private void CreateAuxiliaryMats() { if (mRgba.empty()) return; mSizeRgba = mRgba.size(); int rows = (int) mSizeRgba.height; int cols = (int) mSizeRgba.width; int left = cols / 8; int top = rows / 8; int width = cols * 3 / 4; int height = rows * 3 / 4; if (mRgbaInnerWindow == null) mRgbaInnerWindow = mRgba.submat(top, top + height, left, left + width); mSizeRgbaInner = mRgbaInnerWindow.size(); if (mGrayInnerWindow == null && !mGray.empty()) mGrayInnerWindow = mGray.submat(top, top + height, left, left + width); if (mBlurWindow == null) mBlurWindow = mRgba.submat(0, rows, cols / 3, cols * 2 / 3); if (mZoomCorner == null) mZoomCorner = mRgba.submat(0, rows / 2 - rows / 10, 0, cols / 2 - cols / 10); if (mZoomWindow == null) mZoomWindow = mRgba.submat( rows / 2 - 9 * rows / 100, rows / 2 + 9 * rows / 100, cols / 2 - 9 * cols / 100, cols / 2 + 9 * cols / 100); }
private void checkChanges(ScreenImage img) { if (Settings.UseImageFinder) { if (_lastImageMat.empty()) { _lastImageMat = Image.createMat(img.getImage()); return; } ImageFinder f = new ImageFinder(_lastImageMat); f.setMinChanges(_minChanges); org.opencv.core.Mat current = Image.createMat(img.getImage()); if (f.hasChanges(current)) { // TODO implement ChangeObserver: processing changes Debug.log(3, "ChangeObserver: processing changes"); } _lastImageMat = current; } else { if (_lastImgMat == null) { _lastImgMat = Image.convertBufferedImageToMat(img.getImage()); return; } FindInput fin = new FindInput(); fin.setSource(_lastImgMat); Mat target = Image.convertBufferedImageToMat(img.getImage()); fin.setTarget(target); fin.setSimilarity(_minChanges); FindResults results = Vision.findChanges(fin); try { callChangeObserver(results); } catch (AWTException e) { Debug.error("EventMgr: checkChanges: ", e.getMessage()); } _lastImgMat = target; } }
private void CreateAuxiliaryMats() { if (mGray.empty()) return; int rows = mGray.rows(); int cols = mGray.cols(); if (mZoomWindow == null) { mZoomWindow = mRgba.submat(rows / 2 + rows / 10, rows, cols / 2 + cols / 10, cols); mZoomWindow2 = mRgba.submat(0, rows / 2 - rows / 10, cols / 2 + cols / 10, cols); } }
@Override public void onPictureTaken(byte[] arg0, Camera arg1) { Bitmap bitmapPicture = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(arg0, 0, arg0.length); mView.saveCurrentFilterSet(); // Store filter for later reference // Get current running filter if (!mView.curFilterSubset().equals("")) { Mat imgMAT = new Mat(); Utils.bitmapToMat(bitmapPicture, imgMAT); // If the image is empty if (imgMAT.empty()) return; // Ignore // Apply filters mView.applyCurrentFilters(imgMAT); Utils.matToBitmap(imgMAT, bitmapPicture); } else { // Log.i(TAG, "no filter"); } startImageEdit(bitmapPicture); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // load the Core OpenCV library by name System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); // create video capture device object VideoCapture cap = new VideoCapture(); // try to use the hardware device if present int CAM_TO_USE = 0; // create new image objects Mat frame = new Mat(); Mat foreground = new Mat(); Mat fg_mask = new Mat(); // create new Mixture of Gaussian BG model BackgroundSubtractorMOG MoG = new BackgroundSubtractorMOG(); // try to open first capture device (0) try {; } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println("No webcam attached"); // otherwise try opening a video file try {"files/video.mp4"); } catch (Exception e2) { System.out.println("No video file found"); } } // if the a video capture source is now open if (cap.isOpened()) { // create new window objects Imshow imsS = new Imshow("from video Source ... "); Imshow imsF = new Imshow("Foreground"); boolean keepProcessing = true; while (keepProcessing) { // grab and return the next frame from video source cap.grab(); cap.retrieve(frame); // if the frame is valid (not end of video for example) if (!(frame.empty())) { // add it to the background model with a learning rate of 0.1 MoG.apply(frame, fg_mask, 0.1); // extract the foreground mask (1 = foreground / 0 - background), // and convert/expand it to a 3-channel version of the same Imgproc.cvtColor(fg_mask, fg_mask, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2BGR); // logically AND it with the original frame to extract colour // pixel only in the foreground regions Core.bitwise_and(frame, fg_mask, foreground); // display image with a delay of 40ms (i.e. 1000 ms / 25 = 25 fps) imsS.showImage(frame); imsF.showImage(foreground); Thread.sleep(40); } else { keepProcessing = false; } } } else { System.out.println("error cannot open any capture source - exiting"); } // close down the camera correctly cap.release(); }
private void detectObject() { readLock.lock(); featureDetector.detect(img_scene, keypoints_scene); featureDetector.detect(img_object, keypoints_object); extractor.compute(img_object, keypoints_object, descriptors_object); extractor.compute(img_scene, keypoints_scene, descriptors_scene); readLock.unlock(); if (!descriptors_scene.empty()) { matcher.match(descriptors_object, descriptors_scene, matches); // readLock.unlock(); // listMatches = matches.toList(); int size = descriptors_object.rows(); // -- Quick calculation of max and min distances between keypoints for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { double dist = listMatches.get(i).distance; if (dist < min_dist) { min_dist = dist; } } Log.e("Min", min_dist + ""); threeMinDist = 3 * min_dist; listGoodMatches.removeAll(listGoodMatches); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { DMatch dMatch = listMatches.get(i); float distance = dMatch.distance; if (distance < threeMinDist) { listGoodMatches.add(dMatch); } } // good_matches.fromList(listGoodMatches); Log.e("Matches", listMatches.size() + ""); Log.e("Good Matches", listGoodMatches.size() + ""); // if (listGoodMatches.size() > 4) { Point pointObj[] = new Point[listGoodMatches.size()]; Point pointScene[] = new Point[listGoodMatches.size()]; listKeyPointObject = keypoints_object.toList(); listKeyPointScene = keypoints_scene.toList(); // listPointScene.removeAll(listPointScene); for (int i = 0; i < listGoodMatches.size(); i++) { // -- Get the keypoints from the good matches pointObj[i] = listKeyPointObject.get(listGoodMatches.get(i).queryIdx).pt; pointScene[i] = listKeyPointScene.get(listGoodMatches.get(i).trainIdx).pt; // listPointScene.add(listKeyPointScene.get(listGoodMatches.get(i).trainIdx).pt); } obj.fromArray(pointObj); scene.fromArray(pointScene); Log.e("Before findHomography", ""); H = Calib3d.findHomography(obj, scene, Calib3d.RANSAC, 9); Log.e("AFTERRR findHomography", ""); pointObjConners[0] = new Point(0, 0); pointObjConners[1] = new Point(img_object.cols(), 0); pointObjConners[2] = new Point(img_object.cols(), img_object.rows()); pointObjConners[3] = new Point(0, img_object.rows()); obj_corners.fromArray(pointObjConners); Core.perspectiveTransform(obj_corners, scene_corners, H); p0 = new Point(scene_corners.toList().get(0).x, scene_corners.toList().get(0).y + 0); p1 = new Point(scene_corners.toList().get(1).x, scene_corners.toList().get(1).y + 0); p2 = new Point(scene_corners.toList().get(2).x, scene_corners.toList().get(2).y + 0); p3 = new Point(scene_corners.toList().get(3).x, scene_corners.toList().get(3).y + 0); Log.e("POINT THREAD", p0.toString() + p1.toString() + p2.toString() + p3.toString()); Log.e("detect ok", "detect ok"); } } else { Log.e("No descritor", "No descritor"); // readLock.unlock(); } }