コード例 #1
   * Returns a cloud debugger connection given a user email to indicate the credentials to use. The
   * function may return null if the user is not logged in.
  private static Debugger getClient(final @Nullable String userEmail, final int timeout) {
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(userEmail)) {
      LOG.warn("unexpected null email in controller initialize.");
      return null;
    final String hashkey = userEmail + timeout;
    Debugger cloudDebuggerClient = myDebuggerClientsFromUserEmail.get(hashkey);

    if (cloudDebuggerClient == null) {
      try {
        final CredentialedUser user = GoogleLogin.getInstance().getAllUsers().get(userEmail);
        final Credential credential = (user != null ? user.getCredential() : null);
        if (credential != null) {
                  new LoginListener() {
                    public void statusChanged(boolean login) {
                      // aggressively remove the cached item on any status change.
          HttpRequestInitializer initializer =
              new HttpRequestInitializer() {
                public void initialize(HttpRequest httpRequest) throws IOException {

          HttpTransport httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
          cloudDebuggerClient =
              new Builder(httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, initializer)
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        LOG.warn("Error connecting to Cloud Debugger API", ex);
      } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
        LOG.warn("Error connecting to Cloud Debugger API", ex);

      if (cloudDebuggerClient != null) {
        myDebuggerClientsFromUserEmail.put(hashkey, cloudDebuggerClient);
    return cloudDebuggerClient;
コード例 #2
  protected ValidationInfo doValidate() {
    // These should not normally occur.
    if (!GoogleLogin.getInstance().isLoggedIn()) {
      return new ValidationInfo(GctBundle.getString("clouddebug.nologin"));

    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(myElysiumProjectId.getText())) {
      return new ValidationInfo(GctBundle.getString("clouddebug.noprojectid"));

    if (myDebuggeeTarget.getSelectedItem() == null) {
      return new ValidationInfo(GctBundle.getString("clouddebug.nomodule"));

    return null;