private void addEntityCheckCache(SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory) throws Exception { Item item = new Item("chris", "Chris's Item"); beginTx(); try { Session s = sessionFactory.openSession(); s.getTransaction().begin(); s.persist(item); s.getTransaction().commit(); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { setRollbackOnlyTx(e); } finally { commitOrRollbackTx(); } beginTx(); try { Session s = sessionFactory.openSession(); Item found = (Item) s.load(Item.class, item.getId()); Statistics stats = sessionFactory.getStatistics();; assertEquals(item.getDescription(), found.getDescription()); assertEquals(0, stats.getSecondLevelCacheMissCount()); assertEquals(1, stats.getSecondLevelCacheHitCount()); s.delete(found); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { setRollbackOnlyTx(e); } finally { commitOrRollbackTx(); } }
@Get("xml") public Representation toXml() { try { DomRepresentation representation = new DomRepresentation(MediaType.TEXT_XML); // Generate a DOM document representing the item. Document d = representation.getDocument(); Element eltItem = d.createElement("item"); d.appendChild(eltItem); Element eltName = d.createElement("name"); eltName.appendChild(d.createTextNode(item.getName())); eltItem.appendChild(eltName); Element eltDescription = d.createElement("description"); eltDescription.appendChild(d.createTextNode(item.getDescription())); eltItem.appendChild(eltDescription); d.normalizeDocument(); // Returns the XML representation of this document. return representation; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
/** * Retrieves the recent price information for the specified item in the desired currency format. * * @param item the item to retrieve price information for * @param currency the currency to return the prices in * @return the recent price information for the specified item */ public PriceHistory lookup(Item item, Currency currency) { if (item == null) return null; long gameId = item.getGameId(); if (gameId == -1) return null; ItemDescription description = item.getDescription(); if (description == null) return null; if (!description.isTradable()) return null; String marketHashName = description.getMarketHashName(); if (marketHashName == null) return null; PriceHistory history; try { history = steam .getDataParser() .build( PriceHistory.class, steam .getCommunicator() .retrieve( String.format( INVENTORY_PATTERN, (currency == null ? Currency.USD : currency).getToken(), gameId, URLEncoder.encode(marketHashName, "UTF-8")), RequestMethod.GET)); if (history == null) return null; history.setCurrency(currency); return history; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; } }
/** Returns a string that has the description of the examined item. */ public String getExamineString(String name) { String returnString = "You examine the " + name + ".\n"; Item temp = inventory.get(name); if (temp != null) { returnString += "It's " + temp.getDescription() + "."; return returnString; } return "You can only examine items in your inventory."; }
private void itemSelected(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_itemSelected int currentSelectedItemIndex = itemList.getSelectedIndex(); if (currentSelectedItemIndex >= 0) { Item tmp = listModel.getElementAt(currentSelectedItemIndex); itemTitleTextField.setText(tmp.getTitle()); itemDescriptionTextArea.setText(tmp.getDescription()); createItemButton.setText("Update"); } } // GEN-LAST:event_itemSelected
public ArrayList<Feedback> readFeedbacks(long idPost) { RssParser parser = null; Rss rss = null; // System.out.println("right? "+post); try { parser = RssParserFactory.createDefault(); rss = parser.parse(new URL(boardAddress + "feedbacks?action=READ&FeedbackName=" + idPost)); } catch (RssParserException e) { System.out.println(boardAddress + "feedbacks?action=READ&FeedbackName=" + idPost); System.out.println("RssParserException"); return null; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("MalformedURLException"); return null; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IOException"); return null; } Channel c = rss.getChannel(); if (c.getItems() == null) { System.out.println("Non ci sono Feedback"); return new ArrayList<Feedback>(); } ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(c.getItems()); Iterator<Item> iter = items.iterator(); ArrayList<Feedback> lista = new ArrayList<Feedback>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Item x =; String description = ""; String feed = ""; Title titolo = Title.AGREE; try { description = x.getDescription().getText(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { feed = x.getTitle().getText(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } if (feed != null) { if (!feed.isEmpty()) { if (feed.equals("AGREE")) titolo = Title.AGREE; else if (feed.equals("DISAGREE")) titolo = Title.DISAGREE; else if (feed.equals("PARTIALLY_AGREE")) titolo = Title.PARTIALLY_AGREE; else if (feed.equals("DETRACTOR")) titolo = Title.DETRACTOR; else continue; } } else continue; Date data = getPubDate(x); lista.add(new Feedback(description, titolo, data)); } return lista; }
long delete(long id) { Item item = findItem(id); if (item != null) { getStorage().deregister(item); long sum = 0; for (long description : item.getDescription()) sum += description; return sum; } return 0; }
/** * An insert operation to the MDSItemStorage. * * @param id * @param price * @param description * @param size * @return */ int insert(long id, double price, long[] description, int size) { if (find(id) != 0) { Item previousItem = findItem(id); Double previousPrice = previousItem.getPrice(); List<Long> previousDescription = previousItem.getDescription(); if (size > 0) { Integer previousDescriptionHash = previousItem.getDescriptionHash(); // Description of item is in description[0..size-1]. copy them into your data structure. previousItem.setDescription(size, (size == 0) ? null : description); // adjust previousDescription getStorage() .updateDescriptionDataSet( previousItem, previousDescription, price, (previousPrice == price ? null : previousPrice)); // adjust previousPrice getStorage().updatePriceDataSet(previousItem, previousPrice); // refresh and re-check associated same-same hash with the previous item. getStorage().addressSameSameHashing(previousItem, previousDescriptionHash); } else { if (previousPrice != price) { if (size == 0) getStorage().updateDescriptionDataSet(previousItem, null, price, previousPrice); // adjust previousPrice getStorage().updatePriceDataSet(previousItem, previousPrice); } } return 0; } // create the Item object. Item item = new Item(); item.setId(id).setPrice(price).setDescription(size, (size == 0) ? null : description); // register new item getStorage().registerItem(item); return 1; }
/** * Month conversion from entity object to jaxb model. * * @param data month entity object * @return jaxb model of month */ public static Month transformMonthToModel(org.kaleta.scheduler.backend.entity.Month data) { Month model = new Month(); model.setId(String.valueOf(data.getId())); Month.Specification specification = new Month.Specification(); specification.setName(data.getName()); specification.setDays(String.valueOf(data.getDaysNumber())); specification.setFirstDay(String.valueOf(data.getDayStartsWith())); for (Integer day : data.getPublicFreeDays()) { Month.Specification.FreeDay freeDay = new Month.Specification.FreeDay(); freeDay.setDay(String.valueOf(day)); specification.getFreeDayList().add(freeDay); } model.setSpecification(specification); Month.Schedule schedule = new Month.Schedule(); for (Task task : data.getTasks()) { Month.Schedule.Task taskModel = new Month.Schedule.Task(); taskModel.setId(String.valueOf(task.getId())); taskModel.setType(task.getType()); taskModel.setDescription(task.getDescription()); taskModel.setDay(String.valueOf(task.getDay())); taskModel.setStarts(task.getStarts().toString()); taskModel.setDuration(task.getDuration().toString()); taskModel.setPriority(String.valueOf(task.getPriority())); taskModel.setSuccessful(String.valueOf(task.getSuccessful())); schedule.getTaskList().add(taskModel); } model.setSchedule(schedule); Month.Accounting accounting = new Month.Accounting(); for (Item item : data.getItems()) { Month.Accounting.Item itemModel = new Month.Accounting.Item(); itemModel.setId(String.valueOf(item.getId())); itemModel.setType(item.getType()); itemModel.setDescription(item.getDescription()); itemModel.setDay(String.valueOf(item.getDay())); itemModel.setIncome(String.valueOf(item.getIncome())); itemModel.setAmount(String.valueOf(item.getAmount())); accounting.getItemList().add(itemModel); } model.setAccounting(accounting); return model; }
public void testWrite() throws Exception { FileWriter fw = null; File outFile = null; try { outFile = File.createTempFile("FeedTest", "tmp"); filesToDelete.add(outFile); fw = new FileWriter(outFile); Feed feed = new Feed(tempFile); feed.write(fw); fw.close(); // Feed feed2 = new Feed(outFile); assertEquals("CruiseControl Build Results", feed.getTitle()); assertEquals("", feed.getLink()); assertEquals( "Automated build results for CruiseControl project(s) VERSION_10", feed.getDescription()); // validate the number of items and the contents of the first item. assertEquals(11, feed.getItems().size()); Item item = (Item) feed.getItems().get(0); assertEquals("VERSION_10 build.7 Build Successful", item.getTitle()); assertEquals( "" + "VERSION_10?log=log20050817084109Lbuild.7", item.getLink()); assertEquals( "<em>Build Time:</em> Wed Aug 17 08:41:09 MDT 2005<br/>" + "<em>Label:</em> build.7<br/><em>Modifications: </em>1<br/>" + "\n<ul><li>//depot/MyProduct/VERSION_10/dev/main/src/datacenter/" + "ApplicationServer/PlayTime/" + " by jefferson (deploy the mock object dll)</li></ul>", item.getDescription()); } finally { IO.close(fw); } }
public void testConstructors() { Feed feed = new Feed(tempFile); assertEquals("CruiseControl Build Results", feed.getTitle()); assertEquals("", feed.getLink()); assertEquals( "Automated build results for CruiseControl project(s) VERSION_10", feed.getDescription()); // validate the number of items and the contents of the first item. assertEquals(11, feed.getItems().size()); Item item = (Item) feed.getItems().get(0); assertEquals("VERSION_10 build.7 Build Successful", item.getTitle()); assertEquals( "" + "VERSION_10?log=log20050817084109Lbuild.7", item.getLink()); assertEquals( "<em>Build Time:</em> Wed Aug 17 08:41:09 MDT 2005<br/>" + "<em>Label:</em> build.7<br/><em>Modifications: </em>1<br/>" + "\n<ul><li>//depot/MyProduct/VERSION_10/dev/main/src/datacenter/" + "ApplicationServer/PlayTime/" + " by jefferson (deploy the mock object dll)</li></ul>", item.getDescription()); }
public void listItems() { for (Item item : getItems()) { System.out.println(item.getDescription()); } }
public ArrayList<Post> readPosts(boolean advanced) { RssParser parser = null; Rss rss = null; try { parser = RssParserFactory.createDefault(); System.out.println(boardAddress); rss = parser.parse(new URL(boardAddress + "postboard?action=READ")); } catch (RssParserException e) { System.out.println("RssParserException"); return null; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("MalformedURLException"); return null; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IOException"); return null; } Channel c = rss.getChannel(); if (c.getItems() == null) { System.out.println("Non ci sono Post"); return new ArrayList<Post>(); } ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(c.getItems()); Iterator<Item> iter = items.iterator(); ArrayList<Post> res = new ArrayList<Post>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Item i = (Item); if (advanced) if ((!bannished.equals("")) && (i.getText().indexOf(bannished) != -1)) continue; long id = getFeedbackName(i); // id sempre presente String titolo = ""; String link = ""; String description = ""; ArrayList<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>(); String enclosure = ""; String source = ""; Date date = getPubDate(i); // data sempre presente try { titolo = i.getTitle().getText(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { link = i.getLink().getText(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { description = i.getDescription().getText(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { categories = getCategories(i); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { enclosure = i.getEnclosure().getText(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { source = i.getSource().getText(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } if (advanced) if (!(match(categories) && timestamp.before(date))) continue; Post p = new Post( id, titolo, link, description, "", categories, enclosure, source, date, readFeedbacks(id)); res.add(p); } if (advanced) if (res.size() > 0) timestamp = res.get(res.size() - 1).getPubDate(); return res; }