private void saveGameWithinTransaction(Game game, boolean updateDateSaved) { long dateSaved = updateDateSaved ? System.currentTimeMillis() : game.getDateSaved(); game.setDateSaved(dateSaved); if (game.getId() != -1) { // game was already saved, so try to overwrite updateGame(game.getId(), game.getDateStarted(), game.getDateSaved(), game.getName()); } else { // else create a new row in the table int newGameId = getMaxGameId() + 1; ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(COLUMN_DATE_STARTED, game.getDateStarted()); contentValues.put(COLUMN_DATE_SAVED, dateSaved); contentValues.put(COLUMN_NAME, game.getName()); contentValues.put(COLUMN_ID, newGameId); contentValues.put(COLUMN_AUTOSAVED, 1); // legacy "autosaved" column // that must be specified db.insert(TABLE_GAMES, null, contentValues); game.setId(newGameId); log.d("new game id is %s", newGameId); } savePlayerScores(game.getId(), game.getPlayerScores()); }
public void removeGame(Game g) { GameInfo gi = map.get(g.getId()); gi.epArr[0].close(); epMap.remove(gi.epArr[0]); if (gi.epArr[1] != null) { gi.epArr[1].close(); epMap.remove(gi.epArr[1]); } map.remove(g.getId()); onGameListUpdate(); }
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) public void switchLocaleLanguage(View view) { // detect which language is currently set and switch to the alternative String lang; if (Objects.equals(Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(), "en")) { lang = "nl"; } else { lang = "en"; } Locale locale = new Locale(lang); Locale.setDefault(locale); Configuration config = new Configuration(); config.locale = locale; getBaseContext() .getResources() .updateConfiguration(config, getBaseContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); // store the language in sharedpreferences SharedPreferences prefs = this.getSharedPreferences( getResources().getString(R.string.preference_file_key), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); prefs.edit().putString("system_lang", lang).apply(); // refresh activity for locale changes to take effect Bundle extras = new Bundle(); extras.putSerializable("gameID", game.getId()); extras.putBoolean("flag_EN", dictionaryEnglish); extras.putSerializable("p1", player1); extras.putSerializable("p2", player2); Intent i = new Intent(this, GameActivity.class).putExtras(extras); startActivity(i); this.finish(); }
public Game create(String name, int nValue, int dropNumber, EndPoint ep) { GameInfo gi = new GameInfo(name, nValue, dropNumber, ep); Game g =; map.put(g.getId(), gi); epMap.put(ep, gi); onGameListUpdate(); return g; }
public boolean addEndPoint(Game g, EndPoint ep) { if (epMap.containsKey(ep)) return false; GameInfo gi = map.get(g.getId()); if (gi == null) return false; gi.epArr[1] = ep; epMap.put(ep, gi); return true; }
private List<Game> convertToGames(Cursor cursor) { List<Game> result = new ArrayList<Game>(); Game currentGame = null; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { int currentId = cursor.getInt(0); if (currentGame == null || currentGame.getId() != currentId) { // new // Game currentGame = new Game(); currentGame.setId(currentId); currentGame.setDateStarted(cursor.getLong(1)); currentGame.setDateSaved(cursor.getLong(2)); currentGame.setName(cursor.getString(3)); result.add(currentGame); } List<PlayerScore> playerScores = new ArrayList<PlayerScore>(); // build up all the PlayerScores do { if (cursor.getInt(0) != currentId) { cursor.moveToPrevious(); // went too far break; } PlayerScore playerScore = new PlayerScore(); playerScore.setId(cursor.getInt(4)); playerScore.setName(cursor.getString(5)); playerScore.setScore(cursor.getLong(6)); playerScore.setPlayerNumber(cursor.getInt(7)); playerScore.setHistory( Delta.fromJoinedStrings( StringUtil.nullToEmpty(cursor.getString(8)), StringUtil.nullToEmpty(cursor.getString(9)))); playerScore.setLastUpdate(cursor.getLong(10)); playerScore.setPlayerColor(PlayerColor.deserialize(cursor.getString(11))); playerScores.add(playerScore); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); Collections.sort(playerScores, PlayerScore.sortByPlayerNumber()); currentGame.setPlayerScores(playerScores); } return result; }
public void deleteGame(Game game) { synchronized (GameDBHelper.class) { try { db.beginTransaction(); int id = game.getId(); db.delete(TABLE_GAMES, COLUMN_ID + "=" + id, null); db.delete(TABLE_PLAYER_SCORES, COLUMN_GAME_ID + "=" + id, null); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } }
public static void startGameIntent(int targetIndex, ArrayList<Game> games, Context c) { Game target = games.get(targetIndex); Intent next = new Intent("dk.nezbo.bggrandom.GAME"); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt("id", target.getId()); if (targetIndex > 0) bundle.putIntegerArrayList("previous", Utilities.getIds(games, 0, targetIndex - 1)); if (targetIndex < games.size() - 1) bundle.putIntegerArrayList( "next", Utilities.getIds(games, targetIndex + 1, games.size() - 1)); next.putExtras(bundle); c.startActivity(next); }
/** * Loads the game metadata from the game manager interface. Create a game for each game metadata * object. Since they initially aren't running, they all point to null threads. */ private void loadGames() { GameManagerInterface gameManager = FlatfileGameManager.getDefaultGameManager(); if (gameManager == null) { LOGGER.severe("Could not load the games in our game manager, the game manager was null."); } else { // Initialize our maps gameToThreadMap = new HashMap<Game, GamePlayingThread>(); idToGameMap = new HashMap<String, Game>(); // Can only add things from non-null game metadata list List<GameMetadata> gameMetadatas = gameManager.getGames(); if (gameMetadatas != null) { for (GameMetadata metadata : gameMetadatas) { Game game = new Game(metadata); gameToThreadMap.put(game, new GamePlayingThread(game)); idToGameMap.put(game.getId(), game); } } } }
@GET @Path("RestoreDebugTeams") public String restoreDebugTeams() { List<Game> findNoDebugTeamGames = this.findNoDebugTeamGames(); int counter = 0; for (Game g : findNoDebugTeamGames) { logger.error("Restore Game: " + g.getName() + "/" + g.getId()); DebugTeam dt = new DebugTeam(); g.addTeam(dt); this.getEntityManager().persist(dt); g.getGameModel().propagateDefaultInstance(dt, true); this.getEntityManager().flush(); if (++counter == 25) { break; } } Long remaining = this.countOrphans(); return "OK" + (remaining > 0 ? "(still " + remaining + ")" : ""); }
private String deleteDuplicata() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String sql = "SELECT vi.gameScope, FROM VariableInstance vi WHERE vi.gameScope IS NOT NULL GROUP BY, HAVING count(vi) > 1"; Query createQuery = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql); List resultList = createQuery.getResultList(); int i = 0; for (Object o : resultList) { Object[] array = (Object[]) o; GameScope scope = (GameScope) array[0]; Game game = (Game) array[1]; // VariableInstance variableInstance = scope.getVariableInstance(game); // System.out.println("DELETE: " + variableInstance); sb.append("DELETE: "); sb.append(i++); sb.append(". "); String sql2 = "SELECT vi from VariableInstance vi WHERE = :scopeId and = :gameId"; TypedQuery<VariableInstance> query2 = this.getEntityManager().createQuery(sql2, VariableInstance.class); query2.setHint(QueryHints.CACHE_USAGE, CacheUsage.DoNotCheckCache); // @QueryHint(name = QueryHints.CACHE_USAGE, value = CacheUsage.CheckCacheThenDatabase) query2.setParameter("scopeId", scope.getId()); query2.setParameter("gameId", game.getId()); List<VariableInstance> list = query2.getResultList(); sb.append(list.get(0)); sb.append(" SCOPE - TEAM " + scope.getId() + " " + game.getId()); sb.append(("<br />")); if (list.size() != 2) { sb.append(" -> NOT 2 but " + list.size()); } else { VariableInstance get = list.get(0); VariableInstance get2 = list.get(1); if (get instanceof BooleanInstance) { if (((BooleanInstance) get).getValue() != ((BooleanInstance) get2).getValue()) { sb.append((" -> NOT EQUALS")); } else { this.getEntityManager().remove(get2); } } else if (get instanceof NumberInstance) { if (((NumberInstance) get).getValue() != ((NumberInstance) get2).getValue()) { sb.append((" -> NOT EQUALS")); } else { this.getEntityManager().remove(get2); } } else if (get instanceof StringInstance) { if (!((StringInstance) get).getValue().equals(((StringInstance) get2).getValue())) { sb.append((" -> NOT EQUALS")); } else { this.getEntityManager().remove(get2); } } } sb.append(("<br />")); } return sb.toString(); }
public boolean isMaster(Game g, EndPoint ep) { GameInfo gi = map.get(g.getId()); return gi.epArr[0].equals(ep); }
public void dispatch(Game g, EndPoint ep, Message msg) { map.get(g.getId()).bus.dispatch(ep, msg); }
public void subscribe(Game g, EndPoint ep, Class msgType) { map.get(g.getId()).bus.subscribe(ep, msgType); }