private DicomObject mkStgCmtResult(Association as, DicomObject rqdata) { DicomObject result = new BasicDicomObject(); result.putString(Tag.TransactionUID, VR.UI, rqdata.getString(Tag.TransactionUID)); DicomElement rqsq = rqdata.get(Tag.ReferencedSOPSequence); DicomElement resultsq = result.putSequence(Tag.ReferencedSOPSequence); if (stgcmtRetrieveAET != null) { result.putString(Tag.RetrieveAETitle, VR.AE, stgcmtRetrieveAET); } DicomElement failedsq = null; File dir = getDir(as); for (int i = 0, n = rqsq.countItems(); i < n; i++) { DicomObject rqItem = rqsq.getDicomObject(i); String uid = rqItem.getString(Tag.ReferencedSOPInstanceUID); DicomObject resultItem = new BasicDicomObject(); rqItem.copyTo(resultItem); if (stgcmtRetrieveAETs != null) { resultItem.putString(Tag.RetrieveAETitle, VR.AE, stgcmtRetrieveAETs); } File f = new File(dir, uid); if (f.isFile()) { resultsq.addDicomObject(resultItem); } else { resultItem.putInt(Tag.FailureReason, VR.US, NO_SUCH_OBJECT_INSTANCE); if (failedsq == null) { failedsq = result.putSequence(Tag.FailedSOPSequence); } failedsq.addDicomObject(resultItem); } } return result; }
private DicomObject toSCN(DicomObject ian) { DicomObject scn = new BasicDicomObject(); scn.putString(Tag.PatientID, VR.LO, ian.getString(Tag.PatientID)); scn.putString(Tag.PatientName, VR.PN, ian.getString(Tag.PatientName)); scn.putString(Tag.StudyID, VR.SH, ian.getString(Tag.StudyID)); scn.putString(Tag.StudyInstanceUID, VR.UI, ian.getString(Tag.StudyInstanceUID)); DicomElement ianSeriesSeq = ian.get(Tag.ReferencedSeriesSequence); DicomElement scnSeriesSeq = scn.putSequence(Tag.ReferencedSeriesSequence); DicomObject ianSeriesItem, scnSeriesItem, scnSOPItem; DicomElement ianSOPSeq, scnSOPSeq; for (int i = 0, n = ianSeriesSeq.countItems(); i < n; ++i) { ianSeriesItem = ianSeriesSeq.getDicomObject(i); scnSeriesItem = new BasicDicomObject(); scnSeriesItem.putString( Tag.SeriesInstanceUID, VR.UI, ianSeriesItem.getString(Tag.SeriesInstanceUID)); scnSeriesSeq.addDicomObject(scnSeriesItem); ianSOPSeq = ianSeriesItem.get(Tag.ReferencedSOPSequence); scnSOPSeq = scnSeriesItem.putSequence(Tag.ReferencedImageSequence); for (int j = 0, m = ianSOPSeq.countItems(); j < m; ++j) { scnSOPItem = new BasicDicomObject(); ianSOPSeq.getDicomObject(j).exclude(INSTANCE_AVAILABILITY).copyTo(scnSOPItem); scnSOPSeq.addDicomObject(scnSOPItem); } } return scn; }
/** * Set query attributes for C-Move * * @return DicomObject contains initial set of attributes for query */ private DicomObject setCmoveAttributes() { DicomObject returnObject = new BasicDicomObject(); returnObject.putString(Tag.SOPClassUID, VR.UI, UID.RTPlanStorage); returnObject.putString(Tag.SOPInstanceUID, VR.UI, ""); returnObject.putString(Tag.QueryRetrieveLevel, VR.CS, "IMAGE"); returnObject.putString(Tag.PatientID, VR.LO, ""); returnObject.putString(Tag.StudyInstanceUID, VR.UI, ""); returnObject.putString(Tag.SeriesInstanceUID, VR.UI, ""); return returnObject; }
protected static DicomObject createDicomMetaData( MimeType mimeType, String filename, String description, TCReferencedInstance ref, String patId, String issuerOfPatId, String patName, String modality) { Date now = new Date(); DicomObject attrs = new BasicDicomObject(); // patient level if (patId != null) { attrs.putString(Tag.PatientID, VR.LO, patId); } if (issuerOfPatId != null) { attrs.putString(Tag.IssuerOfPatientID, VR.LO, issuerOfPatId); } if (patName != null) { attrs.putString(Tag.PatientName, VR.PN, patName); } // study level attrs.putString(Tag.StudyInstanceUID, VR.UI, ref.getStudyUID()); // series level attrs.putString(Tag.SeriesInstanceUID, VR.UI, ref.getSeriesUID()); attrs.putString(Tag.SeriesDescription, VR.LO, SERIES_DESCRIPTION); attrs.putString(Tag.Modality, VR.CS, modality); // instance level attrs.putString(Tag.SOPInstanceUID, VR.UI, ref.getInstanceUID()); attrs.putString(Tag.SOPClassUID, VR.UI, ref.getClassUID()); attrs.putInt(Tag.InstanceNumber, VR.IS, ref.getInstanceNumber()); attrs.putDate(Tag.InstanceCreationDate, VR.DA, now); attrs.putDate(Tag.InstanceCreationTime, VR.TM, now); attrs.putDate(Tag.ContentDate, VR.DA, now); attrs.putDate(Tag.ContentTime, VR.TM, now); attrs.putString(Tag.ContentLabel, VR.CS, filename); attrs.putString( Tag.ContentDescription, VR.CS, description != null && !description.isEmpty() ? description : getFileName(filename)); return attrs; }
private DicomStreamMetaData copyMeta(DicomImageReader reader, String tsuid) throws IOException { DicomStreamMetaData oldMeta = (DicomStreamMetaData) reader.getStreamMetadata(); DicomStreamMetaData ret = new DicomStreamMetaData(); DicomObject ds = oldMeta.getDicomObject(); DicomObject newDs = new BasicDicomObject(); ds.copyTo(newDs); newDs.putString(Tag.TransferSyntaxUID, VR.UI, tsuid); ret.setDicomObject(newDs); return ret; }
private int sendIAN(String aet, DicomObject ian) throws IOException, InterruptedException, GeneralSecurityException { String iuid = UIDUtils.createUID(); Association assoc = open(aet); TransferCapability tc = assoc.getTransferCapabilityAsSCU(UID.InstanceAvailabilityNotificationSOPClass); RspHandler rspHandler = new RspHandler(); if (tc == null) { tc = assoc.getTransferCapabilityAsSCU(UID.BasicStudyContentNotificationSOPClassRetired); if (tc == null) { throw new NoPresentationContextException( UIDDictionary.getDictionary() .prompt( isOfferStudyContentNotification() ? UID.BasicStudyContentNotificationSOPClassRetired : UID.InstanceAvailabilityNotificationSOPClass)); } String tsuid = tc.getTransferSyntax()[0]; DicomObject scn = toSCN(ian); scn.putString(Tag.SOPInstanceUID, VR.UI, iuid); scn.putString(Tag.SOPClassUID, VR.UI, UID.BasicStudyContentNotificationSOPClassRetired); LOG.debug("Study Content Notification to {}:\n{}", aet, scn); assoc.cstore( UID.BasicStudyContentNotificationSOPClassRetired, iuid, priority, new DataWriterAdapter(scn), tsuid, rspHandler); } else { String tsuid = tc.getTransferSyntax()[0]; LOG.debug("Instance Availability Notification to {}:\n{}", aet, ian); assoc.ncreate(UID.InstanceAvailabilityNotificationSOPClass, iuid, ian, tsuid, rspHandler); } assoc.waitForDimseRSP(); try { assoc.release(true); } catch (InterruptedException t) { LOG.error("Association release failed! aet:" + aet, t); } return rspHandler.getStatus(); }
public DicomObject getAttributes(boolean cfindrsp) { DicomObject dataset = DicomObjectUtils.decode(encodedAttributes); if (cfindrsp) { dataset.putInt(Tag.NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances, VR.IS, numberOfSeriesRelatedInstances); if (fileSetUID != null && fileSetID != null) { dataset.putString(Tag.StorageMediaFileSetUID, VR.UI, fileSetUID); dataset.putString(Tag.StorageMediaFileSetID, VR.SH, fileSetID); } if (retrieveAETs != null || externalRetrieveAET != null) { dataset.putString( Tag.RetrieveAETitle, VR.AE, externalRetrieveAET == null ? retrieveAETs : retrieveAETs == null ? externalRetrieveAET : retrieveAETs + '\\' + externalRetrieveAET); } dataset.putString(Tag.InstanceAvailability, VR.CS,; } return dataset; }
public static TCEncapsulatedDocument create( TCObject tc, MimeType mimeType, String filename, InputStream in, String description) throws Exception { if (mimeType == null || !DOC_TYPES.contains(mimeType.getDocumentType())) { throw new Exception("Mime-Type is not supported (" + mimeType + ")"); } TCReferencedInstance ref = createReferencedInstance(tc, UID.EncapsulatedPDFStorage, MODALITY); DicomObject metaData = TCDocumentObject.createDicomMetaData( mimeType, filename, description, ref, tc.getPatientId(), tc.getPatientIdIssuer(), tc.getPatientName(), MODALITY); metaData.putString(Tag.TransferSyntaxUID, VR.UI, UID.ExplicitVRLittleEndian); metaData.putString( Tag.DocumentTitle, VR.ST, description != null && !description.isEmpty() ? description : getFileName(filename)); metaData.putString(Tag.MIMETypeOfEncapsulatedDocument, VR.LO, mimeType.getMimeTypeString()); metaData.putString(Tag.BurnedInAnnotation, VR.CS, "NO"); // $NON-NLS-1$ metaData.putSequence(Tag.ConceptNameCodeSequence, 0); try { return new TCEncapsulatedDocument(mimeType, ref, metaData, IOUtils.toByteArray(in)); } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } }
private static DicomObject toDicom(BufferedImage image) throws Exception { int numSamples = image.getColorModel().getNumComponents(); if (numSamples == 4) { numSamples = 3; } String pmi = numSamples > 1 ? "RGB" : "MONOCHROME2"; int bits = image.getColorModel().getComponentSize(0); int allocated = 8; if (bits > 8) { allocated = 16; } DicomObject attrs = new BasicDicomObject(); attrs.putString(Tag.TransferSyntaxUID, VR.UI, UID.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); attrs.putInt(Tag.Rows, VR.US, image.getHeight()); attrs.putInt(Tag.Columns, VR.US, image.getWidth()); attrs.putInt(Tag.SamplesPerPixel, VR.US, numSamples); attrs.putInt(Tag.BitsStored, VR.US, bits); attrs.putInt(Tag.BitsAllocated, VR.US, allocated); attrs.putInt(Tag.PixelRepresentation, VR.US, 0); attrs.putString(Tag.PhotometricInterpretation, VR.CS, pmi); if (numSamples > 1) { attrs.putInt(Tag.PlanarConfiguration, VR.US, 0); } int biType = numSamples == 3 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB : allocated > 8 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_GRAY : BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY; BufferedImage tmpImage = image; if (image.getType() != biType) { tmpImage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), biType); tmpImage.getGraphics().drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); } byte[] pixelData = null; DataBuffer dataBuffer = tmpImage.getRaster().getDataBuffer(); if (dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferInt) { final int[] data = (int[]) ((DataBufferInt) dataBuffer).getData(); pixelData = new byte[data.length * 3]; int index = 0; for (final int i : data) { pixelData[index++] = (byte) ((i >>> 16) & 0xFF); pixelData[index++] = (byte) ((i >>> 8) & 0xFF); pixelData[index++] = (byte) (i & 0xFF); } } else if (dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferUShort) { final short[] data = (short[]) ((DataBufferUShort) dataBuffer).getData(); pixelData = new byte[data.length * 2]; int index = 0; for (final int i : data) { pixelData[index++] = (byte) ((i >>> 8) & 0xFF); pixelData[index++] = (byte) (i & 0xFF); } } else if (dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferByte) { pixelData = ((DataBufferByte) dataBuffer).getData(); } attrs.putBytes(Tag.PixelData, allocated > 8 ? VR.OW : VR.OB, pixelData); return attrs; }