Esempio n. 1
 public void overriddenDef(Def def, boolean duplicate) throws Exception {
   if (duplicate) {
     w.attribute("name", def.getName());
   } else def.accept(this);
Esempio n. 2
 public void start() {
   Def def = new Def();
   abc = new Abc();
   int[] z = new int[34]; = 4; // error: ints do not have instance variables
   abc.jack = 5; // error: no instance variable named 'jack'
   abc.where(); // error: no method named 'where'
   b.start(6, "abc"); // error: cannot call a method on a boolean
   def.start(3, "xyz", 4); // error: wrong # parameters
   def.start(3, true); // error: parameter-type mismatch
   def[4] = 4; // error: attempt to index non-array value
   z[abc] = 34; // error: array-index must be int
   xyz = abc.length; // error: taking length of non-array
   def = new Abc(); // error: cannot assign to subclass value
   xyz = false; // error parameter-type mismatch
   b = start() == start(); // error: cannot compare void values
   b = 45; // error: assignment type incompatibility
   abc = new Def();
   def = null;
   abc = null;
   xyz = 4 + true; // error: '+' needs two ints
   xyz = b < false; // error: '<' needs two ints
   b = b && 3; // error: '&&' needs two booleans
   Def def2 = 45; // error: initializer incompatibilty
   Def def3 = new Abc(); // error: cannot initialize from superclass
   Abc abc2 = new Def();
   if (xyz) { // error: condition must be boolean
     xyz = 3;
   while (def) { // error: condition must be boolean
     xyz = 4;
   for (int i = 0; xyz + 4; i++) { // error: condition must be boolean
     xyz = 5;