public AbstractAjaxResponder(HttpServlet servlet, VitroRequest vreq, HttpServletResponse resp) { this.servlet = servlet; this.vreq = vreq; this.resp = resp; this.indDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getIndividualDao(); this.uaDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getUserAccountsDao(); }
@Override protected void doRequest(VitroRequest vreq, HttpServletResponse response) { String errorMsg = null; String rankPredicate = vreq.getParameter(RANK_PREDICATE_PARAMETER_NAME); if (rankPredicate == null) { errorMsg = "No rank parameter specified"; log.error(errorMsg); doError(response, errorMsg, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); return; } String[] individualUris = vreq.getParameterValues(INDIVIDUAL_PREDICATE_PARAMETER_NAME); if (individualUris == null || individualUris.length == 0) { errorMsg = "No individuals specified"; log.error(errorMsg); doError(response, errorMsg, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); return; } WebappDaoFactory wadf = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory(); if (vreq.getWebappDaoFactory() == null) { errorMsg = "No WebappDaoFactory available"; log.error(errorMsg); doError(response, errorMsg, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return; } DataPropertyStatementDao dpsDao = wadf.getDataPropertyStatementDao(); if (dpsDao == null) { errorMsg = "No DataPropertyStatementDao available"; log.error(errorMsg); doError(response, errorMsg, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return; } // check permissions // TODO: (bdc34)This is not yet implemented, must check the IDs against the policies for // permissons before doing an edit! // rjy7 This should be inherited from the superclass boolean hasPermission = true; if (!hasPermission) { // if not okay, send error message doError(response, "Insufficent permissions", HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); return; } // This may not be the most efficient way. Should we instead build up a Model of retractions and // additions, so // we only hit the database once? reorderIndividuals(individualUris, vreq, rankPredicate); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); }
// Prepare for update or non-update // Originally included in edit request dispatch controller but moved here due to // exceptions such as default add missing individual form void prepare(VitroRequest vreq, EditConfigurationVTwo editConfig) { // setup the model selectors for query, write and display models on editConfig setupModelSelectorsFromVitroRequest(vreq, editConfig); OntModel queryModel = vreq.getJenaOntModel(); // (OntModel)vreq.getAttribute("jenaOntModel"); if (editConfig.getSubjectUri() == null) editConfig.setSubjectUri(EditConfigurationUtils.getSubjectUri(vreq)); if (editConfig.getPredicateUri() == null) editConfig.setPredicateUri(EditConfigurationUtils.getPredicateUri(vreq)); String objectUri = EditConfigurationUtils.getObjectUri(vreq); Integer dataKey = EditConfigurationUtils.getDataHash(vreq); if (objectUri != null && !objectUri.trim().isEmpty()) { // editing existing object if (editConfig.getObject() == null) editConfig.setObject(EditConfigurationUtils.getObjectUri(vreq)); editConfig.prepareForObjPropUpdate(queryModel); } else if (dataKey != null) { // edit of a data prop statement // do nothing since the data prop form generator must take care of it editConfig.prepareForDataPropUpdate( queryModel, vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getDataPropertyDao()); } else { // this might be a create new or a form editConfig.prepareForNonUpdate(queryModel); } }
private void processOutputModelRequest(VitroRequest vreq, HttpServletResponse response) { String modelNameStr = vreq.getParameter("modelName"); Model model = getModel(modelNameStr, vreq); JenaOutputUtils.setNameSpacePrefixes(model, vreq.getWebappDaoFactory()); model.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream(); response.setContentType("application/x-turtle"); // out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".getBytes()); model.write(out, "TTL"); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.CannotEncodeCharacterException cece) { // there's got to be a better way to do this byte[] badCharBytes = String.valueOf(cece.getBadChar()).getBytes(); String errorMsg = "Cannot encode character with byte values: (decimal) "; for (int i = 0; i < badCharBytes.length; i++) { errorMsg += badCharBytes[i]; } throw new RuntimeException(errorMsg, cece); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } finally { model.leaveCriticalSection(); } }
@Override protected ResponseValues processRequest(VitroRequest vreq) { // get the EditConfiguration EditConfigurationVTwo configuration = EditConfigurationUtils.getEditConfiguration(vreq); if (configuration == null) throw new Error("No edit configuration found."); // get the EditSubmission MultiValueEditSubmission submission = new MultiValueEditSubmission(vreq.getParameterMap(), configuration); EditSubmissionUtils.putEditSubmissionInSession(vreq.getSession(), submission); // if errors, return error response ResponseValues errorResponse = doValidationErrors(vreq, configuration, submission); if (errorResponse != null) return errorResponse; // get the models to work with in case the write model and query model are not the defaults OntModel queryModel = configuration.getQueryModelSelector().getModel(vreq, getServletContext()); OntModel writeModel = configuration.getWriteModelSelector().getModel(vreq, getServletContext()); // If data property check for back button confusion boolean isBackButton = checkForBackButtonConfusion(configuration, vreq, queryModel); if (isBackButton) { // Process back button issues and do a return here return doProcessBackButton(configuration, submission, vreq); } // Otherwise, process as usual AdditionsAndRetractions changes; try { ProcessRdfForm prf = new ProcessRdfForm(configuration, new NewURIMakerVitro(vreq.getWebappDaoFactory())); changes = prf.process(configuration, submission); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } if (configuration.isUseDependentResourceDelete()) changes = ProcessRdfForm.addDependentDeletes(changes, queryModel); N3EditUtils.preprocessModels(changes, configuration, vreq); ProcessRdfForm.applyChangesToWriteModel( changes, queryModel, writeModel, EditN3Utils.getEditorUri(vreq)); // Here we are trying to get the entity to return to URL, // More involved processing for data property apparently String entityToReturnTo = N3EditUtils.processEntityToReturnTo(configuration, submission, vreq); // For data property processing, need to update edit configuration for back button N3EditUtils.updateEditConfigurationForBackButton(configuration, submission, vreq, writeModel); PostEditCleanupController.doPostEditCleanup(vreq); return PostEditCleanupController.doPostEditRedirect(vreq, entityToReturnTo); }
@Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { super.doGet(req, resp); resp.setContentType("application/json"); VitroRequest vreq = new VitroRequest(req); try { if (vreq.getParameter("query") != null || vreq.getParameter("queries") != null) { JSONObject qJson = getResult(vreq, req, resp); log.debug("result: " + qJson.toString()); String responseStr = (vreq.getParameter("callback") == null) ? qJson.toString() : vreq.getParameter("callback") + "(" + qJson.toString() + ")"; // System.out.println("JSONReconcileServlet result: " + responseStr); ServletOutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream(); out.print(responseStr); } else { // metadata String defaultNamespace = null; String defaultTypeList = null; String serverName = null; int serverPort = req.getServerPort(); if (vreq.getWebappDaoFactory() != null) { defaultNamespace = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getDefaultNamespace(); } defaultTypeList = ConfigurationProperties.getBean(req).getProperty("Vitro.reconcile.defaultTypeList"); serverName = req.getServerName(); JSONObject metaJson = getMetadata(req, resp, defaultNamespace, defaultTypeList, serverName, serverPort); String callbackStr = (vreq.getParameter("callback") == null) ? "" : vreq.getParameter("callback"); ServletOutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream(); out.print(callbackStr + "(" + metaJson.toString() + ")"); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn(ex, ex); } }
// Check for "back button" confusion specifically for data property editing although need to check // if this applies to object property editing? // TODO: Check if only applicable to data property editing private boolean checkForBackButtonConfusion( EditConfigurationVTwo editConfig, VitroRequest vreq, Model model) { // back button confusion limited to data property if (EditConfigurationUtils.isObjectProperty(editConfig.getPredicateUri(), vreq)) { return false; } WebappDaoFactory wdf = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory(); if (!editConfig.isDataPropertyUpdate()) return false; Integer dpropHash = editConfig.getDatapropKey(); DataPropertyStatement dps = RdfLiteralHash.getPropertyStmtByHash( editConfig.getSubjectUri(), editConfig.getPredicateUri(), dpropHash, model); if (dps != null) return false; DataProperty dp = wdf.getDataPropertyDao().getDataPropertyByURI(editConfig.getPredicateUri()); if (dp != null) { if (dp.getDisplayLimit() == 1 /* || dp.isFunctional() */) return false; else return true; } return false; }
@Override protected ResponseValues processRequest(VitroRequest vreq) { // There may be other non-html formats in the future Format format = getFormat(vreq); boolean wasXmlRequested = Format.XML == format; log.debug("xml was the requested format"); boolean wasHtmlRequested = !wasXmlRequested; try { Portal portal = vreq.getPortal(); PortalFlag portalFlag = vreq.getPortalFlag(); // make sure an IndividualDao is available if (vreq.getWebappDaoFactory() == null || vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getIndividualDao() == null) { log.error("Could not get webappDaoFactory or IndividualDao"); throw new Exception("Could not access model."); } IndividualDao iDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getIndividualDao(); VClassGroupDao grpDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassGroupDao(); VClassDao vclassDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao(); String alphaFilter = vreq.getParameter("alpha"); int startIndex = 0; try { startIndex = Integer.parseInt(vreq.getParameter("startIndex")); } catch (Throwable e) { startIndex = 0; } log.debug("startIndex is " + startIndex); int hitsPerPage = defaultHitsPerPage; try { hitsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(vreq.getParameter("hitsPerPage")); } catch (Throwable e) { hitsPerPage = defaultHitsPerPage; } log.debug("hitsPerPage is " + hitsPerPage); int maxHitSize = defaultMaxSearchSize; if (startIndex >= defaultMaxSearchSize - hitsPerPage) maxHitSize = startIndex + defaultMaxSearchSize; if (alphaFilter != null) { maxHitSize = maxHitSize * 2; hitsPerPage = maxHitSize; } log.debug("maxHitSize is " + maxHitSize); String qtxt = vreq.getParameter(VitroQuery.QUERY_PARAMETER_NAME); Analyzer analyzer = getAnalyzer(getServletContext()); Query query = null; try { query = getQuery(vreq, portalFlag, analyzer, qtxt); log.debug("query for '" + qtxt + "' is " + query.toString()); } catch (ParseException e) { return doBadQuery(portal, qtxt, format); } IndexSearcher searcherForRequest = LuceneIndexFactory.getIndexSearcher(getServletContext()); TopDocs topDocs = null; try { topDocs =, null, maxHitSize); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("in first pass at search: " + t); // this is a hack to deal with odd cases where search and index threads interact try { wait(150); topDocs =, null, maxHitSize); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); String msg = makeBadSearchMessage(qtxt, ex.getMessage()); if (msg == null) { msg = "The search request contained errors."; } return doFailedSearch(msg, qtxt, format); } } if (topDocs == null || topDocs.scoreDocs == null) { log.error("topDocs for a search was null"); String msg = "The search request contained errors."; return doFailedSearch(msg, qtxt, format); } int hitsLength = topDocs.scoreDocs.length; if (hitsLength < 1) { return doNoHits(qtxt, format); } log.debug("found " + hitsLength + " hits"); int lastHitToShow = 0; if ((startIndex + hitsPerPage) > hitsLength) { lastHitToShow = hitsLength; } else { lastHitToShow = startIndex + hitsPerPage - 1; } List<Individual> beans = new LinkedList<Individual>(); for (int i = startIndex; i < topDocs.scoreDocs.length; i++) { try { if ((i >= startIndex) && (i <= lastHitToShow)) { Document doc = searcherForRequest.doc(topDocs.scoreDocs[i].doc); String uri = doc.get(Entity2LuceneDoc.term.URI); Individual ent = new IndividualImpl(); ent.setURI(uri); ent = iDao.getIndividualByURI(uri); if (ent != null) beans.add(ent); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("problem getting usable Individuals from search " + "hits" + e.getMessage()); } } ParamMap pagingLinkParams = new ParamMap(); pagingLinkParams.put("querytext", qtxt); pagingLinkParams.put("hitsPerPage", String.valueOf(hitsPerPage)); if (wasXmlRequested) { pagingLinkParams.put(XML_REQUEST_PARAM, "1"); } /* Start putting together the data for the templates */ Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String classGroupParam = vreq.getParameter("classgroup"); boolean classGroupFilterRequested = false; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(classGroupParam)) { VClassGroup grp = grpDao.getGroupByURI(classGroupParam); classGroupFilterRequested = true; if (grp != null && grp.getPublicName() != null) body.put("classGroupName", grp.getPublicName()); } String typeParam = vreq.getParameter("type"); boolean typeFiltereRequested = false; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(typeParam)) { VClass type = vclassDao.getVClassByURI(typeParam); typeFiltereRequested = true; if (type != null && type.getName() != null) body.put("typeName", type.getName()); } /* Add classgroup and type refinement links to body */ if (wasHtmlRequested) { // Search request includes no classgroup and no type, so add classgroup search refinement // links. if (!classGroupFilterRequested && !typeFiltereRequested) { List<VClassGroup> classgroups = getClassGroups(grpDao, topDocs, searcherForRequest); List<VClassGroupSearchLink> classGroupLinks = new ArrayList<VClassGroupSearchLink>(classgroups.size()); for (VClassGroup vcg : classgroups) { if (vcg.getPublicName() != null) { classGroupLinks.add(new VClassGroupSearchLink(qtxt, vcg)); } } body.put("classGroupLinks", classGroupLinks); // Search request is for a classgroup, so add rdf:type search refinement links // but try to filter out classes that are subclasses } else if (classGroupFilterRequested && !typeFiltereRequested) { List<VClass> vClasses = getVClasses(vclassDao, topDocs, searcherForRequest); List<VClassSearchLink> vClassLinks = new ArrayList<VClassSearchLink>(vClasses.size()); for (VClass vc : vClasses) { vClassLinks.add(new VClassSearchLink(qtxt, vc)); } body.put("classLinks", vClassLinks); pagingLinkParams.put("classgroup", classGroupParam); // This case is never displayed } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(alphaFilter)) { body.put("alphas", getAlphas(topDocs, searcherForRequest)); alphaSortIndividuals(beans); } else { pagingLinkParams.put("type", typeParam); } } // Convert search result individuals to template model objects body.put( "individuals", ListedIndividualTemplateModel.getIndividualTemplateModelList(beans, vreq)); body.put("querytext", qtxt); body.put("title", qtxt + " - " + portal.getAppName() + " Search Results"); body.put("hitsLength", hitsLength); body.put("startIndex", startIndex); body.put( "pagingLinks", getPagingLinks( startIndex, hitsPerPage, hitsLength, maxHitSize, vreq.getServletPath(), pagingLinkParams)); if (startIndex != 0) { body.put( "prevPage", getPreviousPageLink(startIndex, hitsPerPage, vreq.getServletPath(), pagingLinkParams)); } if (startIndex < (hitsLength - hitsPerPage)) { body.put( "nextPage", getNextPageLink(startIndex, hitsPerPage, vreq.getServletPath(), pagingLinkParams)); } String template = templateTable.get(format).get(Result.PAGED); return new TemplateResponseValues(template, body); } catch (Throwable e) { return doSearchError(e, format); } }
/** may be null */ private Object getName(EditConfigurationVTwo config, VitroRequest vreq) { Individual ind = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getIndividualDao().getIndividualByURI(config.getSubjectUri()); if (ind == null) return null; else return ind.getName(); }
private void reorderIndividuals( String[] individualUris, VitroRequest vreq, String rankPredicate) { // Testing new mechanism OntModel writeModel = vreq.getOntModelSelector().getABoxModel(); Model additions = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Model retractions = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Property rankPredicateProperty = ResourceFactory.createProperty(rankPredicate); DataProperty dp = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getDataPropertyDao().getDataPropertyByURI(rankPredicate); String datapropURI = dp.getRangeDatatypeURI(); int counter = 1; for (String individualUri : individualUris) { Resource individualResource = ResourceFactory.createResource(individualUri); // Deletions are all old statements with rank predicate retractions.add( writeModel.listStatements(individualResource, rankPredicateProperty, (RDFNode) null)); log.debug("retractions = " + retractions); // New statement is new literal with the data property from Literal dataLiteral = null; if (datapropURI != null && datapropURI.length() > 0) { dataLiteral = ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral( String.valueOf(counter), TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(datapropURI)); } else { dataLiteral = ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral(String.valueOf(counter)); } additions.add(individualResource, rankPredicateProperty, dataLiteral); log.debug("additions = " + additions); counter++; } Lock lock = null; try { lock = writeModel.getLock(); lock.enterCriticalSection(Lock.WRITE); writeModel.getBaseModel().notifyEvent(new EditEvent(null, true)); writeModel.remove(retractions); writeModel.add(additions); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("error adding edit change n3required model to in memory model \n" + t.getMessage()); } finally { writeModel.getBaseModel().notifyEvent(new EditEvent(null, false)); lock.leaveCriticalSection(); } // old code that for some reason doesn't seem to actually commit the changes /* * int counter = 1; for (String individualUri : individualUris) { // Retract all existing rank statements for this individual dpsDao.deleteDataPropertyStatementsForIndividualByDataProperty(individualUri, rankPredicate); // Then add the new rank statement for this individual // insertNewDataPropertyStatement will insert the rangeDatatype of the property, so we don't need to set that here. dpsDao.insertNewDataPropertyStatement(new DataPropertyStatementImpl(individualUri, rankPredicate, String.valueOf(counter))); counter++; } */ }
public PropertyListConfig( ObjectPropertyTemplateModel optm, TemplateLoader templateLoader, VitroRequest vreq, ObjectProperty op, boolean editing) throws InvalidConfigurationException { this.optm = optm; this.vreq = vreq; WebappDaoFactory wadf = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory(); this.templateLoader = templateLoader; // Get the custom config filename String configFileName = wadf.getObjectPropertyDao().getCustomListViewConfigFileName(op); if (configFileName == null) { // no custom config; use default config configFileName = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME; } log.debug( "Using list view config file " + configFileName + " for object property " + op.getURI()); String configFilePath = getConfigFilePath(configFileName); try { File config = new File(configFilePath); if (!isDefaultConfig(configFileName) && !config.exists()) { log.warn( "Can't find config file " + configFilePath + " for object property " + op.getURI() + "\n" + ". Using default config file instead."); configFilePath = getConfigFilePath(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); // Should we test for the existence of the default, and throw an error if it doesn't exist? } setValuesFromConfigFile(configFilePath, wadf, editing); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "Error processing config file " + configFilePath + " for object property " + op.getURI(), e); // What should we do here? } if (!isDefaultConfig(configFileName)) { ConfigError configError = checkConfiguration(); if (configError != null) { // the configuration contains an error // If this is a collated property, throw an error: this results in creating an // UncollatedPropertyTemplateModel instead. if (optm instanceof CollatedObjectPropertyTemplateModel) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException(configError.getMessage()); } // Otherwise, switch to the default config log.warn( "Invalid list view config for object property " + op.getURI() + " in " + configFilePath + ":\n" + configError + " Using default config instead."); configFilePath = getConfigFilePath(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); setValuesFromConfigFile(configFilePath, wadf, editing); } } isDefaultConfig = isDefaultConfig(configFileName); }