コード例 #1
  protected ResponseValues processRequest(VitroRequest vreq) {
    // There may be other non-html formats in the future
    Format format = getFormat(vreq);
    boolean wasXmlRequested = Format.XML == format;
    log.debug("xml was the requested format");
    boolean wasHtmlRequested = !wasXmlRequested;

    try {
      Portal portal = vreq.getPortal();
      PortalFlag portalFlag = vreq.getPortalFlag();

      // make sure an IndividualDao is available
      if (vreq.getWebappDaoFactory() == null
          || vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getIndividualDao() == null) {
        log.error("Could not get webappDaoFactory or IndividualDao");
        throw new Exception("Could not access model.");
      IndividualDao iDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getIndividualDao();
      VClassGroupDao grpDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassGroupDao();
      VClassDao vclassDao = vreq.getWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao();
      String alphaFilter = vreq.getParameter("alpha");

      int startIndex = 0;
      try {
        startIndex = Integer.parseInt(vreq.getParameter("startIndex"));
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        startIndex = 0;
      log.debug("startIndex is " + startIndex);

      int hitsPerPage = defaultHitsPerPage;
      try {
        hitsPerPage = Integer.parseInt(vreq.getParameter("hitsPerPage"));
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        hitsPerPage = defaultHitsPerPage;
      log.debug("hitsPerPage is " + hitsPerPage);

      int maxHitSize = defaultMaxSearchSize;
      if (startIndex >= defaultMaxSearchSize - hitsPerPage)
        maxHitSize = startIndex + defaultMaxSearchSize;
      if (alphaFilter != null) {
        maxHitSize = maxHitSize * 2;
        hitsPerPage = maxHitSize;
      log.debug("maxHitSize is " + maxHitSize);

      String qtxt = vreq.getParameter(VitroQuery.QUERY_PARAMETER_NAME);
      Analyzer analyzer = getAnalyzer(getServletContext());

      Query query = null;
      try {
        query = getQuery(vreq, portalFlag, analyzer, qtxt);
        log.debug("query for '" + qtxt + "' is " + query.toString());
      } catch (ParseException e) {
        return doBadQuery(portal, qtxt, format);

      IndexSearcher searcherForRequest = LuceneIndexFactory.getIndexSearcher(getServletContext());

      TopDocs topDocs = null;
      try {
        topDocs = searcherForRequest.search(query, null, maxHitSize);
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        log.error("in first pass at search: " + t);
        // this is a hack to deal with odd cases where search and index threads interact
        try {
          topDocs = searcherForRequest.search(query, null, maxHitSize);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          String msg = makeBadSearchMessage(qtxt, ex.getMessage());
          if (msg == null) {
            msg = "The search request contained errors.";
          return doFailedSearch(msg, qtxt, format);

      if (topDocs == null || topDocs.scoreDocs == null) {
        log.error("topDocs for a search was null");
        String msg = "The search request contained errors.";
        return doFailedSearch(msg, qtxt, format);

      int hitsLength = topDocs.scoreDocs.length;
      if (hitsLength < 1) {
        return doNoHits(qtxt, format);
      log.debug("found " + hitsLength + " hits");

      int lastHitToShow = 0;
      if ((startIndex + hitsPerPage) > hitsLength) {
        lastHitToShow = hitsLength;
      } else {
        lastHitToShow = startIndex + hitsPerPage - 1;

      List<Individual> beans = new LinkedList<Individual>();
      for (int i = startIndex; i < topDocs.scoreDocs.length; i++) {
        try {
          if ((i >= startIndex) && (i <= lastHitToShow)) {
            Document doc = searcherForRequest.doc(topDocs.scoreDocs[i].doc);
            String uri = doc.get(Entity2LuceneDoc.term.URI);
            Individual ent = new IndividualImpl();
            ent = iDao.getIndividualByURI(uri);
            if (ent != null) beans.add(ent);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.error("problem getting usable Individuals from search " + "hits" + e.getMessage());

      ParamMap pagingLinkParams = new ParamMap();
      pagingLinkParams.put("querytext", qtxt);
      pagingLinkParams.put("hitsPerPage", String.valueOf(hitsPerPage));

      if (wasXmlRequested) {
        pagingLinkParams.put(XML_REQUEST_PARAM, "1");

      /* Start putting together the data for the templates */

      Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<String, Object>();

      String classGroupParam = vreq.getParameter("classgroup");
      boolean classGroupFilterRequested = false;
      if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(classGroupParam)) {
        VClassGroup grp = grpDao.getGroupByURI(classGroupParam);
        classGroupFilterRequested = true;
        if (grp != null && grp.getPublicName() != null)
          body.put("classGroupName", grp.getPublicName());

      String typeParam = vreq.getParameter("type");
      boolean typeFiltereRequested = false;
      if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(typeParam)) {
        VClass type = vclassDao.getVClassByURI(typeParam);
        typeFiltereRequested = true;
        if (type != null && type.getName() != null) body.put("typeName", type.getName());

      /* Add classgroup and type refinement links to body */
      if (wasHtmlRequested) {
        // Search request includes no classgroup and no type, so add classgroup search refinement
        // links.
        if (!classGroupFilterRequested && !typeFiltereRequested) {
          List<VClassGroup> classgroups = getClassGroups(grpDao, topDocs, searcherForRequest);
          List<VClassGroupSearchLink> classGroupLinks =
              new ArrayList<VClassGroupSearchLink>(classgroups.size());
          for (VClassGroup vcg : classgroups) {
            if (vcg.getPublicName() != null) {
              classGroupLinks.add(new VClassGroupSearchLink(qtxt, vcg));
          body.put("classGroupLinks", classGroupLinks);

          // Search request is for a classgroup, so add rdf:type search refinement links
          // but try to filter out classes that are subclasses
        } else if (classGroupFilterRequested && !typeFiltereRequested) {
          List<VClass> vClasses = getVClasses(vclassDao, topDocs, searcherForRequest);
          List<VClassSearchLink> vClassLinks = new ArrayList<VClassSearchLink>(vClasses.size());
          for (VClass vc : vClasses) {
            vClassLinks.add(new VClassSearchLink(qtxt, vc));
          body.put("classLinks", vClassLinks);
          pagingLinkParams.put("classgroup", classGroupParam);

          // This case is never displayed
        } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(alphaFilter)) {
          body.put("alphas", getAlphas(topDocs, searcherForRequest));
        } else {
          pagingLinkParams.put("type", typeParam);

      // Convert search result individuals to template model objects
          "individuals", ListedIndividualTemplateModel.getIndividualTemplateModelList(beans, vreq));

      body.put("querytext", qtxt);
      body.put("title", qtxt + " - " + portal.getAppName() + " Search Results");

      body.put("hitsLength", hitsLength);
      body.put("startIndex", startIndex);


      if (startIndex != 0) {
            getPreviousPageLink(startIndex, hitsPerPage, vreq.getServletPath(), pagingLinkParams));
      if (startIndex < (hitsLength - hitsPerPage)) {
            getNextPageLink(startIndex, hitsPerPage, vreq.getServletPath(), pagingLinkParams));

      String template = templateTable.get(format).get(Result.PAGED);

      return new TemplateResponseValues(template, body);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      return doSearchError(e, format);
コード例 #2
  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    final int NUM_COLS = 17;

    if (!checkLoginStatus(request, response)) return;

    try {
      super.doGet(request, response);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("PropertyEditController caught exception calling doGet()");

    VitroRequest vreq = new VitroRequest(request);
    Portal portal = vreq.getPortal();

    ObjectPropertyDao propDao = vreq.getFullWebappDaoFactory().getObjectPropertyDao();
    VClassDao vcDao = vreq.getFullWebappDaoFactory().getVClassDao();
    PropertyGroupDao pgDao = vreq.getFullWebappDaoFactory().getPropertyGroupDao();
    ObjectProperty p = (ObjectProperty) propDao.getObjectPropertyByURI(request.getParameter("uri"));
    request.setAttribute("property", p);

    ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
    results.add("Property"); // column 1
    results.add("parent property"); // column 2
    results.add("domain"); // column 3
    results.add("range"); // column 4
    results.add("display name"); // column 5
    results.add("group"); // column 6
    results.add("display tier"); // column 7
    results.add("example"); // column 8
    results.add("description"); // column 9
    results.add("public description"); // column 10
    results.add("display level"); // column 11
    results.add("update level"); // column 12
    results.add("custom entry form"); // column 13
    results.add("select from existing"); // column 14
    results.add("offer create new option"); // column 15
    results.add("force stub object deletion"); // column 16
    results.add("URI"); // column 17

    String displayName = (p.getDomainPublic() == null) ? p.getLocalName() : p.getDomainPublic();
    try {
          "<a href=\"propertyEdit?uri="
              + URLEncoder.encode(p.getURI(), "UTF-8")
              + "\">"
              + displayName
              + "</a> <em>"
              + p.getLocalNameWithPrefix()
              + "</em>"); // column 1
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
          "Could not encode URI for property (domain public: "
              + p.getDomainPublic()
              + ", local name with prefix: "
              + p.getLocalNameWithPrefix()
              + ", URI: "
              + p.getURI()
              + ").");
      results.add(displayName + "<em>" + p.getLocalNameWithPrefix() + "</em>"); // column 1

    String parentPropertyStr = "";
    if (p.getParentURI() != null) {
      ObjectProperty parent = propDao.getObjectPropertyByURI(p.getParentURI());
      if (parent != null && parent.getURI() != null) {
        try {
          parentPropertyStr =
              "<a href=\"propertyEdit?uri="
                  + URLEncoder.encode(parent.getURI(), "UTF-8")
                  + "&amp;home="
                  + portal.getPortalId()
                  + "\">"
                  + parent.getLocalNameWithPrefix()
                  + "</a>";
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    results.add(parentPropertyStr); // column 2

    String domainStr = "";
    if (p.getDomainVClassURI() != null) {
      VClass domainClass = vcDao.getVClassByURI(p.getDomainVClassURI());
      if (domainClass != null
          && domainClass.getURI() != null
          && domainClass.getLocalNameWithPrefix() != null) {
        try {
          if (domainClass.isAnonymous()) {
            domainStr = domainClass.getLocalNameWithPrefix();
          } else {
            domainStr =
                "<a href=\"vclassEdit?uri="
                    + URLEncoder.encode(domainClass.getURI(), "UTF-8")
                    + "&amp;home="
                    + portal.getPortalId()
                    + "\">"
                    + domainClass.getLocalNameWithPrefix()
                    + "</a>";
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    results.add(domainStr); // column 3

    String rangeStr = "";
    if (p.getRangeVClassURI() != null) {
      VClass rangeClass = vcDao.getVClassByURI(p.getRangeVClassURI());
      if (rangeClass != null
          && rangeClass.getURI() != null
          && rangeClass.getLocalNameWithPrefix() != null) {
        try {
          if (rangeClass.isAnonymous()) {
            rangeStr = rangeClass.getLocalNameWithPrefix();
          } else {
            rangeStr =
                "<a href=\"vclassEdit?uri="
                    + URLEncoder.encode(rangeClass.getURI(), "UTF-8")
                    + "&amp;home="
                    + portal.getPortalId()
                    + "\">"
                    + rangeClass.getLocalNameWithPrefix()
                    + "</a>";
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    results.add(rangeStr); // column 4

    results.add(p.getDomainPublic() == null ? "" : p.getDomainPublic()); // column 5
    if (p.getGroupURI() != null) {
      PropertyGroup pGroup = pgDao.getGroupByURI(p.getGroupURI());
      if (pGroup != null) {
        results.add(pGroup.getName()); // column 6
      } else {
        results.add("unnamed group"); // column 6
    } else {
      results.add("unspecified"); // column 6
        "domain: " + p.getDomainDisplayTier() + ", range: " + p.getRangeDisplayTier()); // column 7
    String exampleStr = (p.getExample() == null) ? "" : p.getExample();
    results.add(exampleStr); // column 8
    String descriptionStr = (p.getDescription() == null) ? "" : p.getDescription();
    results.add(descriptionStr); // column 9
    String publicDescriptionStr =
        (p.getPublicDescription() == null) ? "" : p.getPublicDescription();
    results.add(publicDescriptionStr); // column 10

        p.getHiddenFromDisplayBelowRoleLevel() == null
            ? "unspecified"
            : p.getHiddenFromDisplayBelowRoleLevel().getLabel()); // column 11
        p.getProhibitedFromUpdateBelowRoleLevel() == null
            ? "unspecified"
            : p.getProhibitedFromUpdateBelowRoleLevel().getLabel()); // column 12

        p.getCustomEntryForm() == null ? "unspecified" : p.getCustomEntryForm()); // column 13
    results.add(p.getSelectFromExisting() ? "true" : "false"); // column 14
    results.add(p.getOfferCreateNewOption() ? "true" : "false"); // column 15
    results.add(p.getStubObjectRelation() ? "true" : "false"); // column 16
    results.add(p.getURI()); // column 17
    request.setAttribute("results", results);
    request.setAttribute("columncount", NUM_COLS);
    request.setAttribute("suppressquery", "true");

    boolean FORCE_NEW = true;

    EditProcessObject epo = super.createEpo(request, FORCE_NEW);
    FormObject foo = new FormObject();
    HashMap OptionMap = new HashMap();

    // superproperties and subproperties

    ObjectPropertyDao opDao;
    if (vreq.getAssertionsWebappDaoFactory() != null) {
      opDao = vreq.getAssertionsWebappDaoFactory().getObjectPropertyDao();
    } else {
      opDao = vreq.getFullWebappDaoFactory().getObjectPropertyDao();
    List superURIs = opDao.getSuperPropertyURIs(p.getURI(), false);
    List superProperties = new ArrayList();
    Iterator superURIit = superURIs.iterator();
    while (superURIit.hasNext()) {
      String superURI = (String) superURIit.next();
      if (superURI != null) {
        ObjectProperty superProperty = opDao.getObjectPropertyByURI(superURI);
        if (superProperty != null) {
    request.setAttribute("superproperties", superProperties);

    List subURIs = opDao.getSubPropertyURIs(p.getURI());
    List subProperties = new ArrayList();
    Iterator subURIit = subURIs.iterator();
    while (subURIit.hasNext()) {
      String subURI = (String) subURIit.next();
      ObjectProperty subProperty = opDao.getObjectPropertyByURI(subURI);
      if (subProperty != null) {
    request.setAttribute("subproperties", subProperties);

    List eqURIs = opDao.getEquivalentPropertyURIs(p.getURI());
    List eqProperties = new ArrayList();
    Iterator eqURIit = eqURIs.iterator();
    while (eqURIit.hasNext()) {
      String eqURI = (String) eqURIit.next();
      ObjectProperty eqProperty = opDao.getObjectPropertyByURI(eqURI);
      if (eqProperty != null) {
    request.setAttribute("equivalentProperties", eqProperties);

    RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(Controllers.BASIC_JSP);
    request.setAttribute("epoKey", epo.getKey());
    request.setAttribute("propertyWebapp", p);
    request.setAttribute("bodyJsp", "/templates/edit/specific/props_edit.jsp");
    request.setAttribute("portalBean", portal);
    request.setAttribute("title", "Object Property Control Panel");
        "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\""
            + portal.getThemeDir()
            + "css/edit.css\"/>");

    try {
      rd.forward(request, response);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("PropertyEditController could not forward to view.");