private static void renderHull(PtEntry pt) { Inf inf = Inf.create(); int count = 30; PtEntry ptStart = pt; do { inf.update(); if (pt.prev(true) != null) { boolean valley = false; valley = (pt.prev(true).source() == pt.source() && pt.prev(true).orig().next(true) != pt.orig()); V.pushColor(MyColor.cBLUE); V.pushStroke(valley ? STRK_RUBBERBAND : STRK_THICK); V.drawLine(pt.prev(true), pt); V.pop(2); } V.pushColor(MyColor.cDARKGREEN); V.mark(pt, MARK_DISC, .6); V.pop(); if (Editor.withLabels(true)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" #" +; if (pt.source() != null) sb.append(" <" + pt.source() + ">"); V.pushScale(.6); V.draw(sb.toString(), MyMath.ptOnCircle(pt, MyMath.radians(30), 3), TX_FRAME | TX_BGND); V.pop(); } pt =; if (count-- == 0) V.draw("too many points rendering!", 50, 50, TX_CLAMP); } while (pt != ptStart && count > 0); }
public static void plotDirectedHalfPlane(FPoint2 p0, FPoint2 p1, int markType) { double SEP = .4 * V.getScale(); double ang = MyMath.polarAngle(p0, p1); FPoint2 d0 = MyMath.ptOnCircle(p0, ang + Math.PI / 2, SEP); FPoint2 d1 = MyMath.ptOnCircle(p1, ang + Math.PI / 2, SEP); EdSegment.plotDirectedLine(p0, p1); V.pushStroke(STRK_RUBBERBAND); V.drawLine(d0, d1); V.popStroke(); if (markType >= 0) { V.mark(d0, markType); V.mark(d1, markType); } }
public void render(Color c, int stroke, int markType) { final boolean db = false; // Get array of visible segments. If no such array exists, // use default. DArray vseg = visSeg; boolean dashed = false; // if (step == 0) { double step = renderStep(); // } // vp V = TestBed.view(); if (db) Streams.out.println(" step=" + step); // plot each visible segment for (int seg = 0; seg < vseg.size(); seg += 2) { double t0 = vseg.getDouble(seg + 0), t1 = vseg.getDouble(seg + 1); t0 = MyMath.clamp(t0, -500.0, 500.0); t1 = MyMath.clamp(t1, -500.0, 500.0); // render() expects external parameters. double s0 = toExt(t0), s1 = toExt(t1); if (s0 > s1) { double tmp = s0; s0 = s1; s1 = tmp; } FPoint2 p0 = calcPoint(s0), p1 = calcPoint(s1); if (db) Streams.out.println(" p0=" + p0 + ", p1=" + p1); if (isLine() && !dashed) { V.drawLine(p0, p1); } else { /* if (Math.abs(s0) >= 500 ||Math.abs(s1) >= 500) System.out.println("Rendering "+t0+" to "+t1+" step "+step); */ if (dashed) V.pushStroke(Globals.STRK_RUBBERBAND); { // int count = 0; boolean first = true; for (double t = t0; ; t += step) { // , count++) { boolean last = (t >= t1); if (last) { t = t1; } calcPointInternal(t, p1); if (!p1.isValid()) { if (last) { break; } continue; } if (db) { System.out.println(" calcPt " + Tools.f(toExt(t)) + " = " + p1.x + "," + p1.y); } if (!first) { V.drawLine(p0, p1); if (false) { Tools.warn("highlighting int"); V.mark(p0); } } if (last) { break; } p0.setLocation(p1); first = false; } } if (dashed) V.popStroke(); } } }