コード例 #1
  public PopsIOSpeciesTreeModel(
      PopsIOSpeciesBindings piosb, Parameter popPriorScale, PriorComponent[] priorComponents) {
    this.piosb = piosb;

    this.popPriorScale = popPriorScale;
    popPriorScale.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.0, 1));

    this.priorComponents = priorComponents;

    PopsIOSpeciesBindings.SpInfo[] species = piosb.getSpecies();
    int nTaxa = species.length;
    int nNodes = 2 * nTaxa - 1;
    pionodes = new PopsIONode[nNodes];
    for (int n = 0; n < nNodes; n++) {
      pionodes[n] = new PopsIONode(n);
    ArrayList<Integer> tojoin = new ArrayList<Integer>(nTaxa);
    for (int n = 0; n < nTaxa; n++) {
    double rate = 1.0;
    double treeheight = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nTaxa - 1; i++) {
      int numtojoin = tojoin.size();
      int j = MathUtils.nextInt(numtojoin);
      Integer child0 = tojoin.get(j);
      int k = MathUtils.nextInt(numtojoin - 1);
      Integer child1 = tojoin.get(k);
      pionodes[nTaxa + i].addChildren(pionodes[child0], pionodes[child1]);
      pionodes[nTaxa + i].setHeight(treeheight + randomnodeheight(numtojoin * rate));
      treeheight = pionodes[nTaxa + i].getHeight();
      tojoin.add(nTaxa + i);
    rootn = pionodes.length - 1;

    double scale = 0.99 * piosb.initialMinGeneNodeHeight() / pionodes[rootn].height;

    stree = makeSimpleTree();

            "\tConstructing a PopsIO Species Tree Model, please cite:\n"
                + Citable.Utils.getCitationString(this));
コード例 #2
 public double doOperation() throws OperatorFailedException {
   double b = (1.0 - scalingFactor) * (1.0 - scalingFactor) / scalingFactor;
   double c = scalingFactor / (1.0 - scalingFactor);
   double y = MathUtils.nextDouble();
   double s = b * (y + c) * (y + c);
   int i = MathUtils.nextInt(apspnet.getNumberOfTetraTrees());
   apspnet.setOneHybPopValue(i, s * apspnet.getOneHybPopValue(i));
   return 0.0; // this way of scaling, with proposal proportional to x^-(1/2) has hastings ratio 1
コード例 #3
  public double[][] simulateLocations() {
    NodeRef root = m_tree.getRoot();

    // assume uniform
    double[][] latLongs = new double[m_tree.getNodeCount()][2];
    double rootLat = MathUtils.nextDouble() * (maxLat - minLat) + minLat;
    double rootLong = MathUtils.nextDouble() * (maxLong - minLong) + minLong;
    int rootNum = root.getNumber();
    latLongs[rootNum][LATITUDE_INDEX] = rootLat;
    latLongs[rootNum][LONGITUDE_INDEX] = rootLong;
    traverse(root, latLongs[rootNum], latLongs);

    return latLongs;
コード例 #4
  public RandomBranchModel(
      TreeModel treeModel, //
      GY94CodonModel baseSubstitutionModel, //
      double rate, //
      boolean hasSeed,
      long seed) {


    this.treeModel = treeModel;
    this.baseSubstitutionModel = baseSubstitutionModel;

    this.rate = rate;

    if (hasSeed) {

      // use fixed seed for e_i
      random = new MersenneTwister(seed);
    } else {

      // use BEAST seed
      random = new MersenneTwister(MathUtils.nextLong());
    } // END: seed check

  } // END: Constructor
  /** change the parameter and return the hastings ratio. */
  public double doOperation() throws OperatorFailedException {

    double[] mean = sccs.getMode();
    double[] currentValue = parameter.getParameterValues();
    double[] newValue = new double[dim];

    Set<Integer> updateSet = new HashSet<Integer>();

    if (setSizeMean != -1.0) {
      final int listLength = Poisson.nextPoisson(setSizeMean);
      while (updateSet.size() < listLength) {
        int newInt = MathUtils.nextInt(parameter.getDimension());
        if (!updateSet.contains(newInt)) {
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {

    double logq = 0;
    for (Integer i : updateSet) {
      newValue[i] = mean[i] + scaleFactor * MathUtils.nextGaussian();
      if (UPDATE_ALL) {
        parameter.setParameterValueQuietly(i, newValue[i]);
      } else {
        parameter.setParameterValue(i, newValue[i]);

      logq +=
          (NormalDistribution.logPdf(currentValue[i], mean[i], scaleFactor)
              - NormalDistribution.logPdf(newValue[i], mean[i], scaleFactor));

    //        for (Integer i : updateSet) {
    //            parameter.setParameterValueQuietly(i, newValue[i]);
    //        }

    if (UPDATE_ALL) {
      parameter.setParameterValueNotifyChangedAll(0, parameter.getParameterValue(0));

    return logq;
コード例 #6
  public void drawTreeIndex() {
    //        System.err.print("Drawing new tree, (old tree = " + currentTreeIndex);

    currentTreeIndex = MathUtils.nextInt(trees.length);

    //        System.err.println(") new tree = " + currentTreeIndex);

    fireModelChanged(new TreeModel.TreeChangedEvent());
コード例 #7
  void traverse(NodeRef node, double[] parentSequence, double[][] latLongs) {
    for (int iChild = 0; iChild < m_tree.getChildCount(node); iChild++) {
      NodeRef child = m_tree.getChild(node, iChild);

      // find the branch length
      final double branchRate = m_branchRateModel.getBranchRate(m_tree, child);
      final double branchLength =
          branchRate * (m_tree.getNodeHeight(node) - m_tree.getNodeHeight(child));
      if (branchLength < 0.0) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Negative branch length: " + branchLength);

      double childLat =
          MathUtils.nextGaussian() * Math.sqrt(branchLength) + parentSequence[LATITUDE_INDEX];
      double childLong =
          MathUtils.nextGaussian() * Math.sqrt(branchLength) + parentSequence[LONGITUDE_INDEX];
      int childNum = child.getNumber();

      latLongs[childNum][LATITUDE_INDEX] = childLat;
      latLongs[childNum][LONGITUDE_INDEX] = childLong;

      traverse(m_tree.getChild(node, iChild), latLongs[childNum], latLongs);
コード例 #8
  public static void checkTree(TreeModel treeModel) {

    // todo Should only be run if there exists a zero-length interval

    //        TreeModel treeModel = (TreeModel) tree;
    for (int i = 0; i < treeModel.getInternalNodeCount(); i++) {
      NodeRef node = treeModel.getInternalNode(i);
      if (node != treeModel.getRoot()) {
        double parentHeight = treeModel.getNodeHeight(treeModel.getParent(node));
        double childHeight0 = treeModel.getNodeHeight(treeModel.getChild(node, 0));
        double childHeight1 = treeModel.getNodeHeight(treeModel.getChild(node, 1));
        double maxChild = childHeight0;
        if (childHeight1 > maxChild) maxChild = childHeight1;
        double newHeight = maxChild + MathUtils.nextDouble() * (parentHeight - maxChild);
        treeModel.setNodeHeight(node, newHeight);
コード例 #9
  private static int mauCanonicalSub(
      Tree tree, NodeRef node, int loc, NodeRef[] order, boolean[] wasSwaped) {
    if (tree.isExternal(node)) {
      order[loc] = node;
      assert (loc & 0x1) == 0;
      return loc + 1;

    final boolean swap = MathUtils.nextBoolean();
    // wasSwaped[(loc-1)/2] = swap;

    int l = mauCanonicalSub(tree, tree.getChild(node, swap ? 1 : 0), loc, order, wasSwaped);

    order[l] = node;
    assert (l & 0x1) == 1;
    wasSwaped[(l - 1) / 2] = swap;

    l = mauCanonicalSub(tree, tree.getChild(node, swap ? 0 : 1), l + 1, order, wasSwaped);
    return l;
コード例 #10
  /** change the parameter and return the hastings ratio. */
  public final double doOperation() throws OperatorFailedException {

    final double scale =
        (scaleFactor + (MathUtils.nextDouble() * ((1.0 / scaleFactor) - scaleFactor)));
    int goingUp = 0, goingDown = 0;

    if (upParameter != null) {
      for (Scalable.Default up : upParameter) {
        goingUp += up.scaleAllAndNotify(scale, -1);

    if (downParameter != null) {
      for (Scalable.Default dn : downParameter) {
        goingDown += dn.scaleAllAndNotify(1.0 / scale, -1);

    return (goingUp - goingDown - 2) * Math.log(scale);
コード例 #11
  public void proposeTree() throws OperatorFailedException {
    TreeModel tree = c2cLikelihood.getTreeModel();
    BranchMapModel branchMap = c2cLikelihood.getBranchMap();
    NodeRef i;
    double oldMinAge, newMinAge, newRange, oldRange, newAge, q;
    // choose a random node avoiding root, and nodes that are ineligible for this move because they
    // have nowhere to
    // go
    final int nodeCount = tree.getNodeCount();
    do {
      i = tree.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(nodeCount));
    } while (tree.getRoot() == i || !eligibleForMove(i, tree, branchMap));
    final NodeRef iP = tree.getParent(i);

    // this one can go anywhere

    NodeRef j = tree.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(tree.getNodeCount()));
    NodeRef k = tree.getParent(j);

    while ((k != null && tree.getNodeHeight(k) <= tree.getNodeHeight(i)) || (i == j)) {
      j = tree.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(tree.getNodeCount()));
      k = tree.getParent(j);

    if (iP == tree.getRoot() || j == tree.getRoot()) {
      throw new OperatorFailedException("Root changes not allowed!");

    if (k == iP || j == iP || k == i) throw new OperatorFailedException("move failed");

    final NodeRef CiP = getOtherChild(tree, iP, i);
    NodeRef PiP = tree.getParent(iP);

    newMinAge = Math.max(tree.getNodeHeight(i), tree.getNodeHeight(j));
    newRange = tree.getNodeHeight(k) - newMinAge;
    newAge = newMinAge + (MathUtils.nextDouble() * newRange);
    oldMinAge = Math.max(tree.getNodeHeight(i), tree.getNodeHeight(CiP));
    oldRange = tree.getNodeHeight(PiP) - oldMinAge;
    q = newRange / Math.abs(oldRange);

    // need to account for the random repainting of iP

    if (branchMap.get(PiP.getNumber()) != branchMap.get(CiP.getNumber())) {
      q *= 0.5;

    if (branchMap.get(k.getNumber()) != branchMap.get(j.getNumber())) {
      q *= 2;


    if (j == tree.getRoot()) {

      // 1. remove edges <iP, CiP>
      tree.removeChild(iP, CiP);
      tree.removeChild(PiP, iP);

      // 2. add edges <k, iP>, <iP, j>, <PiP, CiP>
      tree.addChild(iP, j);
      tree.addChild(PiP, CiP);

      // iP is the new root

    } else if (iP == tree.getRoot()) {

      // 1. remove edges <k, j>, <iP, CiP>, <PiP, iP>
      tree.removeChild(k, j);
      tree.removeChild(iP, CiP);

      // 2. add edges <k, iP>, <iP, j>, <PiP, CiP>
      tree.addChild(iP, j);
      tree.addChild(k, iP);

      // CiP is the new root

    } else {
      // 1. remove edges <k, j>, <iP, CiP>, <PiP, iP>
      tree.removeChild(k, j);
      tree.removeChild(iP, CiP);
      tree.removeChild(PiP, iP);

      // 2. add edges <k, iP>, <iP, j>, <PiP, CiP>
      tree.addChild(iP, j);
      tree.addChild(k, iP);
      tree.addChild(PiP, CiP);

    tree.setNodeHeight(iP, newAge);


    logq = Math.log(q);

    // repaint the parent to match either its new parent or its new child (50% chance of each).

    if (MathUtils.nextInt(2) == 0) {
      branchMap.set(iP.getNumber(), branchMap.get(k.getNumber()), true);
    } else {
      branchMap.set(iP.getNumber(), branchMap.get(j.getNumber()), true);

    if (DEBUG) {
コード例 #12
 private double randomnodeheight(double rate) {
   return MathUtils.nextExponential(rate) + 1e-6 / rate;
   // 1e-6/rate to avoid very tiny heights
コード例 #13
  /** change the parameter and return the hastings ratio. */
  public final double doOperation() {

    int index = MathUtils.nextInt(links.getDimension());

    int oldGroup = (int) assignments.getParameterValue(index);

     * Set index customer link to index and all connected to it to a new assignment (min value empty)
    int minEmp = minEmpty(modelLikelihood.getLogLikelihoodsVector());
    links.setParameterValue(index, index);
    int[] visited = connected(index, links);

    int ii = 0;
    while (visited[ii] != 0) {
      assignments.setParameterValue(visited[ii] - 1, minEmp);

     * Adjust likvector for group separated

    modelLikelihood.setLogLikelihoodsVector(oldGroup, getLogLikGroup(oldGroup));

    modelLikelihood.setLogLikelihoodsVector(minEmp, getLogLikGroup(minEmp));

    int maxFull = maxFull(modelLikelihood.getLogLikelihoodsVector());

    double[] liks = modelLikelihood.getLogLikelihoodsVector();
     * computing likelihoods of joint groups

    double[] crossedLiks = new double[maxFull + 1];

    for (int ll = 0; ll < maxFull + 1; ll++) {
      if (ll != minEmp) {
        crossedLiks[ll] = getLogLik2Group(ll, minEmp);

     * Add logPrior
    double[] logP = new double[links.getDimension()];

    for (int jj = 0; jj < links.getDimension(); jj++) {
      logP[jj] += depMatrix[index][jj];

      int n = (int) assignments.getParameterValue(jj);
      if (n != minEmp) {
        logP[jj] += crossedLiks[n] - liks[n] - liks[minEmp];

    logP[index] = Math.log(chiParameter.getParameterValue(0));

     * possibilidade de mandar p zero as probs muito pequenas

     *  Gibbs sampling

    this.rescale(logP); // Improve numerical stability
    this.exp(logP); // Transform back to probability-scale

    int k = MathUtils.randomChoicePDF(logP);

    links.setParameterValue(index, k);

    int newGroup = (int) assignments.getParameterValue(k);
    ii = 0;
    while (visited[ii] != 0) {
      assignments.setParameterValue(visited[ii] - 1, newGroup);

     * updating conditional likelihood vector
    modelLikelihood.setLogLikelihoodsVector(newGroup, getLogLikGroup(newGroup));
    if (newGroup != minEmp) {
      modelLikelihood.setLogLikelihoodsVector(minEmp, 0);


    return 0.0;
コード例 #14
  public double splitClade(Clade parent, Clade[] children) {
    // the number of all possible clades is 2^n with n the number of tips
    // reduced by 2 because we wont consider the clades with all or no tips
    // contained
    // divide this number by 2 because every clade has a matching clade to
    // form the split
    // #splits = 2^(n-1) - 1
    final double splits = Math.pow(2, parent.getSize() - 1) - 1;

    double prob = 0;

    if (cladeCoProbabilities.containsKey(parent.getBits())) {
      HashMap<BitSet, Clade> childClades = cladeCoProbabilities.get(parent.getBits());
      double noChildClades = 0.0;

      double sum = 0.0;
      Set<BitSet> keys = childClades.keySet();
      for (BitSet child : keys) {
        Clade tmp = childClades.get(child);
        if (parent.getSize() > tmp.getSize() + 1) {
          sum += (tmp.getSampleCount() + EPSILON) / 2.0;
          noChildClades += 0.5;
        } else {
          sum += (tmp.getSampleCount() + EPSILON);
          noChildClades += 1.0;

      // add epsilon for each not observed clade
      sum += EPSILON * (splits - noChildClades);

      // roulette wheel
      double randomNumber = Math.random() * sum;
      for (BitSet child : keys) {
        Clade tmp = childClades.get(child);
        if (parent.getSize() > tmp.getSize() + 1) {
          randomNumber -= (tmp.getSampleCount() + EPSILON) / 2.0;
        } else {
          randomNumber -= (tmp.getSampleCount() + EPSILON);
        if (randomNumber < 0) {
          children[0] = tmp;
          prob = (tmp.getSampleCount() + EPSILON) / sum;

      if (randomNumber >= 0) {
        // randomNumber /= EPSILON;
        prob = EPSILON / sum;
        BitSet newChild;
        BitSet inverseBits;
        do {
          do {
            newChild = (BitSet) parent.getBits().clone();
            int index = -1;
            do {
              index = newChild.nextSetBit(index + 1);
              if (index > -1 && MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
            } while (index > -1);
          } while (newChild.cardinality() == 0 || newChild.cardinality() == parent.getSize());
          inverseBits = (BitSet) newChild.clone();
        } while (childClades.containsKey(newChild) || childClades.containsKey(inverseBits));

        Clade randomClade = new Clade(newChild, 0.9999 * parent.getHeight());
        children[0] = randomClade;

        BitSet secondChild = (BitSet) children[0].getBits().clone();
        children[1] = new Clade(secondChild, 0.9999 * parent.getHeight());
      } else {
        BitSet secondChild = (BitSet) children[0].getBits().clone();
        children[1] = childClades.get(secondChild);
        if (children[1] == null) {
          children[1] = new Clade(secondChild, 0.9999 * parent.getHeight());

    } else {
      prob = 1.0 / splits;

      BitSet newChild;
      do {
        newChild = (BitSet) parent.getBits().clone();
        int index = -1;
        do {
          index = newChild.nextSetBit(index + 1);
          if (index > -1 && MathUtils.nextBoolean()) {
        } while (index > -1);
      } while (newChild.cardinality() == 0 || newChild.cardinality() == parent.getSize());
      Clade randomClade = new Clade(newChild, 0.9999 * parent.getHeight());
      // randomClade.addSample();
      randomClade.addHeight(0.9999 * parent.getHeight());
      children[0] = randomClade;
      BitSet secondChild = (BitSet) children[0].getBits().clone();
      children[1] = new Clade(secondChild, 0.9999 * parent.getHeight());
      // children[1].addSample();
      randomClade.addHeight(0.9999 * parent.getHeight());

    return Math.log(prob);
コード例 #15
  public void operateOneNode(final double factor) throws OperatorFailedException {

    //            #print "operate: tree", ut.treerep(t)
    //   if( verbose)  System.out.println("  Mau at start: " + tree.getSimpleTree());

    final int count = multree.getExternalNodeCount();
    assert count == species.nSpSeqs();

    NodeRef[] order = new NodeRef[2 * count - 1];
    boolean[] swapped = new boolean[count - 1];
    mauCanonical(multree, order, swapped);

    // internal node to change
    // count-1 - number of internal nodes
    int which = MathUtils.nextInt(count - 1);

    FixedBitSet left = new FixedBitSet(count);
    FixedBitSet right = new FixedBitSet(count);

    for (int k = 0; k < 2 * which + 1; k += 2) {

    for (int k = 2 * (which + 1); k < 2 * count; k += 2) {

    double newHeight;

    if (factor > 0) {
      newHeight = multree.getNodeHeight(order[2 * which + 1]) * factor;
    } else {
      final double limit = species.speciationUpperBound(left, right);
      newHeight = MathUtils.nextDouble() * limit;



    final NodeRef node = order[2 * which + 1];

    multree.setNodeHeight(node, newHeight);

    mauReconstruct(multree, order, swapped);

    // restore pre-order of pops -

      double[] splitPopValues = null;

      for (int k = 0; k < preOrderIndexBefore.length; ++k) {
        final int b = preOrderIndexBefore[k];
        if (b >= 0) {
          final int a = preOrderIndexAfter[k];
          if (a != b) {
            // if( verbose)  System.out.println("pops: " + a + " <- " + b);

            final Parameter p1 = multree.sppSplitPopulations;
            if (splitPopValues == null) {
              splitPopValues = p1.getParameterValues();

            if (multree.constPopulation()) {
              p1.setParameterValue(count + a, splitPopValues[count + b]);
            } else {
              for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                p1.setParameterValue(count + 2 * a + i, splitPopValues[count + 2 * b + i]);
