public static void sendImage(MediaFeedData feed, WebSocket.Out<JsonNode> out) { if (feed != null) {" image id:" + feed.getId()); Caption caption = feed.getCaption(); Images images = feed.getImages(); ObjectNode msg = Json.newObject(); msg.put("kind", "newImage"); msg.put("id", feed.getId()); msg.put("createdTime", feed.getCreatedTime()); if (caption != null) { msg.put("authorFullName", caption.getFrom().getFullName()); msg.put("authorPic", caption.getFrom().getProfilePicture()); } msg.put("nLikes", feed.getLikes().getCount()); msg.put("uLikes", feed.getLikes().getLikesUserList().toString()); msg.put("nComments", feed.getComments().getCount()); msg.put("uComments", feed.getComments().getComments().toString()); msg.put("stdImageUrl", images.getStandardResolution().getImageUrl()); out.write(msg); } } // sendImage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------- // ---- Image Database--------------------------------------------- public static void addImagesToDB(Instagram instagram) {" --Add images to db-------------"); TagMediaFeed mediaFeed = getMediaFeed(instagram); List<MediaFeedData> images = mediaFeed.getData(); List<MediaFeedData> imagesAll = new ArrayList<MediaFeedData>(); // add first media feeds to imagesAll for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) { if (imagesAll.size() < maxNumberOfImagesInst) { imagesAll.add(0, images.get(i)); } } // add additional media feed to imagesAll[maxNumberOfImagesInst] String nextMaxId = getPagination(mediaFeed); while ((imagesAll.size() < maxNumberOfImagesInst) && (nextMaxId != null)) { // get new set of images TagMediaFeed nextMediaFeed = getNextMediaFeed(instagram, nextMaxId); List<MediaFeedData> imagesNext = nextMediaFeed.getData(); // add imagesNext to imagesAll for (int i = 0; i < imagesNext.size(); i++) { if (imagesAll.size() < maxNumberOfImagesInst) { imagesAll.add(0, imagesNext.get(i)); } } nextMaxId = getPagination(nextMediaFeed); //"imagesNext: "+imagesNext.size());"imagesAll: " + imagesAll.size()); } // while // print all images and add them to the db"imagesAll: " + imagesAll.size()); if (imagesAll != null) { int counter = 1; for (MediaFeedData image : imagesAll) { if (image != null) { Date d = new Date(Long.parseLong(image.getCreatedTime()) * 1000); Caption caption = image.getCaption(); " " + (counter++) + "." + " id:" + image.getId() + " time: " + d.toString() + " "); if (caption != null) {" from, full name: " + caption.getFrom().getFullName()); // add image to db MImages.addNew( new MImages( image.getId(), image.getImages().getLowResolution().getImageUrl(), "instagram", caption.getFrom().getFullName(), caption.getFrom().getProfilePicture(), image.getCreatedTime(), (long) image.getLikes().getCount(), (long) 0)); } // if } // if } // for } // if } // addImagesToDB
public static void tagWatchDog(Instagram instagram) {" --tag watchdog"); Long nImages = checkNumberOfNewImages(instagram, appDisplayNameTag); if (nImages > 0) { // there are new images to take care of" number of new images: " + nImages); // get the first page of media feeds (images) TagMediaFeed mediaFeed = getMediaFeed(instagram); List<MediaFeedData> images = mediaFeed.getData(); // TODO: support adding new images from other pages // limit number of new images to the first page if (nImages > images.size()) { // number of new images excides the first page nImages = (long) images.size();" number of limited images: " + nImages); } // TODO check if the image is already in db, double images problem!!! // for each new image from the first page for (int i = (int) (nImages - 1); i >= 0; i--) { // add new images to db MediaFeedData image = images.get(i); Caption caption = image.getCaption(); MImages newDbImage = new MImages( image.getId(), image.getImages().getLowResolution().getImageUrl(), "instagram", caption.getFrom().getFullName(), caption.getFrom().getProfilePicture(), image.getCreatedTime(), (long) image.getLikes().getCount(), (long) 0); MImages.addNew(newDbImage); " add image to db: index: " + i + " id: " + image.getId() + " from: " + caption.getFrom().getFullName()); // send the new image to clients sendImageToClients(newDbImage); } // update the tag count TagInfo.delete((long) 1);" update the tag +"); TagInfo.addNew( new TagInfo(appDisplayNameTag, getNumberOfImagesByTag(instagram, appDisplayNameTag))); displayTagInfo(); } else if (nImages < 0) { // TODO // some images have been deleted // for now keep them in the db, later consider deleting them // update the tag TagInfo.delete((long) 1);" update the tag -"); TagInfo.addNew( new TagInfo(appDisplayNameTag, getNumberOfImagesByTag(instagram, appDisplayNameTag))); displayTagInfo(); }" --tag watchdog---"); } // tagWatchDog()