public static void main(String[] args) { System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); /** *** Configuration Variables **** */ int imgWidth = 200; int imgHeight = 200; int numPatch = 2000; int patchWidth = 40; int patchHeight = 40; int k = 200; // kmeans number of center int numBins = 8; String filePathRed = "base/Red/"; String filePathBlack = "base/Black"; String procPathRed = "base/ProcRed"; String procPathBlack = "base/ProcBlack"; /** ******************************** */ ArrayList<String> fileNames = new ArrayList<String>(); sources = new ArrayList<Mat>(); /* Image IO */ try { /* Read Red Staplers */ File folder = new File(filePathRed); BufferedImage currentImage; for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) { if (!fileEntry.isDirectory()) { // Resize Image currentImage = ImageProc.resize(, imgWidth, imgHeight); File outFile = new File(procPathRed + "/" + fileEntry.getName()); ImageIO.write(currentImage, "JPG", outFile); sources.add(Highgui.imread(outFile.getPath())); fileNames.add(outFile.getName()); } } /* Read Black Staplers */ folder = new File(filePathBlack); for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) { if (!fileEntry.isDirectory()) { // Resize Image currentImage = ImageProc.resize(, imgWidth, imgHeight); File outFile = new File(procPathBlack + "/" + fileEntry.getName()); ImageIO.write(currentImage, "JPG", outFile); sources.add(Highgui.imread(outFile.getPath())); fileNames.add(outFile.getName()); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /** ************************************* */ float[] p1 = new float[30]; float[] p2 = new float[30]; /* Create Image Patches and calculate color feature vector for each patch */ Iterator<Mat> imgIter = sources.iterator(); Mat thisImage; Mat featureMat = new Mat(); List<Mat> imagePatches = null; Iterator<Mat> patchIter = null; while (imgIter.hasNext()) { thisImage =; // Randomly Sample Patches imagePatches = ImageProc.sampleImage(thisImage, patchWidth, patchHeight, numPatch); patchIter = imagePatches.iterator(); // Create color feature vector for each patch while (patchIter.hasNext()) { featureMat.push_back(ImageProc.calBGRFeature(, numBins)); } } Mat centers = new Mat(); Mat bestLabels = new Mat(); Core.kmeans( featureMat, k, bestLabels, new TermCriteria(TermCriteria.EPS, 0, Math.pow(10, -5)), 0, Core.KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers); MatOfFloat bestLabelRange = new MatOfFloat(0, k); ArrayList<Mat> centerHist = new ArrayList<Mat>(); Mat centerHistMat = new Mat(0, k, CvType.CV_32FC1); imgIter = sources.listIterator(); Iterator<String> nameIter = fileNames.iterator(); int ptr = 0; int cnt = 0; // Output CSV try { File outCSV = new File("output/res.csv"); FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(outCSV); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); StringBuilder sb; out.write("@relation staplers\n"); for (int n = 0; n < 200; n++) { out.write("@attribute " + "a" + n + " real\n"); } out.write("@attribute class {RedStapler, BlackStapler}\n\n"); out.write("@data\n\n"); while (imgIter.hasNext()) { Mat thisMat = new Mat(bestLabels, new Range(ptr, ptr + numPatch), new Range(0, 1)); Mat mat = new Mat(); thisMat.convertTo(mat, CvType.CV_32F); ArrayList<Mat> bestLabelList = new ArrayList<Mat>(); bestLabelList.add(mat); Mat thisHist = new Mat(); Imgproc.calcHist( bestLabelList, new MatOfInt(0), new Mat(), thisHist, new MatOfInt(k), bestLabelRange); centerHist.add(thisHist); // Create file sb = new StringBuilder(); float[] histArr = new float[(int)]; thisHist.get(0, 0, histArr); for (int m = 0; m < histArr.length; m++) { sb.append(histArr[m] + ","); } if (cnt++ < 10) sb.append("RedStapler"); else sb.append("BlackStapler"); sb.append("\n"); out.write(sb.toString()); // Close the output stream centerHistMat.push_back(thisHist.t()); ptr += numPatch;; } out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Catch exception if any System.err.println("Error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } /* Support Vector Machine Validation */ Mat labelMat = new Mat(sources.size(), 1, CvType.CV_32FC1); double[] labels = new double[20]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { labels[i] = 1; labels[i + 10] = -1; } labelMat.put(0, 0, labels); CvSVMParams params = new CvSVMParams(); params.set_kernel_type(CvSVM.LINEAR); CvSVM svm = new CvSVM(); svm.train(centerHistMat, labelMat, new Mat(), new Mat(), params);"base/haha.txt"); String basePath = "base/predict/"; try { File testCSV = new File("output/test.arff"); FileWriter testStream = new FileWriter(testCSV); BufferedWriter testOut = new BufferedWriter(testStream); testOut.write("@relation staplers\n"); for (int n = 0; n < 200; n++) { testOut.write("@attribute " + "a" + n + " real\n"); } testOut.write("@attribute class {RedStapler, BlackStapler}\n\n"); testOut.write("@data\n\n"); for (int m = 0; m < 21; m++) { // System.out.println(basePath + m + ".jpg"); Mat testImg = Highgui.imread(basePath + m + ".jpg"); List<Mat> patches = ImageProc.sampleImage(testImg, patchWidth, patchHeight, numPatch); List<Mat> features = new ArrayList<Mat>(); for (int i = 0; i < patches.size(); i++) { Mat testVector = ImageProc.calBGRFeature(patches.get(i), numBins); features.add(testVector); } Mat testData = ImageProc.calFeatureVector(features, centers); StringBuilder testsb = new StringBuilder(); // String name =; // sb.append(name + ","); float[] data = new float[testData.cols()]; testData.get(0, 0, data); for (int o = 0; o < data.length; o++) { testsb.append(data[o] + ","); } if (m < 6) testsb.append("RedStapler"); else testsb.append("BlackStapler"); testsb.append("\n"); testOut.write(testsb.toString()); System.out.println("Img" + m + " " + svm.predict(testData)); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } }
public static void Circle(List<MatOfPoint> contours, int index) { int i = index; Mat mRGBA = new Mat(); Utils.bitmapToMat(image, mRGBA); // cyklus s podmienkou na konci do { int buff[] = new int[4]; hierarchy.get(0, i, buff); // Get contour form list Mat contour = contours.get(i); // id kont�ry int id = i; // dostaneme �a��ie id kont�ry i = buff[0]; // zis�ujeme �i m�me dostato�ne ve�k� kont�ru aby sme sa �ou v�bec zaoberali if (Imgproc.contourArea(contour) > 500) { List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(); // dostaneme celkov� po�et kont�r int num = (int); // vytvor�me si pole o dvojn�sobnej ve�kosti samotnej kontury int temp[] = new int[num * 2]; // na��tame si kont�ru do do�asnej premennej contour.get(0, 0, temp); // konvertujeme List<Point> do MatOfPoint2f pre pou�itie fitEllipse for (int j = 0; j < num * 2; j = j + 2) { points.add(new Point(temp[j], temp[j + 1])); } MatOfPoint2f specialPointMtx = new MatOfPoint2f(points.toArray(new Point[0])); // do premennej bound uklad�me dokonal� elipsu RotatedRect bound = Imgproc.fitEllipse(specialPointMtx); // Vypo��ta sa hodnota pi double pi = Imgproc.contourArea(contour) / ((bound.size.height / 2) * (bound.size.width / 2)); // zis�ujeme toleranciu pi - zaoplenie if (Math.abs(pi - 3.14) > 0.03) { int k = buff[2]; // zis�ujeme �i existuje nejak� rodi� kont�ry if (k != -1) { Circle(contours, k); } continue; } // konvertujeme MatOfPoint2f do MatOfPoint pre funckiu fitEllipse - rozdie� je len v 32-bit // float a 32-bit int MatOfPoint NewMtx = new MatOfPoint(specialPointMtx.toArray()); // dostaneme s�radnice najmen�ieho mo�n�ho �tvorca Rect box = Imgproc.boundingRect(NewMtx); // nacita obrazok znova Mat mat_for_count = new Mat(); Utils.bitmapToMat(image, mat_for_count); // vytvori sa klon stvorca - dobry kandidat pre vyhladanie Mat candidate = ((mat_for_count).submat(box)).clone(); // napln maticu binarnou ciernou Mat mask = new Mat(box.size(), candidate.type(), new Scalar(0, 0, 0)); // naplni ciernu plochu bielimi konturami Imgproc.drawContours( mask, contours, id, new Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1, 8, hierarchy, 0, new Point(-box.x, -box.y)); // ulozi sa kandidat Mat roi = new Mat(candidate.size(), candidate.type(), new Scalar(255, 255, 255)); // ulozia sa len informacie o kandidatovi candidate.copyTo(roi, mask); double longAxis; double shortAxis; // ziska dve osy elipsy if (bound.size.height < bound.size.width) { shortAxis = bound.size.height / 2; longAxis = bound.size.width / 2; } else { shortAxis = bound.size.width / 2; longAxis = bound.size.height / 2; } // zastavi sa vyhladavanie pokial je elipsa prilis ovalna if ((longAxis / shortAxis) < 2.0) { signList.add(roi); boxList.add(box); } } // zis�uje sa �i je tam e�te �al�� kandid�t } while (i != -1); }