コード例 #1
ファイル: GeoTools.java プロジェクト: spelhate/georchestra
  * Reports the GeoTools {@linkplain #getVersion version} number to the {@linkplain System#out
  * standard output stream}.
  * @param args Command line arguments.
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(args);
   args = arguments.getRemainingArguments(0);
   arguments.out.print("GeoTools version ");
   final Hints hints = getDefaultHints();
   if (hints != null && !hints.isEmpty()) {
コード例 #2
  public void draw() {
    if (isHinting) hint.drawBack(batch);
    // bangs.draw();

    if (isHinting) hint.draw(batch);
コード例 #3
  public void act(float delta) {
    int acts = logic.advance2(delta);

    boolean isGameOver = logic.isGameOver();
    if (isGameOver && !gameOverFired) {
      if (logic.isGameLost()) {
        gameOverFired = true;
      } else {
        if (timeToFireWon > 0) timeToFireWon -= delta;
        else {
          gameOverFired = true;
    } else if (!isGameOver && gameOverFired) {
      gameOverFired = false;
      timeToFireWon = TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_WON;

    sounds.act(delta, acts);
    // bangs.act(delta);

    if (isHinting) hint.act(delta);

    if (isTutorialAvailable
        && !isHinting
        && !areSnappersTouched()
        && (System.currentTimeMillis() - logic.startTime) > WAIT_FOR_TUTORIAL) showHints(true);
コード例 #4
 public void tap() {
   if (isHinting) {
     if (logic.tapRemains > 0) hint.hintTapped();
     else isHinting = false;
コード例 #5
  * Creates a new proxy for the given key.
  * @throws NotSerializableException If the given key is not declared as a static constant in its
  *     {@linkplain Class#getEnclosingClass() enclosing class}.
 SerializedKey(final RenderingHints.Key key) throws NotSerializableException {
   final Field f = Hints.fieldOf(key);
   if (f == null) {
     throw new NotSerializableException(
         Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnknownType_1, Classes.getShortClassName(key)));
   definer = f.getDeclaringClass();
   field = f.getName();
コード例 #6
  public void showHints(boolean showText) {
    if (isHinting) return;

    if (areSnappersTouched()) restartLevel();

    if (hint == null) hint = new Hints(logic);
    else hint.updateLevel();
    logic.hintUsed = true;
    isHinting = true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: GeoTools.java プロジェクト: spelhate/georchestra
  * Scans {@linkplain System#getProperties system properties} for any property keys defined in this
  * class, and add their values to the specified map of hints. For example if the {@value
  * #FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER} system property is defined, then the {@link
  * the set of hints.
  * @return {@code true} if at least one hint changed as a result of this scan, or {@code false}
  *     otherwise.
 static boolean scanForSystemHints(final Hints hints) {
   assert Thread.holdsLock(hints);
   boolean changed = false;
   synchronized (BINDINGS) {
     for (final Map.Entry<String, RenderingHints.Key> entry : BINDINGS.entrySet()) {
       final String propertyKey = entry.getKey();
       final String property;
       try {
         property = System.getProperty(propertyKey);
       } catch (SecurityException e) {
       if (property != null) {
          * Converts the system property value from String to Object (java.lang.Boolean
          * or java.lang.Number). We perform this conversion only if the key is exactly
          * of kind Hints.Key,  not a subclass like ClassKey, in order to avoid useless
          * class loading on  'getValueClass()'  method invocation (ClassKey don't make
          * sense for Boolean and Number, which are the only types that we convert here).
         Object value = property;
         final RenderingHints.Key hintKey = entry.getValue();
         if (hintKey.getClass().equals(Hints.Key.class)) {
           final Class<?> type = ((Hints.Key) hintKey).getValueClass();
           if (type.equals(Boolean.class)) {
             value = Boolean.valueOf(property);
           } else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
             try {
               value = Classes.valueOf(type, property);
             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
         final Object old;
         try {
           old = hints.put(hintKey, value);
         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
           // The property value is illegal for this hint.
         if (!changed && !Utilities.equals(old, value)) {
           changed = true;
   return changed;
コード例 #8
 @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void mergeWithShouldFailWithExceptionIfOtherLinksToDifferentResource() {
   // given
   final TemplatedLink aboutPageLink = ABOUTPAGE_LINK;
   final TemplatedLink otherTemplatedLink =
           asList(hrefVar("fooId", VAR_TYPE_PAGEID, emptyDocs())),
           Hints.hints(of(GET), asList("text/html")));
   // when
   // then an exception is thrown
コード例 #9
 @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void mergeWithShouldFailWithExceptionIfOtherDoesNotHaveSameRelationType() {
   // given
   final TemplatedLink aboutPageLink = ABOUTPAGE_LINK;
   final TemplatedLink otherTemplatedLink =
           asList(hrefVar("pageId", VAR_TYPE_PAGEID, emptyDocs())),
           Hints.hints(of(GET), asList("text/html")));
   // when
   // then an exception is thrown
コード例 #10
 @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void mergeWithShouldFailForDifferentHrefVars() {
   // given
   final TemplatedLink aboutPageLink = ABOUTPAGE_LINK;
   final TemplatedLink otherTemplatedLink =
           asList(hrefVar("foo", VAR_TYPE_PAGEID)),
           Hints.hints(of(GET), asList("text/html", "application/json")));
   // when
   // then an exception is thrown
コード例 #11
 public void mergeWithShouldMergeAllowsSpec() {
   // given
   final TemplatedLink aboutPageLink = ABOUTPAGE_LINK;
   final TemplatedLink otherTemplatedLink =
           asList(hrefVar("pageId", VAR_TYPE_PAGEID, emptyDocs())),
           Hints.hints(of(PUT), asList("text/html", "application/json")));
   // when
   final ResourceLink resourceLink = aboutPageLink.mergeWith(otherTemplatedLink);
   // then
   assertEquals(resourceLink.getHints().getAllows(), of(GET, PUT));
コード例 #12
 @Test(enabled = false)
 public void mergeWithShouldMergeAcceptPost() {
   // given
   final TemplatedLink thisTemplatedLink =
           asList(hrefVar("pageId", VAR_TYPE_PAGEID)),
               of(GET, POST),
   final TemplatedLink thatTemplatedLink =
           asList(hrefVar("pageId", VAR_TYPE_PAGEID)),
               of(GET, POST),
   // when
   final ResourceLink resourceLink = thisTemplatedLink.mergeWith(thatTemplatedLink);
   // then
   final Hints hints = resourceLink.getHints();
   assertEquals(hints.getRepresentations(), asList("application/foo"));
   assertEquals(hints.getAcceptPost(), asList("application/json", "application/foo"));
コード例 #13
ファイル: GeoTools.java プロジェクト: spelhate/georchestra
  * Initializes GeoTools for use. This convenience method performs various tasks (more may be added
  * in the future), including setting up the {@linkplain java.util.logging Java logging framework}
  * in one of the following states:
  * <p>
  * <ul>
  *   <li>If the <A HREF="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/">Commons-logging</A> framework
  *       is available, then every logging message in the {@code org.geotools} namespace sent to
  *       the Java {@linkplain java.util.logging.Logger logger} are redirected to Commons-logging.
  *   <li>Otherwise if the <A HREF="http://logging.apache.org/log4j">Log4J</A> framework is
  *       available, then every logging message in the {@code org.geotools} namespace sent to the
  *       Java {@linkplain java.util.logging.Logger logger} are redirected to Log4J.
  *   <li>Otherwise, the Java logging {@linkplain java.util.logging.Formatter formatter} for
  *       console output is replaced by a {@linkplain org.geotools.util.logging.MonolineFormatter
  *       monoline formatter}.
  * </ul>
  * <p>In addition, the {@linkplain #getDefaultHints default hints} are initialized to the
  * specified {@code hints}.
  * <p>Note that invoking this method is usually <strong>not</strong> needed for proper working of
  * the Geotools library. It is just a convenience method for overwriting some Java and Geotools
  * default settings in a way that seems to be common in server environment. Such overwriting may
  * not be wanted for every situations.
  * <p>Example of typical invocation in a Geoserver environment:
  * <blockquote>
  * <pre>
  * Hints hints = new Hints();
  * hints.put({@linkplain Hints#FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER}, Boolean.TRUE);
  * hints.put({@linkplain Hints#FORCE_AXIS_ORDER_HONORING}, "http");
  * GeoTools.init(hints);
  * </pre>
  * </blockquote>
  * @param hints The hints to use.
  * @see Logging#setLoggerFactory(String)
  * @see Logging#forceMonolineConsoleOutput
  * @see Hints#putSystemDefault
  * @see #getDefaultHints
 public static void init(final Hints hints) {
   final Logging log = Logging.GEOTOOLS;
   try {
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException commonsException) {
     try {
     } catch (ClassNotFoundException log4jException) {
       // Nothing to do, we already tried our best.
   // If java logging is used, force monoline console output.
   if (log.getLoggerFactory() == null) {
   if (hints != null) {
     // fireConfigurationChanged() is invoked in the above method call.
コード例 #14
ファイル: FactoryRegistry.java プロジェクト: Geodan/geotools
  * Returns {@code true} is the specified {@code factory} meets the requirements specified by a map
  * of {@code hints}. This method checks only the hints; it doesn't check the {@link Filter}, the
  * {@linkplain OptionalFactory#isAvailable availability} or the user-overrideable {@link
  * #isAcceptable(Object, Class, Hints)} method. This method invokes itself recursively.
  * @param factory The factory to checks.
  * @param category The factory category. Usually an interface.
  * @param hints The user requirements ({@code null} not allowed).
  * @param alreadyDone Should be {@code null} except on recursive calls (for internal use only).
  * @return {@code true} if the {@code factory} meets the hints requirements.
 private boolean usesAcceptableHints(
     final Factory factory, final Class<?> category, final Hints hints, Set<Factory> alreadyDone) {
    * Ask for implementation hints with special care against infinite recursivity.
    * Some implementations use deferred algorithms fetching dependencies only when
    * first needed. The call to getImplementationHints() is sometime a trigger for
    * fetching dependencies (in order to return accurate hints).   For example the
    * BufferedCoordinateOperationFactory implementation asks for an other instance
    * of CoordinateOperationFactory, the instance to cache behind a buffer,  which
    * should not be itself. Of course BufferedCoordinateOperation will checks that
    * it is not caching itself, but its test happen too late for preventing a never-
    * ending loop if we don't put a 'testingHints' guard here. It is also a safety
    * against broken factory implementations.
   if (!testingHints.addAndCheck(factory)) {
     return false;
   final Map<RenderingHints.Key, ?> implementationHints;
   try {
     implementationHints = Hints.stripNonKeys(factory.getImplementationHints());
   } finally {
   if (implementationHints == null) {
     // factory was bad and did not meet contract - assume it used no Hints
     return true;
    * We got the implementation hints. Now tests their compatibility.
   Hints remaining = null;
   for (final Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : implementationHints.entrySet()) {
     final Object key = entry.getKey();
     final Object value = entry.getValue();
     final Object expected = hints.get(key);
     if (expected != null) {
        * We have found a hint that matter. Check if the
        * available factory meets the user's criterions.
       if (expected instanceof Class<?>) {
         if (!((Class<?>) expected).isInstance(value)) {
           return false;
       } else if (expected instanceof Class<?>[]) {
         final Class<?>[] types = (Class<?>[]) expected;
         int i = 0;
         do if (i >= types.length) return false;
         while (!types[i++].isInstance(value));
       } else if (!expected.equals(value)) {
         return false;
      * Checks recursively in factory dependencies, if any. Note that the dependencies
      * will be checked against a subset of user's hints. More specifically, all hints
      * processed by the current pass will NOT be passed to the factories dependencies.
      * This is because the same hint may appears in the "parent" factory and a "child"
      * dependency with different value. For example the FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER
      * hint has the value TRUE in OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory, but the later is basically
      * a wrapper around the ThreadedEpsgFactory (typically), which has the value FALSE
      * for the same hint.
      * Additional note: The 'alreadyDone' set is a safety against cyclic dependencies,
      * in order to protect ourself against never-ending loops. This is not the same
      * kind of dependencies than 'testingHints'. It is a "factory A depends on factory
      * B which depends on factory A" loop, which is legal.
     if (value instanceof Factory) {
       final Factory dependency = (Factory) value;
       if (alreadyDone == null) {
         alreadyDone = new HashSet<Factory>();
       if (!alreadyDone.contains(dependency)) {
         if (remaining == null) {
           remaining = new Hints(hints);
         final Class<?> type;
         if (key instanceof Hints.Key) {
           type = ((Hints.Key) key).getValueClass();
         } else {
           type = Factory.class; // Kind of unknown factory type...
         // Recursive call to this method for scanning dependencies.
         if (!usesAcceptableHints(dependency, type, remaining, alreadyDone)) {
           return false;
   return true;
コード例 #15
ファイル: FactoryRegistry.java プロジェクト: Geodan/geotools
  * Returns the first provider in the registry for the specified category, using the specified map
  * of hints (if any). This method may {@linkplain #scanForPlugins scan for plugins} the first time
  * it is invoked. Except as a result of this scan, no new provider instance is created by the
  * default implementation of this method. The {@link FactoryCreator} class change this behavior
  * however.
  * @param  <T> The class represented by the {@code category} argument.
  * @param category The category to look for. Must be one of the categories declared to the
  *     constructor. Usually an interface class (not the actual implementation class).
  * @param filter An optional filter, or {@code null} if none. This is used for example in order to
  *     select the first factory for some {@linkplain
  *     org.opengis.referencing.AuthorityFactory#getAuthority authority}.
  * @param hints A {@linkplain Hints map of hints}, or {@code null} if none.
  * @param key The key to use for looking for a user-provided instance in the hints, or {@code
  *     null} if none.
  * @return A factory {@linkplain OptionalFactory#isAvailable available} for use for the specified
  *     category and hints. The returns type is {@code Object} instead of {@link Factory} because
  *     the factory implementation doesn't need to be a Geotools one.
  * @throws FactoryNotFoundException if no factory was found for the specified category, filter and
  *     hints.
  * @throws FactoryRegistryException if a factory can't be returned for some other reason.
  * @see #getServiceProviders(Class, Filter, Hints)
  * @see FactoryCreator#getServiceProvider
 public <T> T getServiceProvider(
     final Class<T> category, final Filter filter, Hints hints, final Hints.Key key)
     throws FactoryRegistryException {
   final boolean debug = LOGGER.isLoggable(DEBUG_LEVEL);
   if (debug) {
      * We are not required to insert the method name ("GetServiceProvider") in the
      * message because it is part of the informations already stored by LogRecord,
      * and formatted by the default java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.
      * Conventions for the message part according java.util.logging.Logger javadoc:
      * - "ENTRY"  at the begining of a method.
      * - "RETURN" at the end of a method, if successful.
      * - "THROW"  in case of failure.
      * - "CHECK"  ... is our own addition to Sun's convention for this method ...
     debug("ENTRY", category, key, null, null);
   Class<?> implementation = null;
   if (key != null) {
      * Sanity check: make sure that the key class is appropriate for the category.
     final Class<?> valueClass = key.getValueClass();
     if (!category.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) {
       if (debug) {
         debug("THROW", category, key, "unexpected type:", valueClass);
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.ILLEGAL_KEY_$1, key));
     if (hints != null) {
       final Object hint = hints.get(key);
       if (hint != null) {
         if (debug) {
           debug("CHECK", category, key, "user provided a", hint.getClass());
         if (category.isInstance(hint)) {
            * The factory implementation was given explicitly by the user.
            * Nothing to do; we are done.
           if (debug) {
             debug("RETURN", category, key, "return hint as provided.", null);
           return category.cast(hint);
          * Before to pass the hints to the private 'getServiceImplementation' method,
          * remove the hint for the user-supplied key.  This is because this hint has
          * been processed by this public 'getServiceProvider' method, and the policy
          * is to remove the processed hints before to pass them to child dependencies
          * (see the "Check recursively in factory dependencies" comment elswhere in
          * this class).
          * Use case: DefaultDataSourceTest invokes indirectly 'getServiceProvider'
          * with a "CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY = ThreadedEpsgFactory.class" hint. However
          * ThreadedEpsgFactory (in the org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg package)
          * is a wrapper around DirectEpsgFactory, and defines this dependency through
          * a "CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY = DirectEpsgFactory.class" hint. There is no way
          * to match this hint for both factories in same time. Since we must choose
          * one, we assume that the user is interrested in the most top level one and
          * discart this particular hint for the dependencies.
         hints = new Hints(hints);
         if (hints.remove(key) != hint) {
           // Should never happen except on concurrent modification in an other thread.
           throw new AssertionError(key);
          * If the user accepts many implementation classes, then try all of them in
          * the preference order given by the user. The last class (or the singleton
          * if the hint was not an array) will be tried using the "normal" path
          * (oustide the loop) in order to get the error message in case of failure.
         if (hint instanceof Class<?>[]) {
           final Class<?>[] types = (Class<?>[]) hint;
           final int length = types.length;
           for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
             final Class<?> type = types[i];
             if (debug) {
               debug("CHECK", category, key, "consider hint[" + i + ']', type);
             final T candidate = getServiceImplementation(category, type, filter, hints);
             if (candidate != null) {
               if (debug) {
                 debug("RETURN", category, key, "found implementation", candidate.getClass());
               return candidate;
           if (length != 0) {
             implementation = types[length - 1]; // Last try to be done below.
         } else {
           implementation = (Class<?>) hint;
   if (debug && implementation != null) {
     debug("CHECK", category, key, "consider hint[last]", implementation);
   final T candidate = getServiceImplementation(category, implementation, filter, hints);
   if (candidate != null) {
     if (debug) {
       debug("RETURN", category, key, "found implementation", candidate.getClass());
     return candidate;
   if (debug) {
     debug("THROW", category, key, "could not find implementation.", null);
   throw new FactoryNotFoundException(
           ErrorKeys.FACTORY_NOT_FOUND_$1, implementation != null ? implementation : category));
コード例 #16
 public boolean canTap(int i, int j) {
   return !isHinting || hint.isHintingSnapper(i, j);
コード例 #17
ファイル: GeoTools.java プロジェクト: spelhate/georchestra
  * Returns the default set of hints used for the various utility classes. This default set is
  * determined by:
  * <p>
  * <ul>
  *   <li>The {@linplain System#getProperties system properties} available. Some property keys are
  *       enumerated in the {@link GeoTools} class.
  *   <li>Any hints added by call to the {@link Hints#putSystemDefault} or {@link #init} method.
  * </ul>
  * <p><b>Long term plan:</b> We would like to transition the utility classes to being injected
  * with their required factories, either by taking Hints as part of their constructor, or
  * otherwise. Making this change would be a three step process 1) create instance methods for each
  * static final class method 2) create an singleton instance of the class 3) change each static
  * final class method into a call to the singleton. With this in place we could then encourage
  * client code to make use of utility class instances before eventually retiring the static final
  * methods.
  * @return A copy of the default hints. It is safe to add to it.
 public static Hints getDefaultHints() {
   return Hints.getDefaults(false);