private void drawTrajectory() { float offsetX = Constants.WEAPON_OFFSET_FROM_PLAYER_X_FACING_RIGHT; float offsetY = Constants.WEAPON_OFFSET_FROM_PLAYER_Y; if (player.getFacing() == 0) { offsetX = Constants.WEAPON_OFFSET_FROM_PLAYER_X_FACING_RIGHT; } else { offsetX = Constants.WEAPON_OFFSET_FROM_PLAYER_X_FACING_LEFT; } Player p = player; Float originX = p.getX() + offsetX + Constants.WEAPON_ORIGIN_X; Float originY = p.getY() + offsetY + Constants.WEAPON_ORIGIN_Y; Float mouseX = player.getTargetX(); Float mouseY = player.getTargetY(); Float deltaX = (mouseX - originX); Float deltaY = (mouseY - originY); Double angle = Math.atan2(deltaY.doubleValue(), deltaX.doubleValue()); Float x = (float) Math.cos(angle.floatValue()); Float y = (float) Math.sin(angle.floatValue()); Float calculatedX = originX + x * Constants.SHOT_DISTANCE_FROM_ORIGIN; Float calculatedY = originY + y * Constants.SHOT_DISTANCE_FROM_ORIGIN; shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.RED); shapeRenderer.line(calculatedX, calculatedY, mouseX, mouseY); shapeRenderer.end(); }
public void render(SpriteBatch sb, ShapeRenderer sr) { double drawx = getDrawX(); double drawy = getDrawY(); if (drawx < -40 || drawx > + 40) return; if (drawy < -40 || drawy > + 40) return;;, GL10.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); float red = Math.min(1f, 2f * (1f - health / maxHealth)); float green = Math.min(1f, 2f * (health / maxHealth)); sr.setColor(red * 0.75f, green * 0.75f, 0, 0.9f); draw(sb, sr, 20, ShapeType.Filled); sr.setColor(red, green, 0, 1f); draw(sb, sr, 20, ShapeType.Line); sr.begin(ShapeType.Filled); getDrawX(), (float) getDrawY(), 2); sr.end();; if (!arms.isEmpty() && arms.getFirst() != null) arms.getFirst().render(sb, sr); // if(isAI) { // float barWidth = 60; // sr.begin(ShapeType.Filled); // float red = Math.min(1f, 2f * (1f - health / maxHealth)); // float green = Math.min(1f, 2f * (health / maxHealth)); // sr.setColor(red, green, 0, 1f); // sr.rect((float) getDrawX() - barWidth / 2, (float) getDrawY() + 30, (float) (barWidth * // health / maxHealth), 5); // sr.end(); // } }
@Override public void render(float arg0) {; camera.update(); if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.ESCAPE)) { if (focused) { focused = false; } else { goBack(); } } if (focused) { shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.FilledRectangle); Color c = new Color(0.15f, 0.4f, 0.15f, 1f); shapeRenderer.setColor(c); shapeRenderer.filledRect(focusedBox.x, focusedBox.y, focusedBox.width, focusedBox.height); shapeRenderer.end(); } batch.begin(); ObjectMap.Entries<String, Rectangle> it = bindingButtons.entries(); // draw back button text font.draw(batch, "Back", backButton.x, backButton.y + backButton.height); // draw option texts while (it.hasNext()) { ObjectMap.Entry<String, Rectangle> entry =; Rectangle bounds = entry.value; font.draw(batch, entry.key, bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height); Binding binding = game.getBindings().get(entry.key); font.draw(batch, binding.character, bounds.x + 200.0f, bounds.y + bounds.height); } batch.end(); }
/** Renders a blue rectangle showing the field of view of the closeup camera */ public void render(ShapeRenderer renderer) { if (!inCloseupMode) { // Figure out the location of the camera corners in the world Vector2 bottomLeft = myUnproject(closeupCamera, 0, closeupCamera.viewportHeight); Vector2 bottomRight = myUnproject(closeupCamera, closeupCamera.viewportWidth, closeupCamera.viewportHeight); Vector2 topRight = myUnproject(closeupCamera, closeupCamera.viewportWidth, 0); Vector2 topLeft = myUnproject(closeupCamera, 0, 0); // Draw a rectangle showing the closeup camera's field of view renderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); renderer.setColor(Color.BLUE); float[] poly = { bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y, bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y, topRight.x, topRight.y, topLeft.x, topLeft.y }; renderer.set(ShapeType.Line); renderer.polygon(poly); renderer.end(); } }
private void drawRecursive(Actor actor) { if (!invisibleActors && !actor.isVisible()) return; if (allActors) actor.debug(); if (actor.getDebug()) { actor.getDebugRects(debugRects); for (DebugRect debugRect : debugRects) drawRect(actor, debugRect); debugRects.clear(); debugRectPool.freeAll(usedRects); usedRects.clear(); } boolean draw = true; Rectangle scissorBounds = null; if (actor instanceof Group) scissorBounds = ((Group) actor).getScissorBounds(); if (scissorBounds != null) { shapes.flush(); draw = ScissorStack.pushScissors(scissorBounds); } if (draw) { // Children are still rendered, even if the group has no debugging enabled. if (actor instanceof Group) { Group group = (Group) actor; for (Actor child : group.getChildren()) drawRecursive(child); } if (scissorBounds != null) { shapes.flush(); ScissorStack.popScissors(); } } }
private void renderHP() { ShapeRenderer render = new ShapeRenderer(); int hp = world.thePlayer.hp; if (hp >= 50) render.setColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1); else if (hp > 33) render.setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1); else if (hp > 0) render.setColor(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1); if (!(hp < 33)) { render.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.FilledRectangle); render.filledRect(5, 5, hp * 2, 20); render.end(); } if (flickerDraw && (hp < 33)) { render.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.FilledRectangle); render.filledRect(5, 5, hp * 2, 20); render.end(); flickerDraw = false; } else if (lastFlicker > 3) { flickerDraw = true; this.lastFlicker = 0; } else this.lastFlicker++; }
@Override public void render() { viewport.apply();, 0, 0, 1);; renderer.setProjectionMatrix(viewport.getCamera().combined); renderer.begin(ShapeType.Filled); // Since we're using an extend viewport, the world might be bigger than we expect float worldCenterX = viewport.getWorldWidth() / 2; float worldCenterY = viewport.getWorldHeight() / 2; // TODO: Figure out how long it's been since the animation started using TimeUtils.nanoTime() long delta = TimeUtils.nanoTime() - appCreationTime; // TODO: Use MathUtils.nanoToSec to figure out how many seconds the animation has been running float seconds = delta * MathUtils.nanoToSec; // TODO: Figure out how many cycles have elapsed since the animation started running float cycles = seconds / CYCLE; // TODO: Figure out where in the cycle we are float cyclePosition = cycles % 1; // TODO: Use MathUtils.sin() to set the x position of the circle float x = worldCenterX + MOVEMENT_DISTANCE * MathUtils.sin(MathUtils.PI2 * cyclePosition); float y = worldCenterY;, y, CIRCLE_RADIUS); renderer.end(); }
private void drawProgress() {, 0, 0, 1);; renderer.setColor(Color.ORANGE); renderer.begin(ShapeType.Filled); renderer.rect(0, 0, 800, 600); renderer.end(); }
/** Draws the debug rects for the specified actor and any children, recursively. */ public void draw(Actor actor) { if (disabled) return; shapes.setProjectionMatrix(stage.getCamera().projection); shapes.setTransformMatrix(stage.getCamera().view); shapes.begin(ShapeType.Line); drawRecursive(actor); shapes.end(); }
public static void drawPoint(Vector2 point, View view, Color color) { ShapeRenderer shapeRenderer = view.getShapeRenderer(); shapeRenderer.set(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled); shapeRenderer.setColor(color); float w, h; w = h = 5 * view.getCamera().zoom; shapeRenderer.rect(point.x - w / 2, point.y - h / 2, w, h); }
/** * Calculates window scissor coordinates from local coordinates using the batch's current * transformation matrix. * * @see ScissorStack#calculateScissors(Camera, float, float, float, float, Matrix4, Rectangle, * Rectangle) */ public void calculateScissors(Rectangle localRect, Rectangle scissorRect) { viewport.calculateScissors(batch.getTransformMatrix(), localRect, scissorRect); Matrix4 transformMatrix; if (debugShapes != null && debugShapes.isDrawing()) transformMatrix = debugShapes.getTransformMatrix(); else transformMatrix = batch.getTransformMatrix(); viewport.calculateScissors(transformMatrix, localRect, scissorRect); }
/** Set's the ShapeRenderer's projection matrix depending on the mode of the demo camera. */ public void setCamera(ShapeRenderer renderer) { if (inCloseupMode) { closeupCamera.update(); renderer.setProjectionMatrix(closeupCamera.combined); } else { overviewCamera.update(); renderer.setProjectionMatrix(overviewCamera.combined); } }
private void drawRectangles() { shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); Player player = GameController.getInstance().getPlayer(); float x = player.getX(); float y = player.getY(); shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.GREEN); shapeRenderer.rect(x, y, player.getWidth(), player.getHeight()); shapeRenderer.end(); }
public void drawSelectedTile() { if (selectedTile.getX() != -1) { shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.RED); shapeRenderer.rect( selectedTile.getX() * Game.BLOCK_WIDTH, selectedTile.getY() * Game.BLOCK_HEIGHT, Game.BLOCK_WIDTH + Game.TILE_OFFSET, Game.BLOCK_HEIGHT + Game.TILE_OFFSET); } }
@Override public void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) { shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(getStage().getCamera().combined); batch.end(); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Circle); shapeRenderer.setColor(shapeFillColor);, getY(), 20); shapeRenderer.end(); batch.begin(); }
/** * Draws a filled rectangle using a <code>ShapeRenderer</code>.<br> * IMPORTANT: Don't forget to set the <code>ShapeRenderer</code>'s projection matrix with {@link * #setShapeRendererProjectionMatrix(Matrix4)}! * * @param batch - Since drawing is done with a <code>ShapeRenderer</code>, the active batch should * be passed to this method to end/start it. */ public static void fillRect(SpriteBatch batch, float x, float y, float w, float h, Color c) { batch.end();; shapes_.begin(ShapeType.Filled); shapes_.setColor(c); shapes_.rect(x, y, w, h); shapes_.end();; batch.begin(); }
@Override public void drawShape(ShapeRenderer shapes) { if (state == State.Growing) { shapes.setColor(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } else if (state == State.Dead) { float color = nutrition / (nutrition_max * age / max_life); shapes.setColor(color, color, 0.0f, 1.0f); } super.drawShape(shapes); }
/** * Draws an outline of a rectangle using a <code>ShapeRenderer</code>.<br> * IMPORTANT: Don't forget to set the <code>ShapeRenderer</code>'s projection matrix with {@link * #setShapeRendererProjectionMatrix(Matrix4)}! * * @param batch - Since drawing is done with a <code>ShapeRenderer</code>, the active batch should * be passed to this method to end/start it. */ public static void drawLine(SpriteBatch batch, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Color c) { batch.end();; shapes_.begin(ShapeType.Line); shapes_.setColor(c); shapes_.line(x1, y1, x2, y2); shapes_.end();; batch.begin(); }
@Override public void render(ShapeRenderer renderer, Transform transform) { tmp.set(renderer.getColor()); renderer.setColor(color); transform.x + (centre ? 0 : +radius) + ox, transform.y + (centre ? 0 : +radius) + oy, radius, segments); renderer.setColor(tmp); }
private static void renderNodeList(List<Vector2> nodes, ShapeRenderer renderer, Color color) { renderer.setColor(color); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Vector2 node = nodes.get(i);, node.y, LevelEditorScreen.getNodeRadius(), 8); if (i > 0) { Vector2 previousNode = nodes.get(i - 1); renderer.line(node.x, node.y, previousNode.x, previousNode.y); } } }
@Override public void render(float delta) {; if (null != snapPoint) { render.begin(ShapeType.FilledRectangle); render.setColor(Color.BLUE); render.filledRect(snapPoint.x - 5, snapPoint.y - 5, 2 * 5, 2 * 5); render.end(); }; }
public void draw( final Ship ship, final StarManager starManager, final EnemyManager enemyManager, final PowerUpManager powerupManager, final ShotManager shotManager, final GamePhase phase, final GameController controller) { if (phase == GamePhase.GAMING) { shotManager.drawShape(shapeRenderer, ppux, ppuy, border); powerupManager.drawShape(shapeRenderer, ppux, ppuy, border); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.FilledRectangle); enemyManager.drawHealthBar(shapeRenderer, ppux, ppuy, border); shapeRenderer.end(); } shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.WHITE); starManager.drawShape(shapeRenderer, ppux, ppuy, border); ship.drawShape(shapeRenderer, ppux, ppuy, border); batch.begin(); ship.drawSprite(batch, ppux, ppuy, border); switch (phase) { case LEVEL_LOAD: // just waiting for refresh case GAMING: shotManager.drawSprite(batch, ppux, ppuy, border); powerupManager.drawSprite(batch, ppux, ppuy, border); enemyManager.drawSprite(batch, ppux, ppuy, border); break; case PAUSE: drawPauseTextBox(); break; case LEVEL_SCORE: // TODO make counter and stuff and at the end change phase // score = GameScreen.updatePhase(GamePhase.LEVEL_WAIT); case LEVEL_WAIT: drawLevelScore(controller, controller.getTimeBonus()); break; case DEAD: // TODO death animation drawGameOver(); break; case FINISHED: drawGameFinished(); break; case GAMESTART: break; default: break; } batch.end(); }
public static void renderHitboxs(World world, Camera camera) { shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); for (GameObject entity : world.getEntities()) { if (entity.hitbox != null) { shapeRenderer.setColor(0, 1, 1, 1); shapeRenderer.rect( entity.hitbox.x, entity.hitbox.y, entity.hitbox.width, entity.hitbox.height); } } shapeRenderer.end(); }
public void cleanBorders() { shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.FilledRectangle); shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.BLACK); shapeRenderer.filledRect(0, 0, border - 1, Sizes.DEFAULT_WORLD_HEIGHT * ppux); shapeRenderer.filledRect( border + Sizes.DEFAULT_WORLD_WIDTH * ppux, 0, 2 * border + Sizes.DEFAULT_WORLD_WIDTH * ppux, Sizes.DEFAULT_WORLD_HEIGHT * ppux); shapeRenderer.end(); }
private void drawGrid() { int height = GdxController.getInstance().getMapGdx().getForeground().getHeight(); int width = GdxController.getInstance().getMapGdx().getForeground().getWidth(); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.RED); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { shapeRenderer.line(0.0f, i * 32.0f, width * 32.0f, i * 32.0f); shapeRenderer.line(i * 32.0f, 0.0f, i * 32.0f, height * 32.0f); } shapeRenderer.end(); }
private void renderWorld() { clearScreen(); sr.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); mapRenderer.setView(camera); mapRenderer.render(); sr.begin(ShapeType.Filled); renderNeighbourCollisionAreas(sr); renderPlayer(sr); sr.end(); }
@Override public void render( float delta, OrthographicCamera camera, GDXRenderer gdxRenderer, ShapeRenderer renderer) { if (!screen.isLive()) { renderer.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); renderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); for (GDXPath object : screen.getLevel().getPaths()) renderNodeList(object.getNodes(), renderer, Color.GRAY); if (pathWindow != null) renderNodeList(pathWindow.getNodes(), renderer, Color.DARK_GRAY); renderer.end(); } };
private void renderNeighbourCollisionAreas(ShapeRenderer sr) { float minorX = player.pos.x - player.width / 2f; float majorX = player.pos.x + player.width / 2f; float minorY = player.pos.y - player.height / 2f; float majorY = player.pos.y + player.height / 2f; sr.setColor(Color.NAVY); sr.rect(MathUtils.round(minorX), player.pos.y, 1f, 1f); sr.rect(MathUtils.round(majorX), player.pos.y, 1f, 1f); sr.rect(player.pos.x, MathUtils.round(minorY), 1f, 1f); sr.rect(player.pos.x, MathUtils.round(majorY), 1f, 1f); }
private static void renderLines(Camera camera) { shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); Vector2 p0, p1; for (Object[] line : lines) { p0 = (Vector2) line[0]; p1 = (Vector2) line[1]; shapeRenderer.setColor(line[2] != null ? (Color) line[2] : colorLines); shapeRenderer.line(p0, p1); } lines.clear(); shapeRenderer.end(); }
@Override protected void drawChildren(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { batch.end();;, GL20.GL_DST_COLOR);; shapeRenderer.setColor(Color.WHITE); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); super.drawChildren(batch, parentAlpha); shapeRenderer.end();;; batch.begin(); }