/** Initialize this servlet. */
  public void init() throws ServletException {
    try {
      basicAuth = new BasicAuth();

      transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
      try {
        docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
      } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        log.warn(this + " cannot get DocumentBuilder " + e.getMessage());

    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn(this + "init " + e.getMessage());
   * respond to an HTTP GET request
   * @param req HttpServletRequest object with the client request
   * @param res HttpServletResponse object back to the client
   * @exception ServletException in case of difficulties
   * @exception IOException in case of difficulties
  public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    // process any login that might be present

    // catch the login helper requests
    // 1: Get site status: request url is of format
    // https://server_name/sakai-site-manage-tool/tool/sitecopystatus/toolId
    String option = req.getPathInfo();
    String[] parts = option.split("/");
    if ((parts.length == 3) && ("".equals(parts[0])) && ("sitecopystatus".equals(parts[1]))) {
      getSiteCopyStatus(parts[2], res);
    // 2: Print site participant list: request url if of format
    // https://server_name/sakai-site-manage-tool/tool/printparticipant/siteId
    else if ((parts.length == 3)
        && ("".equals(parts[0]))
        && ("printparticipant".equals(parts[1]))) {
      getSiteParticipantList(parts[2], res);