }
/** Runs this thread. */ public void run() { CommonFileChooser file_chooser = new CommonFileChooser(); file_chooser.setDialogTitle("Save package file."); file_chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); file_chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new XmlFilter()); file_chooser.setSelectedFile(new File("package.xml")); if (file_chooser.showSaveDialog(pane) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { File file = file_chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (file.exists()) { String message = "Overwrite to " + file.getPath() + " ?"; if (0 != JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( pane, message, "Confirmation", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)) { return; } } // Outputs the variability XML file. XmlVariabilityHolder holder = new XmlVariabilityHolder(); Variability[] records = getSelectedRecords(); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { XmlVariability variability = new XmlVariability(records[i]); holder.addVariability(variability); } holder.write(file); String message = "Completed."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message); } catch (IOException exception) { String message = "Failed."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }
private Permissions getPermissions() { final Permissions ps = new Permissions(); ps.add(new AWTPermission("accessEventQueue")); ps.add(new PropertyPermission("user.home", "read")); ps.add(new PropertyPermission("java.vendor", "read")); ps.add(new PropertyPermission("java.version", "read")); ps.add(new PropertyPermission("", "read")); ps.add(new PropertyPermission("os.arch", "read")); ps.add(new PropertyPermission("os.version", "read")); ps.add(new SocketPermission("*", "connect,resolve")); String uDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (uDir != null) { uDir += "/"; } else { uDir = "~/"; } final String[] dirs = { "c:/rscache/", "/rscache/", "c:/windows/", "c:/winnt/", "c:/", uDir, "/tmp/", "." }; final String[] rsDirs = {".jagex_cache_32", ".file_store_32"}; for (String dir : dirs) { final File f = new File(dir); ps.add(new FilePermission(dir, "read")); if (!f.exists()) { continue; } dir = f.getPath(); for (final String rsDir : rsDirs) { ps.add(new FilePermission(dir + File.separator + rsDir + File.separator + "-", "read")); ps.add(new FilePermission(dir + File.separator + rsDir + File.separator + "-", "write")); } } Calendar.getInstance(); // TimeZone.getDefault();//Now the default is set they don't need permission // ps.add(new FilePermission()) ps.setReadOnly(); return ps; }
private static File getOldPath( final File oldInstallHome, final ConfigImportSettings settings, final String propertyName, final Function<String, String> fromPathSelector) { final File[] launchFileCandidates = getLaunchFilesCandidates(oldInstallHome, settings); // custom config folder for (File candidate : launchFileCandidates) { if (candidate.exists()) { String configDir = PathManager.substituteVars( getPropertyFromLaxFile(candidate, propertyName), oldInstallHome.getPath()); if (configDir != null) { File probableConfig = new File(configDir); if (probableConfig.exists()) return probableConfig; } } } // custom config folder not found - use paths selector for (File candidate : launchFileCandidates) { if (candidate.exists()) { final String pathsSelector = getPropertyFromLaxFile(candidate, PathManager.PROPERTY_PATHS_SELECTOR); if (pathsSelector != null) { final String configDir =; final File probableConfig = new File(configDir); if (probableConfig.exists()) { return probableConfig; } } } } return null; }
private ObjectOutputStream getObjectOutputStream() { File f = new File("."); String loadDirectory = f.getAbsolutePath(); JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(loadDirectory); chooser.setDialogTitle("Save Generation File As..."); chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); int result = chooser.showSaveDialog(this); File selectedFile = chooser.getSelectedFile(); if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(selectedFile.getPath()); ObjectOutputStream objectStream = new ObjectOutputStream(fileStream); return objectStream; } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e); } } return null; }
/** @return true if file was saved, false if user canceled */ boolean onSaveAsFileClicked() { try { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); FileNameExtensionFilter filter1 = new FileNameExtensionFilter(strings.getString("filetype." + EXTENSION), EXTENSION); fc.setFileFilter(filter1); int rv = fc.showSaveDialog(this); if (rv == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { currentFile = fc.getSelectedFile(); if (!currentFile.getName().endsWith("." + EXTENSION)) { currentFile = new File(currentFile.getPath() + "." + EXTENSION); } doSave(currentFile); refresh(); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, e, strings.getString("main.error_caption"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } return false; }
/** Runs this thread. */ public void run() { CommonFileChooser file_chooser = new CommonFileChooser(); file_chooser.setDialogTitle("Choose a directory."); file_chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); file_chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); if (file_chooser.showSaveDialog(pane) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { File directory = file_chooser.getSelectedFile(); directory.mkdirs(); // Outputs the variability XML file. String path = FileManager.unitePath(directory.getAbsolutePath(), "package.xml"); File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { String message = "Overwrite to " + file.getPath() + " ?"; if (0 != JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( pane, message, "Confirmation", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)) { return; } } XmlVariabilityHolder holder = new XmlVariabilityHolder(); Variability[] records = getSelectedRecords(); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { XmlVariability variability = new XmlVariability(records[i]); holder.addVariability(variability); } holder.write(file); // Copies the report XML document files. Hashtable hash_xml = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { XmlMagRecord[] mag_records = records[i].getMagnitudeRecords(); for (int j = 0; j < mag_records.length; j++) hash_xml.put(mag_records[j].getImageXmlPath(), this); } Vector failed_list = new Vector(); Enumeration keys = hash_xml.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String xml_path = (String) keys.nextElement(); try { File src_file = desktop.getFileManager().newFile(xml_path); File dst_file = new File(FileManager.unitePath(directory.getAbsolutePath(), xml_path)); if (dst_file.exists() == false) FileManager.copy(src_file, dst_file); } catch (Exception exception) { failed_list.addElement(xml_path); } } if (failed_list.size() > 0) { String header = "Failed to copy the following XML files:"; MessagesDialog dialog = new MessagesDialog(header, failed_list);, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // Copies the image files. failed_list = new Vector(); keys = hash_xml.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { path = (String) keys.nextElement(); try { XmlInformation info = XmlReport.readInformation(desktop.getFileManager().newFile(path)); path = info.getImage().getContent(); File src_file = desktop.getFileManager().newFile(path); File dst_file = new File(FileManager.unitePath(directory.getAbsolutePath(), path)); if (dst_file.exists() == false) FileManager.copy(src_file, dst_file); } catch (Exception exception) { failed_list.addElement(path); } } if (failed_list.size() > 0) { String header = "Failed to copy the following image files:"; MessagesDialog dialog = new MessagesDialog(header, failed_list);, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // Creates the sub catalog database. try { DiskFileSystem file_system = new DiskFileSystem( new File( directory.getAbsolutePath(), net.aerith.misao.pixy.Properties.getDatabaseDirectoryName())); CatalogDBManager new_manager = new GlobalDBManager(file_system).getCatalogDBManager(); Hashtable hash_stars = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { CatalogStar star = records[i].getStar(); CatalogDBReader reader = new CatalogDBReader(desktop.getDBManager().getCatalogDBManager()); StarList list =, 0.5); for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { CatalogStar s = (CatalogStar) list.elementAt(j); hash_stars.put(s.getOutputString(), s); } } keys = hash_stars.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String string = (String) keys.nextElement(); CatalogStar star = (CatalogStar) hash_stars.get(string); new_manager.addElement(star); } } catch (Exception exception) { String message = "Failed to create sub catalog database."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } String message = "Completed."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message); } catch (IOException exception) { String message = "Failed."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(pane, message, "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }
public boolean loadSourceFile(File file) { boolean result = false; selectedPath = file.getParent(); BufferedReader sourceFile = null; String directoryPath = file.getParent(); String sourceName = file.getName(); int idx = sourceName.lastIndexOf("."); fileExt = idx == -1 ? "" : sourceName.substring(idx + 1); baseName = idx == -1 ? sourceName.substring(0) : sourceName.substring(0, idx); String basePath = directoryPath + File.separator + baseName; DataOptions.directoryPath = directoryPath; sourcePath = file.getPath(); AssemblerOptions.sourcePath = sourcePath; AssemblerOptions.listingPath = basePath + ".lst"; AssemblerOptions.objectPath = basePath + ".cd"; String var = System.getenv("ROPE_MACROS_DIR"); if (var != null && !var.isEmpty()) { File dir = new File(var); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { AssemblerOptions.macroPath = var; } else { AssemblerOptions.macroPath = directoryPath; } } else { AssemblerOptions.macroPath = directoryPath; } DataOptions.inputPath = AssemblerOptions.objectPath; DataOptions.outputPath = basePath + ".out"; DataOptions.readerPath = null; DataOptions.punchPath = basePath + ".pch"; DataOptions.tape1Path = basePath + ".mt1"; DataOptions.tape2Path = basePath + ".mt2"; DataOptions.tape3Path = basePath + ".mt3"; DataOptions.tape4Path = basePath + ".mt4"; DataOptions.tape5Path = basePath + ".mt5"; DataOptions.tape6Path = basePath + ".mt6"; this.setTitle("EDIT: " + sourceName); fileText.setText(sourcePath); if (dialog == null) { dialog = new AssemblerDialog(mainFrame, "Assembler options"); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Dimension dialogSize = dialog.getSize(); dialog.setLocation( (screenSize.width - dialogSize.width) / 2, (screenSize.height - dialogSize.height) / 2); } dialog.initialize(); AssemblerOptions.command = dialog.buildCommand(); sourceArea.setText(null); try { sourceFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; while ((line = sourceFile.readLine()) != null) { sourceArea.append(line + "\n"); } sourceArea.setCaretPosition(0); optionsButton.setEnabled(true); assembleButton.setEnabled(true); saveButton.setEnabled(true); setSourceChanged(false); undoMgr.discardAllEdits(); result = true; } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (sourceFile != null) { sourceFile.close(); } } catch (IOException ignore) { } } return result; }
public static void fileChosen(File file) { csvPath = file.getPath(); }
public synchronized RenderedImage runDCRaw(dcrawMode mode, boolean secondaryPixels) throws IOException, UnknownImageTypeException, BadImageFileException { if (!m_decodable || (mode == dcrawMode.full && m_rawColors != 3)) throw new UnknownImageTypeException("Unsuported Camera"); RenderedImage result = null; File of = null; try { if (mode == dcrawMode.preview) { if (m_thumbWidth >= 1024 && m_thumbHeight >= 768) { mode = dcrawMode.thumb; } } long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); of = File.createTempFile("LZRAWTMP", ".ppm"); boolean four_colors = false; final String makeModel = m_make + ' ' + m_model; for (String s : four_color_cameras) if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(makeModel)) { four_colors = true; break; } if (secondaryPixels) runDCRawInfo(true); String cmd[]; switch (mode) { case full: if (four_colors) cmd = new String[] { DCRAW_PATH, "-F", of.getAbsolutePath(), "-v", "-f", "-H", "1", "-t", "0", "-o", "0", "-4", m_fileName }; else if (m_filters == -1 || (m_make != null && m_make.equalsIgnoreCase("SIGMA"))) cmd = new String[] { DCRAW_PATH, "-F", of.getAbsolutePath(), "-v", "-H", "1", "-t", "0", "-o", "0", "-4", m_fileName }; else if (secondaryPixels) cmd = new String[] { DCRAW_PATH, "-F", of.getAbsolutePath(), "-v", "-j", "-H", "1", "-t", "0", "-s", "1", "-d", "-4", m_fileName }; else cmd = new String[] { DCRAW_PATH, "-F", of.getAbsolutePath(), "-v", "-j", "-H", "1", "-t", "0", "-d", "-4", m_fileName }; break; case preview: cmd = new String[] { DCRAW_PATH, "-F", of.getAbsolutePath(), "-v", "-t", "0", "-o", "1", "-w", "-h", m_fileName }; break; case thumb: cmd = new String[] {DCRAW_PATH, "-F", of.getAbsolutePath(), "-v", "-e", m_fileName}; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown mode " + mode); } String ofName = null; synchronized (DCRaw.class) { Process p = null; InputStream dcrawStdErr; InputStream dcrawStdOut; if (ForkDaemon.INSTANCE != null) { ForkDaemon.INSTANCE.invoke(cmd); dcrawStdErr = ForkDaemon.INSTANCE.getStdErr(); dcrawStdOut = ForkDaemon.INSTANCE.getStdOut(); } else { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); dcrawStdErr = new BufferedInputStream(p.getErrorStream()); dcrawStdOut = p.getInputStream(); } String line, args; // output expected on stderr while ((line = readln(dcrawStdErr)) != null) { // System.out.println(line); if ((args = match(line, DCRAW_OUTPUT)) != null) ofName = args.substring(0, args.indexOf(" ...")); } // Flush stdout just in case... while ((line = readln(dcrawStdOut)) != null) ; // System.out.println(line); if (p != null) { dcrawStdErr.close(); try { p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } m_error = p.exitValue(); p.destroy(); } else m_error = 0; } System.out.println("dcraw value: " + m_error); if (m_error > 0) { of.delete(); throw new BadImageFileException(of); } if (!ofName.equals(of.getPath())) { of.delete(); of = new File(ofName); } if (of.getName().endsWith(".jpg") || of.getName().endsWith(".tiff")) { if (of.getName().endsWith(".jpg")) { try { LCJPEGReader jpegReader = new LCJPEGReader(of.getPath()); result = jpegReader.getImage(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { LCTIFFReader tiffReader = new LCTIFFReader(of.getPath()); result = tiffReader.getImage(null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); int totalData = result.getWidth() * result.getHeight() * result.getColorModel().getNumColorComponents() * (result.getColorModel().getTransferType() == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE ? 1 : 2); System.out.println("Read " + totalData + " bytes in " + (t2 - t1) + "ms"); } else { ImageData imageData; try { imageData = readPPM(of); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new BadImageFileException(of, e); } // do not change the initial image geometry // m_width = Math.min(m_width, imageData.width); // m_height = Math.min(m_height, imageData.height); long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); int totalData = imageData.width * imageData.height * imageData.bands * (imageData.dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE ? 1 : 2); System.out.println("Read " + totalData + " bytes in " + (t2 - t1) + "ms"); final ColorModel cm; if (mode == dcrawMode.full) { if (imageData.bands == 1) { cm = new ComponentColorModel( ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT); } else { cm = JAIContext.colorModel_linear16; } } else { if (imageData.bands == 3) cm = new ComponentColorModel( JAIContext.sRGBColorSpace, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE); else if (imageData.bands == 4) cm = new ComponentColorModel( JAIContext.CMYKColorSpace, false, false, Transparency.OPAQUE, imageData.dataType); else throw new UnknownImageTypeException("Weird number of bands: " + imageData.bands); } final DataBuffer buf = imageData.dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE ? new DataBufferByte( (byte[]), imageData.bands * imageData.width * imageData.height) : new DataBufferUShort( (short[]), imageData.bands * imageData.width * imageData.height); final WritableRaster raster = Raster.createInterleavedRaster( buf, imageData.width, imageData.height, imageData.bands * imageData.width, imageData.bands, imageData.bands == 3 ? new int[] {0, 1, 2} : new int[] {0}, null); result = new BufferedImage(cm, raster, false, null); } } catch (IOException e) { if (of != null) of.delete(); throw e; } finally { if (of != null) of.delete(); } return result; }
boolean fileWriter(File file, JList InstanceList) throws IOException { //returns true if successful. useAppletJS = JmolViewer.checkOption(viewer, "webMakerCreateJS"); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Creating directory for data..."); String datadirPath = file.getPath(); String datadirName = file.getName(); String fileName = null; if (datadirName.indexOf(".htm") > 0) { fileName = datadirName; datadirPath = file.getParent(); file = new File(datadirPath); datadirName = file.getName(); } else { fileName = datadirName + ".html"; } datadirPath = datadirPath.replace('\\', '/'); boolean made_datadir = (file.exists() && file.isDirectory() || file.mkdir()); DefaultListModel listModel = (DefaultListModel) InstanceList.getModel(); LogPanel.log(""); if (made_datadir) { LogPanel.log(GT._("Using directory {0}", datadirPath)); LogPanel.log(" " + GT._("adding JmolPopIn.js")); viewer.writeTextFile(datadirPath + "/JmolPopIn.js", WebExport.getResourceString(this, "JmolPopIn.js")); for (int i = 0; i < listModel.getSize(); i++) { JmolInstance thisInstance = (JmolInstance) (listModel.getElementAt(i)); String javaname = thisInstance.javaname; String script = thisInstance.script; LogPanel.log(" ...jmolApplet" + i); LogPanel.log(" ..." + GT._("adding {0}.png", javaname)); try { thisInstance.movepict(datadirPath); } catch (IOException IOe) { throw IOe; } String fileList = ""; fileList += addFileList(script, "/*file*/"); fileList += addFileList(script, "FILE0="); fileList += addFileList(script, "FILE1="); if (localAppletPath.getText().equals(".") || remoteAppletPath.getText().equals(".")) fileList += "Jmol.js\nJmolApplet.jar"; String[] filesToCopy = fileList.split("\n"); String[] copiedFileNames = new String[filesToCopy.length]; String f; int pt; for (int iFile = 0; iFile < filesToCopy.length; iFile++) { if ((pt = (f = filesToCopy[iFile]).indexOf("|")) >= 0) filesToCopy[iFile] = f.substring(0, pt); copiedFileNames[iFile] = copyBinaryFile(filesToCopy[iFile], datadirPath); } script = localizeFileReferences(script, filesToCopy, copiedFileNames); LogPanel.log(" ..." + GT._("adding {0}.spt", javaname)); viewer.writeTextFile(datadirPath + "/" + javaname + ".spt", script); } String html = WebExport.getResourceString(this, panelName + "_template"); html = fixHtml(html); appletInfoDivs = ""; StringBuffer appletDefs = new StringBuffer(); if (!useAppletJS) htmlAppletTemplate = WebExport.getResourceString(this, panelName + "_template2"); for (int i = 0; i < listModel.getSize(); i++) html = getAppletDefs(i, html, appletDefs, (JmolInstance) listModel .getElementAt(i)); html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@AUTHOR@", GT.escapeHTML(pageAuthorName .getText())); html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@TITLE@", GT.escapeHTML(webPageTitle.getText())); html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@REMOTEAPPLETPATH@", remoteAppletPath.getText()); html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@LOCALAPPLETPATH@", localAppletPath.getText()); html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@DATADIRNAME@", datadirName); if (appletInfoDivs.length() > 0) appletInfoDivs = "\n<div style='display:none'>\n" + appletInfoDivs + "\n</div>\n"; String str = appletDefs.toString(); if (useAppletJS) str = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" + str + "\n</script>"; html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@APPLETINFO@", appletInfoDivs); html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@APPLETDEFS@", str); html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@CREATIONDATA@", GT.escapeHTML(WebExport .TimeStamp_WebLink())); html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@AUTHORDATA@", GT.escapeHTML(GT._("Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow"))); html = TextFormat.simpleReplace(html, "@LOGDATA@", "<pre>\n" + LogPanel.getText() + "\n</pre>\n"); LogPanel.log(" ..." + GT._("creating {0}", fileName)); viewer.writeTextFile(datadirPath + "/" + fileName, html); } else { IOException IOe = new IOException("Error creating directory: " + datadirPath); throw IOe; } LogPanel.log(""); return true; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JButton b = (JButton) e.getSource(); if (b.getText() == "PLAY") { if (scoreP != null) scoreP.playScale(sp.getScale(), tempoP.getValue()); } else if (b.getText() == "New") { try { saveUnsaved(); } catch (SaveAbortedException ex) { return; } sp.notes.removeAllElements(); sp.repaint(); nameTF.setText(""); loadedFile = null; } else if (b.getText() == "Save") { if (nameTF.getText().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, new JLabel("Please type in the Scale Name"), "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } fileChooser.setFileFilter(filter); int option = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(this); if (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File target = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); if (target.getName().indexOf(".scl") == -1) target = new File(target.getPath() + ".scl"); try { PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(target), true); save(stream); stream.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, new JLabel("Error: " + ex.getMessage()), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } else if (b.getText() == "Load") { try { saveUnsaved(); } catch (SaveAbortedException ex) { return; } fileChooser.setFileFilter(filter); int option = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(this); if (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { loadedFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); ScaleParser handler = new ScaleParser(false); try { SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser(); parser.parse(loadedFile, handler); // System.out.println("success"); } catch (Exception ex) { // System.out.println("no!!!!!! exception: "+e); // System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } // -----now :P:P--------------- System.out.println("name: " + handler.getName()); nameTF.setText(handler.getName()); sp.notes.removeAllElements(); int[] scale = handler.getScale(); for (int i = 0; i < scale.length; i++) { sp.addNote(scale[i]); } sp.repaint(); } else loadedFile = null; } }
public static void loadLevel(File levelFile) { // clean up old loads: loadedLevel.clean(); if (levelFile != null) { GameObject[] go = new GameObject[0]; try { loadedLevel = new Level(levelFile.getPath()); camera = loadedLevel.getCamera(); go = loadedLevel.getGameObjects(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } // Reset numberOf ... numberOfBoxes = 0; numberOfSprites = 0; numberOfTiles = 0; for (int i = 0; i < actor.length; i++) { actor[i] = null; } backgroundImage = new Image[2]; try { tileSheet = File(loadedLevel.levelName + "/tilesheet.png")); backgroundImage[0] = File(loadedLevel.levelName + "/bg0.png")); backgroundImage[1] = File(loadedLevel.levelName + "/bg1.png")); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR loading images: " + e); } int MapWidth = loadedLevel.getWidth(); int MapHeight = loadedLevel.getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < MapHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < MapWidth; x++) { // Number entered in the position represents tileNumber; // position of the sprite x*16, y*16 // get char at position X/Y in the levelLoaded string char CharAtXY = loadedLevel.level.substring(MapWidth * y, loadedLevel.level.length()).charAt(x); // Load objects into the engine/game for (int i = 0; i < go.length; i++) { if (CharAtXY == go[i].objectChar) { try { invoke( "game.objects." + go[i].name, "new" + go[i].name, new Class[] {Point.class}, new Object[] {new Point(x * 16, y * 16)}); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR trying to invoke method: " + e); } } } // Load tiles into engine/game // 48 = '0' , 57 = '9' if ((int) CharAtXY >= 48 && (int) CharAtXY <= 57) { tileObject[gameMain.numberOfTiles] = new WorldTile(Integer.parseInt(CharAtXY + "")); tileObject[gameMain.numberOfTiles - 1].sprite.setPosition(x * 16, y * 16); } } } // clean up: loadedLevel.clean(); // additional game-specific loading options: camera.forceSetPosition(new Point(mario.spawn.x, camera.prefHeight)); pCoin = new PopupCoin(new Point(-80, -80)); levelLoaded = true; } else { System.out.println("Loading cancelled..."); } }
/** * Manage TDS logs * * @author caron * @since Mar 26, 2009 */ public class TdsMonitor extends JPanel { private static final String FRAME_SIZE = "FrameSize"; private static JFrame frame; private static PreferencesExt prefs; private static XMLStore store; private ucar.util.prefs.PreferencesExt mainPrefs; private JTabbedPane tabbedPane; private ManagePanel managePanel; private AccessLogPanel accessLogPanel; private ServletLogPanel servletLogPanel; private URLDumpPane urlDump; private JFrame parentFrame; private FileManager fileChooser; private ManageForm manage; private HTTPSession session; public TdsMonitor(ucar.util.prefs.PreferencesExt prefs, JFrame parentFrame) throws HTTPException { this.mainPrefs = prefs; this.parentFrame = parentFrame; makeCache(); fileChooser = new FileManager(parentFrame, null, null, (PreferencesExt) prefs.node("FileManager")); // the top UI tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP); managePanel = new ManagePanel((PreferencesExt) mainPrefs.node("ManageLogs")); accessLogPanel = new AccessLogPanel((PreferencesExt) mainPrefs.node("LogTable")); servletLogPanel = new ServletLogPanel((PreferencesExt) mainPrefs.node("ServletLogPanel")); urlDump = new URLDumpPane((PreferencesExt) mainPrefs.node("urlDump")); tabbedPane.addTab("ManageLogs", managePanel); tabbedPane.addTab("AccessLogs", accessLogPanel); tabbedPane.addTab("ServletLogs", servletLogPanel); tabbedPane.addTab("UrlDump", urlDump); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); CredentialsProvider provider = new UrlAuthenticatorDialog(null); session = new HTTPSession("TdsMonitor"); session.setCredentialsProvider(provider); session.setUserAgent("TdsMonitor"); } public void exit() { session.close(); if (dnsCache != null) { System.out.printf(" cache= %s%n", dnsCache.toString()); System.out.printf(" cache.size= %d%n", dnsCache.getSize()); System.out.printf(" cache.memorySize= %d%n", dnsCache.getMemoryStoreSize()); Statistics stats = dnsCache.getStatistics(); System.out.printf(" stats= %s%n", stats.toString()); } cacheManager.shutdown();;;;;; Rectangle bounds = frame.getBounds(); prefs.putBeanObject(FRAME_SIZE, bounds); try {; } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } done = true; // on some systems, still get a window close event System.exit(0); } private void gotoUrlDump(String urlString) { urlDump.setURL(urlString); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(3); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static TdsMonitor ui; private static boolean done = false; private static File ehLocation = LogLocalManager.getDirectory("cache", "dns"); // private static String ehLocation = "C:\\data\\ehcache"; // private static String ehLocation = "/machine/data/thredds/ehcache/"; private static String config = "<ehcache>\n" + " <diskStore path='" + ehLocation.getPath() + "'/>\n" + " <defaultCache\n" + " maxElementsInMemory='10000'\n" + " eternal='false'\n" + " timeToIdleSeconds='120'\n" + " timeToLiveSeconds='120'\n" + " overflowToDisk='true'\n" + " maxElementsOnDisk='10000000'\n" + " diskPersistent='false'\n" + " diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds='120'\n" + " memoryStoreEvictionPolicy='LRU'\n" + " />\n" + " <cache name='dns'\n" + " maxElementsInMemory='5000'\n" + " eternal='false'\n" + " timeToIdleSeconds='86400'\n" + " timeToLiveSeconds='864000'\n" + " overflowToDisk='true'\n" + " maxElementsOnDisk='0'\n" + " diskPersistent='true'\n" + " diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds='3600'\n" + " memoryStoreEvictionPolicy='LRU'\n" + " />\n" + "</ehcache>"; private CacheManager cacheManager; private Cache dnsCache; void makeCache() { cacheManager = new CacheManager(new StringBufferInputStream(config)); dnsCache = cacheManager.getCache("dns"); } ///////////////////////// private class ManagePanel extends JPanel { PreferencesExt prefs; ManagePanel(PreferencesExt p) { this.prefs = p; manage = new ManageForm(this.prefs); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(manage, BorderLayout.CENTER); manage.addPropertyChangeListener( new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (!evt.getPropertyName().equals("Download")) return; ManageForm.Data data = (ManageForm.Data) evt.getNewValue(); try { manage.getTextArea().setText(""); // clear the text area manage.getStopButton().setCancel(false); // clear the cancel state if (data.wantAccess) { TdsDownloader logManager = new TdsDownloader( manage.getTextArea(), data, TdsDownloader.Type.access, session); logManager.getRemoteFiles(manage.getStopButton()); } if (data.wantServlet) { TdsDownloader logManager = new TdsDownloader( manage.getTextArea(), data, TdsDownloader.Type.thredds, session); logManager.getRemoteFiles(manage.getStopButton()); } if (data.wantRoots) { String urls = data.getServerPrefix() + "/thredds/admin/log/dataroots.txt"; File localDir = LogLocalManager.getDirectory(data.server, ""); localDir.mkdirs(); File file = new File(localDir, "roots.txt"); HttpClientManager.copyUrlContentsToFile(session, urls, file); String roots = IO.readFile(file.getPath()); JTextArea ta = manage.getTextArea(); ta.append("\nRoots:\n"); ta.append(roots); LogCategorizer.setRoots(roots); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } if (manage.getStopButton().isCancel()) manage.getTextArea().append("\nDownload canceled by user"); } }); } void save() { ComboBox servers = manage.getServersCB();; } } /////////////////////////// private abstract class OpPanel extends JPanel { PreferencesExt prefs; TextHistoryPane ta; IndependentWindow infoWindow; JComboBox serverCB; JTextArea startDateField, endDateField; JPanel topPanel; boolean isAccess; boolean removeTestReq; boolean problemsOnly; OpPanel(PreferencesExt prefs, boolean isAccess) { this.prefs = prefs; this.isAccess = isAccess; ta = new TextHistoryPane(true); infoWindow = new IndependentWindow("Details", BAMutil.getImage("netcdfUI"), new JScrollPane(ta)); Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle) prefs.getBean(FRAME_SIZE, new Rectangle(200, 50, 500, 700)); infoWindow.setBounds(bounds); topPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 0)); // which server serverCB = new JComboBox(); serverCB.setModel(manage.getServersCB().getModel()); serverCB.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String server = (String) serverCB.getSelectedItem(); setServer(server); } }); // serverCB.setModel(manage.getServers().getModel()); topPanel.add(new JLabel("server:")); topPanel.add(serverCB); // the date selectors startDateField = new JTextArea(" "); endDateField = new JTextArea(" "); topPanel.add(new JLabel("Start Date:")); topPanel.add(startDateField); topPanel.add(new JLabel("End Date:")); topPanel.add(endDateField); AbstractAction showAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { showLogs(); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(showAction, "Import", "get logs", false, 'G', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(topPanel, showAction); AbstractAction filterAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Boolean state = (Boolean) getValue(BAMutil.STATE); removeTestReq = state.booleanValue(); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(filterAction, "time", "remove test Requests", true, 'F', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(topPanel, filterAction); AbstractAction filter2Action = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Boolean state = (Boolean) getValue(BAMutil.STATE); problemsOnly = state.booleanValue(); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(filter2Action, "time", "only show problems", true, 'F', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(topPanel, filter2Action); AbstractAction infoAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Formatter f = new Formatter(); showInfo(f); ta.setText(f.toString());; } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties( infoAction, "Information", "info on selected logs", false, 'I', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(topPanel, infoAction); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); } private LogLocalManager manager; public void setServer(String server) { manager = new LogLocalManager(server, isAccess); manager.getLocalFiles(null, null); setLocalManager(manager); } abstract void setLocalManager(LogLocalManager manager); abstract void showLogs(); abstract void showInfo(Formatter f); abstract void resetLogs(); void save() { if (infoWindow != null) prefs.putBeanObject(FRAME_SIZE, infoWindow.getBounds()); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String filterIP = "128.117.156,128.117.140,128.117.149"; private class AccessLogPanel extends OpPanel { AccessLogTable logTable; AccessLogPanel(PreferencesExt p) { super(p, true); logTable = new AccessLogTable(startDateField, endDateField, p, dnsCache); logTable.addPropertyChangeListener( new java.beans.PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e) { if (e.getPropertyName().equals("UrlDump")) { String path = (String) e.getNewValue(); gotoUrlDump(path); } } }); AbstractAction allAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { resetLogs(); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(allAction, "Refresh", "show All Logs", false, 'A', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(topPanel, allAction); AbstractAction dnsAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { showDNS(); } }; BAMutil.setActionProperties(dnsAction, "Dataset", "lookup DNS", false, 'D', -1); BAMutil.addActionToContainer(topPanel, dnsAction); add(logTable, BorderLayout.CENTER); } @Override void setLocalManager(LogLocalManager manager) { logTable.setLocalManager(manager); } @Override void showLogs() { LogReader.LogFilter filter = null; if (removeTestReq) filter = new LogReader.IpFilter(filterIP.split(","), filter); if (problemsOnly) filter = new LogReader.ErrorOnlyFilter(filter); logTable.showLogs(filter); } void showInfo(Formatter f) { logTable.showInfo(f); } void resetLogs() { logTable.resetLogs(); } void showDNS() { logTable.showDNS(); } void save() { logTable.exit();; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class ServletLogPanel extends OpPanel { ServletLogTable logTable; ServletLogPanel(PreferencesExt p) { super(p, false); logTable = new ServletLogTable(startDateField, endDateField, p, dnsCache); add(logTable, BorderLayout.CENTER); } @Override void setLocalManager(LogLocalManager manager) { logTable.setLocalManager(manager); } @Override void showLogs() { ServletLogTable.MergeFilter filter = null; if (removeTestReq) filter = new ServletLogTable.IpFilter(filterIP.split(","), filter); if (problemsOnly) filter = new ServletLogTable.ErrorOnlyFilter(filter); logTable.showLogs(filter); } void resetLogs() {} void showInfo(Formatter f) { logTable.showInfo(f); } void save() { logTable.exit();; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Finds all files matching * a glob pattern. This method recursively searches directories, allowing * for glob expressions like {@code "c:\\data\\200[6-7]\\*\\1*\\A*.nc"}. * * @param globExpression The glob expression * @return List of File objects matching the glob pattern. This will never * be null but might be empty * @throws Exception if the glob expression does not represent an absolute * path * @author Mike Grant, Plymouth Marine Labs; Jon Blower * java.util.List<File> globFiles(String globExpression) throws Exception { // Check that the glob expression is an absolute path. Relative paths // would cause unpredictable and platform-dependent behaviour so // we disallow them. // If ds.getLocation() is a glob expression this test will still work // because we are not attempting to resolve the string to a real path. File globFile = new File(globExpression); if (!globFile.isAbsolute()) { throw new Exception("Dataset location " + globExpression + " must be an absolute path"); } // Break glob pattern into path components. To do this in a reliable // and platform-independent way we use methods of the File class, rather // than String.split(). java.util.List<String> pathComponents = new ArrayList<String>(); while (globFile != null) { // We "pop off" the last component of the glob pattern and place // it in the first component of the pathComponents List. We therefore // ensure that the pathComponents end up in the right order. File parent = globFile.getParentFile(); // For a top-level directory, getName() returns an empty string, // hence we use getPath() in this case String pathComponent = parent == null ? globFile.getPath() : globFile.getName(); pathComponents.add(0, pathComponent); globFile = parent; } // We must have at least two path components: one directory and one // filename or glob expression java.util.List<File> searchPaths = new ArrayList<File>(); searchPaths.add(new File(pathComponents.get(0))); int i = 1; // Index of the glob path component while (i < pathComponents.size()) { FilenameFilter globFilter = new GlobFilenameFilter(pathComponents.get(i)); java.util.List<File> newSearchPaths = new ArrayList<File>(); // Look for matches in all the current search paths for (File dir : searchPaths) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { // Workaround for automounters that don't make filesystems // appear unless they're poked // do a listing on searchpath/pathcomponent whether or not // it exists, then discard the results new File(dir, pathComponents.get(i)).list(); for (File match : dir.listFiles(globFilter)) { newSearchPaths.add(match); } } } // Next time we'll search based on these new matches and will use // the next globComponent searchPaths = newSearchPaths; i++; } // Now we've done all our searching, we'll only retain the files from // the list of search paths java.util.List<File> filesToReturn = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File path : searchPaths) { if (path.isFile()) filesToReturn.add(path); } return filesToReturn; } */ ////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void main(String args[]) throws HTTPException { // prefs storage try { String prefStore = ucar.util.prefs.XMLStore.makeStandardFilename(".unidata", "TdsMonitor.xml"); store = ucar.util.prefs.XMLStore.createFromFile(prefStore, null); prefs = store.getPreferences(); Debug.setStore(prefs.node("Debug")); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("XMLStore Creation failed " + e); } // initializations BAMutil.setResourcePath("/resources/nj22/ui/icons/"); // put UI in a JFrame frame = new JFrame("TDS Monitor"); ui = new TdsMonitor(prefs, frame); frame.setIconImage(BAMutil.getImage("netcdfUI")); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { if (!done) ui.exit(); } }); frame.getContentPane().add(ui); Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle) prefs.getBean(FRAME_SIZE, new Rectangle(50, 50, 800, 450)); frame.setBounds(bounds); frame.pack(); frame.setBounds(bounds); frame.setVisible(true); } }
// The private constructor private PM_Configuration(String[] args) { File fileEinstellungen = null; File directoryHomeBilder = null; // -------------------------------- // �bernehmen Start-Parameter // -------------------------------- int c; Getopt g = new Getopt("photo-manager", args, "e:b:i:n::d::"); String arg; while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'e': arg = g.getOptarg(); fileEinstellungen = (arg == null) ? null : new File(arg); break; case 'b': arg = g.getOptarg(); directoryHomeBilder = (arg == null) ? null : new File(arg); break; case 'n': // batch batch = true; break; // case 'd': // daemon und batch // demon = true; // batch = true; // break; case 'i': arg = g.getOptarg(); if (arg != null) { importFiles.add(new File(arg)); } break; } } // Jetzt noch die ohne Options.Das sind dann Import-Files for (int i = g.getOptind(); i < args.length; i++) { importFiles.add(new File(args[i])); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Reihenfolge: // 1. a. -e Parameter auswerten // b. nigefu: .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml suchen // c. nigefu: Locale prompten und .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml // neu anlegen // 2. a. -b Parameter auswerten // b. nigefu: Eintrag in .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml suchen // c. nigefu: prompten (ERROR wenn batch) // 3. Wenn in .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml // Bilder-Dir nicht eingetragen, dann dort eintragen. // (wenn vorhanden, nicht �berschreiben) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // (1) pm_einstellungen.xml und locale ermitteln // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fileEinstellungen != null && fileEinstellungen.isFile()) { // (1.a.) -e Parameter vorhanden: // open und lesen locale xmlFile = fileEinstellungen; openDocument(OPEN_READ_ONLY); locale = getLocale(); if (locale == null) { locale = (new PM_WindowDialogGetLocale().getLocale()); setLocale(locale); writeDocument(); } } else { // (1.b.) -e nicht angegeben fileEinstellungen = new File(PM_Utils.getConfigDir() + File.separator + FILE_EINSTELLUNGEN); if (fileEinstellungen.isFile()) { // (1.b) in .photo-manager/pm_einstellungen.xml Datei gefunden xmlFile = fileEinstellungen; openDocument(OPEN_READ_ONLY); locale = getLocale(); if (locale == null) { locale = (new PM_WindowDialogGetLocale().getLocale()); setLocale(locale); writeDocument(); } } else { // pm_einstellungen.xml nigefu: // locale prompten und pm_einstellungen neu anlegen locale = (new PM_WindowDialogGetLocale().getLocale()); xmlFile = fileEinstellungen; rootTagName = rootTag; openDocument(OPEN_CREATE); setLocale(locale); writeDocument(); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // (2) Bilder Dir ermitteln // --------------------------------------------------------------- if (directoryHomeBilder != null && directoryHomeBilder.isDirectory()) { // --- es wurde -b <top level directory> angegeben homeBilder = directoryHomeBilder; setHomeBilder(homeBilder.getPath()); writeDocument(); } else { // jetzt muss homeBilder aus der xml-Datei gelesen werden. // Wenn nigefu., dann prompten und eingtragen homeBilder = getHomeFile(); if (homeBilder == null || homeBilder.isDirectory() == false) { if (batch) { System.out.println("ERROR: batch kein TLPD gefunden"); System.out.println("abnormal end"); System.exit(0); } PM_MSG.setResourceBundle(locale); PM_WindowGetTLPD sp = new PM_WindowGetTLPD(); homeBilder = sp.getResult(); if (homeBilder == null) { setLocale(locale); writeDocument(); System.out.println("abnormal end (no TLPD)"); System.exit(0); } setLocale(locale); setHomeBilder(homeBilder.getPath()); writeDocument(); } } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Jetzt gibt es: // ein korrektes xmlFile mit einem homeBilder Eintrag // homeBilder ist korrekt versorgt // -------------------------------------------------------- // System.out.println("Locale = "+ locale); PM_MSG.setResourceBundle(locale); setAllPrinter(); setPrinterFormat(); setDateFromTo(); setPrefetch(); setSlideshow(); setBackup(); setSequences(); setMpeg(); // homeLuceneDB in -e nicht eingetragn if (homeLuceneDB == null) { homeLuceneDB = new File( homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT + File.separator + DIR_LUCENE_DB); homeLuceneDB.mkdirs(); } // Temp-Dir nicht vorhanden if (homeTemp == null) { homeTemp = new File(homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_PM_TEMP); // "pm_temp"); homeTemp.mkdirs(); } // Externe-Programme nicht vorhanden if (homeExtProgramme == null) { homeExtProgramme = new File(PM_Utils.getConfigDir() + File.separator + FILE_EXTERNE_PROGRAMME); } // InitValues nicht vorhanden if (homeInitValues == null) { homeInitValues = new File(PM_Utils.getConfigDir() + File.separator + FILE_INIT_VALUES); } }
/** Handle the import action request. */ public void onImport() { String finalFile = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ if (file == null) { UIFileFilter filter = new UIFileFilter(new String[] {"xml"}, "XML Files"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ UIFileChooser fileDialog = new UIFileChooser(); fileDialog.setDialogTitle( LanguageProperties.getString( LanguageProperties.DIALOGS_BUNDLE, "UIImportFlashMeetingXMLDialog.chooseFile2")); //$NON-NLS-1$ fileDialog.setFileFilter(filter); fileDialog.setApproveButtonText( LanguageProperties.getString( LanguageProperties.DIALOGS_BUNDLE, "UIImportFlashMeetingXMLDialog.importButton")); //$NON-NLS-1$ fileDialog.setRequiredExtension(".xml"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // FIX FOR MAC - NEEDS '/' ON END TO DENOTE A FOLDER if (!UIImportFlashMeetingXMLDialog.lastFileDialogDir.equals("")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ File file = new File(UIImportFlashMeetingXMLDialog.lastFileDialogDir + ProjectCompendium.sFS); if (file.exists()) { fileDialog.setCurrentDirectory(file); } } UIUtilities.centerComponent(fileDialog, ProjectCompendium.APP); int retval = fileDialog.showOpenDialog(ProjectCompendium.APP); if (retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { if ((fileDialog.getSelectedFile()) != null) { String fileName = fileDialog.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); File fileDir = fileDialog.getCurrentDirectory(); String dir = fileDir.getPath(); if (fileName != null) { UIImportFlashMeetingXMLDialog.lastFileDialogDir = dir; finalFile = fileName; } } } } else { finalFile = file.getAbsolutePath(); } if (finalFile != null) { if ((new File(finalFile)).exists()) { setVisible(false); Vector choices = new Vector(); if (cbIncludeKeywords.isSelected()) { choices.addElement(FlashMeetingXMLImport.KEYWORDS_LABEL); } if (cbIncludeAttendees.isSelected()) { choices.addElement(FlashMeetingXMLImport.ATTENDEE_LABEL); } if (cbIncludePlayList.isSelected()) { choices.addElement(FlashMeetingXMLImport.PLAYLIST_LABEL); } if (cbIncludeURLs.isSelected()) { choices.addElement(FlashMeetingXMLImport.URL_LABEL); } if (cbIncludeChats.isSelected()) { choices.addElement(FlashMeetingXMLImport.CHAT_LABEL); } if (cbIncludeWhiteboard.isSelected()) { choices.addElement(FlashMeetingXMLImport.WHITEBOARD_LABEL); } if (cbIncludeFileData.isSelected()) { choices.addElement(FlashMeetingXMLImport.FILEDATA_LABEL); } if (cbIncludeAnnotations.isSelected()) { choices.addElement(FlashMeetingXMLImport.ANNOTATIONS_LABEL); } if (cbIncludeVotes.isSelected()) { choices.addElement(FlashMeetingXMLImport.VOTING_LABEL); } DBNode.setNodesMarkedSeen(cbMarkSeen.isSelected()); FlashMeetingXMLImport xmlImport = new FlashMeetingXMLImport(finalFile, ProjectCompendium.APP.getModel(), choices); xmlImport.start(); dispose(); ProjectCompendium.APP.setStatus(""); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } }
public String getPathMetadatenRoot() { File directory = new File(homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT); return directory.getPath(); }
public File getMetaRootDir() { return new File(homeBilder.getPath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT); }
private void setBackup() { List result = new ArrayList(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <vdr-plugin> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_BACKUP + "/" + TAG_VDR_PLUGIN); if (result.size() == 1) { vdrPlugin = true; Element elPlugin = (Element) result.get(0); vdrPlugHost = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_HOST); vdrPlugName = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_NAME); vdrPlugINDEX = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_INDEX); vdrPlugMPG = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_MPG); vdrOverscanX = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_OV_X); vdrOverscanY = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(elPlugin, ATTR_VDR_OV_Y); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // <bilder> // ----------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_BACKUP + "/" + TAG_BILDER_BILDER); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Element el = (Element) result.get(i); BackUp bB = new BackUp( PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_BILDER_NAME), homeBilder.getPath(), // from PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_BILDER_DIR), // TO PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeBoolean(el, ATTR_BILDER_MPEG)); backupBilderList.add(bB); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // <daten> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_BACKUP + "/" + TAG_DATEN); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Element el = (Element) result.get(i); BackUp bB = new BackUp( PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_DATEN_NAME), PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_DATEN_FROM), // from PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_DATEN_TO), // TO false // no mepeg files ); backupDatenList.add(bB); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // <album> // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- result = PM_XML_Utils.getElementListe(document, "//" + TAG_BACKUP + "/" + TAG_ALBUM); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Element el = (Element) result.get(i); BackUp bB = new BackUp( PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_ALBUM_NAME), homeBilder.getPath(), // from PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(el, ATTR_ALBUM_DIR), false // no mpeg files ); backupAlbumList.add(bB); } }