// Gets the specified XML Schema doc if one is mentioned in the file public static File getSchemaFile(Document xmlDoc) { /** @todo Must be an easier way of doing this... */ logger.logComment("Getting schema file for: " + xmlDoc.getDocumentURI()); NodeList nl = xmlDoc.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < nl.getLength(); j++) { Node node = nl.item(j); logger.logComment("Type: " + node.getNodeType() + "Name: " + node.getNodeName()); if (node.getNodeName().equals(XML_STYLESHEET_NODE)) { String nodeVal = node.getNodeValue(); logger.logComment("Looking at: " + nodeVal); String xslFileName = nodeVal.substring(nodeVal.indexOf("href=\"") + 6, nodeVal.length() - 1); File xslFile = new File(xslFileName); return xslFile; } if (node.getAttributes().getLength() > 0) { logger.logComment("Attributes: " + node.getAttributes()); if (node.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XML_SCHEMA_LOC_ATTR) != null) { String locString = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem(XML_SCHEMA_LOC_ATTR).getNodeValue(); logger.logComment("Loc string: " + locString); String file = locString.split("\\s")[1]; return new File(file); } } } logger.logError("No node found with name: " + XML_STYLESHEET_NODE); return null; }
public static void traverseAMLforObjectNames( HashMap partialMap, Node currentNode, HashMap ObjDef_LinkId, HashMap ModelId_ModelType) { if (currentNode.hasChildNodes()) { for (int i = 0; i < currentNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) { Node currentChild = currentNode.getChildNodes().item(i); if (currentChild.getNodeName().equals("Group")) { traverseAMLforObjectNames(partialMap, currentChild, ObjDef_LinkId, ModelId_ModelType); } if (currentChild.getNodeName().equals("Model")) { if (currentChild.hasAttributes()) { String mid = currentChild.getAttributes().getNamedItem("Model.ID").getNodeValue(); String type = currentChild.getAttributes().getNamedItem("Model.Type").getNodeValue(); ModelId_ModelType.put(mid, type); } // traverseAMLforObjectNames(partialMap, currentChild, // ObjDef_LinkId); } if (currentChild.getNodeName().equals("ObjDef")) { String id = currentChild.getAttributes().getNamedItem("ObjDef.ID").getNodeValue(); NodeList currentChildren = currentChild.getChildNodes(); String ObjName = ""; for (int k = 0; k < currentChildren.getLength(); k++) { Node Child = currentChildren.item(k); if (!Child.getNodeName().equals("AttrDef")) { continue; } else if (!Child.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("AttrDef.Type") .getNodeValue() .equals("AT_NAME")) { continue; } else if (Child.hasChildNodes()) { for (int l = 0; l < Child.getChildNodes().getLength(); l++) { if (!(Child.getChildNodes().item(l).getNodeName().equals("AttrValue"))) { continue; } else { ObjName = getTextContent(Child.getChildNodes().item(l)); ObjName = ObjName.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n"); break; } } } } partialMap.put(id, ObjName); for (int j = 0; j < currentChild.getAttributes().getLength(); j++) { if (currentChild.getAttributes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("LinkedModels.IdRefs")) { String links = currentChild.getAttributes().getNamedItem("LinkedModels.IdRefs").getNodeValue(); /* * if (links.indexOf(" ") > -1) { * Message.add("yes, yes, yes"); links = * links.substring(0, links.indexOf(" ")); } */ ObjDef_LinkId.put(id, links); } } } } } }
private void loadFromXml(String fileName) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, ParseException { System.out.println("NeuralNetwork : loading network topology from file " + fileName); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = parser.parse(fileName); Node nodeNeuralNetwork = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (!nodeNeuralNetwork.getNodeName().equals("neuralNetwork")) throw new ParseException( "[Error] NN-Load: Parse error in XML file, neural network couldn't be loaded.", 0); // nodeNeuralNetwork ok // indexNeuralNetworkContent -> indexStructureContent -> indexLayerContent -> indexNeuronContent // -> indexNeuralInputContent NodeList nodeNeuralNetworkContent = nodeNeuralNetwork.getChildNodes(); for (int innc = 0; innc < nodeNeuralNetworkContent.getLength(); innc++) { Node nodeStructure = nodeNeuralNetworkContent.item(innc); if (nodeStructure.getNodeName().equals("structure")) { // for structure element NodeList nodeStructureContent = nodeStructure.getChildNodes(); for (int isc = 0; isc < nodeStructureContent.getLength(); isc++) { Node nodeLayer = nodeStructureContent.item(isc); if (nodeLayer.getNodeName().equals("layer")) { // for layer element NeuralLayer neuralLayer = new NeuralLayer(this); this.listLayers.add(neuralLayer); NodeList nodeLayerContent = nodeLayer.getChildNodes(); for (int ilc = 0; ilc < nodeLayerContent.getLength(); ilc++) { Node nodeNeuron = nodeLayerContent.item(ilc); if (nodeNeuron.getNodeName().equals("neuron")) { // for neuron in layer Neuron neuron = new Neuron( Double.parseDouble(((Element) nodeNeuron).getAttribute("threshold")), neuralLayer); neuralLayer.listNeurons.add(neuron); NodeList nodeNeuronContent = nodeNeuron.getChildNodes(); for (int inc = 0; inc < nodeNeuronContent.getLength(); inc++) { Node nodeNeuralInput = nodeNeuronContent.item(inc); // if (nodeNeuralInput==null) System.out.print("-"); else System.out.print("*"); if (nodeNeuralInput.getNodeName().equals("input")) { // System.out.println("neuron at // STR:"+innc+" LAY:"+isc+" NEU:"+ilc+" INP:"+inc); NeuralInput neuralInput = new NeuralInput( Double.parseDouble(((Element) nodeNeuralInput).getAttribute("weight")), neuron); neuron.listInputs.add(neuralInput); } } } } } } } } }
/** * This is just a helper function for the fromXML method. * * @param child */ public void importHelper(Node child) { if (child.getFirstChild() instanceof Text) { Text text = (Text) child.getFirstChild(); String data = text.getData(); if (child.getNodeName().equals("description")) { setDescription(data); } if (child.getNodeName().equals("refChildPattern")) { int decID = Integer.parseInt(data.substring(1)); subPatternsID.add(decID); } } }
static { try { URL url = SpellCheckActivator.bundleContext.getBundle().getResource(RESOURCE_LOC); InputStream stream = url.openStream(); if (stream == null) throw new IOException(); // strict parsing options DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setIgnoringComments(true); factory.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true); // parses configuration xml /*- * Warning: Felix is unable to import the com.sun.rowset.internal * package, meaning this can't use the XmlErrorHandler. This causes * a warning and a default handler to be attached. Otherwise this * should have: builder.setErrorHandler(new XmlErrorHandler()); */ DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(stream); // iterates over nodes, parsing contents Node root = doc.getChildNodes().item(1); NodeList categories = root.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < categories.getLength(); ++i) { Node node = categories.item(i); if (node.getNodeName().equals(NODE_DEFAULTS)) { parseDefaults(node.getChildNodes()); } else if (node.getNodeName().equals(NODE_LOCALES)) { parseLocales(node.getChildNodes()); } else { logger.warn("Unrecognized category: " + node.getNodeName()); } } } catch (IOException exc) { logger.error("Unable to load spell checker parameters", exc); } catch (SAXException exc) { logger.error("Unable to parse spell checker parameters", exc); } catch (ParserConfigurationException exc) { logger.error("Unable to parse spell checker parameters", exc); } }
private void guardaRes(String resu, CliGol cliGol) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { String[] nodos = {"NoHit", "Hit", "Buro"}; DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(resu)); Document xml = db.parse(is); Element raiz = xml.getDocumentElement(); String nombre = obtenerNombre(raiz); for (String s : nodos) { Node nodo = raiz.getElementsByTagName(s) == null ? null : raiz.getElementsByTagName(s).item(0); if (nodo != null) { String informacion = sustraerInformacionNodo(cliGol, nodo); guardarEnListas(nodo.getNodeName(), nombre + "," + informacion); } } }
public static final Map parseFrame(Node node) { NodeList bones = node.getChildNodes(); Map bone_infos = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < bones.getLength(); i++) { Node bone = bones.item(i); if (bone.getNodeName().equals("transform")) { String name = bone.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); float[] matrix = new float[16]; matrix[0 * 4 + 0] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m00"); matrix[0 * 4 + 1] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m01"); matrix[0 * 4 + 2] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m02"); matrix[0 * 4 + 3] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m03"); matrix[1 * 4 + 0] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m10"); matrix[1 * 4 + 1] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m11"); matrix[1 * 4 + 2] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m12"); matrix[1 * 4 + 3] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m13"); matrix[2 * 4 + 0] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m20"); matrix[2 * 4 + 1] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m21"); matrix[2 * 4 + 2] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m22"); matrix[2 * 4 + 3] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m23"); matrix[3 * 4 + 0] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m30"); matrix[3 * 4 + 1] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m31"); matrix[3 * 4 + 2] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m32"); matrix[3 * 4 + 3] = getAttrFloat(bone, "m33"); bone_infos.put(name, matrix); } } return bone_infos; }
private List<Node> getChildNodes(Node parentNode, String tagName) { List<Node> nodeList = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Node child = parentNode.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling()) { if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && tagName.equals(child.getNodeName())) { nodeList.add(child); } } return nodeList; }
public String getAtributo(Node nodo, String nombreAtributo) { NamedNodeMap atts; atts = nodo.getAttributes(); if (atts == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { Node atributo = atts.item(i); if (atributo.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(nombreAtributo)) return atributo.getNodeValue(); } return null; }
private String getXPath(Node node, String xpath) { if (node == null) { return ""; } String nodeName = node.getNodeName(); Node parent = node.getParentNode(); if (parent == null) { return xpath; } return getXPath(parent, "/" + nodeName + xpath); }
private void call(Node operation) throws ParserConfigurationException, TransformerConfigurationException { String opName = operation.getNodeName(); if (opName.equals("call")) { String script = Utils.combine(Utils.getParentDir(this.currentScript), operation.getTextContent()); call(script); } else if (opName.equals("apply")) processApply(operation); else if (opName.equals("xml")) processXml(operation); else if (opName.equals("txt")) processTxt(operation); else if (opName.equals("copy")) processCopy(operation); else if (opName.equals("delete")) processDelete(operation); }
FoundItem getFoundItem(Node n, String text) { String s = n.getNodeValue(); if (s == null) s = n.getNodeName(); String string; if (text != null) { int index = s.indexOf(text); int left = Math.max(0, index - 5); int right = Math.min(s.length(), index + text.length() + 20); string = s.substring(left, right); } else string = s; TreeNode tn = jtree.getTreeNode(n); TreePath tp = getTreePath(tn); return new FoundItem(string, tp); }
private static final Skeleton parseSkeleton(Node skel_node) { Map name_to_bone_map = new HashMap(); Map initial_pose = AnimationLoader.parseFrame(ConvertToBinary.getNodeByName("init_pose", skel_node)); NodeList bone_list = ConvertToBinary.getNodeByName("bones", skel_node).getChildNodes(); Map bone_parent_map = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < bone_list.getLength(); i++) { Node bone_node = bone_list.item(i); if (bone_node.getNodeName().equals("bone")) { String bone_name = bone_node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); String bone_parent_name = bone_node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("parent").getNodeValue(); // System.out.println("bone name = " + bone_name + " parent name = " + bone_parent_name); bone_parent_map.put(bone_name, bone_parent_name); } } Map bone_children_map = new HashMap(); Iterator it = bone_parent_map.keySet().iterator(); String root = null; while (it.hasNext()) { String name = (String) it.next(); String parent = (String) bone_parent_map.get(name); if (bone_parent_map.get(parent) == null) { if (root != null) { System.out.println( "WARNING: Multiple roots in skeleton, root = " + root + ", additional root = " + name); parent = root; bone_parent_map.put(name, parent); } else root = name; } List parent_children = (List) bone_children_map.get(parent); if (parent_children == null) { parent_children = new ArrayList(); bone_children_map.put(parent, parent_children); } parent_children.add(name); } Bone bone_root = buildBone((byte) 0, bone_children_map, root, name_to_bone_map); return new Skeleton(bone_root, initial_pose, name_to_bone_map); }
private static final Map[] parseAnimation(Node node) { NodeList frames = node.getChildNodes(); Map anim_infos_map = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < frames.getLength(); i++) { Node frame = frames.item(i); if (frame.getNodeName().equals("frame")) { int frame_index = getAttrInt(frame, "index"); assert frame_index >= 0; anim_infos_map.put(new Integer(frame_index), parseFrame(frame)); } } Map[] anim_infos = new Map[anim_infos_map.size()]; Iterator it = anim_infos_map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Integer frame_index_obj = (Integer) it.next(); Map frame = (Map) anim_infos_map.get(frame_index_obj); int index = frame_index_obj.intValue(); assert anim_infos[index] == null; anim_infos[index] = frame; } return anim_infos; }
public static void dumpElement(Element element, String indent) { System.out.println(indent + "Element: " + element.getNodeName()); NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes(); if ((attributes != null) && (attributes.getLength() > 0)) { System.out.println(indent + "Attributes:"); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { Node attr = attributes.item(i); System.out.println(indent + " " + attr.getNodeName() + "=" + attr.getNodeValue()); } } NodeList children = element.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node n = children.item(i); if (n instanceof Element) { dumpElement((Element) n, indent + " "); } else if (n instanceof CharacterData) { System.out.println(indent + " " + ((CharacterData) n).getData()); } } }
/** * @param list * @param parent * @exception NumberFormatException * @exception DicomException */ void addAttributesFromNodeToList(AttributeList list, Node parent) throws NumberFormatException, DicomException { if (parent != null) { Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { String elementName = node.getNodeName(); NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); if (attributes != null) { Node vrNode = attributes.getNamedItem("vr"); Node groupNode = attributes.getNamedItem("group"); Node elementNode = attributes.getNamedItem("element"); if (vrNode != null && groupNode != null && elementNode != null) { String vrString = vrNode.getNodeValue(); String groupString = groupNode.getNodeValue(); String elementString = elementNode.getNodeValue(); if (vrString != null && groupString != null && elementString != null) { byte[] vr = vrString.getBytes(); int group = Integer.parseInt(groupString, 16); int element = Integer.parseInt(elementString, 16); AttributeTag tag = new AttributeTag(group, element); if ((group % 2 == 0 && element == 0) || (group == 0x0008 && element == 0x0001) || (group == 0xfffc && element == 0xfffc)) { // System.err.println("ignoring group length or length to end or dataset trailing // padding "+tag); } else { if (vrString.equals("SQ")) { SequenceAttribute a = new SequenceAttribute(tag); // System.err.println("Created "+a); if (node.hasChildNodes()) { Node childNode = node.getFirstChild(); while (childNode != null) { String childNodeName = childNode.getNodeName(); // System.err.println("childNodeName = "+childNodeName); if (childNodeName != null && childNodeName.equals("Item")) { // should check item number, but ignore for now :( // System.err.println("Adding item to sequence"); AttributeList itemList = new AttributeList(); addAttributesFromNodeToList(itemList, childNode); a.addItem(itemList); } // else may be a #text element in between childNode = childNode.getNextSibling(); } } // System.err.println("Sequence Attribute is "+a); list.put(tag, a); } else { Attribute a = AttributeFactory.newAttribute(tag, vr); // System.err.println("Created "+a); if (node.hasChildNodes()) { Node childNode = node.getFirstChild(); while (childNode != null) { String childNodeName = childNode.getNodeName(); // System.err.println("childNodeName = "+childNodeName); if (childNodeName != null && childNodeName.equals("value")) { // should check value number, but ignore for now :( String value = childNode.getTextContent(); // System.err.println("Value value = "+value); if (value != null) { value = StringUtilities.removeLeadingOrTrailingWhitespaceOrISOControl( value); // just in case a.addValue(value); } } // else may be a #text element in between childNode = childNode.getNextSibling(); } } // System.err.println("Attribute is "+a); list.put(tag, a); } } } } } node = node.getNextSibling(); } } }
protected void init(Element root) { NodeList children = root.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); if (child.getNodeName().equals("meta")) { Element meta = (Element) child; String value = XMLUtil.getText(meta); this.metaAttributes.put(meta.getAttribute("name"), value); } } // handle registers - OPTIONAL Element r = XMLUtil.getChildElement(root, "registers"); if (r != null) { List registers = XMLUtil.getChildElements(r, "register"); for (int i = 0; i < registers.size(); i++) { Element register = (Element) registers.get(i); RegisterDescriptor registerDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.getFactory().createRegisterDescriptor(register); registerDescriptor.setParent(this); this.registers.add(registerDescriptor); } } // handle global-conditions - OPTIONAL Element globalConditionsElement = XMLUtil.getChildElement(root, "global-conditions"); if (globalConditionsElement != null) { Element globalConditions = XMLUtil.getChildElement(globalConditionsElement, "conditions"); ConditionsDescriptor conditionsDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.getFactory().createConditionsDescriptor(globalConditions); conditionsDescriptor.setParent(this); this.globalConditions = conditionsDescriptor; } // handle initial-steps - REQUIRED Element intialActionsElement = XMLUtil.getChildElement(root, "initial-actions"); List initialActions = XMLUtil.getChildElements(intialActionsElement, "action"); for (int i = 0; i < initialActions.size(); i++) { Element initialAction = (Element) initialActions.get(i); ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.getFactory().createActionDescriptor(initialAction); actionDescriptor.setParent(this); this.initialActions.add(actionDescriptor); } // handle global-actions - OPTIONAL Element globalActionsElement = XMLUtil.getChildElement(root, "global-actions"); if (globalActionsElement != null) { List globalActions = XMLUtil.getChildElements(globalActionsElement, "action"); for (int i = 0; i < globalActions.size(); i++) { Element globalAction = (Element) globalActions.get(i); ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.getFactory().createActionDescriptor(globalAction); actionDescriptor.setParent(this); this.globalActions.add(actionDescriptor); } } // handle common-actions - OPTIONAL // - Store actions in HashMap for now. When parsing Steps, we'll resolve // any common actions into local references. Element commonActionsElement = XMLUtil.getChildElement(root, "common-actions"); if (commonActionsElement != null) { List commonActions = XMLUtil.getChildElements(commonActionsElement, "action"); for (int i = 0; i < commonActions.size(); i++) { Element commonAction = (Element) commonActions.get(i); ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.getFactory().createActionDescriptor(commonAction); actionDescriptor.setParent(this); addCommonAction(actionDescriptor); } } // handle timer-functions - OPTIONAL Element timerFunctionsElement = XMLUtil.getChildElement(root, "trigger-functions"); if (timerFunctionsElement != null) { List timerFunctions = XMLUtil.getChildElements(timerFunctionsElement, "trigger-function"); for (int i = 0; i < timerFunctions.size(); i++) { Element timerFunction = (Element) timerFunctions.get(i); Integer id = new Integer(timerFunction.getAttribute("id")); FunctionDescriptor function = DescriptorFactory.getFactory() .createFunctionDescriptor(XMLUtil.getChildElement(timerFunction, "function")); function.setParent(this); this.timerFunctions.put(id, function); } } // handle steps - REQUIRED Element stepsElement = XMLUtil.getChildElement(root, "steps"); List steps = XMLUtil.getChildElements(stepsElement, "step"); for (int i = 0; i < steps.size(); i++) { Element step = (Element) steps.get(i); StepDescriptor stepDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.getFactory().createStepDescriptor(step, this); this.steps.add(stepDescriptor); } // handle splits - OPTIONAL Element splitsElement = XMLUtil.getChildElement(root, "splits"); if (splitsElement != null) { List split = XMLUtil.getChildElements(splitsElement, "split"); for (int i = 0; i < split.size(); i++) { Element s = (Element) split.get(i); SplitDescriptor splitDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.getFactory().createSplitDescriptor(s); splitDescriptor.setParent(this); this.splits.add(splitDescriptor); } } // handle joins - OPTIONAL: Element joinsElement = XMLUtil.getChildElement(root, "joins"); if (joinsElement != null) { List join = XMLUtil.getChildElements(joinsElement, "join"); for (int i = 0; i < join.size(); i++) { Element s = (Element) join.get(i); JoinDescriptor joinDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.getFactory().createJoinDescriptor(s); joinDescriptor.setParent(this); this.joins.add(joinDescriptor); } } }
public void serializeNode(Node node, Writer writer, String indentLevel) throws IOException { // Determine action based on node type switch (node.getNodeType()) { case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: writer.write("<?xml version = '1.0'?>"); // "<xml version=\"1.0\">"); writer.write(lineSeparator); // recurse on each child NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); if (nodes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { serializeNode(nodes.item(i), writer, ""); } } /* * Document doc = (Document)node; * serializeNode(doc.getDocumentElement( ), writer, " "); */ break; case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: String name = node.getNodeName(); writer.write(indentLevel + "<" + name); NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { Node current = attributes.item(i); writer.write(" " + current.getNodeName() + "=\"" + current.getNodeValue() + "\""); } writer.write(">"); // recurse on each child NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); if (children != null) { if ((children.item(0) != null) && (children.item(0).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { writer.write(lineSeparator); } for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { serializeNode(children.item(i), writer, indentLevel + indent); } if ((children.item(0) != null) && (children.item(children.getLength() - 1).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)) { writer.write(indentLevel); } } writer.write("</" + name + ">"); writer.write(lineSeparator); break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: writer.write(node.getNodeValue()); break; case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: writer.write("<![CDATA[" + node.getNodeValue() + "]]>"); break; case Node.COMMENT_NODE: writer.write(indentLevel + "<!-- " + node.getNodeValue() + " -->"); writer.write(lineSeparator); break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: writer.write("<?" + node.getNodeName() + " " + node.getNodeValue() + "?>"); writer.write(lineSeparator); break; case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: writer.write("&" + node.getNodeName() + ";"); break; case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: DocumentType docType = (DocumentType) node; writer.write("<!DOCTYPE " + docType.getName()); if (docType.getPublicId() != null) { System.out.print(" PUBLIC \"" + docType.getPublicId() + "\" "); } else { writer.write(" SYSTEM "); } writer.write("\"" + docType.getSystemId() + "\">"); writer.write(lineSeparator); break; } }
/** * Returns the full name (i.e. the name including an eventual namespace prefix) of the element. * * @webref xml:method * @brief Gets the element's full name * @return the name, or null if the element only contains #PCDATA. */ public String getName() { // return name; return node.getNodeName(); }
private static void parseNet( Node node, EPC net, HashMap ObjDef_Name, HashMap ObjDef_LinkId, HashMap function_LinkId, String ModelName) throws Exception { HashMap mapping = new HashMap(); // read all nodes NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes(); net.setIdentifier(ModelName); // Message.add("here I am still happy"); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (!n.getNodeName().equals("ObjOcc")) { continue; } if (n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("SymbolNum") == null) { continue; } String symbolnum = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("SymbolNum").getNodeValue(); if (!(symbolnum.equals("ST_FUNC") || symbolnum.equals("ST_EV") || symbolnum.equals("ST_OPR_AND_1") || symbolnum.equals("ST_OPR_OR_1") || symbolnum.equals("ST_OPR_XOR_1"))) { continue; } String ObjDef = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("ObjDef.IdRef").getNodeValue(); String ownName = (String) ObjDef_Name.get(ObjDef); // Message.add("YES " + // n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("ObjOcc.ID").getNodeValue()); String id = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("ObjOcc.ID").getNodeValue(); // Message.add(id + " " + ownName); if (ownName == null || ownName == "") { ownName = id.substring(7, 11); } if (symbolnum.equals("ST_FUNC")) { if (ObjDef_LinkId.containsKey(ObjDef)) { EPCSubstFunction sf = (EPCSubstFunction) net.addFunction( new EPCSubstFunction(new LogEvent(ownName, "unknown:normal"), net, null)); sf.setIdentifier(ownName); mapping.put(id, sf); function_LinkId.put(sf, ObjDef_LinkId.get(ObjDef)); } else { EPCFunction f = net.addFunction(new EPCFunction(new LogEvent(ownName, "unknown:normal"), net)); f.setIdentifier(ownName); mapping.put(id, f); } } else if (symbolnum.equals("ST_EV")) { EPCEvent e = net.addEvent(new EPCEvent(ownName, net)); e.setIdentifier(ownName); mapping.put(id, e); } else if (symbolnum.equals("ST_OPR_AND_1")) { EPCConnector c = net.addConnector(new EPCConnector(EPCConnector.AND, net)); mapping.put(id, c); } else if (symbolnum.equals("ST_OPR_OR_1")) { // EPCConnector c = net.addConnector(new // EPCConnector(EPCConnector.OR, net)); EPCConnector c = net.addConnector(new EPCConnector(EPCConnector.AND, net)); mapping.put(id, c); } else if (symbolnum.equals("ST_OPR_XOR_1")) { EPCConnector c = net.addConnector(new EPCConnector(EPCConnector.XOR, net)); mapping.put(id, c); } } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (!n.getNodeName().equals("ObjOcc")) { continue; } if (n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("SymbolNum") == null) { continue; } String symbolnum = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("SymbolNum").getNodeValue(); if (!(symbolnum.equals("ST_FUNC") || symbolnum.equals("ST_EV") || symbolnum.equals("ST_OPR_AND_1") || symbolnum.equals("ST_OPR_OR_1") || symbolnum.equals("ST_OPR_XOR_1"))) { continue; } String source = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("ObjOcc.ID").getNodeValue(); if (n.hasChildNodes()) { for (int j = 0; j < n.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) { if (n.getChildNodes().item(j).getNodeName().equals("CxnOcc")) { Node CxnOcc = n.getChildNodes().item(j); String dest = CxnOcc.getAttributes().getNamedItem("ToObjOcc.IdRef").getNodeValue(); if (mapping.get(dest) == null) { continue; } if (net.addEdge((EPCObject) mapping.get(source), (EPCObject) mapping.get(dest)) == null) { throw (new Exception( "<html>Structural properties of EPCs are violated in input file.<br>" + "The following edge could not be added:<br><br>" + mapping.get(source).toString() + " ==> " + mapping.get(dest).toString() + "<br><br>Import aborted.</html>")); } } } } } }
public static EPCResult traverseAML( EPCResult partialResult, Node currentNode, Object parent, HashMap ObjDef_Name, HashMap ObjDef_LinkId, HashMap modelid_net, HashMap function_LinkId) throws Exception { if (currentNode.hasChildNodes()) { for (int i = 0; i < currentNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) { Node currentChild = currentNode.getChildNodes().item(i); if (currentChild.getNodeName().equals("Group")) { String id = currentChild.getAttributes().getNamedItem("Group.ID").getNodeValue(); String GroupName = ""; if (currentChild.hasChildNodes()) { NodeList currentChildren = currentChild.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < currentChildren.getLength(); j++) { Node Child = currentChildren.item(j); if (!(Child.getNodeName().equals("AttrDef"))) { continue; } if (Child.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("AttrDef.Type") .getNodeValue() .equals("AT_NAME")) { if (Child.hasChildNodes()) { for (int l = 0; l < Child.getChildNodes().getLength(); l++) { if (!(Child.getChildNodes().item(l).getNodeName().equals("AttrValue"))) { continue; } else { GroupName = getTextContent(Child.getChildNodes().item(l)); } } break; } } } if (GroupName.equals("")) { GroupName = id; } } ModelHierarchyDirectory dir = new ModelHierarchyDirectory(id, GroupName); partialResult.addInHierarchy(dir, parent, GroupName); partialResult = traverseAML( partialResult, currentChild, dir, ObjDef_Name, ObjDef_LinkId, modelid_net, function_LinkId); } if (currentChild.getNodeName().equals("Model") && currentChild .getAttributes() .getNamedItem("Model.Type") .getNodeValue() .equals("MT_EEPC")) { String ModelName = "gaga"; if (currentChild.hasChildNodes()) { NodeList currentChildren = currentChild.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < currentChildren.getLength(); j++) { Node Child = currentChildren.item(j); if (!(Child.getNodeName().equals("AttrDef"))) { continue; } if (Child.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("AttrDef.Type") .getNodeValue() .equals("AT_NAME")) { if (Child.hasChildNodes()) { for (int l = 0; l < Child.getChildNodes().getLength(); l++) { if (!(Child.getChildNodes().item(l).getNodeName().equals("AttrValue"))) { continue; } else { ModelName = getTextContent(Child.getChildNodes().item(l)); } } } break; } } } try { ModelName = ModelName.replaceAll("\n", " "); EPC net = read(currentChild, ObjDef_Name, ObjDef_LinkId, function_LinkId, ModelName); partialResult.addInHierarchy(net, parent, ModelName); modelid_net.put( currentChild.getAttributes().getNamedItem("Model.ID").getNodeValue(), net); } catch (Throwable x) { Message.add(x.getClass().getName()); // throw new IOException(x.getMessage()); } } } } return partialResult; }
/** Prints the specified node, recursively. */ public String print(Node node) { // is there anything to do? if (node == null) { return sb.toString(); } int type = node.getNodeType(); switch (type) { // print document case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE: { return print(((Document) node).getDocumentElement()); // out.flush(); // break; } // print element with attributes case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: { sb.append('<'); sb.append(node.getNodeName()); Attr attrs[] = sortAttributes(node.getAttributes()); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { Attr attr = attrs[i]; sb.append(' '); sb.append(attr.getNodeName()); sb.append("=\""); sb.append(normalize(attr.getNodeValue())); sb.append('"'); } sb.append('>'); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); if (children != null) { int len = children.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { print(children.item(i)); } } break; } // handle entity reference nodes case Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: { if (canonical) { NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); if (children != null) { int len = children.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { print(children.item(i)); } } } else { sb.append('&'); sb.append(node.getNodeName()); sb.append(';'); } break; } // print cdata sections case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: { if (canonical) { sb.append(normalize(node.getNodeValue())); } else { sb.append("<![CDATA["); sb.append(node.getNodeValue()); sb.append("]]>"); } break; } // print text case Node.TEXT_NODE: { sb.append(normalize(node.getNodeValue())); break; } // print processing instruction case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: { sb.append("<?"); sb.append(node.getNodeName()); String data = node.getNodeValue(); if (data != null && data.length() > 0) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(data); } sb.append("?>"); break; } // handle entity reference nodes case Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: { NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); if (children != null) { int len = children.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { print(children.item(i)); } } break; } } if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { sb.append("</"); sb.append(node.getNodeName()); sb.append('>'); } return sb.toString(); } // print(Node)