  * Performs aggregate query with the provided <tt>scope</tt> in the background.
  * <p>Note: the scopes were defined from the Designer.
  * <p>The {@link import com.anypresence.sdk.callbacks.APCallback} callback allows you to run code
  * in the main UI thread.
  * <p>Example:
  * <pre>{@code
  * Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String,String>();
  * CapitalMarketsOrder.aggregateQueryInBackground("count", params, new APCallback<String>() {
  *     public void finished(String count, Throwable ex) {
  *         if (ex == null) {
  *             Log.i(TAG, "success");
  *         } else {
  *             Log.e(TAG, "failure", ex);
  *         }
  *     }
  * });
  * }</pre>
  * @see import com.anypresence.sdk.callbacks.APCallback
  * @param scope the scope to perform the query.
  * @param params a map of parameters.
  * @param futureCallback the callback that handles the result of the request.
 public static void aggregateQueryInBackground(
     String scope, Map<String, String> params, IAPFutureCallback<String> futureCallback) {
       scope, params, CapitalMarketsOrder.class, futureCallback);