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Guide for Android SDK - CitiMobileChallenge Version 4

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Local Cache


## Setup

Before the SDK can be used for Android. You need to set it up by calling APSetup.setup(Context). This will setup the sdk according to what was defined from the AnyPresence designer and initializes the local cache.

For example:

public class APApplication extends Application {
  public void onCreate() {

Authorization headers must be set for future calls:

Map<String,String> maps = new HashMap<>();
maps.put("Authorization","Bearer " + CitiApplication.getInstance().getClient().getToken());

RemoteRequest request = new RemoteRequest();


For Java, we simply call APSetup.setup() to setup the SDK.

## CRUD methods The CRUD methods have synchronous and asynchronous versions. You will use these methods to interact with the backend. We'll use Foo as an example class.

Note that thee current SDK has these objects: CapitalMarketsActivity CapitalMarketsContact CapitalMarketsContentService CapitalMarketsLogin CapitalMarketsOrder CapitalMarketsRevenue CorporatePaymentsAccount CorporatePaymentsBeneficiary CorporatePaymentsCrossBorderFxBooking CorporatePaymentsCrossBorderFxPayment CorporatePaymentsCrossBorderFxQuote CorporatePaymentsLogin CorporatePaymentsPayment RetailBankingAccount RetailBankingAccountBalance RetailBankingAccountFundTransfer RetailBankingAccountTransaction RetailBankingForeignCurrency RetailBankingLocation RetailBankingLogin RetailBankingPayee RetailBankingPayeeType RetailBankingRewardsCatalog RetailBankingRewardsRedemption

Foo foo = new Foo();

Create (asynchronous)

Foo foo = new Foo();

foo.saveInBackground(new APCallback<Foo>() {
      public void finished(Foo foo, Throwable err) {
        if (err == null) {
          // Successfully saved object
        } else {
          // There was an error


Read (synchronous)

Foo foo = Foo.fetch("123456");

Read (asynchronous)

Foo.fetchInBackground("123456", new APCallback<Foo>() {
      public void finished(Foo foo, Throwable err) {
        if (err == null) {
          // Successfully fetched object
        } else {
          // There was an error


Read - Query scopes (synchronous)

Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("foo0", "bar0");

// Use the 'all' query scope, offset 0 and limit 5
Foo.query("all", params, 0, 5);

Read - Query scopes (asynchronous)

Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("foo0", "bar0");

// Use the 'all' query scope, offset 0 and limit 5
Foo.queryInBackground("all", params, 0, 5, new APCallback<List<Foo>>() {
      public void finished(List<Foo> foos, Throwable err) {
        if (err == null) {
          // Successfully fetched objects
        } else {
          // There was an error


Read - Query scopes with context

RemoteRequest.RemoteRequestBuilder remoteRequestBuilder = (HttpAdapter)RemoteRailsConfig.getRouterAdapterByClass(Foo.class).createRemoteRequestBuilder(RequestMethod.GET, Foo.class);
RemoteRequest remoteRequest = remoteRequestBuilder.createRemoteRequest();

// Set the context where the context can be a hash or a RemoteObject

// Set the scope

// Set the parameters

Foo.queryInBackground(remoteRequest, 0, 5, new APCallback<List<Foo>>() {
      public void finished(List<Foo> foos, Throwable err) {
        if (err == null) {
          // Successfully fetched objects
        } else {
          // There was an error

Update (synchronous)

Just use the methods for create.

Update (synchronous)

Just use the methods for create.

Delete (synchronous)


Delete (asynchronous)

foo.deleteInBackground(new APCallback<Foo>() {
      public void finished(Foo foo, Throwable err) {
        if (err == null) {
          // Successfully delted object
        } else {
          // There was an error

## Local Cache

If caching is enabled, requests made to the backend will be cached. These items in the cache can then be retrieved by various methods that are available. Please refer to the 'setup' section for instructions to setup caching.

// Query with the 'all' scope and suppose there's an object with a remote id of "123" returned.
        new APFutureCallback<List<Foo>>() {
          public void finished(List<Foo> arg0, Throwable ex) {
            // Do nothing

// Fetch Foo objects in cache with remote object id of "123"
List<Foo> objects = Foo.fetchInCacheWithObjectIdPredicate("123");

// Another example of fetching Foo objects in cache with remote object id of "123"
Map<String, String> predicates = new HashMap<String, String>();
predicates.put("ObjectId", "123");

Note that fetchInCacheWithPredicates(Map<String,String>) does the search using fields that correspond to the GreenDAO models. For Foo, we need to refer to dao.FooDao.Properties to know what those fields are. The parameter names should just be the Propery name.

We can also retrieve data from the local cache using parameters and scopes that exactly match what was used for the query scope methods.

// Query with the 'all' scope.
        new APFutureCallback<List<Foo>>() {
          public void finished(List<Foo> arg0, Throwable ex) {
            // Do nothing

// At a later time we can fetch in cache by searching for requests matching the exact scope.
List<Foo> objects = Foo.fetchInCacheWithParameterPredicate(Foo.Scopes.ALL);

// Query with the 'all' scope and some parameters (synchronous this time)
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("bar", "fake");

Foo.query(Foo.Scopes.ALL, params);

// At a later time we can fetch in cache by searching for requests matching the exact scope and params.
Foo.fetchInCacheWithParameterPredicate(Foo.Scopes.ALL, params);

## Troubleshooting Debug logs can be obtained by calling this method:


SDK for Android applications







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