private static GCStatus fetchGcStatus() { GCStatus result = null; HostAndPort address = null; try { // Read the gc location from its lock ZooReaderWriter zk = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance(); String path = ZooUtil.getRoot(instance) + Constants.ZGC_LOCK; List<String> locks = zk.getChildren(path, null); if (locks != null && locks.size() > 0) { Collections.sort(locks); address = new ServerServices( new String(zk.getData(path + "/" + locks.get(0), null), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) .getAddress(Service.GC_CLIENT); GCMonitorService.Client client = ThriftUtil.getClient( new GCMonitorService.Client.Factory(), address, config.getConfiguration()); try { result = client.getStatus(Tracer.traceInfo(), SystemCredentials.get().toThrift(instance)); } finally { ThriftUtil.returnClient(client); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Unable to contact the garbage collector at " + address, ex); } return result; }
public static ServerAddress startThreadPoolServer( InetSocketAddress address, TProcessor processor, String serverName, String threadName, int numThreads) throws TTransportException { // if port is zero, then we must bind to get the port number ServerSocket sock; try { sock =; sock.setReuseAddress(true); sock.bind(address); address = new InetSocketAddress(address.getHostName(), sock.getLocalPort()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new TTransportException(ex); } TServerTransport transport = new TBufferedServerSocket(sock, 32 * 1024); TThreadPoolServer.Args options = new TThreadPoolServer.Args(transport); options.protocolFactory(ThriftUtil.protocolFactory()); options.transportFactory(ThriftUtil.transportFactory()); options.processorFactory(new ClientInfoProcessorFactory(processor)); return new ServerAddress(new TThreadPoolServer(options), address); }
public static MasterClientService.Client getConnection(Instance instance) { List<String> locations = instance.getMasterLocations(); if (locations.size() == 0) { log.debug("No masters..."); return null; } String master = locations.get(0); if (master.endsWith(":0")) return null; try { // Master requests can take a long time: don't ever time out MasterClientService.Client client = ThriftUtil.getClientNoTimeout( new MasterClientService.Client.Factory(), master, ServerConfigurationUtil.getConfiguration(instance)); return client; } catch (TTransportException tte) { if (tte.getCause().getClass().equals(UnknownHostException.class)) { // do not expect to recover from this throw new RuntimeException(tte); } log.debug("Failed to connect to master=" + master + ", will retry... ", tte); return null; } }
@Override protected void pageBody(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse response, StringBuilder sb) throws Exception { String tserverAddress = req.getParameter("s"); // Check to make sure tserver is a known address boolean tserverExists = false; if (tserverAddress != null && tserverAddress.isEmpty() == false) { for (TabletServerStatus ts : Monitor.getMmi().getTServerInfo()) { if (tserverAddress.equals(ts.getName())) { tserverExists = true; break; } } } if (tserverAddress == null || tserverAddress.isEmpty() || tserverExists == false) { doBadTserverList(req, sb); doDeadTserverList(req, sb); ArrayList<TabletServerStatus> tservers = new ArrayList<TabletServerStatus>(); if (Monitor.getMmi() != null) tservers.addAll(Monitor.getMmi().tServerInfo); Table tServerList = new Table("tservers", "Tablet Servers"); tServerList.setSubCaption( "Click on the <span style='color: #0000ff;'>server address</span> to view detailed performance statistics for that server."); doTserverList(req, sb, tservers, null, tServerList); return; } double totalElapsedForAll = 0; double splitStdDev = 0; double minorStdDev = 0; double minorQueueStdDev = 0; double majorStdDev = 0; double majorQueueStdDev = 0; double currentMinorAvg = 0; double currentMajorAvg = 0; double currentMinorStdDev = 0; double currentMajorStdDev = 0; TabletStats total = new TabletStats(null, new ActionStats(), new ActionStats(), new ActionStats(), 0, 0, 0, 0); InetSocketAddress address = AddressUtil.parseAddress(tserverAddress, -1); TabletStats historical = new TabletStats(null, new ActionStats(), new ActionStats(), new ActionStats(), 0, 0, 0, 0); List<TabletStats> tsStats = new ArrayList<TabletStats>(); try { TabletClientService.Client client = ThriftUtil.getClient( new TabletClientService.Client.Factory(), address, Monitor.getSystemConfiguration()); try { for (String tableId : Monitor.getMmi().tableMap.keySet()) { tsStats.addAll( client.getTabletStats( Tracer.traceInfo(), SystemCredentials.get().toThrift(Monitor.getInstance()), tableId)); } historical = client.getHistoricalStats( Tracer.traceInfo(), SystemCredentials.get().toThrift(Monitor.getInstance())); } finally { ThriftUtil.returnClient(client); } } catch (Exception e) { banner(sb, "error", "No Such Tablet ServerAvailable"); log.error(e, e); return; } Table perTabletResults = new Table("perTabletResults", "Detailed Current Operations"); perTabletResults.setSubCaption("Per-tablet Details"); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Table", new TableLinkType(), null); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Tablet"); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Entries", new NumberType<Long>(), null); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Ingest", new NumberType<Long>(), null); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Query", new NumberType<Long>(), null); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Minor Avg", new SecondType(), null); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Minor Std Dev", new SecondType(), null); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Minor Avg e/s", new NumberType<Double>(), null); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Major Avg", new SecondType(), null); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Major Std Dev", new SecondType(), null); perTabletResults.addSortableColumn("Major Avg e/s", new NumberType<Double>(), null); for (TabletStats info : tsStats) { if (info.extent == null) { historical = info; continue; } total.numEntries += info.numEntries; TabletStatsKeeper.update(total.minors, info.minors); TabletStatsKeeper.update(total.majors, info.majors); KeyExtent extent = new KeyExtent(info.extent); String tableId = extent.getTableId().toString(); MessageDigest digester = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); if (extent.getEndRow() != null && extent.getEndRow().getLength() > 0) { digester.update(extent.getEndRow().getBytes(), 0, extent.getEndRow().getLength()); } String obscuredExtent = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(digester.digest())); String displayExtent = String.format("<code>[%s]</code>", obscuredExtent); TableRow row = perTabletResults.prepareRow(); row.add(tableId); row.add(displayExtent); row.add(info.numEntries); row.add(info.ingestRate); row.add(info.queryRate); row.add(info.minors.num != 0 ? info.minors.elapsed / info.minors.num : null); row.add(stddev(info.minors.elapsed, info.minors.num, info.minors.sumDev)); row.add(info.minors.elapsed != 0 ? info.minors.count / info.minors.elapsed : null); row.add(info.majors.num != 0 ? info.majors.elapsed / info.majors.num : null); row.add(stddev(info.majors.elapsed, info.majors.num, info.majors.sumDev)); row.add(info.majors.elapsed != 0 ? info.majors.count / info.majors.elapsed : null); perTabletResults.addRow(row); } // Calculate current averages oldServer adding in historical data if (total.minors.num != 0) currentMinorAvg = (long) (total.minors.elapsed / total.minors.num); if (total.minors.elapsed != 0 && total.minors.num != 0) currentMinorStdDev = stddev(total.minors.elapsed, total.minors.num, total.minors.sumDev); if (total.majors.num != 0) currentMajorAvg = total.majors.elapsed / total.majors.num; if (total.majors.elapsed != 0 && total.majors.num != 0 && total.majors.elapsed > total.majors.num) currentMajorStdDev = stddev(total.majors.elapsed, total.majors.num, total.majors.sumDev); // After these += operations, these variables are now total for current // tablets and historical tablets TabletStatsKeeper.update(total.minors, historical.minors); TabletStatsKeeper.update(total.majors, historical.majors); totalElapsedForAll += total.majors.elapsed + historical.splits.elapsed + total.minors.elapsed; minorStdDev = stddev(total.minors.elapsed, total.minors.num, total.minors.sumDev); minorQueueStdDev = stddev(total.minors.queueTime, total.minors.num, total.minors.queueSumDev); majorStdDev = stddev(total.majors.elapsed, total.majors.num, total.majors.sumDev); majorQueueStdDev = stddev(total.majors.queueTime, total.majors.num, total.majors.queueSumDev); splitStdDev = stddev(historical.splits.num, historical.splits.elapsed, historical.splits.sumDev); doDetailTable(req, sb, address, tsStats.size(), total, historical); doAllTimeTable( req, sb, total, historical, majorQueueStdDev, minorQueueStdDev, totalElapsedForAll, splitStdDev, majorStdDev, minorStdDev); doCurrentTabletOps( req, sb, currentMinorAvg, currentMinorStdDev, currentMajorAvg, currentMajorStdDev); perTabletResults.generate(req, sb); }
private MutationSet sendMutationsToTabletServer( String location, Map<KeyExtent, List<Mutation>> tabMuts, TimeoutTracker timeoutTracker) throws IOException, AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloServerException { if (tabMuts.size() == 0) { return new MutationSet(); } TInfo tinfo = Tracer.traceInfo(); // TODO remove this TTransport transport = null; timeoutTracker.startingWrite(); try { TabletClientService.Iface client; if (timeoutTracker.getTimeOut() < instance.getConfiguration().getTimeInMillis(Property.GENERAL_RPC_TIMEOUT)) client = ThriftUtil.getTServerClient(location, timeoutTracker.getTimeOut()); else client = ThriftUtil.getTServerClient(location, instance.getConfiguration()); try { MutationSet allFailures = new MutationSet(); if (tabMuts.size() == 1 && tabMuts.values().iterator().next().size() == 1) { Entry<KeyExtent, List<Mutation>> entry = tabMuts.entrySet().iterator().next(); try { client.update( tinfo, credentials.toThrift(instance), entry.getKey().toThrift(), entry.getValue().get(0).toThrift()); } catch (NotServingTabletException e) { allFailures.addAll(entry.getKey().getTableId().toString(), entry.getValue()); TabletLocator.getLocator(instance, new Text(entry.getKey().getTableId())) .invalidateCache(entry.getKey()); } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { updatedConstraintViolations( Translator.translate(e.violationSummaries, Translator.TCVST)); } timeoutTracker.madeProgress(); } else { long usid = client.startUpdate(tinfo, credentials.toThrift(instance)); List<TMutation> updates = new ArrayList<TMutation>(); for (Entry<KeyExtent, List<Mutation>> entry : tabMuts.entrySet()) { long size = 0; Iterator<Mutation> iter = entry.getValue().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { while (size < MUTATION_BATCH_SIZE && iter.hasNext()) { Mutation mutation =; updates.add(mutation.toThrift()); size += mutation.numBytes(); } client.applyUpdates(tinfo, usid, entry.getKey().toThrift(), updates); updates.clear(); size = 0; } } UpdateErrors updateErrors = client.closeUpdate(tinfo, usid); Map<KeyExtent, Long> failures = Translator.translate(updateErrors.failedExtents, Translator.TKET); updatedConstraintViolations( Translator.translate(updateErrors.violationSummaries, Translator.TCVST)); updateAuthorizationFailures( Translator.translate(updateErrors.authorizationFailures, Translator.TKET)); long totalCommitted = 0; for (Entry<KeyExtent, Long> entry : failures.entrySet()) { KeyExtent failedExtent = entry.getKey(); int numCommitted = (int) (long) entry.getValue(); totalCommitted += numCommitted; String table = failedExtent.getTableId().toString(); TabletLocator.getLocator(instance, new Text(table)).invalidateCache(failedExtent); ArrayList<Mutation> mutations = (ArrayList<Mutation>) tabMuts.get(failedExtent); allFailures.addAll(table, mutations.subList(numCommitted, mutations.size())); } if (failures.keySet().containsAll(tabMuts.keySet()) && totalCommitted == 0) { // nothing was successfully written timeoutTracker.wroteNothing(); } else { // successfully wrote something to tablet server timeoutTracker.madeProgress(); } } return allFailures; } finally { ThriftUtil.returnClient((TServiceClient) client); } } catch (TTransportException e) { timeoutTracker.errorOccured(e); throw new IOException(e); } catch (TApplicationException tae) { updateServerErrors(location, tae); throw new AccumuloServerException(location, tae); } catch (ThriftSecurityException e) { updateAuthorizationFailures(tabMuts.keySet(), e.code); throw new AccumuloSecurityException(e.user, e.code, e); } catch (NoSuchScanIDException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (TException e) { throw new IOException(e); } finally { ThriftTransportPool.getInstance().returnTransport(transport); } }
public static ServerAddress startHsHaServer( InetSocketAddress address, TProcessor processor, final String serverName, String threadName, final int numThreads, long timeBetweenThreadChecks, long maxMessageSize) throws TTransportException { TNonblockingServerSocket transport = new TNonblockingServerSocket(address); // check for the special "bind to everything address" if (address.getAddress().getHostAddress().equals("")) { // can't get the address from the bind, so we'll do our best to invent our hostname try { address = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(), address.getPort()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new TTransportException(e); } } THsHaServer.Args options = new THsHaServer.Args(transport); options.protocolFactory(ThriftUtil.protocolFactory()); options.transportFactory(ThriftUtil.transportFactory(maxMessageSize)); options.stopTimeoutVal(5); /* * Create our own very special thread pool. */ final ThreadPoolExecutor pool = new SimpleThreadPool(numThreads, "ClientPool"); // periodically adjust the number of threads we need by checking how busy our threads are SimpleTimer.getInstance() .schedule( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (pool.getCorePoolSize() <= pool.getActiveCount()) { int larger = pool.getCorePoolSize() + Math.min(pool.getQueue().size(), 2);"Increasing server thread pool size on " + serverName + " to " + larger); pool.setMaximumPoolSize(larger); pool.setCorePoolSize(larger); } else { if (pool.getCorePoolSize() > pool.getActiveCount() + 3) { int smaller = Math.max(numThreads, pool.getCorePoolSize() - 1); if (smaller != pool.getCorePoolSize()) { // there is a race condition here... the active count could be higher by the // time // we decrease the core pool size... so the active count could end up higher // than // the core pool size, in which case everything will be queued... the increase // case // should handle this and prevent deadlock "Decreasing server thread pool size on " + serverName + " to " + smaller); pool.setCorePoolSize(smaller); } } } } }, timeBetweenThreadChecks, timeBetweenThreadChecks); options.executorService(pool); options.processorFactory(new TProcessorFactory(processor)); return new ServerAddress(new THsHaServer(options), address); }