@Override public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) { super.tick(ticking, tickID); if ((canAct(ticking, tickID)) && (ticking instanceof MOB)) { if (DoneEquipping) return true; final MOB mob = (MOB) ticking; final Room thisRoom = mob.location(); if (thisRoom.numItems() == 0) return true; DoneEquipping = true; final Vector<Item> stuffIHad = new Vector<Item>(); for (int i = 0; i < mob.numItems(); i++) stuffIHad.addElement(mob.getItem(i)); mob.enqueCommand(new XVector<String>("GET", "ALL"), MUDCmdProcessor.METAFLAG_FORCED, 0); Item I = null; final Vector<Item> dropThisStuff = new Vector<Item>(); for (int i = 0; i < mob.numItems(); i++) { I = mob.getItem(i); if ((I != null) && (!stuffIHad.contains(I))) { if (I instanceof DeadBody) dropThisStuff.addElement(I); else if ((I.container() != null) && (I.container() instanceof DeadBody)) I.setContainer(null); } } for (int d = 0; d < dropThisStuff.size(); d++) mob.enqueCommand( new XVector<String>("DROP", "$" + dropThisStuff.elementAt(d).Name() + "$"), MUDCmdProcessor.METAFLAG_FORCED, 0); mob.enqueCommand(new XVector<String>("WEAR", "ALL"), MUDCmdProcessor.METAFLAG_FORCED, 0); } return true; }
public static InventoryList fetchInventory(MOB seer, MOB mob) { final InventoryList lst = new InventoryList(); Vector<Coins> coinsV = null; int insertAt = -1; CMLib.beanCounter().getTotalAbsoluteNativeValue(mob); for (final Enumeration<Item> i = mob.items(); i.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Item thisItem = i.nextElement(); if (thisItem == null) continue; if ((thisItem.container() == null) && (thisItem.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) { if (CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(thisItem, seer)) lst.foundAndSeen = true; else lst.foundButUnseen = true; if ((!(thisItem instanceof Coins)) || (((Coins) thisItem).getDenomination() == 0.0)) lst.viewItems.add(thisItem); else { coinsV = lst.moneyItems.get(((Coins) thisItem).getCurrency()); if (coinsV == null) { coinsV = new Vector<Coins>(); lst.moneyItems.put(((Coins) thisItem).getCurrency(), coinsV); } for (insertAt = 0; insertAt < coinsV.size(); insertAt++) if (coinsV.get(insertAt).getDenomination() > ((Coins) thisItem).getDenomination()) break; if (insertAt >= coinsV.size()) coinsV.add((Coins) thisItem); else coinsV.insertElementAt((Coins) thisItem, insertAt); } } } return lst; }
public Item targetItem(MOB target) { final Vector<Item> V = new Vector<Item>(); for (int i = 0; i < target.numItems(); i++) { final Item I2 = target.getItem(i); if ((!I2.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY)) && (((I2 instanceof Weapon) && (I2.basePhyStats().damage() > 1)) || ((I2 instanceof Armor) && (I2.basePhyStats().armor() > 1))) && (I2.container() == null)) V.addElement(I2); } if (V.size() > 0) return V.elementAt(CMLib.dice().roll(1, V.size(), -1)); return null; }
@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { final MOB target = this.getTarget(mob, commands, givenTarget); if (target == null) return false; if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; int levelDiff = target.phyStats().level() - (mob.phyStats().level() + (2 * getXLEVELLevel(mob))); if (levelDiff < 0) levelDiff = 0; final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, -(levelDiff * 25), auto); Item Bread = null; Item BreadContainer = null; for (int i = 0; i < target.numItems(); i++) { final Item I = target.getItem(i); if ((I != null) && (I instanceof Food)) { if (I.container() != null) { Bread = I; BreadContainer = I.container(); } else { Bread = I; BreadContainer = null; break; } } } if ((Bread != null) && (BreadContainer != null)) CMLib.commands().postGet(target, BreadContainer, Bread, false); if (Bread == null) { final ShopKeeper SK = CMLib.coffeeShops().getShopKeeper(target); if (SK != null) { for (final Iterator<Environmental> i = SK.getShop().getStoreInventory(); i.hasNext(); ) { final Environmental E2 = i.next(); if ((E2 != null) && (E2 instanceof Food)) { Bread = (Item) E2.copyOf(); target.addItem(Bread); break; } } } } if ((success) && (Bread != null)) { CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, target, this, verbalCastCode(mob, target, auto), L( "^S<S-NAME> @x1 for <T-NAMESELF> to provide <S-HIS-HER> daily bread!^?", prayWord(mob))); final CMMsg msg2 = CMClass.getMsg( mob, target, this, CMMsg.MSK_CAST_MALICIOUS_VERBAL | CMMsg.TYP_MIND | (auto ? CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS : 0), null); if ((mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) && (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg2))) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); mob.location().send(mob, msg2); if ((msg.value() <= 0) && (msg2.value() <= 0)) { msg = CMClass.getMsg( target, mob, Bread, CMMsg.MSG_GIVE, L("<S-NAME> gladly donate(s) <O-NAME> to <T-NAMESELF>.")); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) mob.location().send(mob, msg); } } } else maliciousFizzle( mob, target, auto ? "" : L( "<S-NAME> @x1 for <T-NAMESELF> to provide <S-HIS-HER> daily bread, but nothing happens.", prayWord(mob))); // return whether it worked return success; }
public boolean doArchonDBCompare(MOB mob, String scope, String firstWord, Vector commands) throws java.io.IOException { CMClass.CMObjectType doType = OBJECT_TYPES.get(firstWord.toUpperCase()); if (doType == null) doType = OBJECT_TYPES.get(firstWord.toUpperCase() + "S"); if (doType != null) commands.remove(0); else doType = CMClass.CMObjectType.LOCALE; final String theRest = CMParms.combineQuoted(commands, 0); DBConnector dbConnector = null; final String dbClass = CMParms.getParmStr(theRest, "DBCLASS", ""); final String dbService = CMParms.getParmStr(theRest, "DBSERVICE", ""); final String dbUser = CMParms.getParmStr(theRest, "DBUSER", ""); final String dbPass = CMParms.getParmStr(theRest, "DBPASS", ""); final int dbConns = CMParms.getParmInt(theRest, "DBCONNECTIONS", 3); final int dbPingIntMins = CMParms.getParmInt(theRest, "DBPINGINTERVALMINS", 30); final boolean dbReuse = CMParms.getParmBool(theRest, "DBREUSE", true); final String ignore = CMParms.getParmStr(theRest, "IGNORE", ""); final String maskStr = CMParms.getParmStr(theRest, "MASK", ""); final Set<String> ignores = new SHashSet(CMParms.parseCommas(ignore.toUpperCase(), true)); final MaskingLibrary.CompiledZapperMask mask = CMLib.masking().maskCompile(maskStr); if (dbClass.length() == 0) { mob.tell(L("This command requires DBCLASS= to be set.")); return false; } if (dbService.length() == 0) { mob.tell(L("This command requires DBSERVICE= to be set.")); return false; } if (dbUser.length() == 0) { mob.tell(L("This command requires DBUSER= to be set.")); return false; } if (dbPass.length() == 0) { mob.tell(L("This command requires DBPASS= to be set.")); return false; } dbConnector = new DBConnector( dbClass, dbService, dbUser, dbPass, dbConns, dbPingIntMins, dbReuse, false, false); dbConnector.reconnect(); final DBInterface dbInterface = new DBInterface(dbConnector, null); final DBConnection DBTEST = dbConnector.DBFetch(); if (DBTEST != null) dbConnector.DBDone(DBTEST); mob.tell(L("Loading database rooms...")); final List<Room> rooms = new LinkedList<Room>(); if ((!dbConnector.amIOk()) || (!dbInterface.isConnected())) { mob.tell(L("Failed to connect to database.")); return false; } if (scope.equalsIgnoreCase("AREA")) rooms.addAll( Arrays.asList(dbInterface.DBReadRoomObjects(mob.location().getArea().Name(), false))); else if (scope.equalsIgnoreCase("ROOM")) { final Room R = dbInterface.DBReadRoomObject(mob.location().roomID(), false); if (R != null) rooms.add(R); } else for (final Enumeration<Area> e = CMLib.map().areas(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) rooms.addAll(Arrays.asList(dbInterface.DBReadRoomObjects(e.nextElement().Name(), false))); if (rooms.size() == 0) { mob.tell(L("No rooms found.")); return false; } for (final Room R : rooms) dbInterface.DBReadContent(R.roomID(), R, false); mob.tell(L("Data loaded, starting scan.")); final Comparator<MOB> convM = new Comparator<MOB>() { @Override public int compare(MOB arg0, MOB arg1) { final int x = arg0.ID().compareTo(arg1.ID()); return (x != 0) ? x : arg0.Name().compareTo(arg1.Name()); } }; final Comparator<Item> convI = new Comparator<Item>() { @Override public int compare(Item arg0, Item arg1) { final int x = arg0.ID().compareTo(arg1.ID()); return (x != 0) ? x : arg0.Name().compareTo(arg1.Name()); } }; try { for (final Room dbR : rooms) { Room R = CMLib.map().getRoom(dbR.roomID()); if (R == null) { if (doType == CMClass.CMObjectType.LOCALE) Log.sysOut("Merge", dbR.roomID() + " not in database"); // import, including exits! continue; } synchronized (("SYNC" + dbR.roomID()).intern()) { final Area.State oldFlags = R.getArea().getAreaState(); R.getArea().setAreaState(Area.State.FROZEN); boolean updateMobs = false; boolean updateItems = false; final boolean updateRoom = false; R = CMLib.map().getRoom(R); CMLib.map().resetRoom(R); final List<MOB> mobSetL = new Vector<MOB>(); for (final Enumeration<MOB> e = dbR.inhabitants(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) mobSetL.add(e.nextElement()); final MOB[] mobSet = mobSetL.toArray(new MOB[0]); Arrays.sort(mobSet, convM); String lastName = ""; int ct = 1; final HashSet<MOB> doneM = new HashSet<MOB>(); for (final MOB dbM : mobSet) { if (!lastName.equals(dbM.Name())) ct = 1; else ct++; final String rName = dbM.Name() + "." + ct; MOB M = null; int ctr = ct; for (final Enumeration<MOB> m = R.inhabitants(); m.hasMoreElements(); ) { final MOB M1 = m.nextElement(); if (M1.Name().equalsIgnoreCase(dbM.Name()) && ((--ctr) <= 0)) { M = M1; break; } } if (M == null) { if (amMerging(doType, mask, dbM) && (!ignore.contains("MISSING"))) { if (mob.session() .confirm( L( "MOB: @x1.@x2 not in local room.\n\rWould you like to add it (y/N)?", dbR.roomID(), rName), L("N"))) { M = (MOB) dbM.copyOf(); M.bringToLife(R, true); doneM.add(M); updateMobs = true; Log.sysOut("Merge", mob.Name() + " added mob " + dbR.roomID() + "." + rName); } } } else { doneM.add(M); if (amMerging(doType, mask, dbM)) { if (!dbM.sameAs(M)) { final MOB oldM = (MOB) M.copyOf(); if ((dbMerge(mob, "^MMOB " + dbR.roomID() + "." + rName + "^N", dbM, M, ignores)) && (!oldM.sameAs(M))) { Log.sysOut("Merge", mob.Name() + " modified mob " + dbR.roomID() + "." + rName); updateMobs = true; } } } final STreeSet<Item> itemSetL = new STreeSet<Item>(convI); for (final Enumeration<Item> e = dbM.items(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) itemSetL.add(e.nextElement()); final Item[] itemSet = itemSetL.toArray(new Item[0]); Arrays.sort(itemSet, convI); String lastIName = ""; int ict = 1; final HashSet<Item> doneI = new HashSet<Item>(); for (final Item dbI : itemSet) { if (!lastIName.equals(dbI.Name())) ict = 1; else ict++; final String rIName = dbI.Name() + "." + ict; Item I = null; ctr = ict; for (final Enumeration<Item> i = M.items(); i.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Item I1 = i.nextElement(); if (I1.Name().equalsIgnoreCase(dbI.Name()) && ((--ctr) <= 0)) { I = I1; break; } } if (I == null) { if (amMerging(doType, mask, dbI) && (!ignore.contains("MISSING"))) { if (mob.session() .confirm( L( "Item: @x1.@x2.@x3 not in local room.\n\rWould you like to add it (y/N)?", dbR.roomID(), dbM.Name(), rIName), L("N"))) { I = (Item) dbI.copyOf(); M.addItem(I); doneI.add(I); final Item cI = (dbI.container() == null) ? null : M.findItem(dbI.container().Name()); if (cI instanceof Container) I.setContainer((Container) cI); updateMobs = true; Log.sysOut( "Merge", mob.Name() + " added item " + dbR.roomID() + "." + dbM.Name() + "." + rIName); } } } else if (amMerging(doType, mask, dbI)) { doneI.add(I); if (!dbI.sameAs(I)) { final Item oldI = (Item) I.copyOf(); if ((dbMerge( mob, "^IITEM ^M" + dbR.roomID() + "." + dbM.Name() + "." + rIName + "^N", dbI, I, ignores)) && (!oldI.sameAs(I))) { Log.sysOut( "Merge", mob.Name() + " modified item " + dbR.roomID() + "." + dbM.Name() + "." + rIName); updateMobs = true; } } } lastIName = dbI.Name(); } for (final Enumeration<Item> i = M.items(); i.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Item I = i.nextElement(); if (amMerging(doType, mask, I) && (!doneI.contains(I)) && (!ignore.contains("EXTRA"))) { if (mob.session() .confirm( L( "Item: @x1.@x2.@x3 not in database.\n\rWould you like to delete it (y/N)?", R.roomID(), M.Name(), I.Name()), L("N"))) { M.delItem(I); updateMobs = true; Log.sysOut( "Merge", mob.Name() + " deleted item " + R.roomID() + "." + M.Name() + "." + I.Name()); } } } } lastName = dbM.Name(); } for (final Enumeration<MOB> r = R.inhabitants(); r.hasMoreElements(); ) { final MOB M = r.nextElement(); if (amMerging(doType, mask, M) && (!doneM.contains(M)) && (M.isMonster()) && (!ignore.contains("EXTRA"))) { if (mob.session() .confirm( L( "MOB: @x1.@x2 not in database.\n\rWould you like to delete it (y/N)?", R.roomID(), M.Name()), L("N"))) { R.delInhabitant(M); updateMobs = true; Log.sysOut("Merge", mob.Name() + " deleted mob " + R.roomID() + "." + M.Name()); } } } final STreeSet<Item> itemSetL = new STreeSet<Item>(convI); for (final Enumeration<Item> e = dbR.items(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) itemSetL.add(e.nextElement()); final Item[] itemSet = itemSetL.toArray(new Item[0]); Arrays.sort(itemSet, convI); lastName = ""; ct = 1; final HashSet<Item> doneI = new HashSet<Item>(); for (final Item dbI : itemSet) { if (!lastName.equals(dbI.Name())) ct = 1; else ct++; final String rName = dbI.Name() + "." + ct; Item I = null; int ctr = ct; for (final Enumeration<Item> i = R.items(); i.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Item I1 = i.nextElement(); if (I1.Name().equalsIgnoreCase(dbI.Name()) && ((--ctr) <= 0)) { I = I1; break; } } if (I == null) { if (amMerging(doType, mask, dbI) && (!ignore.contains("MISSING"))) { if (mob.session() .confirm( L( "Item: @x1.@x2 not in local room.\n\rWould you like to add it (y/N)?", dbR.roomID(), rName), L("N"))) { I = (Item) dbI.copyOf(); R.addItem(I); doneI.add(I); final Item cI = (dbI.container() == null) ? null : R.findItem(dbI.container().Name()); if (cI instanceof Container) I.setContainer((Container) cI); updateItems = true; Log.sysOut("Merge", mob.Name() + " added item " + dbR.roomID() + "." + rName); } } } else if (amMerging(doType, mask, dbI)) { doneI.add(I); if (!dbI.sameAs(I)) { final Item oldI = (Item) I.copyOf(); if ((dbMerge(mob, "^IITEM " + dbR.roomID() + "." + rName + "^N", dbI, I, ignores)) && (!oldI.sameAs(I))) { Log.sysOut("Merge", mob.Name() + " modified item " + dbR.roomID() + "." + rName); updateItems = true; } } } lastName = dbI.Name(); } for (final Enumeration<Item> i = R.items(); i.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Item I = i.nextElement(); if (amMerging(doType, mask, I) && (!doneI.contains(I)) && (!ignore.contains("EXTRA"))) { if (mob.session() .confirm( L( "Item: @x1.@x2 not in database.\n\rWould you like to delete it (y/N)?", R.roomID(), I.Name()), L("N"))) { R.delItem(I); updateItems = true; Log.sysOut("Merge", mob.Name() + " deleted item " + R.roomID() + "." + I.Name()); } } } if (updateRoom) CMLib.database().DBUpdateRoom(R); if (updateItems) CMLib.database().DBUpdateItems(R); if (updateMobs) CMLib.database().DBUpdateMOBs(R); CMLib.map().resetRoom(R); R.getArea().setAreaState(oldFlags); } dbR.destroy(); } mob.tell(L("Done")); } catch (final CMException cme) { mob.tell(L("Cancelled.")); } dbInterface.shutdown(); return true; }
@Override public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) { if (!super.tick(ticking, tickID)) return false; if (tickID != Tickable.TICKID_MOB) return true; if (affected == null) return false; if (--fallTickDown > 0) return true; fallTickDown = 1; int direction = Directions.DOWN; String addStr = L("down"); if (reversed()) { direction = Directions.UP; addStr = L("upwards"); } if (affected instanceof MOB) { final MOB mob = (MOB) affected; if (mob == null) return false; if (mob.location() == null) return false; if (CMLib.flags().isInFlight(mob)) { damageToTake = 0; unInvoke(); return false; } else if (!canFallFrom(mob.location(), direction)) return stopFalling(mob); else { if (mob.phyStats().weight() < 1) { mob.tell(L("\n\r\n\rYou are floating gently @x1.\n\r\n\r", addStr)); } else { mob.tell(L("\n\r\n\rYOU ARE FALLING @x1!!\n\r\n\r", addStr.toUpperCase())); int damage = CMLib.dice() .roll( 1, (int) Math.round( CMath.mul( CMath.mul(mob.maxState().getHitPoints(), 0.1), CMath.div(mob.baseWeight(), 150.0))), 0); if (damage > (mob.maxState().getHitPoints() / 3)) damage = (mob.maxState().getHitPoints() / 3); damageToTake = reversed() ? damage : (damageToTake + damage); } temporarilyDisable = true; CMLib.tracking().walk(mob, direction, false, false); temporarilyDisable = false; if (!canFallFrom(mob.location(), direction)) return stopFalling(mob); return true; } } else if (affected instanceof Item) { final Item item = (Item) affected; if ((room == null) && (item.owner() != null) && (item.owner() instanceof Room)) room = (Room) item.owner(); if ((room == null) || ((room != null) && (!room.isContent(item))) || (!CMLib.flags().isGettable(item)) || (item.container() != null) || (CMLib.flags().isInFlight(item.ultimateContainer(null))) || (room.getRoomInDir(direction) == null)) { unInvoke(); return false; } if (room.numItems() > 100) { fallTickDown = CMLib.dice().roll(1, room.numItems() / 50, 0); if ((--fallTickDown) > 0) return true; } final Room nextRoom = room.getRoomInDir(direction); if (canFallFrom(room, direction)) { room.show(invoker, null, item, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L("<O-NAME> falls @x1.", addStr)); nextRoom.moveItemTo(item, ItemPossessor.Expire.Player_Drop); room = nextRoom; nextRoom.show( invoker, null, item, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L("<O-NAME> falls in from @x1.", (reversed() ? "below" : "above"))); return true; } if (reversed()) return true; unInvoke(); return false; } return false; }
@Override public boolean invoke( MOB mob, List<String> commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { final Physical target = getAnyTarget(mob, commands, givenTarget, Wearable.FILTER_UNWORNONLY); if (target == null) return false; if (target == mob) { mob.tell(L("@x1 doesn't look dead yet.", target.name(mob))); return false; } if (!(target instanceof DeadBody)) { mob.tell(L("You can't animate that.")); return false; } final DeadBody body = (DeadBody) target; if (body.isPlayerCorpse() || (body.getMobName().length() == 0) || ((body.charStats() != null) && (body.charStats().getMyRace() != null) && (body.charStats().getMyRace().racialCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("Undead")))) { mob.tell(L("You can't animate that.")); return false; } String race = "a"; if ((body.charStats() != null) && (body.charStats().getMyRace() != null)) race = CMLib.english().startWithAorAn(body.charStats().getMyRace().name()).toLowerCase(); String description = body.getMobDescription(); if (description.trim().length() == 0) description = "It looks dead."; else description += "\n\rIt also looks dead."; if (body.basePhyStats().level() < 7) { mob.tell(L("This creature is too weak to create a ghast from.")); return false; } if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false; final boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto); if (success) { final CMMsg msg = CMClass.getMsg( mob, target, this, verbalCastCode(mob, target, auto), auto ? "" : L("^S<S-NAME> @x1 to animate <T-NAMESELF> as a ghast.^?", prayForWord(mob))); if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) { mob.location().send(mob, msg); int undeadLevel = this.getUndeadLevel(mob, 6, body.phyStats().level()); final MOB newMOB = CMClass.getMOB("GenUndead"); newMOB.setName(L("@x1 ghast", race)); newMOB.setDescription(description); newMOB.setDisplayText(L("@x1 ghast is here", race)); newMOB.basePhyStats().setLevel(undeadLevel); newMOB .baseCharStats() .setStat(CharStats.STAT_GENDER, body.charStats().getStat(CharStats.STAT_GENDER)); newMOB.baseCharStats().setMyRace(CMClass.getRace("Undead")); newMOB .baseCharStats() .setBodyPartsFromStringAfterRace(body.charStats().getBodyPartsAsString()); final Ability P = CMClass.getAbility("Prop_StatTrainer"); if (P != null) { P.setMiscText("NOTEACH STR=20 INT=10 WIS=10 CON=10 DEX=15 CHA=2"); newMOB.addNonUninvokableEffect(P); } newMOB.recoverCharStats(); newMOB.basePhyStats().setAttackAdjustment(CMLib.leveler().getLevelAttack(newMOB)); newMOB.basePhyStats().setDamage(CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBDamage(newMOB)); newMOB.basePhyStats().setSensesMask(PhyStats.CAN_SEE_DARK); CMLib.factions().setAlignment(newMOB, Faction.Align.EVIL); newMOB.baseState().setHitPoints(25 * newMOB.basePhyStats().level()); newMOB.baseState().setMovement(CMLib.leveler().getLevelMove(newMOB)); newMOB.basePhyStats().setArmor(CMLib.leveler().getLevelMOBArmor(newMOB)); newMOB.baseState().setMana(100); newMOB.recoverCharStats(); newMOB.recoverPhyStats(); newMOB.recoverMaxState(); newMOB.resetToMaxState(); newMOB.addAbility(CMClass.getAbility("Paralysis")); Behavior B = CMClass.getBehavior("CombatAbilities"); if (B != null) newMOB.addBehavior(B); B = CMClass.getBehavior("Aggressive"); if (B != null) { B.setParms("+NAMES \"-" + mob.Name() + "\" -LEVEL +>" + newMOB.basePhyStats().level()); newMOB.addBehavior(B); } newMOB.addNonUninvokableEffect(CMClass.getAbility("Spell_CauseStink")); newMOB.addNonUninvokableEffect(CMClass.getAbility("Prop_ModExperience")); newMOB.text(); newMOB.bringToLife(mob.location(), true); CMLib.beanCounter().clearZeroMoney(newMOB, null); // newMOB.location().showOthers(newMOB,null,CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION,L("<S-NAME> appears!")); int it = 0; while (it < newMOB.location().numItems()) { final Item item = newMOB.location().getItem(it); if ((item != null) && (item.container() == body)) { final CMMsg msg2 = CMClass.getMsg(newMOB, body, item, CMMsg.MSG_GET, null); newMOB.location().send(newMOB, msg2); final CMMsg msg4 = CMClass.getMsg(newMOB, item, null, CMMsg.MSG_GET, null); newMOB.location().send(newMOB, msg4); final CMMsg msg3 = CMClass.getMsg(newMOB, item, null, CMMsg.MSG_WEAR, null); newMOB.location().send(newMOB, msg3); if (!newMOB.isMine(item)) it++; else it = 0; } else it++; } body.destroy(); mob.location().show(newMOB, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L("<S-NAME> begin(s) to rise!")); newMOB.setStartRoom(null); beneficialAffect(mob, newMOB, 0, 0); mob.location().recoverRoomStats(); } } else return beneficialWordsFizzle( mob, target, L("<S-NAME> @x1 to animate <T-NAMESELF>, but fail(s) miserably.", prayForWord(mob))); // return whether it worked return success; }