/** * Look up an object by id number. Assumes the editing context is appropriately locked. * * @param ec The editing context to use * @param id The id to look up * @return The object, or null if no such id exists */ public static UserMessageSubscription forId(EOEditingContext ec, int id) { UserMessageSubscription obj = null; if (id > 0) { NSArray<UserMessageSubscription> objects = objectsMatchingValues(ec, "id", new Integer(id)); if (objects != null && objects.count() > 0) { obj = objects.objectAtIndex(0); } } return obj; }
/** * Renvoie le premier objet simple trouve dans la liste triee. Pour recuperer un tableau, utiliser * fetchAll(EOEditingContext, EOQualifier, NSArray). * * @param editingContext * @param qualifier * @param sortOrderings * @return Renvoie le premier objet trouve correspondant au qualifier, null si aucun trouve */ public static EOTypeGroupe fetchFirstByQualifier( EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray sortOrderings) { NSArray eoObjects = fetchAll(editingContext, qualifier, sortOrderings); EOTypeGroupe eoObject; int count = eoObjects.count(); if (count == 0) { eoObject = null; } else { eoObject = (EOTypeGroupe) eoObjects.objectAtIndex(0); } return eoObject; }
public WOActionResults submit() { if (selection == null) { search(); if (found != null && found.count() > 0) { selection = (PersonLink) found.objectAtIndex(0); } else { selection = defaultSelectionValue(); } } setValueForBinding(selection, "selection"); return (WOActionResults) valueForBinding("selectAction"); }
public String _alterPhraseDeletingColumnsWithNames( NSArray columnNames, NSArray entityGroup, EOSchemaGenerationOptions options) { StringBuffer phrase = new StringBuffer(); int j = columnNames.count(); for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { phrase.append( "" + (i == 0 ? "" : this._alterPhraseJoinString()) + "remove column " + columnNames.objectAtIndex(i)); } return phrase.toString(); }
public static Group fetchGroup(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier) { NSArray<Group> eoObjects = _Group.fetchGroups(editingContext, qualifier, null); Group eoObject; int count = eoObjects.count(); if (count == 0) { eoObject = null; } else if (count == 1) { eoObject = (Group) eoObjects.objectAtIndex(0); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "There was more than one Group that matched the qualifier '" + qualifier + "'."); } return eoObject; }
public static Employee fetchEmployee(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier) { NSArray<Employee> eoObjects = _Employee.fetchEmployees(editingContext, qualifier, null); Employee eoObject; int count = eoObjects.count(); if (count == 0) { eoObject = null; } else if (count == 1) { eoObject = (Employee) eoObjects.objectAtIndex(0); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "There was more than one Employee that matched the qualifier '" + qualifier + "'."); } return eoObject; }
public static Category fetchCategory(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier) { NSArray<Category> eoObjects = _Category.fetchCategories(editingContext, qualifier, null); Category eoObject; int count = eoObjects.count(); if (count == 0) { eoObject = null; } else if (count == 1) { eoObject = (Category) eoObjects.objectAtIndex(0); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "There was more than one Category that matched the qualifier '" + qualifier + "'."); } return eoObject; }
public static MovieRole fetchMovieRole(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier) { NSArray<MovieRole> eoObjects = _MovieRole.fetchMovieRoles(editingContext, qualifier, null); MovieRole eoObject; int count = eoObjects.count(); if (count == 0) { eoObject = null; } else if (count == 1) { eoObject = (MovieRole) eoObjects.objectAtIndex(0); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "There was more than one MovieRole that matched the qualifier '" + qualifier + "'."); } return eoObject; }
/** * Renvoie l'objet correspondant au qualifier. Si plusieurs objets sont susceptibles d'etre * trouves, utiliser fetchFirstByQualifier(EOEditingContext, EOQualifier). Une exception est * declenchee si plusieurs objets sont trouves. * * @param editingContext * @param qualifier * @return L'objet qui correspond au qualifier passé en parametre. Si plusieurs objets sont * trouves, une exception est declenchee. Si aucun objet n'est trouve, null est renvoye. * @throws IllegalStateException */ public static EOTypeGroupe fetchByQualifier( EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier) throws IllegalStateException { NSArray eoObjects = fetchAll(editingContext, qualifier, null); EOTypeGroupe eoObject; int count = eoObjects.count(); if (count == 0) { eoObject = null; } else if (count == 1) { eoObject = (EOTypeGroupe) eoObjects.objectAtIndex(0); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Il y a plus d'un objet qui correspond au qualifier '" + qualifier + "'."); } return eoObject; }
public static EOTypeUniteTemps fetchTypeUniteTemps( EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier) { NSArray eoObjects = _EOTypeUniteTemps.fetchTypeUniteTempses(editingContext, qualifier, null); EOTypeUniteTemps eoObject; int count = eoObjects.count(); if (count == 0) { eoObject = null; } else if (count == 1) { eoObject = (EOTypeUniteTemps) eoObjects.objectAtIndex(0); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "There was more than one TypeUniteTemps that matched the qualifier '" + qualifier + "'."); } return eoObject; }
/** * Retrieves the first object that matches a set of keys and values, when sorted with the * specified sort orderings. * * @param context The editing context to use * @param sortOrderings the sort orderings * @param keysAndValues a dictionary of keys and values to match * @return the first entity that was retrieved, or null if there was none */ public static UserMessageSubscription firstObjectMatchingValues( EOEditingContext context, NSArray<EOSortOrdering> sortOrderings, NSDictionary<String, Object> keysAndValues) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EOFetchSpecification fspec = new WCFetchSpecification( ENTITY_NAME, EOQualifier.qualifierToMatchAllValues(keysAndValues), sortOrderings); fspec.setFetchLimit(1); NSArray<UserMessageSubscription> objects = objectsWithFetchSpecification(context, fspec); if (objects.count() == 0) { return null; } else { return objects.objectAtIndex(0); } }
public static PDBPresentation fetchPDBPresentation( EOEditingContext editingContext, EOQualifier qualifier) { NSArray<PDBPresentation> eoObjects = _PDBPresentation.fetchPDBPresentations(editingContext, qualifier, null); PDBPresentation eoObject; int count = eoObjects.count(); if (count == 0) { eoObject = null; } else if (count == 1) { eoObject = eoObjects.objectAtIndex(0); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "There was more than one PDBPresentation that matched the qualifier '" + qualifier + "'."); } return eoObject; }
protected PersonLink defaultSelectionValue() { NSArray list = (NSArray) valueForBinding("forcedList"); if (list != null && list.count() > 0) { return (PersonLink) EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(ec, (EOEnterpriseObject) list.objectAtIndex(0)); } list = (NSArray) session().valueForKey("personList"); if (list != null && list.count() > 0) { Enumeration enu = list.objectEnumerator(); while (enu.hasMoreElements()) { EOEnterpriseObject pers = (EOEnterpriseObject) enu.nextElement(); if (entity().equals(pers.entityName())) { return (PersonLink) pers; } } } return null; }
protected void performSearchRequest(String request) { searchString = request; canCreate = false; search(); while (found == null || found.count() == 0) { searchString = searchString.substring(0, searchString.length() - 1); if (searchString.length() < 2) { searchString = request; setValueForBinding(null, "searchRequest"); return; } search(); } selection = (PersonLink) found.objectAtIndex(0); setValueForBinding(selection, "selection"); setValueForBinding(Person.Utility.fullName(selection, true, 2, 2, 2), "searchRequest"); valueForBinding("selectAction"); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------- public void takeFormValues(NSDictionary<?, ?> formValues) { WCConfigurationFile configuration = Application.configurationProperties(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("takeFormValues(): initial config = "); log.debug(configuration.configSettingsAsString()); } String email = storeFormValueToConfig( formValues, "coreAdminEmail", "Please specify the administrator's e-mail address."); storeFormValueToConfig(formValues, "adminNotifyAddrs", null); String authDomainName = configuration.getProperty("authenticator.default"); String username = storeFormValueToConfig( formValues, "AdminUsername", "Please specify the administrator's user name."); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("takeFormValues(): middle = "); log.debug(configuration.configSettingsAsString()); } if (authDomainName == null || authDomainName.equals("")) { error("Cannot identify default institution's " + "authentication configuration."); } else if (username != null && !hasMessages()) { EOEditingContext ec = WCEC.newEditingContext(); try { ec.lock(); AuthenticationDomain domain = AuthenticationDomain.authDomainByName(authDomainName); NSArray<?> users = EOUtilities.objectsMatchingValues( ec, User.ENTITY_NAME, new NSDictionary<String, Object>( new Object[] {username, domain}, new String[] {User.USER_NAME_KEY, User.AUTHENTICATION_DOMAIN_KEY})); User admin; if (users.count() > 0) { admin = (User) users.objectAtIndex(0); admin.setEmail(email); String first = extractFormValue(formValues, "AdminFirstName"); if (first != null && !first.equals("")) { admin.setFirstName(first); } String last = extractFormValue(formValues, "AdminLastName"); if (last != null && !last.equals("")) { admin.setLastName(last); } ec.saveChanges(); } else { String password = storeFormValueToConfig( formValues, "AdminPassword", "An administrator password is required."); if (authDomainName.equals(DatabaseAuthenticator.class.getName()) && (password == null || password.equals(""))) { // Don't need this anymore, since the error message is // posted by storeFormValuesToConfig() above. // errorMessage( // "An administrator password is required." ); } else { admin = User.createUser(username, password, domain, (byte) 100, ec); admin.setEmail(email); String first = extractFormValue(formValues, "AdminFirstName"); if (first != null && !first.equals("")) { admin.setFirstName(first); } String last = extractFormValue(formValues, "AdminLastName"); if (last != null && !last.equals("")) { admin.setLastName(last); } ec.saveChanges(); } } } finally { ec.unlock(); ec.dispose(); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("takeFormValues(): near end = "); log.debug(configuration.configSettingsAsString()); } if (!hasMessages()) { configuration.remove("AdminFirstName"); configuration.remove("AdminLastName"); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("takeFormValues(): finals = "); log.debug(configuration.configSettingsAsString()); } }