/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data logging /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void tickPrice(int tickerId, int field, double price, int canAutoExecute) { Hashtable f = new Hashtable(); f.put(TickType.getField(field), String.valueOf(price)); f.put("canAutoExecute", String.valueOf(canAutoExecute)); EventBus.publish(new MktDataEvent(tickerId, f)); }
/** * Adds a single {@link AddeEntry} to {@link #trie}. * * @param entry Entry to add. Cannot be {@code null}. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code entry} is {@code null}. */ public void addEntry(final AddeEntry entry) { notNull(entry, "Cannot add a null entry"); trie.put(entry.asStringId(), entry); saveEntries(); lastAdded.clear(); lastAdded.add(entry); EventBus.publish(Event.ADDITION); }
private String downloadManifestAndMediaFiles(File mediaDir, FormStatus fs) { RemoteFormDefinition fd = (RemoteFormDefinition) fs.getFormDefinition(); if (fd.getManifestUrl() == null) return null; fs.setStatusString("Fetching form manifest", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); List<MediaFile> files = new ArrayList<MediaFile>(); AggregateUtils.DocumentFetchResult result; try { DocumentDescription formManifestDescription = new DocumentDescription( "Fetch of manifest failed. Detailed reason: ", "Fetch of manifest failed ", "form manifest", terminationFuture); result = AggregateUtils.getXmlDocument( fd.getManifestUrl(), serverInfo, false, formManifestDescription, null); } catch (XmlDocumentFetchException e) { return e.getMessage(); } try { files = XmlManipulationUtils.parseFormManifestResponse(result.isOpenRosaResponse, result.doc); } catch (ParsingException e) { return e.getMessage(); } // OK we now have the full set of files to download... logger.info("Downloading " + files.size() + " media files."); int mCount = 0; if (files.size() > 0) { for (MediaFile m : files) { ++mCount; fs.setStatusString( String.format(" (getting %1$d of %2$d media files)", mCount, files.size()), true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); try { downloadMediaFileIfChanged(mediaDir, m, fs); } catch (Exception e) { return e.getLocalizedMessage(); } } } return null; }
@EventSubscriber public void onHistoryEvent(@Nonnull final HistoryEvent e) { if (e.isUndo()) { undo(); } else { redo(); } EventBus.publish(new RepaintRequestEvent()); }
/** * Removes a single {@link AddeEntry} from the set of available entries. * * @param entry Entry to remove. Cannot be {@code null}. * @return {@code true} if something was removed, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean removeEntry(final AddeEntry entry) { notNull(entry); boolean val = trie.remove(entry.asStringId()) != null; logger.trace("attempted remove={} status={}", entry, val); Event evt = val ? Event.REMOVAL : Event.FAILURE; saveEntries(); EventBus.publish(evt); return val; }
/** * Adds a {@link Set} of {@link AddeEntry}s to {@link #trie}. * * @param newEntries New entries to add to the server manager. Cannot be {@code null}. * @throws NullPointerException if {@code newEntries} is {@code null}. */ public void addEntries(final Collection<? extends AddeEntry> newEntries) { notNull(newEntries, "Cannot add a null set"); for (AddeEntry newEntry : newEntries) { trie.put(newEntry.asStringId(), newEntry); } saveEntries(); lastAdded.clear(); lastAdded.addAll(newEntries); EventBus.publish(Event.ADDITION); }
public void updateMktDepth( int tickerId, int position, int operation, int side, double price, int size) { Hashtable f = new Hashtable(); f.put("position", String.valueOf(position)); f.put("operation", String.valueOf(operation)); f.put("side", String.valueOf(side)); f.put("price", String.valueOf(price)); f.put("size", String.valueOf(size)); EventBus.publish(new MktDepthEvent(tickerId, f)); }
private void init() { JPanel quickSearchPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEADING)); final TreeModel treeModel = explorer.getTreeModel(); final QuickTreeFilterField field = new QuickTreeFilterField(treeModel) { protected FilterableTreeModel createDisplayTreeModel(TreeModel treeModel) { return new FilterableTreeModel(treeModel) { @Override protected void configureListModelWrapper(ListModelWrapper wrapper, Object node) { if (node instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode) { // ImageFileExplorer.LazyNode inode = (ImageFileExplorer.LazyNode) node; DefaultMutableTreeNode inode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) node; boolean expanded = explorer.getJTree().isExpanded(new TreePath(inode.getPath())); if (inode.isLeaf() || expanded) { super.configureListModelWrapper(wrapper, node); } } } }; } }; field.setSearchingDelay(200); quickSearchPanel.add(field); JPanel treePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(2, 2)); field.setTree(explorer.getJTree()); SearchableUtils.installSearchable(field.getTree()); JTree tree = field.getTree(); tree.setModel(field.getDisplayTreeModel()); DataTipManager.get().register(tree); treePanel.add(explorer.getComponent()); mainPanel.add(treePanel); mainPanel.add(quickSearchPanel, BorderLayout.BEFORE_FIRST_LINE); EventBus.subscribeStrongly( DataSourceStatusEvent.class, new EventSubscriber<DataSourceStatusEvent>() { @Override public void onEvent(DataSourceStatusEvent event) { explorer.getJTree().repaint(); } }); mainPanel.putClientProperty(IActionProvider.KEY, this); }
/** Stops the local server thread if it is running. */ public void stopLocalServer() { if (checkLocalServer()) { // TODO: stopProcess (actually Process.destroy()) hangs on Macs... // doesn't seem to kill the children properly if (!McIDASV.isMac()) { thread.stopProcess(); } thread.interrupt(); thread = null; EventBus.publish(McservEvent.STOPPED); logger.debug("stopped mcservl? checkLocalServer={}", checkLocalServer()); } else { logger.debug("mcservl is not running."); } }
/** * Add a new data access controller * * @param controller new data access controller * @param foreground true will set this data access controller to foreground */ public synchronized void addDataAccessController( DataAccessController controller, boolean foreground) { // new controller should always be added to the end of the list List<DataAccessController> oldControllers, newControllers; if (!controllers.contains(controller)) { oldControllers = new ArrayList<DataAccessController>(controllers); controllers.add(controller); newControllers = new ArrayList<DataAccessController>(controllers); EventBus.publish( new AddDataSourceEvent<DataAccessController>(this, oldControllers, newControllers)); if (foreground) { setForegroundDataAccessController(controller); } } }
/** * Replaces the {@link AddeEntry}s within {@code trie} with the contents of {@code newEntries}. * * @param oldEntries Entries to be replaced. Cannot be {@code null}. * @param newEntries Entries to use as replacements. Cannot be {@code null}. * @throws NullPointerException if either of {@code oldEntries} or {@code newEntries} is {@code * null}. */ public void replaceEntries( final Collection<? extends AddeEntry> oldEntries, final Collection<? extends AddeEntry> newEntries) { notNull(oldEntries, "Cannot replace a null set"); notNull(newEntries, "Cannot add a null set"); for (AddeEntry oldEntry : oldEntries) { trie.remove(oldEntry.asStringId()); } for (AddeEntry newEntry : newEntries) { trie.put(newEntry.asStringId(), newEntry); } lastAdded.clear(); lastAdded.addAll(newEntries); // should probably be more thorough saveEntries(); EventBus.publish(Event.REPLACEMENT); }
public synchronized void removeDataAccessController(DataAccessController controller) { List<DataAccessController> oldControllers, newControllers; int index = controllers.indexOf(controller); if (index >= 0) { oldControllers = new ArrayList<DataAccessController>(controllers); // get the next available controller's index int nextIndex = controllers.size() - 1 > index ? index : index - 1; controllers.remove(controller); if (foregroundController != null && foregroundController.equals(controller)) { setForegroundDataAccessController(nextIndex >= 0 ? controllers.get(nextIndex) : null); } controller.close(); newControllers = new ArrayList<DataAccessController>(controllers); EventBus.publish( new RemoveDataSourceEvent<DataAccessController>(this, oldControllers, newControllers)); } }
public boolean removeEntries(final Collection<? extends AddeEntry> removedEntries) { notNull(removedEntries); boolean val = true; boolean tmpVal = true; for (AddeEntry entry : removedEntries) { if (entry.getEntrySource() != EntrySource.SYSTEM) { tmpVal = trie.remove(entry.asStringId()) != null; logger.trace("attempted bulk remove={} status={}", entry, tmpVal); if (!tmpVal) { val = tmpVal; } } } Event evt = (val) ? Event.REMOVAL : Event.FAILURE; saveEntries(); EventBus.publish(evt); return val; }
/** * Remove a character from the game list and recycle the character reference for later usage. Also * clean up everything related to this character such as the attacking marker. * * @param id the ID of the character that shall be removed */ public void removeCharacter(final CharacterId id) { throwPlayerCharacter(id); charsLock.writeLock().lock(); try { final Char chara = chars.get(id); if (chara != null) { EventBus.publish(new CharRemovedEvent(id)); // cancel attack when character is removed if (CombatHandler.getInstance().isAttacking(chara)) { CombatHandler.getInstance().standDown(); } chars.remove(id); chara.recycle(); } } finally { charsLock.writeLock().unlock(); } }
public synchronized void setForegroundDataAccessController(DataAccessController controller) { DataAccessController oldController, newController; oldController = this.foregroundController; foregroundController = controller; newController = controller; ForegroundDataSourceEvent.Status status = ForegroundDataSourceEvent.Status.DATA; if (newController instanceof EmptyDataAccessController) { status = ForegroundDataSourceEvent.Status.DUMMY; } else if (oldController instanceof EmptyDataAccessController) { status = ForegroundDataSourceEvent.Status.DUMMY_TO_DATA; } else if (newController == null) { status = ForegroundDataSourceEvent.Status.EMPTY; } EventBus.publish( new ForegroundDataSourceEvent<DataAccessController>( this, status, oldController, newController)); }
/** Starts the local server thread (if it isn't already running). */ public void startLocalServer() { if (new File(ADDE_MCSERVL).exists()) { // Create and start the thread if there isn't already one running if (!checkLocalServer()) { if (!testLocalServer()) { LogUtil.userErrorMessage("Local servers cannot write to userpath:\n" + USER_DIRECTORY); logger.info("Local servers cannot write to userpath"); return; } thread = new AddeThread(this); thread.start(); EventBus.publish(McservEvent.STARTED); logger.debug("started mcservl? checkLocalServer={}", checkLocalServer()); } else { logger.debug("mcservl is already running"); } } else { logger.debug("invalid path='{}'", ADDE_MCSERVL); } }
/** * Set the selected link * * @param link */ public void setLink(final ILink link) { WaitIndicator waitIndicator = new LabeledSpinningDialWaitIndicator(this, "Loading " + link.getToConcept() + " ..."); getLinkNameTextField().setText(link.getLinkName()); getLinkValueTextField().setText(link.getLinkValue()); final HierachicalConceptNameComboBox comboBox = getToConceptComboBox(); comboBox.hidePopup(); getLinksComboBox().hidePopup(); String conceptName = link.getToConcept(); if (conceptName.equals(ILink.VALUE_NIL) || conceptName.equals(ILink.VALUE_SELF)) { SortedComboBoxModel<String> model = (SortedComboBoxModel<String>) comboBox.getModel(); model.clear(); model.addElement(conceptName); } else { // Retrieve the child concepts and add to gui try { final Concept c = (Concept) Worker.post( new Task() { @Override public Object run() throws Exception { return annotationPersistenceService.findConceptByName(link.getToConcept()); } }); comboBox.setConcept(c); conceptName = c.getPrimaryConceptName().getName(); } catch (final Exception e) { EventBus.publish(GlobalLookup.TOPIC_NONFATAL_ERROR, e); comboBox.addItem(conceptName); } } comboBox.setSelectedItem(conceptName); waitIndicator.dispose(); repaint(); }
/** * Replace one data access controller with another, and retain the position in the * DataAccessMonitor. * * @param original original data access controller * @param replacement replacement data access controller */ public synchronized void replaceDataAccessController( DataAccessController original, DataAccessController replacement) { List<DataAccessController> oldControllers, newControllers; int index = controllers.indexOf(original); if (index >= 0) { oldControllers = new ArrayList<DataAccessController>(controllers); controllers.add(index, replacement); controllers.remove(original); if (foregroundController != null && foregroundController.equals(original)) { setForegroundDataAccessController(replacement); } original.close(); newControllers = new ArrayList<DataAccessController>(controllers); // notify others EventBus.publish( new AddDataSourceEvent<DataAccessController>(this, oldControllers, newControllers)); } else { // add as a new data access controller addDataAccessController(replacement); } }
private void downloadMediaFileIfChanged(File mediaDir, MediaFile m, FormStatus fs) throws Exception { File mediaFile = new File(mediaDir, m.filename); if (m.hash.startsWith(MD5_COLON_PREFIX)) { // see if the file exists and has the same hash String hashToMatch = m.hash.substring(MD5_COLON_PREFIX.length()); if (mediaFile.exists()) { String hash = FileSystemUtils.getMd5Hash(mediaFile); if (hash.equalsIgnoreCase(hashToMatch)) return; mediaFile.delete(); } } if (isCancelled()) { fs.setStatusString("aborting fetch of media file...", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); throw new TransmissionException("Transfer cancelled by user."); } AggregateUtils.commonDownloadFile(serverInfo, mediaFile, m.downloadUrl); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { EventBus.publish(new LoadWorkspaceEvent()); }
private boolean downloadAllSubmissionsForForm( File formInstancesDir, DatabaseUtils formDatabase, BriefcaseFormDefinition lfd, FormStatus fs) { boolean allSuccessful = true; RemoteFormDefinition fd = (RemoteFormDefinition) fs.getFormDefinition(); int count = 1; String baseUrl = serverInfo.getUrl() + "/view/submissionList"; String oldWebsafeCursorString = "not-empty"; String websafeCursorString = ""; for (; !oldWebsafeCursorString.equals(websafeCursorString); ) { if (isCancelled()) { fs.setStatusString("aborting fetching submissions...", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); return false; } fs.setStatusString("retrieving next chunk of instances from server...", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("numEntries", Integer.toString(MAX_ENTRIES)); params.put("formId", fd.getFormId()); params.put("cursor", websafeCursorString); String fullUrl = WebUtils.createLinkWithProperties(baseUrl, params); oldWebsafeCursorString = websafeCursorString; // remember what we had... AggregateUtils.DocumentFetchResult result; try { DocumentDescription submissionChunkDescription = new DocumentDescription( "Fetch of submission download chunk failed. Detailed error: ", "Fetch of submission download chunk failed.", "submission download chunk", terminationFuture); result = AggregateUtils.getXmlDocument( fullUrl, serverInfo, false, submissionChunkDescription, null); } catch (XmlDocumentFetchException e) { fs.setStatusString( "NOT ALL SUBMISSIONS RETRIEVED: Error fetching list of submissions: " + e.getMessage(), false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); return false; } SubmissionDownloadChunk chunk; try { chunk = XmlManipulationUtils.parseSubmissionDownloadListResponse(result.doc); } catch (ParsingException e) { fs.setStatusString( "NOT ALL SUBMISSIONS RETRIEVED: Error parsing the list of submissions: " + e.getMessage(), false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); return false; } websafeCursorString = chunk.websafeCursorString; for (String uri : chunk.uriList) { if (isCancelled()) { fs.setStatusString("aborting fetching submissions...", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); return false; } try { fs.setStatusString("fetching instance " + count++ + " ...", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); downloadSubmission(formInstancesDir, formDatabase, lfd, fs, uri); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString( "SUBMISSION NOT RETRIEVED: Error fetching submission uri: " + uri + " details: " + e.getMessage(), false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); // but try to get the next one... } } } return allSuccessful; }
private void downloadSubmission( File formInstancesDir, DatabaseUtils formDatabase, BriefcaseFormDefinition lfd, FormStatus fs, String uri) throws Exception { if (formDatabase.hasRecordedInstance(uri) != null) { logger.info("already present - skipping fetch: " + uri); return; } String formId = lfd.getSubmissionKey(uri); if (isCancelled()) { fs.setStatusString("aborting fetch of submission...", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); throw new SubmissionDownloadException("Transfer cancelled by user."); } String baseUrl = serverInfo.getUrl() + "/view/downloadSubmission"; Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("formId", formId); String fullUrl = WebUtils.createLinkWithProperties(baseUrl, params); AggregateUtils.DocumentFetchResult result; try { DocumentDescription submissionDescription = new DocumentDescription( "Fetch of a submission failed. Detailed error: ", "Fetch of a submission failed.", "submission", terminationFuture); result = AggregateUtils.getXmlDocument(fullUrl, serverInfo, false, submissionDescription, null); } catch (XmlDocumentFetchException e) { throw new SubmissionDownloadException(e.getMessage()); } // and parse the document... SubmissionManifest submissionManifest; try { submissionManifest = XmlManipulationUtils.parseDownloadSubmissionResponse(result.doc); } catch (ParsingException e) { throw new SubmissionDownloadException(e.getMessage()); } String msg = "Fetched instanceID=" + submissionManifest.instanceID; logger.info(msg); if (FileSystemUtils.hasFormSubmissionDirectory( formInstancesDir, submissionManifest.instanceID)) { // create instance directory... File instanceDir = FileSystemUtils.assertFormSubmissionDirectory( formInstancesDir, submissionManifest.instanceID); // fetch attachments for (MediaFile m : submissionManifest.attachmentList) { downloadMediaFileIfChanged(instanceDir, m, fs); } // write submission file -- we rely on instanceId being unique... File submissionFile = new File(instanceDir, "submission.xml"); OutputStreamWriter fo = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(submissionFile), "UTF-8"); fo.write(submissionManifest.submissionXml); fo.close(); // if we get here and it was a legacy server (0.9.x), we don't // actually know whether the submission was complete. Otherwise, // if we get here, we know that this is a completed submission // (because it was in /view/submissionList) and that we safely // copied it into the storage area (because we didn't get any // exceptions). if (serverInfo.isOpenRosaServer()) { formDatabase.assertRecordedInstanceDirectory(uri, instanceDir); } } else { // create instance directory... File instanceDir = FileSystemUtils.assertFormSubmissionDirectory( formInstancesDir, submissionManifest.instanceID); // fetch attachments for (MediaFile m : submissionManifest.attachmentList) { downloadMediaFileIfChanged(instanceDir, m, fs); } // write submission file File submissionFile = new File(instanceDir, "submission.xml"); OutputStreamWriter fo = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(submissionFile), "UTF-8"); fo.write(submissionManifest.submissionXml); fo.close(); // if we get here and it was a legacy server (0.9.x), we don't // actually know whether the submission was complete. Otherwise, // if we get here, we know that this is a completed submission // (because it was in /view/submissionList) and that we safely // copied it into the storage area (because we didn't get any // exceptions). if (serverInfo.isOpenRosaServer()) { formDatabase.assertRecordedInstanceDirectory(uri, instanceDir); } } }
public void tickGeneric(int tickerId, int tickType, double value) { Hashtable f = new Hashtable(); f.put(TickType.getField(tickType), String.valueOf(value)); EventBus.publish(new MktDataEvent(tickerId, f)); }
public void tickString(int tickerId, int tickType, String value) { Hashtable f = new Hashtable(); f.put(TickType.getField(tickType), value); EventBus.publish(new MktDataEvent(tickerId, f)); }
public boolean downloadFormAndSubmissionFiles(List<FormStatus> formsToTransfer) { boolean allSuccessful = true; // boolean error = false; int total = formsToTransfer.size(); for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { FormStatus fs = formsToTransfer.get(i); if (isCancelled()) { fs.setStatusString("aborted. Skipping fetch of form and submissions...", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); return false; } RemoteFormDefinition fd = (RemoteFormDefinition) fs.getFormDefinition(); fs.setStatusString("Fetching form definition", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); try { File tmpdl = FileSystemUtils.getTempFormDefinitionFile(); AggregateUtils.commonDownloadFile(serverInfo, tmpdl, fd.getDownloadUrl()); fs.setStatusString("resolving against briefcase form definitions", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); boolean successful = false; BriefcaseFormDefinition briefcaseLfd; DatabaseUtils formDatabase = null; try { try { briefcaseLfd = BriefcaseFormDefinition.resolveAgainstBriefcaseDefn(tmpdl); if (briefcaseLfd.needsMediaUpdate()) { if (fd.getManifestUrl() != null) { File mediaDir = FileSystemUtils.getMediaDirectory(briefcaseLfd.getFormDirectory()); String error = downloadManifestAndMediaFiles(mediaDir, fs); if (error != null) { allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString("Error fetching form definition: " + error, false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); continue; } } } formDatabase = new DatabaseUtils(FileSystemUtils.getFormDatabase(briefcaseLfd.getFormDirectory())); } catch (BadFormDefinition e) { e.printStackTrace(); allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString("Error parsing form definition: " + e.getMessage(), false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); continue; } fs.setStatusString("preparing to retrieve instance data", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); File formInstancesDir = FileSystemUtils.getFormInstancesDirectory(briefcaseLfd.getFormDirectory()); // this will publish events successful = downloadAllSubmissionsForForm(formInstancesDir, formDatabase, briefcaseLfd, fs); } catch (FileSystemException e) { e.printStackTrace(); allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString("unable to open form database: " + e.getMessage(), false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); continue; } finally { if (formDatabase != null) { try { formDatabase.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString("unable to close form database: " + e.getMessage(), false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); continue; } } } allSuccessful = allSuccessful && successful; // on success, we haven't actually set a success event (because we don't know we're done) if (successful) { fs.setStatusString("SUCCESS!", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); } else { fs.setStatusString("FAILED.", true); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException se) { se.printStackTrace(); allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString( "Communications to the server timed out. Detailed message: " + se.getLocalizedMessage() + " while accessing: " + fd.getDownloadUrl() + " A network login screen may be interfering with the transmission to the server.", false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); continue; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString( "Unexpected error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + " while accessing: " + fd.getDownloadUrl() + " A network login screen may be interfering with the transmission to the server.", false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); continue; } catch (FileSystemException e) { e.printStackTrace(); allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString( "Unexpected error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + " while accessing: " + fd.getDownloadUrl(), false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); continue; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString( "Unexpected error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + " while accessing: " + fd.getDownloadUrl(), false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); continue; } catch (TransmissionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); allSuccessful = false; fs.setStatusString( "Unexpected error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + " while accessing: " + fd.getDownloadUrl(), false); EventBus.publish(new FormStatusEvent(fs)); continue; } } return allSuccessful; }
public void tickSize(int tickerId, int field, int size) { Hashtable f = new Hashtable(); f.put(TickType.getField(field), String.valueOf(size)); EventBus.publish(new MktDataEvent(tickerId, f)); }