public ProcessingAnimationView( ProcessingAnimationModel animationModel) { // ProcessingAnimationModel animationModel, MachineTestController // testController) { this.processingAnimationModel = animationModel; // this.machineTestController = testController; imageViewTop = new ImageView(); imageViewTop.setFitWidth(270); imageViewTop.setFitHeight(100); imageViewTop.setX(200); imgTop = new Image("file:Image\\animation\\presTop.png"); imageViewTop.setImage(imgTop); imageViewBot = new ImageView(); imageViewBot.setTranslateY(40); imageViewBot.setFitWidth(270); imageViewBot.setFitHeight(300); imgBot = new Image("file:Image\\animation\\presBot.png"); imageViewBot.setPreserveRatio(true); imageViewBot.setX(200); imageViewBot.setImage(imgBot); Image imgStorage = new Image("file:Image\\animation\\storage.png"); imageViewLeftStorage = new ImageView(); imageViewLeftStorage.setFitWidth(200); imageViewLeftStorage.setFitHeight(80); imageViewLeftStorage.setY(185); imageViewLeftStorage.setImage(imgStorage); imageViewRightStorage = new ImageView(); imageViewRightStorage.setFitWidth(200); imageViewRightStorage.setFitHeight(80); imageViewRightStorage.setY(185); imageViewRightStorage.setX(500); imageViewRightStorage.setImage(imgStorage); rectangle = new Rectangle(340, 185, 15, 5); // rectangle.setVisible(false); rectangle.setFill(Color.CORAL); circle = new Circle(190, 180, 10); circle.setFill(Color.CORAL); this.getChildren() .addAll( imageViewLeftStorage, imageViewRightStorage, rectangle, circle, imageViewBot, imageViewTop); this.setMinSize(300, 300); timeline = new Timeline(); transitionCircle = new TranslateTransition(); transitionRect = new TranslateTransition(); products = new Stack<>(); }
/* * Resize the image, preserving the aspect ratio if only the height or width is provided, otherwise scale * based on the height and width provided. */ private void resizeImage(ImageView imageView, Integer widthSize, Integer heightSize) { if (widthSize == null && heightSize != null) { iv1.setPreserveRatio(true); imageView.setFitHeight(heightSize); } else if (widthSize != null && heightSize == null) { iv1.setPreserveRatio(true); imageView.setFitWidth(widthSize); } else { imageView.setFitWidth(widthSize); imageView.setFitHeight(heightSize); } }
private void fitToScreen() { if (mImage.getWidth() < 1100 || mImage.getHeight() < 1100) { mImageView.setFitWidth(1100); mImageView.setFitHeight(1100); } else { mImageView.setFitWidth(mImage.getWidth()); mImageView.setFitHeight(mImage.getHeight()); } mImageView.setPreserveRatio(true); mImageView.setSmooth(true); mImageView.setCache(true); mImageView.setImage(mImage); }
public void addImageTab(Path imagePath) { TabPane previewTabPane = controller.getPreviewTabPane(); ImageTab tab = new ImageTab(); tab.setPath(imagePath); tab.setText(imagePath.getFileName().toString()); if (previewTabPane.getTabs().contains(tab)) { previewTabPane.getSelectionModel().select(tab); return; } Image image = new Image(IOHelper.pathToUrl(imagePath)); ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image); imageView.setPreserveRatio(true); imageView.setFitWidth(previewTabPane.getWidth()); previewTabPane .widthProperty() .addListener( (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { imageView.setFitWidth(previewTabPane.getWidth()); }); Tooltip tip = new Tooltip(imagePath.toString()); Tooltip.install(tab.getGraphic(), tip); ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane(); scrollPane.setVbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED); scrollPane.setHbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED); scrollPane.setContent(imageView); scrollPane.addEventFilter( ScrollEvent.SCROLL, e -> { if (e.isControlDown() && e.getDeltaY() > 0) { // zoom in imageView.setFitWidth(imageView.getFitWidth() + 16.0); } else if (e.isControlDown() && e.getDeltaY() < 0) { // zoom out imageView.setFitWidth(imageView.getFitWidth() - 16.0); } }); tab.setContent(scrollPane); TabPane tabPane = previewTabPane; tabPane.getTabs().add(tab); tabPane.getSelectionModel().select(tab); }
// wyœwietla wszystkie albumy private void drawAlbums() { for (int i = 0; i < albumList.size(); i++) { VBox vBox = new VBox(5); // ok³adka albumu Song tempSong = new Song(albumList.get(i).albumSongList.get(0)); ImageView albumCover = new ImageView(tempSong.getAlbumCover()); albumCover.setFitWidth(130); albumCover.setPreserveRatio(true); albumCover.setSmooth(true); albumCover.imageProperty().bind(tempSong.albumCoverProperty()); // tytu³ albumu Text albumTitle = new Text(albumList.get(i).getAlbumTitle()); albumTitle.getStyleClass().add("text"); vBox.getChildren().addAll(albumCover, albumTitle); vBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); // dodaje do ka¿dego albumu listener którym otwiera listê z piosenkami vBox.setOnMouseClicked( e -> { Text tempText = (Text) vBox.getChildren().get(1); for (int j = 0; j < albumList.size(); j++) { if (albumList.get(j).getAlbumTitle().equals(tempText.getText())) { showCurrentAlbum(albumList.get(j)); break; } } }); flowPane.getChildren().add(vBox); } }
// wyœwietla wszystkie playlisty private void drawPlaylists() { for (int i = 0; i < playlistList.size(); i++) { VBox vBox = new VBox(5); ImageView playlistCover = new ImageView(new Image(new File("temp_cover.png").toURI().toString())); playlistCover.setFitWidth(130); playlistCover.setPreserveRatio(true); playlistCover.setSmooth(true); int ext = playlistList.get(i).getName().lastIndexOf('.'); Text playlistTitle = new Text(playlistList.get(i).getName().substring(0, ext)); playlistTitle.getStyleClass().add("text"); vBox.getChildren().addAll(playlistCover, playlistTitle); vBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); vBox.setOnMouseClicked( e -> { Text tempText = (Text) vBox.getChildren().get(1); showCurrentPlaylist(new File("Playlists/" + tempText.getText() + ".fpl")); }); flowPane.getChildren().add(vBox); } }
public void openImageFile(Resource resource) { Tab tab = new Tab(); tab.setClosable(true); if (resource == null) { Dialogs.create() .owner(tabPane) .title("Datei nicht vorhanden") .message( "Die angeforderte Datei ist nicht vorhanden und kann deshalb nicht geöffnet werden.") .showError(); return; } tab.setText(resource.getFileName()); ImageResource imageResource = (ImageResource) resource; ImageViewerPane pane = new ImageViewerPane(); pane.setImageResource(imageResource); ImageView imageView = pane.getImageView(); imageView.setImage(imageResource.asNativeFormat()); imageView.setFitHeight(-1); imageView.setFitWidth(-1); Label imagePropertiesLabel = pane.getImagePropertiesLabel(); imagePropertiesLabel.setText(imageResource.getImageDescription()); tab.setContent(pane); tab.setUserData(resource); tabPane.getTabs().add(tab); tabPane.getSelectionModel().select(tab); }
@SuppressWarnings("JavadocMethod") public ProjectSettingsEditor( Parent root, ProjectSettings projectSettings, AppSettings appSettings) { super(); VBox content = new VBox( new CustomPropertySheet(BeanPropertyUtils.getProperties(projectSettings)), new Separator(), new CustomPropertySheet(BeanPropertyUtils.getProperties(appSettings))); content.setSpacing(5.0); DialogPane pane = getDialogPane(); pane.getButtonTypes().setAll(ButtonType.OK, ButtonType.CANCEL); pane.setContent(content); pane.styleProperty().bind(root.styleProperty()); pane.getStylesheets().addAll(root.getStylesheets()); pane.setPrefSize(DPIUtility.SETTINGS_DIALOG_SIZE, DPIUtility.SETTINGS_DIALOG_SIZE); ImageView graphic = new ImageView(new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream("icons/settings.png"))); graphic.setFitWidth(DPIUtility.SMALL_ICON_SIZE); graphic.setFitHeight(DPIUtility.SMALL_ICON_SIZE); setTitle("Settings"); setHeaderText("Settings"); setGraphic(graphic); setResizable(true); }
private void configureButton(final ImageView imageView) { imageView.setFitHeight(32); imageView.setFitWidth(32); imageView.setPreserveRatio(true); imageView.setSmooth(true); imageView.getStyleClass().add("launcherIcon"); }
public ImageView getIcon() { Image image = FileFetch.getImageFromFile("pin56_small.svg", 22, 22, true, true); ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image); imageView.setFitHeight(22); imageView.setFitWidth(22); return imageView; }
private ImageView createDropboxIconView() { Image dropboxIcon = new Image(dropboxIconPath); ImageView dropboxIconView = new ImageView(dropboxIcon); dropboxIconView.setFitWidth(imageWidth); dropboxIconView.setFitHeight(imageHeight); return dropboxIconView; }
private void instanciateWidgets() { eventHandler = new DocumentConfigurationScreenEventHandler(this); btnAddFromFS = new Button(properties.getProperty("add_from_hard_drive")); btnAddFromFS.setPrefSize(300, 80); btnAddFromFS.setOnAction(eventHandler); Image i = new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(properties.getProperty("ico_library_root"))); ImageView iv = new ImageView(i); iv.setSmooth(true); iv.setFitWidth(64); iv.setFitHeight(64); btnAddFromFS.setGraphic(iv); btnAddFromScanner = new Button(properties.getProperty("add_scan")); btnAddFromScanner.setPrefSize(300, 80); btnAddFromScanner.setOnAction(eventHandler); Image i2 = new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(properties.getProperty("ico_scan"))); ImageView iv2 = new ImageView(i2); iv2.setSmooth(true); iv2.setFitWidth(64); iv2.setFitHeight(64); btnAddFromScanner.setGraphic(iv2); docInfoEditor = new DocumentInfoEditor(); docInfoEditor.getEventHandler().addDocumentInfoEditorListener(eventHandler); btnSubmit = new Button(properties.getProperty("save")); btnSubmit.setPrefSize(250, 80); btnSubmit.setOnAction(eventHandler); Image i3 = new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(properties.getProperty("ico_save"))); ImageView iv3 = new ImageView(i3); iv3.setSmooth(true); iv3.setFitWidth(64); iv3.setFitHeight(64); btnSubmit.setGraphic(iv3); btnSubmit.setDisable(true); documentPreviewer = new DocumentPreviewer(this); documentPreviewer.getEventHandler().addDocumentPreviewListener(eventHandler); documentPreviewer.setEditionMode(true); }
private void gamePicture() throws FileNotFoundException { ImageView coloredBoxImg = new ImageView(new Image(new FileInputStream("lib/" + selectedGame + ".png"))); coloredBoxImg.setFitHeight(gamePicture.getPrefHeight() - 25); coloredBoxImg.setFitWidth(gamePicture.getPrefWidth() - 25); gamePicture.setGraphic(coloredBoxImg); gamePicture.setStyle(buttonStyle); }
/** * Method to configure the {@link ButtonBase} size and graphic to use the {@link Image} in a * consistent style for toolbox buttons. * * @param button the {@link ButtonBase} to configure. * @param image the {@link Image} to apply. */ public void styleButtonSize(ButtonBase button, Image image) { ImageView view = new ImageView(image); view.setFitHeight(BUTTON_WIDTH); view.setFitWidth(BUTTON_HEIGHT); button.setGraphic(view); button.setPrefSize(BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT); button.setMaxWidth(BUTTON_WIDTH); button.setMaxHeight(BUTTON_HEIGHT); button.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); } // End Method
private BuddyCell() { iconLabel = new ImageView(); iconLabel.setFitHeight(20); iconLabel.setFitWidth(20); getChildren().add(iconLabel); nameLabel = new Label(); nameLabel.setMaxWidth(Double.MAX_VALUE); HBox.setHgrow(nameLabel, Priority.ALWAYS); getChildren().add(nameLabel); onlineCheckBox = new CheckBox(); getChildren().add(onlineCheckBox); }
/** * Update the GUI to show a specified page. * * @param page */ private void showPage(int page) { // Check in range if (page > pdf.getPageCount()) { return; } if (page < 1) { return; } // Store pageNumber = page; // Show/hide buttons as neccessary if (page == pdf.getPageCount()) { next.setVisible(false); } else { next.setVisible(true); } if (page == 1) { back.setVisible(false); } else { back.setVisible(true); } // Calculate scale int pW = pdf.getPdfPageData().getCropBoxWidth(page); int pH = pdf.getPdfPageData().getCropBoxHeight(page); Dimension s = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); s.setSize(maxSize.getWidth(), maxSize.getHeight()); double xScale = (double) s.width / pW; double yScale = (double) s.height / pH; double scale = xScale < yScale ? xScale : yScale; // Work out target size pW *= scale; pH *= scale; // Get image and set Image i = getPageAsImage(page, pW, pH); imageView.setImage(i); // Set size of components imageView.setFitWidth(pW); imageView.setFitHeight(pH); }
// wyœwietla wszystkie piosenki w postaci listy private void drawAllFiles() { ObservableList<Song> allSongs = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for (File file : fileList) { allSongs.add(new Song(file.getAbsolutePath())); } // obrazek ImageView allFilesCover = new ImageView(new Image(new File("allfiles_cover.jpg").toURI().toString())); allFilesCover.setFitWidth(700); allFilesCover.setFitHeight(200); allFilesCover.setSmooth(true); flowPane.getChildren().add(allFilesCover); loadSongs(allSongs); }
private void markNodeAsInvalid(Node node) { TreeItem<Node> invalidItem = findItem(node); if (invalidItem != null) { ImageView exclaimImage = new ImageView("/images/red_exclamation.png"); exclaimImage.setFitHeight(20); exclaimImage.setFitWidth(5); Tooltip exclaimTooltip = new Tooltip(TextFactory.getText(Labels.LabelKey.PROPERTY_MISSING_LABEL)); Tooltip.install(exclaimImage, exclaimTooltip); invalidItem.setGraphic(exclaimImage); } }
public static void filtering(int[][] mask) { // blur int height = (int) image.getHeight(); int width = (int) image.getWidth(); initializeRGBMATRIX(height, width); setRGBMatrix(); imgR = countSum(mask, imgR); imgB = countSum(mask, imgB); imgG = countSum(mask, imgG); WritableImage wi = new WritableImage(width, height); PixelWriter pw = wi.getPixelWriter(); writePixels(pw, imgR, imgB, imgG, height, width); imageView.setRotate(angle); imageView.setImage(wi); imageView.setFitHeight(height); imageView.setFitWidth(width); }
@Override public boolean update() { int speed = 1; if (myImageView.getFitWidth() <= 300) { myImageView.setVisible(true); myImageView.setFitHeight(myImageView.getFitHeight() + speed); myImageView.relocate( myWidth / 2 - myImageView.getFitWidth() / 2, myHeight / 2 - myImageView.getFitHeight() / 2); myImageView.setFitWidth(myImageView.getFitWidth() + speed); myImageView.setRotate(myImageView.getRotate() + speed); } else if (myImageView.getRotate() <= 360) { myImageView.setRotate(myImageView.getRotate() + speed); } return (myImageView.getFitHeight() <= 300 || myImageView.getRotate() <= 300); }
private Icon(String s, int xOffset, int numberOfIcons) { xmlList = ConfigManager.getStringList(ConfigManager.scope(s, "xmlList")); Image img = new Image( getClass() .getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream(ConfigManager.getString(ConfigManager.scope(s, "image")))); image = new ImageView(img); image.setFitWidth(WIDTH / (numberOfIcons * 3 / 2)); image.setPreserveRatio(true); image.setSmooth(true); image.setCache(true); setGraphic(image); setLayoutY( ConfigManager.getInt(ConfigManager.scope(this.getClass().getName(), "yPos"), HEIGHT / 3)); setLayoutX(xOffset - (image.getBoundsInParent().getWidth() + 18) / 2); iconName = s; }
private VBox createImageQuestion(QuestionSubmit submit) { imageQuestionText.setText(submit.getQuestion()); if (pictureForQuestion.containsKey(submit.getQuestionId())) { Image i = pictureForQuestion.get(submit.getQuestionId()).getImage(); imageQuestionView.setImage(i); imageQuestionView.setFitWidth(i.getWidth()); imageQuestionView.setFitHeight(i.getHeight()); } if (answerForQuestion.containsKey(submit)) { imageAnswer.setText(answerForQuestion.get(submit).getAnswer()); } else { imageAnswer.setText(""); } return imageQuestionVbox; }
public void refreshImageViewer(Resource resourceToUpdate) { List<Tab> tabs = tabPane.getTabs(); for (Tab tab : tabs) { Resource resource = (Resource) tab.getUserData(); if (resourceToUpdate.equals(resource)) { ImageResource imageResource = (ImageResource) resourceToUpdate;"refreshing image resource"); ImageViewerPane imageViewerPane = (ImageViewerPane) tab.getContent(); ImageView imageView = imageViewerPane.getImageView(); imageView.setImage(imageResource.asNativeFormat()); imageView.setFitHeight(-1); imageView.setFitWidth(-1); Label imagePropertiesLabel = imageViewerPane.getImagePropertiesLabel(); imagePropertiesLabel.setText(imageResource.getImageDescription()); } } }
// pokazuje wybran¹ playliste private void showCurrentPlaylist(File playlistFile) { flowPane.getChildren().clear(); // ok³adka playlisty ImageView playlistCover = new ImageView(new Image(new File("temp_cover.png").toURI().toString())); playlistCover.setFitWidth(200); playlistCover.setPreserveRatio(true); playlistCover.setSmooth(true); // nazwa playlisty int ext = playlistFile.getName().lastIndexOf('.'); Text playlistTitle = new Text(playlistFile.getName().substring(0, ext)); playlistTitle.setFont(new Font("Segoe UI Light", 20)); playlistTitle.setFill(Paint.valueOf("WHITE")); VBox playlistData = new VBox(playlistCover, playlistTitle); flowPane.getChildren().add(playlistData); loadSongs(Playlist.loadPlaylist(playlistFile)); }
// pokazuje piosenki wybranego albumu private void showCurrentAlbum(Album album) { flowPane.getChildren().clear(); Song tempSong = album.getSongs().get(0); // ok³adka albumu ImageView albumCover = new ImageView(tempSong.getAlbumCover()); albumCover.imageProperty().bind(tempSong.albumCoverProperty()); albumCover.setFitWidth(200); albumCover.setPreserveRatio(true); // tytu³ albumu Text albumTitle = new Text(tempSong.getAlbum()); albumTitle.textProperty().bind(tempSong.albumProperty()); albumTitle.setFont(new Font("Segoe UI Light", 20)); albumTitle.setFill(Paint.valueOf("WHITE")); // VBox zawieraj¹cy ok³adkê i tytu³ VBox albumData = new VBox(albumCover, albumTitle); flowPane.getChildren().addAll(albumData); loadSongs(album.getSongs()); }
@Override public void resizeNode(double width, double height) { MN90.getLogger().debug(this, "Changement de taille : " + width + " - " + height); double widthForFit = width > height ? width : height; for (int i = 0; i < this.getColumnConstraints().size(); i++) { double value = 5; if (i == 1) { value = 10; } this.getColumnConstraints().get(i).setPercentWidth(value); } for (int i = 0; i < this.getRowConstraints().size(); i++) { double value = 5; if (i == 0) { value = 5; } this.getRowConstraints().get(i).setPercentHeight(value); } if (mImgView.getFitWidth() != widthForFit) mImgView.setFitWidth(widthForFit); }
/** * Instantiates the tileSet images using an image selected by the user. Given the number of rows * that the user input at the program startup, this automatically calculates the positions of the * individual tile images, and sets the tileSize for all tiles. * * <p>Note: tiles must be designed to be squares. * * @param file The image file containing what will be the map tiles */ public void openTileSet(File file) { try { origTileImage =; tileSize = (int) origTileImage.getHeight() / numTileRows; // Minus 1 because tileSet matrix starts at index 0 numTileColumns = (int) origTileImage.getWidth() / tileSize; tileSet = new BufferedImage[numTileRows][numTileColumns]; for (int row = 0; row < numTileRows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < numTileColumns; col++) { tileSet[row][col] = origTileImage.getSubimage(col * tileSize, row * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // add tileSet to tileMap so that it is shown on screen for (int i = 0; i < numTileRows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numTileColumns; j++) { Image image = SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(tileSet[i][j], null); ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image); imageView.setX(j * tileSize); imageView.setY(i * tileSize); imageView.setFitWidth(tileSize); imageView.setFitHeight(tileSize); tileMap.getChildren().add(imageView); } } // Make the first tile selected currentTile = 0; double tx = ((ImageView) tileMap.getChildren().get(0)).getX(); double ty = ((ImageView) tileMap.getChildren().get(0)).getY(); double tw = ((ImageView) tileMap.getChildren().get(0)).getFitWidth(); double th = ((ImageView) tileMap.getChildren().get(0)).getFitHeight(); tileOutline = new Rectangle(tx, ty, tw, th); tileOutline.setStroke(Color.RED); tileOutline.setFill(null); tileMap.getChildren().add(tileOutline); }
/** * Loads a map from file: converts the values from the passed int matrix into images given by the * tileSet. The value in the map is the tile number. The matrix is passed to this method by {@code * loadMap()} in the KeyPressedListener class. * * @param oldMap int matrix holding tile numbers that correspond to a specific tile. */ public void loadOldMap(int[][] oldMap) { constructedMap.getChildren().clear(); mapX = tileSize; mapY = tileSize; mapW = oldMap[0].length; mapH = oldMap.length; mapOutline.setX(mapX); mapOutline.setY(mapY); mapOutline.setWidth(mapW * tileSize); mapOutline.setHeight(mapH * tileSize); map = new int[mapH][mapW]; for (int row = 0; row < mapH; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < mapW; col++) { currentTile = map[row][col] = oldMap[row][col]; // Get the right tile from tileSet int tileRow = (int) currentTile / numTileColumns; int tileCol = currentTile % numTileColumns; // Get the right image Image image = SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(tileSet[tileRow][tileCol], null); ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image); // Add the selected tile to the screen double imageX = mapOutline.getX() + col * tileSize; double imageY = mapOutline.getY() + row * tileSize; imageView.setX(imageX); imageView.setY(imageY); imageView.setFitWidth(tileSize); imageView.setFitHeight(tileSize); updateConstructedMap(imageView); } } currentTile = 0; updateCurrentTile(); }
@Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { keyPressedLed on = new keyPressedLed(); double height = 300.0; double width = 300.0; primaryStage.setTitle("Logitech"); primaryStage.setResizable(false); Image g = new Image("g.png"); ImageView gt = new ImageView(); gt.setImage(g); gt.setFitWidth(300); gt.setPreserveRatio(true); gt.setSmooth(true); gt.setCache(true); Text txtr = new Text(); txtr.setId("txtr"); txtr.setText("Red Percentage"); Text txtg = new Text(); txtg.setId("txtg"); txtg.setText("Green Percentage"); Text txtb = new Text(); txtb.setId("txtb"); txtb.setText("Blue Percentage"); ScrollBar sct = new ScrollBar(); // 2 int val_o = (int) sct.getValue(); sct.setMin(0); sct.setMax(100); ScrollBar scth = new ScrollBar(); // 3 int val_t = (int) scth.getValue(); scth.setMin(0); scth.setMax(100); ScrollBar sc = new ScrollBar(); // 1 int val_th = (int) sc.getValue(); sc.setMin(0); sc.setMax(100); Button btn = new Button(); Button btnt = new Button(); btn.setText("Stop Effects"); btn.setText("Launch Keyboard lights"); btnt.setOnAction( new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) {} }); btn.setOnAction( new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { @Override public void handle(ActionEvent event) { on.start(); } }); sc.valueProperty() .addListener( new ChangeListener<Number>() { @Override public void changed( ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) { setRed((int) sc.getValue()); // red = (int) sc.getValue(); System.out.println(getRed()); } }); sct.valueProperty() .addListener( new ChangeListener<Number>() { @Override public void changed( ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) { int val = (int) sct.getValue(); System.out.println(val); } }); scth.valueProperty() .addListener( new ChangeListener<Number>() { @Override public void changed( ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) { int val = (int) scth.getValue(); System.out.println(val); } }); primaryStage.setOnCloseRequest( new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() { @Override public void handle(WindowEvent event) { on.interrupt(); } }); AnchorPane root = new AnchorPane(); root.getChildren().add(btn); root.getChildren().add(sc); root.getChildren().add(sct); root.getChildren().add(scth); root.getChildren().addAll(txtr, txtg, txtb, gt); root.setLeftAnchor(btn, 75.0); // Button1 root.setBottomAnchor(btn, 10.0); root.setTopAnchor(sc, 10.0); // Scroll1 root.setLeftAnchor(sc, 110.0); root.setTopAnchor(sct, 25.0); // Scroll 2 root.setLeftAnchor(sct, 110.0); root.setTopAnchor(scth, 40.0); // Scroll 3 root.setLeftAnchor(scth, 110.0); root.setTopAnchor(txtr, 10.0); root.setLeftAnchor(txtr, 5.0); // Text red root.setTopAnchor(txtg, 25.0); root.setLeftAnchor(txtg, 4.0); // text Green root.setTopAnchor(txtb, 40.0); // Text Blue root.setLeftAnchor(txtb, 5.0); root.setTopAnchor(gt, 80.0); Scene set = new Scene(root, width, height); set.getStylesheets().add("style.css"); primaryStage.setScene(set);; }
@FXML public void loadGame(ActionEvent event) { Stage newStage = new Stage(); if (event.getSource() == loadButton) { loadData = LoadSaveGame.load(); if (loadData != null) { Controller.loaded = true; GameController.numPasses = (int) Controller.loadData.get(4); // GameController.landButton.setDisable(true); try { gameRoot = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("UIFiles/MainMap.fxml")); gameScene = new Scene(gameRoot); Parent startWindow = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("UIFiles/playerStart.fxml")); startScene = new Scene(startWindow); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } newStage.setScene(gameScene); newStage.setTitle("Game Screen");; GridPane grid = (GridPane) gameRoot; landPlots = (Land[][]) loadData.get(0); level = (String) loadData.get(1); players = (Player[]) loadData.get(3); for (Player player : players) { for (Land land : player.getLandOwned()) { landPlots[land.getCol()][land.getRow()].setOwner(player); } } if (grid != null) { for (Land[] landArray : landPlots) { for (Land land : landArray) { if (land.isOwned()) { Player owner = land.getOwner(); Rectangle color = new Rectangle(); color.setFill(Color.valueOf(owner.getColor())); color.setHeight(25); color.setWidth(25); color.setOpacity(1); GridPane.setHalignment(color, HPos.LEFT); GridPane.setValignment(color, VPos.TOP); grid.add(color, land.getCol(), land.getRow()); if (land.hasMule()) { Image mulePic = new Image("gameConfig/UIFiles/Media/aMule.png"); ImageView muleView = new ImageView(); muleView.setImage(mulePic); muleView.setFitWidth(50); muleView.setPreserveRatio(true); GridPane.setHalignment(muleView, HPos.LEFT); GridPane.setValignment(muleView, VPos.CENTER); muleView.setId(String.valueOf(land.getCol()) + String.valueOf(land.getRow())); grid.add(muleView, land.getCol(), land.getRow()); } } } } } numPlayer = players.length; Turns turns = new Turns(players); turns.setRounds((int) loadData.get(5)); GameController.beginTurn(); } else { Controller.loaded = false; } } }