@Test(groups = "dev") public void autoWrapTest() throws EventDeliveryException { ctx.put(MongoSink.AUTO_WRAP, Boolean.toString(true)); ctx.put(MongoSink.DB_NAME, "test_wrap"); MongoSink sink = new MongoSink(); Configurables.configure(sink, ctx); sink.setChannel(channel); sink.start(); Transaction tx = channel.getTransaction(); tx.begin(); String msg = "2012/10/26 11:23:08 [error] 7289#0: *6430831 open() \"/usr/local/nginx/html/50x.html\" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: sg15.redatoms.com, request: \"POST /mojo/ajax/embed HTTP/1.0\", upstream: \"fastcgi://unix:/tmp/php-fpm.sock:\", host: \"sg15.redatoms.com\", referrer: \"http://sg15.redatoms.com/mojo/mobile/package\""; Event e = EventBuilder.withBody(msg.getBytes()); channel.put(e); tx.commit(); tx.close(); sink.process(); sink.stop(); DB db = mongo.getDB("test_wrap"); DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("test_log"); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject(MongoSink.DEFAULT_WRAP_FIELD, msg)); assertTrue(cursor.hasNext()); DBObject dbObject = cursor.next(); assertNotNull(dbObject); assertEquals(dbObject.get(MongoSink.DEFAULT_WRAP_FIELD), msg); mongo.dropDatabase("test_wrap"); }
private void initContext() { context.put(JavacTaskImpl.class, this); if (context.get(TaskListener.class) != null) context.put(TaskListener.class, (TaskListener) null); if (taskListener != null) context.put(TaskListener.class, ccw.wrap(taskListener)); // initialize compiler's default locale context.put(Locale.class, locale); }
/** * Build the top level menu * * @param context */ private void buildMenu(Context context) { // build the menu Menu bar = new MenuImpl(); bar.add(new MenuEntry(rb.getString("archive.button.single"), "doView_single")); bar.add(new MenuEntry(rb.getString("archive.button.batch"), "doView_batch")); bar.add(new MenuEntry(rb.getString("archive.button.download"), "doView_download")); context.put(Menu.CONTEXT_MENU, bar); context.put(Menu.CONTEXT_ACTION, "ArchiveAction"); }
@Test(groups = "dev") public void timestampExistingFieldTest() throws EventDeliveryException, ParseException { ctx.put(MongoSink.MODEL, MongoSink.CollectionModel.dynamic.name()); String tsField = "createdOn"; ctx.put(MongoSink.TIMESTAMP_FIELD, tsField); MongoSink sink = new MongoSink(); Configurables.configure(sink, ctx); sink.setChannel(channel); sink.start(); JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("age", 11); msg.put("birthday", new Date().getTime()); String dateText = "2013-02-19T14:20:53+08:00"; msg.put(tsField, dateText); Transaction tx; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { tx = channel.getTransaction(); tx.begin(); msg.put("name", "test" + i); JSONObject header = new JSONObject(); header.put(MongoSink.COLLECTION, "my_events"); header.put(MongoSink.DB_NAME, "dynamic_db"); Event e = EventBuilder.withBody(msg.toJSONString().getBytes(), header); channel.put(e); tx.commit(); tx.close(); } sink.process(); sink.stop(); msg.put(tsField, MongoSink.dateTimeFormatter.parseDateTime(dateText).toDate()); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { msg.put("name", "test" + i); System.out.println("i = " + i); DB db = mongo.getDB("dynamic_db"); DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("my_events"); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject(msg)); assertTrue(cursor.hasNext()); DBObject dbObject = cursor.next(); assertNotNull(dbObject); assertEquals(dbObject.get("name"), msg.get("name")); assertEquals(dbObject.get("age"), msg.get("age")); assertEquals(dbObject.get("birthday"), msg.get("birthday")); assertTrue(dbObject.get(tsField) instanceof Date); System.out.println("ts = " + dbObject.get(tsField)); } }
/** build the context for batch archive confirm */ public String buildBatchModeArchiveConfirmContext( VelocityPortlet portlet, Context context, RunData rundata, SessionState state) { context.put("tlang", rb); // go to template return "-batch-archive-confirm"; }
/** build the context for single mode import/export */ public String buildSingleModeContext( VelocityPortlet portlet, Context context, RunData rundata, SessionState state) { context.put("tlang", rb); buildMenu(context); return ""; }
/** build the context */ public String buildMainPanelContext( VelocityPortlet portlet, Context context, RunData rundata, SessionState state) { String template = null; // if not logged in as the super user, we won't do anything if (!securityService.isSuperUser()) { context.put("tlang", rb); return (String) getContext(rundata).get("template") + "_noaccess"; } // check mode and dispatch String mode = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_MODE); if (StringUtils.equals(mode, SINGLE_MODE)) { template = buildSingleModeContext(portlet, context, rundata, state); } else if (StringUtils.equals(mode, BATCH_MODE)) { template = buildBatchModeContext(portlet, context, rundata, state); } else if (StringUtils.equals(mode, BATCH_ARCHIVE_CONFIRM_MODE)) { template = buildBatchModeArchiveConfirmContext(portlet, context, rundata, state); } else if (StringUtils.equals(mode, DOWNLOAD_MODE)) { template = buildDownloadContext(portlet, context, rundata, state); } return (String) getContext(rundata).get("template") + template; } // buildMainPanelContext
@Test(groups = "dev") public void sinkSingleModelTest() throws EventDeliveryException { ctx.put(MongoSink.MODEL, MongoSink.CollectionModel.single.name()); MongoSink sink = new MongoSink(); Configurables.configure(sink, ctx); sink.setChannel(channel); sink.start(); Transaction tx = channel.getTransaction(); tx.begin(); JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("name", "test"); msg.put("age", 11); msg.put("birthday", new Date().getTime()); Event e = EventBuilder.withBody(msg.toJSONString().getBytes()); channel.put(e); tx.commit(); tx.close(); sink.process(); sink.stop(); DB db = mongo.getDB("test_events"); DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("test_log"); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject(msg)); assertTrue(cursor.hasNext()); DBObject dbObject = cursor.next(); assertNotNull(dbObject); assertEquals(dbObject.get("name"), msg.get("name")); assertEquals(dbObject.get("age"), msg.get("age")); assertEquals(dbObject.get("birthday"), msg.get("birthday")); }
/** build the context for batch import/export */ public String buildBatchModeContext( VelocityPortlet portlet, Context context, RunData rundata, SessionState state) { context.put("tlang", rb); buildMenu(context); // check if we are already running. Template will render just the message if so String statusMessage = getCurrentBatchArchiveStatusMessage(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(statusMessage)) { context.put("isRunning", true); context.put("statusMessage", statusMessage); } // get list of terms List<AcademicSession> terms = courseManagementService.getAcademicSessions(); context.put("terms", terms); return "-batch"; }
@BeforeMethod(groups = {"dev"}) public static void setup() throws UnknownHostException { mongo = new Mongo("localhost", 27017); Map<String, String> ctxMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ctxMap.put(MongoSink.HOST, "localhost"); ctxMap.put(MongoSink.PORT, "27017"); ctxMap.put(MongoSink.DB_NAME, "test_events"); ctxMap.put(MongoSink.COLLECTION, "test_log"); ctxMap.put(MongoSink.BATCH_SIZE, "100"); ctx.putAll(ctxMap); Context channelCtx = new Context(); channelCtx.put("capacity", "1000000"); channelCtx.put("transactionCapacity", "1000000"); channel = new MemoryChannel(); Configurables.configure(channel, channelCtx); }
private Context generateCtx() { Context ctx = new Context(); ctx.put(Context.FLD_CATEGORY, getCategory()); ctx.put(Context.FLD_SUBJECT, getSubject()); ctx.put(Context.FLD_PREDICATE, getPredicate()); ctx.put(Context.FLD_OBJECT, getObject()); ctx.put(Context.FLD_START_FROM, getStartFrom()); ctx.put(Context.FLD_END_AT, getEndAt()); ctx.put(Context.FLD_SITE, getSite()); ctx.put(Context.FLD_OWNER, getOwner()); // FLD_ID, FLD_TIMESTAMP, FLD_CONSISTENCY are unnecessary ctx.put(Context.FLD_TIMESTAMP, TimeFormat.convert(timestamp)); // Set FLD_TIMESTAMP return ctx; }
@Test(groups = "dev") public void sinkDynamicDbTest() throws EventDeliveryException { ctx.put(MongoSink.MODEL, MongoSink.CollectionModel.dynamic.name()); MongoSink sink = new MongoSink(); Configurables.configure(sink, ctx); sink.setChannel(channel); sink.start(); JSONObject msg = new JSONObject(); msg.put("age", 11); msg.put("birthday", new Date().getTime()); Transaction tx; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { tx = channel.getTransaction(); tx.begin(); msg.put("name", "test" + i); JSONObject header = new JSONObject(); header.put(MongoSink.COLLECTION, "my_events"); header.put(MongoSink.DB_NAME, "dynamic_db"); Event e = EventBuilder.withBody(msg.toJSONString().getBytes(), header); channel.put(e); tx.commit(); tx.close(); } sink.process(); sink.stop(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { msg.put("name", "test" + i); System.out.println("i = " + i); DB db = mongo.getDB("dynamic_db"); DBCollection collection = db.getCollection("my_events"); DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject(msg)); assertTrue(cursor.hasNext()); DBObject dbObject = cursor.next(); assertNotNull(dbObject); assertEquals(dbObject.get("name"), msg.get("name")); assertEquals(dbObject.get("age"), msg.get("age")); assertEquals(dbObject.get("birthday"), msg.get("birthday")); } }
protected Enter(Context context) { context.put(enterKey, this); log = Log.instance(context); reader = ClassReader.instance(context); make = TreeMaker.instance(context); syms = Symtab.instance(context); chk = Check.instance(context); memberEnter = MemberEnter.instance(context); types = Types.instance(context); annotate = Annotate.instance(context); lint = Lint.instance(context); predefClassDef = make.ClassDef(make.Modifiers(PUBLIC), syms.predefClass.name, null, null, null, null); predefClassDef.sym = syms.predefClass; todo = Todo.instance(context); fileManager = context.get(JavaFileManager.class); }
/** build the context for batch archive confirm */ public String buildDownloadContext( VelocityPortlet portlet, Context context, RunData rundata, SessionState state) { context.put("tlang", rb); buildMenu(context); // get list of existing archives Collection<File> files = Collections.<File>emptySet(); File archiveBaseDir = new File(serverConfigurationService.getString("archive.storage.path", "sakai/archive")); if (archiveBaseDir.exists() && archiveBaseDir.isDirectory()) { files = FileUtils.listFiles(archiveBaseDir, new SuffixFileFilter(".zip"), null); } List<SparseFile> zips = new ArrayList<SparseFile>(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatIn = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); SimpleDateFormat dateFormatOut = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // porcess the list. also get the hash for the file if it exists for (File f : files) { String absolutePath = f.getAbsolutePath(); SparseFile sf = new SparseFile(); sf.setFilename(f.getName()); sf.setAbsolutePath(absolutePath); sf.setSize(FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(f.length())); // get the datetime string, its the last part of the file name, convert back to a date that we // can display String dateTimeStr = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(StringUtils.removeEnd(f.getName(), ".zip"), "-"); try { Date date = dateFormatIn.parse(dateTimeStr); sf.setDateCreated(dateFormatOut.format(date)); } catch (ParseException pe) { // ignore, just don't set the date } // get siteId, first part of name String siteId = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(f.getName(), "-"); sf.setSiteId(siteId); // try to get site title if the site still exists try { Site site = siteService.getSite(siteId); sf.setSiteTitle(site.getTitle()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { // ignore, no site available } // get the hash. need to read it from the file. Same filename but diff extension String hashFilePath = StringUtils.removeEnd(absolutePath, ".zip"); hashFilePath = hashFilePath + ".sha1"; File hashFile = new File(hashFilePath); try { String hash = FileUtils.readFileToString(hashFile); sf.setHash(hash); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore, dont use the hash } zips.add(sf); } context.put("archives", zips); return "-download"; }
private static boolean parse( final String[] args, final Context context, final List<CompileParameter> parameters) { if (args.length == 1 && ("/?".equals(args[0]) || "-?".equals(args[0]) || "?".equals(args[0]))) { showHelpAndExit(context, true, parameters); return false; } final List<ParameterParser> customParsers = new ArrayList<ParameterParser>(); for (final CompileParameter cp : parameters) { if (cp instanceof ParameterParser) { customParsers.add((ParameterParser) cp); } } final List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String a : args) { if (a.startsWith("-") || a.startsWith("/")) a = a.substring(1); final int eq = a.indexOf('='); final String name = a.substring(0, eq != -1 ? eq : a.length()); final String value = eq == -1 ? null : a.substring(eq + 1); final CompileParameter cp = from(name, parameters); if (cp == null) { boolean matched = false; for (final ParameterParser parser : customParsers) { final Either<Boolean> tryParse = parser.tryParse(name, value, context); if (!tryParse.isSuccess()) { errors.add(tryParse.explainError()); matched = true; break; } else if (tryParse.get()) { matched = true; break; } } if (!matched) { errors.add("Unknown parameter: " + name); } } else { if (eq == -1 && cp.getUsage() != null) { if (cp instanceof ParameterParser) { Either<Boolean> tryParse = ((ParameterParser) cp).tryParse(name, null, context); if (tryParse.isSuccess() && tryParse.get()) { context.put(cp, null); } else { errors.add("Expecting " + cp.getUsage() + " after = for " + a); } } else { errors.add("Expecting " + cp.getUsage() + " after = for " + a); } } else { context.put(cp, value); } } } if (args.length == 0 || errors.size() > 0) { for (final String err : errors) { context.error(err); } showHelpAndExit(context, args.length == errors.size(), parameters); return false; } return true; }
protected Options(Context context) { // DEBUGGING -- Use LinkedHashMap for reproducability values = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); context.put(optionsKey, this); }