public void toggleShowMeasurements() { if (showMeasurements.isSelected()) { measurements.setStructures(currentNucId, currentStructureIdx); measurements.setObjects(list.getSelectedValues()); this.container.add(measurements); } else this.container.remove(measurements); core.refreshDisplay(); }
public void invertSelection() { int[] sel = this.list.getSelectedIndices(); int[] newSel = new int[listModel.getSize() - sel.length]; int idx = 0; int lastIdx = -1; for (int i : sel) { for (int i2 = lastIdx + 1; i2 < i; i2++) newSel[idx++] = i2; lastIdx = i; } for (int i2 = lastIdx + 1; i2 < listModel.getSize(); i2++) newSel[idx++] = i2; list.setSelectedIndices(newSel); }
/** Initializes this dialog properly */ private void completeInitialization() { // title of archives list jPanel1.setBorder( new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder( new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder(), NbBundle.getBundle(HistoryModel.class).getString("CTL_Archives"))); historyData = JarPackagerOption.singleton().historyData(); historyList.setModel(historyData); updateControlStates(); // testing JarContent jc = new JarContent(); jc.filteredContent(); }
protected HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Object3DGui>> getSplitSelection() { System.out.println( "get split selection: currenChannels==null?" + (this.currentChannels == null)); if (this.currentChannels == null) return new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Object3DGui>>(0); HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Object3DGui>> res = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Object3DGui>>(this.currentChannels.length); for (ObjectStructure ass : currentChannels) res.put(ass.getIdx(), new ArrayList<Object3DGui>()); for (Object o : list.getSelectedValues()) { Object3DGui o3D = (Object3DGui) (o); int idx = o3D.getChannel().getIdx(); res.get(idx).add(o3D); } return res; }
public void setStructures(ObjectId id, Object[] selectedChannels) { // System.out.println("Set Structures: cell"+id+ " sel channels // length"+selectedChannels.length); this.currentNucId = id; this.currentChannels = new ObjectStructure[selectedChannels.length]; currentStructureIdx = new int[selectedChannels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannels.length; i++) { currentChannels[i] = (ObjectStructure) selectedChannels[i]; currentStructureIdx[i] = currentChannels[i].getIdx(); } setSortKeys(); populateObjects(); if (showMeasurements.isSelected()) { measurements.setStructures(id, currentStructureIdx); measurements.setObjects(list.getSelectedValues()); } }
/** Restores currently selected archive */ boolean restoreArchive() { String archivePath = (String) historyList.getSelectedValue(); if (archivePath == null) { TopManager.getDefault() .notify( new NotifyDescriptor.Message( NbBundle.getBundle(HistoryPanel.class).getString("MSG_NoSelection"), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE)); return false; } HistoryModel.HistoryEntry foundEntry = historyData.getEntry(archivePath); File contentFile = new File(foundEntry.contentPath); // return if content not found if (!contentFile.exists()) { TopManager.getDefault() .notify( new NotifyDescriptor.Message( MessageFormat.format( NbBundle.getBundle(HistoryPanel.class).getString("FMT_NotExist"), new Object[] {archivePath}), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE)); return false; } // read jar content, if it's possible JarContent jc = null; try { ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(contentFile))); try { jc = new JarContent(); jc.readContent(ois); } finally { ois.close(); } } catch (IOException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); return false; } // set the content if everything goes well PackagingView.getPackagingView().setJarContent(jc); return true; }
@Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse) { if (lse.getValueIsAdjusting()) { return; } if (populatingObjects || selectingObject || !showObjects.isSelected()) { return; } selectingObject = true; if (measurements != null && showMeasurements.isSelected()) measurements.setObjects(list.getSelectedValues()); try { showRois3D(); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionPrinter.print(e, "", Core.GUIMode); } selectingObject = false; }
public void populateObjects() { try { this.listModel.removeAllElements(); if (currentChannels == null) { return; } this.populatingObjects = true; ArrayList<Integer> selection = null; if (showSelection != null && showSelection.isSelected()) selection = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int currentIdx = 0; for (ObjectStructure ass : currentChannels) { Object3D[] os = ass.getObjects(); if (os != null) { Object3DGui[] osg = new Object3DGui[os.length]; for (int i = 0; i < os.length; i++) osg[i] = new Object3DGui(os[i], ass); if (layout instanceof ObjectManagerLayout && currentChannels.length == 1 && !((ObjectManagerLayout) layout).getSortKey().equals("idx")) this.sort(((ObjectManagerLayout) layout).getSortKey(), osg, ass.getIdx()); // System.out.println("populating objects.. nb objects:"+os.length); for (Object3DGui o3D : osg) { this.listModel.addElement(o3D); if (selection != null && o3D.isInSelection()) selection.add(currentIdx); currentIdx++; } // if (selection!=null) System.out.println("populating objects.. selection // size:"+selection.size()); } // else System.out.println("no objects int channel:"+ass.getChannelName()); } if (selection != null && !selection.isEmpty()) { int[] sel = new int[selection.size()]; int i = 0; for (int idx : selection) sel[i++] = idx; list.setSelectedIndices(sel); } } catch (Exception e) { exceptionPrinter.print(e, "", Core.GUIMode); } this.populatingObjects = false; }
protected void initPanels() { BasicDBObject usr = Core.mongoConnector.getUser(); splitDist = new DoubleParameter("Dist", "splitMinDistObj", 5d, DoubleParameter.nfDEC1); splitDist.dbGet(usr); splitRad = new DoubleParameter("Rad", "splitRadObj", 2d, DoubleParameter.nfDEC1); splitRad.dbGet(usr); ObjectManagerLayout lay = new ObjectManagerLayout(this); showObjects = lay.showROIs; showObjects.setSelected(true); splitDist.addToContainer(lay.splitDistPanel); showMeasurements = lay.viewMeasurements; measurements = new MeasurementDisplayer(); this.listModel = new DefaultListModel(); this.list = lay.list; this.list.setModel(listModel); this.list.setCellRenderer(new LCRenderer()); this.list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION); this.list.setLayoutOrientation(JList.VERTICAL); listSelectionModel = list.getSelectionModel(); listSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(this); this.layout = lay; }
/** Updates the state of buttons according to the current selection */ private void updateControlStates() { int[] selItems = historyList.getSelectedIndices(); removeButton.setEnabled(selItems.length > 0); }
public void selectAll() { list.setSelectionInterval(0, list.getModel().getSize() - 1); }