public static void validateKeyRange(KeyRange range) throws InvalidRequestException { if ((range.start_key == null) != (range.end_key == null)) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "start key and end key must either both be non-null, or both be null"); } if ((range.start_token == null) != (range.end_token == null)) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "start token and end token must either both be non-null, or both be null"); } if ((range.start_key == null) == (range.start_token == null)) { throw new InvalidRequestException( "exactly one of {start key, end key} or {start token, end token} must be specified"); } if (range.start_key != null) { IPartitioner p = StorageService.getPartitioner(); Token startToken = p.getToken(range.start_key); Token endToken = p.getToken(range.end_key); if (startToken.compareTo(endToken) > 0 && !endToken.equals(p.getMinimumToken())) { if (p instanceof RandomPartitioner) throw new InvalidRequestException( "start key's md5 sorts after end key's md5. this is not allowed; you probably should not specify end key at all, under RandomPartitioner"); else throw new InvalidRequestException( "start key must sort before (or equal to) finish key in your partitioner!"); } } if (range.count <= 0) { throw new InvalidRequestException("maxRows must be positive"); } }
@Test public void testExportSuperCf() throws IOException { File tempSS = createTemporarySSTable("Keyspace1", "Super4"); ColumnFamily cfamily = ColumnFamily.create("Keyspace1", "Super4"); IPartitioner<?> partitioner = DatabaseDescriptor.getPartitioner(); DataOutputBuffer dob = new DataOutputBuffer(); SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(tempSS.getPath(), 2, partitioner); // Add rowA cfamily.addColumn( new QueryPath("Super4", "superA".getBytes(), "colA".getBytes()), "valA".getBytes(), 1, false); ColumnFamily.serializer().serializeWithIndexes(cfamily, dob, false); writer.append(partitioner.decorateKey("rowA"), dob); dob.reset(); cfamily.clear(); // Add rowB cfamily.addColumn( new QueryPath("Super4", "superB".getBytes(), "colB".getBytes()), "valB".getBytes(), 1, false); ColumnFamily.serializer().serializeWithIndexes(cfamily, dob, false); writer.append(partitioner.decorateKey("rowB"), dob); dob.reset(); cfamily.clear(); // Add rowExclude cfamily.addColumn( new QueryPath("Super4", "superX".getBytes(), "colX".getBytes()), "valX".getBytes(), 1, false); ColumnFamily.serializer().serializeWithIndexes(cfamily, dob, false); dob.reset(); cfamily.clear(); SSTableReader reader = writer.closeAndOpenReader(); // Export to JSON and verify File tempJson = File.createTempFile("Super4", ".json"); SSTableExport.export(reader, new PrintStream(tempJson.getPath()), new String[] {"rowExclude"}); JSONObject json = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(new FileReader(tempJson)); JSONObject rowA = (JSONObject) json.get("rowA"); JSONObject superA = (JSONObject) rowA.get(cfamily.getComparator().getString("superA".getBytes())); JSONArray subColumns = (JSONArray) superA.get("subColumns"); JSONArray colA = (JSONArray) subColumns.get(0); JSONObject rowExclude = (JSONObject) json.get("rowExclude"); assert Arrays.equals(hexToBytes((String) colA.get(1)), "valA".getBytes()); assert !(Boolean) colA.get(3); assert rowExclude == null; }
public TokenRange getRange(ByteBuffer key) { Token t = partitioner.getToken(key); com.datastax.driver.core.Token driverToken = metadata.newToken(partitioner.getTokenFactory().toString(t)); for (TokenRange range : rangeMap.keySet()) { if (range.contains(driverToken)) { return range; } } throw new RuntimeException( "Invalid token information returned by describe_ring: " + rangeMap); }
@Test public void testRoundTripStandardCf() throws IOException, ParseException { File tempSS = createTemporarySSTable("Keyspace1", "Standard1"); ColumnFamily cfamily = ColumnFamily.create("Keyspace1", "Standard1"); IPartitioner<?> partitioner = DatabaseDescriptor.getPartitioner(); DataOutputBuffer dob = new DataOutputBuffer(); SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(tempSS.getPath(), 2, partitioner); // Add rowA cfamily.addColumn( new QueryPath("Standard1", null, "name".getBytes()), "val".getBytes(), 1, false); ColumnFamily.serializer().serializeWithIndexes(cfamily, dob, false); writer.append(partitioner.decorateKey("rowA"), dob); dob.reset(); cfamily.clear(); // Add rowExclude cfamily.addColumn( new QueryPath("Standard1", null, "name".getBytes()), "val".getBytes(), 1, false); ColumnFamily.serializer().serializeWithIndexes(cfamily, dob, false); writer.append(partitioner.decorateKey("rowExclude"), dob); dob.reset(); cfamily.clear(); SSTableReader reader = writer.closeAndOpenReader(); // Export to JSON and verify File tempJson = File.createTempFile("Standard1", ".json"); SSTableExport.export(reader, new PrintStream(tempJson.getPath()), new String[] {"rowExclude"}); // Import JSON to another SSTable file File tempSS2 = createTemporarySSTable("Keyspace1", "Standard1"); SSTableImport.importJson(tempJson.getPath(), "Keyspace1", "Standard1", tempSS2.getPath()); reader =, DatabaseDescriptor.getPartitioner()); NamesQueryFilter qf = new NamesQueryFilter("rowA", new QueryPath("Standard1", null, null), "name".getBytes()); ColumnFamily cf = qf.getSSTableColumnIterator(reader).getColumnFamily(); assertTrue(cf != null); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(cf.getColumn("name".getBytes()).value(), hexToBytes("76616c"))); qf = new NamesQueryFilter( "rowExclude", new QueryPath("Standard1", null, null), "name".getBytes()); cf = qf.getSSTableColumnIterator(reader).getColumnFamily(); assert cf == null; }
/** * Hash the given range in the tree. The range must have been generated with recursive * applications of partitioner.midpoint(). * * <p>NB: Currently does not support wrapping ranges that do not end with * partitioner.getMinimumToken(). * * @return Null if any subrange of the range is invalid, or if the exact range cannot be * calculated using this tree. */ public byte[] hash(Range range) { Token mintoken = partitioner.getMinimumToken(); try { return hashHelper(root, new Range(mintoken, mintoken), range); } catch (StopRecursion e) { return null; } }
private Hashable initHelper(Token left, Token right, byte depth, byte max) { if (depth == max) // we've reached the leaves return new Leaf(); Token midpoint = partitioner.midpoint(left, right); Hashable lchild = initHelper(left, midpoint, inc(depth), max); Hashable rchild = initHelper(midpoint, right, inc(depth), max); return new Inner(midpoint, lchild, rchild); }
/** * Initializes this tree by splitting it until hashdepth is reached, or until an additional level * of splits would violate maxsize. * * <p>NB: Replaces all nodes in the tree. */ public void init() { // determine the depth to which we can safely split the tree byte sizedepth = (byte) (Math.log10(maxsize) / Math.log10(2)); byte depth = (byte) Math.min(sizedepth, hashdepth); Token mintoken = partitioner.getMinimumToken(); root = initHelper(mintoken, mintoken, (byte) 0, depth); size = (long) Math.pow(2, depth); }
private void testRangeSliceCommandWrite() throws IOException { IPartitioner part = StorageService.getPartitioner(); AbstractBounds<RowPosition> bounds = new Range<Token>(part.getRandomToken(), part.getRandomToken()).toRowBounds(); RangeSliceCommand namesCmd = new RangeSliceCommand(statics.KS, "Standard1", statics.readTs, namesPred, bounds, 100); MessageOut<RangeSliceCommand> namesCmdMsg = namesCmd.createMessage(); RangeSliceCommand emptyRangeCmd = new RangeSliceCommand(statics.KS, "Standard1", statics.readTs, emptyRangePred, bounds, 100); MessageOut<RangeSliceCommand> emptyRangeCmdMsg = emptyRangeCmd.createMessage(); RangeSliceCommand regRangeCmd = new RangeSliceCommand( statics.KS, "Standard1", statics.readTs, nonEmptyRangePred, bounds, 100); MessageOut<RangeSliceCommand> regRangeCmdMsg = regRangeCmd.createMessage(); RangeSliceCommand namesCmdSup = new RangeSliceCommand(statics.KS, "Super1", statics.readTs, namesSCPred, bounds, 100); MessageOut<RangeSliceCommand> namesCmdSupMsg = namesCmdSup.createMessage(); RangeSliceCommand emptyRangeCmdSup = new RangeSliceCommand(statics.KS, "Super1", statics.readTs, emptyRangePred, bounds, 100); MessageOut<RangeSliceCommand> emptyRangeCmdSupMsg = emptyRangeCmdSup.createMessage(); RangeSliceCommand regRangeCmdSup = new RangeSliceCommand( statics.KS, "Super1", statics.readTs, nonEmptyRangeSCPred, bounds, 100); MessageOut<RangeSliceCommand> regRangeCmdSupMsg = regRangeCmdSup.createMessage(); DataOutputStream out = getOutput("db.RangeSliceCommand.bin"); namesCmdMsg.serialize(out, getVersion()); emptyRangeCmdMsg.serialize(out, getVersion()); regRangeCmdMsg.serialize(out, getVersion()); namesCmdSupMsg.serialize(out, getVersion()); emptyRangeCmdSupMsg.serialize(out, getVersion()); regRangeCmdSupMsg.serialize(out, getVersion()); out.close(); // test serializedSize testSerializedSize(namesCmd, RangeSliceCommand.serializer); testSerializedSize(emptyRangeCmd, RangeSliceCommand.serializer); testSerializedSize(regRangeCmd, RangeSliceCommand.serializer); testSerializedSize(namesCmdSup, RangeSliceCommand.serializer); testSerializedSize(emptyRangeCmdSup, RangeSliceCommand.serializer); testSerializedSize(regRangeCmdSup, RangeSliceCommand.serializer); }
/** * Splits the range containing the given token, if no tree limits would be violated. If the range * would be split to a depth below hashdepth, or if the tree already contains maxsize subranges, * this operation will fail. * * @return True if the range was successfully split. */ public boolean split(Token t) { if (!(size < maxsize)) return false; Token mintoken = partitioner.getMinimumToken(); try { root = splitHelper(root, mintoken, mintoken, (byte) 0, t); } catch (StopRecursion.TooDeep e) { return false; } return true; }
@Test public void testEnumeratekeys() throws IOException { File tempSS = createTemporarySSTable("Keyspace1", "Standard1"); ColumnFamily cfamily = ColumnFamily.create("Keyspace1", "Standard1"); IPartitioner<?> partitioner = DatabaseDescriptor.getPartitioner(); DataOutputBuffer dob = new DataOutputBuffer(); SSTableWriter writer = new SSTableWriter(tempSS.getPath(), 2, partitioner); // Add rowA cfamily.addColumn( new QueryPath("Standard1", null, "colA".getBytes()), "valA".getBytes(), 1, false); ColumnFamily.serializer().serializeWithIndexes(cfamily, dob, false); writer.append(partitioner.decorateKey("rowA"), dob); dob.reset(); cfamily.clear(); // Add rowB cfamily.addColumn( new QueryPath("Standard1", null, "colB".getBytes()), "valB".getBytes(), 1, false); ColumnFamily.serializer().serializeWithIndexes(cfamily, dob, true); writer.append(partitioner.decorateKey("rowB"), dob); dob.reset(); cfamily.clear(); writer.closeAndOpenReader(); // Enumerate and verify File temp = File.createTempFile("Standard1", ".txt"); SSTableExport.enumeratekeys(writer.getFilename(), new PrintStream(temp.getPath())); FileReader file = new FileReader(temp); char[] buf = new char[(int) temp.length()];; String output = new String(buf); String sep = System.getProperty("line.separator"); assert output.equals("rowA" + sep + "rowB" + sep) : output; }
// binary search is notoriously more difficult to get right than it looks; this is lifted from // Harmony's Collections implementation public int binarySearch(RowPosition key) { int low = 0, mid = keys.length, high = mid - 1, result = -1; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high) >> 1; result = -partitioner.decorateKey(ByteBuffer.wrap(keys[mid])).compareTo(key); if (result > 0) { low = mid + 1; } else if (result == 0) { return mid; } else { high = mid - 1; } } return -mid - (result < 0 ? 1 : 2); }
private Hashable splitHelper(Hashable hashable, Token pleft, Token pright, byte depth, Token t) throws StopRecursion.TooDeep { if (depth >= hashdepth) throw new StopRecursion.TooDeep(); if (hashable instanceof Leaf) { // split size++; Token midpoint = partitioner.midpoint(pleft, pright); return new Inner(midpoint, new Leaf(), new Leaf()); } // else: node. // recurse on the matching child Inner node = (Inner) hashable; if (Range.contains(pleft, node.token, t)) // left child contains token node.lchild(splitHelper(node.lchild, pleft, node.token, inc(depth), t)); else // else: right child contains token node.rchild(splitHelper(node.rchild, node.token, pright, inc(depth), t)); return node; }
@Test public void testDifference() { int maxsize = 16; mts = new MerkleTrees(partitioner); mts.addMerkleTree(32, fullRange()); MerkleTrees mts2 = new MerkleTrees(partitioner); mts2.addMerkleTree(32, fullRange()); mts.init(); mts2.init(); // add dummy hashes to both trees for (TreeRange range : mts.invalids()) range.addAll(new HIterator(range.right)); for (TreeRange range : mts2.invalids()) range.addAll(new HIterator(range.right)); TreeRange leftmost = null; TreeRange middle = null; mts.maxsize(fullRange(), maxsize + 2); // give some room for splitting // split the leftmost Iterator<TreeRange> ranges = mts.invalids(); leftmost =; mts.split(leftmost.right); // set the hashes for the leaf of the created split middle = mts.get(leftmost.right); middle.hash("arbitrary!".getBytes()); mts.get(partitioner.midpoint(leftmost.left, leftmost.right)) .hash("even more arbitrary!".getBytes()); // trees should disagree for (leftmost.left, middle.right] List<Range<Token>> diffs = MerkleTrees.difference(mts, mts2); assertEquals(diffs + " contains wrong number of differences:", 1, diffs.size()); assertTrue(diffs.contains(new Range<>(leftmost.left, middle.right))); }
public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext context) throws IOException { Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration(); validateConfiguration(conf); // cannonical ranges and nodes holding replicas List<TokenRange> masterRangeNodes = getRangeMap(conf); keyspace = ConfigHelper.getInputKeyspace(context.getConfiguration()); cfName = ConfigHelper.getInputColumnFamily(context.getConfiguration()); partitioner = ConfigHelper.getInputPartitioner(context.getConfiguration()); logger.debug("partitioner is " + partitioner); // cannonical ranges, split into pieces, fetching the splits in parallel ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); try { List<Future<List<InputSplit>>> splitfutures = new ArrayList<Future<List<InputSplit>>>(); KeyRange jobKeyRange = ConfigHelper.getInputKeyRange(conf); Range<Token> jobRange = null; if (jobKeyRange != null) { if (jobKeyRange.start_key == null) { logger.warn("ignoring jobKeyRange specified without start_key"); } else { if (!partitioner.preservesOrder()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "KeyRange based on keys can only be used with a order preserving paritioner"); if (jobKeyRange.start_token != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("only start_key supported"); if (jobKeyRange.end_token != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("only start_key supported"); jobRange = new Range<Token>( partitioner.getToken(jobKeyRange.start_key), partitioner.getToken(jobKeyRange.end_key), partitioner); } } for (TokenRange range : masterRangeNodes) { if (jobRange == null) { // for each range, pick a live owner and ask it to compute bite-sized splits splitfutures.add(executor.submit(new SplitCallable(range, conf))); } else { Range<Token> dhtRange = new Range<Token>( partitioner.getTokenFactory().fromString(range.start_token), partitioner.getTokenFactory().fromString(range.end_token), partitioner); if (dhtRange.intersects(jobRange)) { for (Range<Token> intersection : dhtRange.intersectionWith(jobRange)) { range.start_token = partitioner.getTokenFactory().toString(intersection.left); range.end_token = partitioner.getTokenFactory().toString(intersection.right); // for each range, pick a live owner and ask it to compute bite-sized splits splitfutures.add(executor.submit(new SplitCallable(range, conf))); } } } } // wait until we have all the results back for (Future<List<InputSplit>> futureInputSplits : splitfutures) { try { splits.addAll(futureInputSplits.get()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Could not get input splits", e); } } } finally { executor.shutdownNow(); } assert splits.size() > 0; Collections.shuffle(splits, new Random(System.nanoTime())); return splits; }
private void resolve(String key, byte[] buffer) { columnFamilies.put(partitioner.decorateKey(key), buffer); currentSize.addAndGet(buffer.length + key.length()); }
/** For testing purposes. Gets the smallest range containing the token. */ TreeRange get(Token t) { Token mintoken = partitioner.getMinimumToken(); return getHelper(root, mintoken, mintoken, (byte) 0, t); }
/** Invalidates the ranges containing the given token. */ public void invalidate(Token t) { invalidateHelper(root, partitioner.getMinimumToken(), t); }
public ByteBuffer execute(List<ByteBuffer> parameters) throws InvalidRequestException { ColumnNameBuilder builder = cfDef.getKeyNameBuilder(); for (ByteBuffer bb : parameters) builder.add(bb); return partitioner.getTokenFactory().toByteArray(partitioner.getToken(; }
public TokenFct(CFMetaData cfm) { super("token", partitioner.getTokenValidator(), getKeyTypes(cfm)); this.cfDef = cfm.getCfDef(); }
private Range<Token> fullRange() { return new Range<>(partitioner.getMinimumToken(), partitioner.getMinimumToken()); }