public void render(Color c, int stroke, int markType) { if (c == null) c = Color.RED; V.pushColor(c); if (defined()) { seg.render(c, stroke, markType); } else { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i == 1 && discA == discB) continue; EdObject obj = object(i); if (obj instanceof EdDisc) { EdDisc d = (EdDisc) obj; stroke = STRK_RUBBERBAND; V.pushStroke(stroke); double r = Math.max(d.getRadius() - 4, 2.0); V.drawCircle(d.getOrigin(), r); V.popStroke(); } else { Tools.unimp("rendering undefined bitangents of polygons"); } } } V.popColor(); }
public AbstractInplaceIntroducer( Project project, Editor editor, @Nullable E expr, @Nullable V localVariable, E[] occurrences, String title, final FileType languageFileType) { super(null, editor, project, title, occurrences, expr); myLocalVariable = localVariable; if (localVariable != null) { final PsiElement nameIdentifier = localVariable.getNameIdentifier(); if (nameIdentifier != null) { myLocalMarker = createMarker(nameIdentifier); } } else { myLocalMarker = null; } myExprText = getExpressionText(expr); myLocalName = localVariable != null ? localVariable.getName() : null; myPreview = createPreviewComponent(project, languageFileType); myPreviewComponent = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); myPreviewComponent.add(myPreview.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); myPreviewComponent.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(2, 2, 6, 2)); myWholePanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); myWholePanel.setBorder(null); showDialogAdvertisement(getActionName()); }
protected void restoreState(@NotNull final V psiField) { if (!ReadonlyStatusHandler.ensureDocumentWritable( myProject, InjectedLanguageUtil.getTopLevelEditor(myEditor).getDocument())) return; ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( () -> { final PsiFile containingFile = psiField.getContainingFile(); final RangeMarker exprMarker = getExprMarker(); if (exprMarker != null) { myExpr = restoreExpression(containingFile, psiField, exprMarker, myExprText); } if (myLocalMarker != null) { final PsiElement refVariableElement = containingFile.findElementAt(myLocalMarker.getStartOffset()); if (refVariableElement != null) { final PsiElement parent = refVariableElement.getParent(); if (parent instanceof PsiNamedElement) { ((PsiNamedElement) parent).setName(myLocalName); } } final V localVariable = getLocalVariable(); if (localVariable != null && localVariable.isPhysical()) { myLocalVariable = localVariable; final PsiElement nameIdentifier = localVariable.getNameIdentifier(); if (nameIdentifier != null) { myLocalMarker = createMarker(nameIdentifier); } } } final List<RangeMarker> occurrenceMarkers = getOccurrenceMarkers(); for (int i = 0, occurrenceMarkersSize = occurrenceMarkers.size(); i < occurrenceMarkersSize; i++) { RangeMarker marker = occurrenceMarkers.get(i); if (getExprMarker() != null && marker.getStartOffset() == getExprMarker().getStartOffset() && myExpr != null) { myOccurrences[i] = myExpr; continue; } final E psiExpression = restoreExpression( containingFile, psiField, marker, getLocalVariable() != null ? myLocalName : myExprText); if (psiExpression != null) { myOccurrences[i] = psiExpression; } } if (myExpr != null && myExpr.isPhysical()) { myExprMarker = createMarker(myExpr); } myOccurrenceMarkers = null; deleteTemplateField(psiField); }); }
@Override protected void collectAdditionalElementsToRename(List<Pair<PsiElement, TextRange>> stringUsages) { if (isReplaceAllOccurrences()) { for (E expression : getOccurrences()) { LOG.assertTrue(expression.isValid(), expression.getText()); stringUsages.add( Pair.<PsiElement, TextRange>create( expression, new TextRange(0, expression.getTextLength()))); } } else if (getExpr() != null) { correctExpression(); final E expr = getExpr(); LOG.assertTrue(expr.isValid(), expr.getText()); stringUsages.add( Pair.<PsiElement, TextRange>create(expr, new TextRange(0, expr.getTextLength()))); } final V localVariable = getLocalVariable(); if (localVariable != null) { final PsiElement nameIdentifier = localVariable.getNameIdentifier(); if (nameIdentifier != null) { int length = nameIdentifier.getTextLength(); stringUsages.add( Pair.<PsiElement, TextRange>create(nameIdentifier, new TextRange(0, length))); } } }
/** * Begins the in-place refactoring operation. * * @return true if the in-place refactoring was successfully started, false if it failed to start * and a dialog should be shown instead. */ public boolean startInplaceIntroduceTemplate() { final boolean replaceAllOccurrences = isReplaceAllOccurrences(); final Ref<Boolean> result = new Ref<>(); CommandProcessor.getInstance() .executeCommand( myProject, () -> { final String[] names = suggestNames(replaceAllOccurrences, getLocalVariable()); final V variable = createFieldToStartTemplateOn(replaceAllOccurrences, names); boolean started = false; if (variable != null) { int caretOffset = getCaretOffset(); myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(caretOffset); myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.MAKE_VISIBLE); final LinkedHashSet<String> nameSuggestions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); nameSuggestions.add(variable.getName()); nameSuggestions.addAll(Arrays.asList(names)); initOccurrencesMarkers(); setElementToRename(variable); updateTitle(getVariable()); started = super.performInplaceRefactoring(nameSuggestions); if (started) { onRenameTemplateStarted(); myDocumentAdapter = new DocumentAdapter() { @Override public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent e) { if (myPreview == null) return; final TemplateState templateState = TemplateManagerImpl.getTemplateState(myEditor); if (templateState != null) { final TextResult value = templateState.getVariableValue( InplaceRefactoring.PRIMARY_VARIABLE_NAME); if (value != null) { updateTitle(getVariable(), value.getText()); } } } }; myEditor.getDocument().addDocumentListener(myDocumentAdapter); updateTitle(getVariable()); if (TemplateManagerImpl.getTemplateState(myEditor) != null) { myEditor.putUserData(ACTIVE_INTRODUCE, this); } } } result.set(started); if (!started) { finish(true); } }, getCommandName(), getCommandName()); return result.get(); }
protected void updateTitle(@Nullable V variable, String value) { if (variable == null) return; final String variableText = variable.getText(); final PsiElement identifier = variable.getNameIdentifier(); if (identifier != null) { final int startOffsetInParent = identifier.getStartOffsetInParent(); setPreviewText( variableText.substring(0, startOffsetInParent) + value + variableText.substring(startOffsetInParent + identifier.getTextLength())); } else { setPreviewText(variableText.replaceFirst(variable.getName(), value)); } revalidate(); }
@Override protected void addHighlights( @NotNull Map<TextRange, TextAttributes> ranges, @NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull Collection<RangeHighlighter> highlighters, @NotNull HighlightManager highlightManager) { final TextAttributes attributes = EditorColorsManager.getInstance() .getGlobalScheme() .getAttributes(EditorColors.SEARCH_RESULT_ATTRIBUTES); final V variable = getVariable(); if (variable != null) { final String name = variable.getName(); LOG.assertTrue(name != null, variable); final int variableNameLength = name.length(); if (isReplaceAllOccurrences()) { for (RangeMarker marker : getOccurrenceMarkers()) { final int startOffset = marker.getStartOffset(); highlightManager.addOccurrenceHighlight( editor, startOffset, startOffset + variableNameLength, attributes, 0, highlighters, null); } } else if (getExpr() != null) { final int startOffset = getExprMarker().getStartOffset(); highlightManager.addOccurrenceHighlight( editor, startOffset, startOffset + variableNameLength, attributes, 0, highlighters, null); } } for (RangeHighlighter highlighter : highlighters) { highlighter.setGreedyToLeft(true); highlighter.setGreedyToRight(true); } }
public void restartInplaceIntroduceTemplate() { Runnable restartTemplateRunnable = () -> { final TemplateState templateState = TemplateManagerImpl.getTemplateState(myEditor); if (templateState != null) { myEditor.putUserData(INTRODUCE_RESTART, true); try { final TextRange range = templateState.getCurrentVariableRange(); if (range != null) { final TextResult inputText = templateState.getVariableValue(PRIMARY_VARIABLE_NAME); final String inputName = inputText != null ? inputText.getText() : null; final V variable = getVariable(); if (inputName == null || variable == null || !isIdentifier(inputName, variable.getLanguage())) { final String[] names = suggestNames(isReplaceAllOccurrences(), getLocalVariable()); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( () -> myEditor .getDocument() .replaceString( range.getStartOffset(), range.getEndOffset(), names[0])); } } templateState.gotoEnd(true); try { myShouldSelect = false; startInplaceIntroduceTemplate(); } finally { myShouldSelect = true; } } finally { myEditor.putUserData(INTRODUCE_RESTART, false); } } updateTitle(getVariable()); }; CommandProcessor.getInstance() .executeCommand(myProject, restartTemplateRunnable, getCommandName(), getCommandName()); }
public V getLocalVariable() { if (myLocalVariable != null && myLocalVariable.isValid()) { return myLocalVariable; } if (myLocalMarker != null) { V variable = getVariable(); PsiFile containingFile; if (variable != null) { containingFile = variable.getContainingFile(); } else { containingFile = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).getPsiFile(myEditor.getDocument()); } PsiNameIdentifierOwner identifierOwner = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType( containingFile.findElementAt(myLocalMarker.getStartOffset()), PsiNameIdentifierOwner.class, false); return identifierOwner != null && identifierOwner.getClass() == myLocalVariable.getClass() ? (V) identifierOwner : null; } return myLocalVariable; }
public boolean startsOnTheSameElement(E expr, V localVariable) { if (myExprMarker != null && myExprMarker.isValid() && expr != null && myExprMarker.getStartOffset() == expr.getTextOffset()) { return true; } if (myLocalMarker != null && myLocalMarker.isValid() && localVariable != null && myLocalMarker.getStartOffset() == localVariable.getTextOffset()) { return true; } return isRestart(); }
public static void plotDirectedHalfPlane(FPoint2 p0, FPoint2 p1, int markType) { double SEP = .4 * V.getScale(); double ang = MyMath.polarAngle(p0, p1); FPoint2 d0 = MyMath.ptOnCircle(p0, ang + Math.PI / 2, SEP); FPoint2 d1 = MyMath.ptOnCircle(p1, ang + Math.PI / 2, SEP); EdSegment.plotDirectedLine(p0, p1); V.pushStroke(STRK_RUBBERBAND); V.drawLine(d0, d1); V.popStroke(); if (markType >= 0) { V.mark(d0, markType); V.mark(d1, markType); } }
public void render(Color c, int stroke, int markType) { final boolean db = false; // Get array of visible segments. If no such array exists, // use default. DArray vseg = visSeg; boolean dashed = false; // if (step == 0) { double step = renderStep(); // } // vp V = TestBed.view(); if (db) Streams.out.println(" step=" + step); // plot each visible segment for (int seg = 0; seg < vseg.size(); seg += 2) { double t0 = vseg.getDouble(seg + 0), t1 = vseg.getDouble(seg + 1); t0 = MyMath.clamp(t0, -500.0, 500.0); t1 = MyMath.clamp(t1, -500.0, 500.0); // render() expects external parameters. double s0 = toExt(t0), s1 = toExt(t1); if (s0 > s1) { double tmp = s0; s0 = s1; s1 = tmp; } FPoint2 p0 = calcPoint(s0), p1 = calcPoint(s1); if (db) Streams.out.println(" p0=" + p0 + ", p1=" + p1); if (isLine() && !dashed) { V.drawLine(p0, p1); } else { /* if (Math.abs(s0) >= 500 ||Math.abs(s1) >= 500) System.out.println("Rendering "+t0+" to "+t1+" step "+step); */ if (dashed) V.pushStroke(Globals.STRK_RUBBERBAND); { // int count = 0; boolean first = true; for (double t = t0; ; t += step) { // , count++) { boolean last = (t >= t1); if (last) { t = t1; } calcPointInternal(t, p1); if (!p1.isValid()) { if (last) { break; } continue; } if (db) { System.out.println(" calcPt " + Tools.f(toExt(t)) + " = " + p1.x + "," + p1.y); } if (!first) { V.drawLine(p0, p1); if (false) { Tools.warn("highlighting int"); V.mark(p0); } } if (last) { break; } p0.setLocation(p1); first = false; } } if (dashed) V.popStroke(); } } }
protected void deleteTemplateField(V psiField) { if (psiField.isValid()) { psiField.delete(); } }
protected void updateTitle(@Nullable V variable) { if (variable == null) return; setPreviewText(variable.getText()); revalidate(); }
private static void renderHull(PtEntry pt) { Inf inf = Inf.create(); int count = 30; PtEntry ptStart = pt; do { inf.update(); if (pt.prev(true) != null) { boolean valley = false; valley = (pt.prev(true).source() == pt.source() && pt.prev(true).orig().next(true) != pt.orig()); V.pushColor(MyColor.cBLUE); V.pushStroke(valley ? STRK_RUBBERBAND : STRK_THICK); V.drawLine(pt.prev(true), pt); V.pop(2); } V.pushColor(MyColor.cDARKGREEN); V.mark(pt, MARK_DISC, .6); V.pop(); if (Editor.withLabels(true)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" #" +; if (pt.source() != null) sb.append(" <" + pt.source() + ">"); V.pushScale(.6); V.draw(sb.toString(), MyMath.ptOnCircle(pt, MyMath.radians(30), 3), TX_FRAME | TX_BGND); V.pop(); } pt =; if (count-- == 0) V.draw("too many points rendering!", 50, 50, TX_CLAMP); } while (pt != ptStart && count > 0); }