public static Object jsFunction_modify( Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) throws Exception { JSURI js_this = checkInstance(thisObj); String type = null; HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (args.length < 1 || args[0] == Context.getUndefinedValue()) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("Missing append() argument"); } if (args.length >= 2 && args[1] != Context.getUndefinedValue()) { type = ESXX.parseMIMEType(Context.toString(args[1]), params); } return js_this.protocolHandler.modify(cx, thisObj, args[0], type, params); }
public static Object jsFunction_remove( Context cx, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args, Function funObj) throws Exception { JSURI js_this = checkInstance(thisObj); String type = null; HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (args.length >= 1 && args[0] != Context.getUndefinedValue()) { type = ESXX.parseMIMEType(Context.toString(args[0]), params); } return js_this.protocolHandler.remove(cx, thisObj, type, params); }
public static Object jsConstructor( Context cx, java.lang.Object[] args, Function ctorObj, boolean inNewExpr) throws URISyntaxException { JSURI prop_src_uri = null; URI uri = null; String uri_string = null; String uri_relative = null; Scriptable params = null; if (args.length < 1 || args[0] == Context.getUndefinedValue()) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("Missing argument"); } // First argument is always the URI if (args.length >= 1 && args[0] != Context.getUndefinedValue()) { if (args[0] instanceof JSURI) { prop_src_uri = (JSURI) args[0]; uri = prop_src_uri.uri; } else if (args[0] instanceof URL) { uri = ((URL) args[0]).toURI(); } else if (args[0] instanceof URI) { uri = (URI) args[0]; } else { uri_string = Context.toString(args[0]); } } // Third argument can only by params if (args.length >= 3 && args[2] != Context.getUndefinedValue()) { params = (Scriptable) args[2]; } // Second argument can be relative URI or params if (args.length >= 2 && args[1] != Context.getUndefinedValue()) { if (args[1] instanceof Scriptable) { if (params != null) { throw Context.reportRuntimeError("Expected a String as second argument."); } params = (Scriptable) args[1]; } else { // args[1] should be resolved against args[0] uri_relative = Context.toString(args[1]); } } if (params != null) { // Replace {...} patterns in string arguments if params was supplied final Scriptable final_params = params; StringUtil.ParamResolver resolver = new StringUtil.ParamResolver() { public String resolveParam(String param) { Object obj; try { obj = final_params.get(Integer.parseInt(param), final_params); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { obj = final_params.get(param, final_params); } try { String value = Context.toString(obj); return StringUtil.encodeURI(value, false /* == encodeURIComponent() */); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new WrappedException(ex); } } }; uri_string = StringUtil.format(uri_string, resolver); uri_relative = StringUtil.format(uri_relative, resolver); } if (uri_string != null) { // Resolve URI against current location, if possible JSESXX js_esxx = JSGlobal.getJSESXX(cx, ctorObj); if (js_esxx != null) { prop_src_uri = js_esxx.jsGet_wd(); if (prop_src_uri != null) { uri = resolveURI(prop_src_uri.uri, uri_string); } } if (uri == null) { // Fall back to non-relative uri = new URI(uri_string); } } if (uri_relative != null) { // Resolve relative part against first URI argument uri = resolveURI(uri, uri_relative); } JSURI rc = new JSURI(uri); if (prop_src_uri != null) { // Copy local properties from previous JSURI object for (Object o : prop_src_uri.getIds()) { if (o instanceof String) { String key = (String) o; rc.put(key, rc, prop_src_uri.get(key, prop_src_uri)); } else { int key = (Integer) o; rc.put(key, rc, prop_src_uri.get(key, prop_src_uri)); } } } return rc; }