public void popupActionPopupReleaseFinished() { if (actionStatus == ActionStatus.passGlass) { for (MyGlass g : glasses) { if (g.status == GlassStatus.WaitingForPass) { print("popup" + myIndex + "popup released the glass"); glasses.remove(g); animationStatus = AnimationStatus.Nothing; actionStatus = ActionStatus.Nothing; nextCF.msgHereIsGlass(; return; } } } else if (actionStatus == ActionStatus.getGlassFromMachine) { for (MyGlass g : glasses) { if (g.status == GlassStatus.Ready) { print("popup" + myIndex + "popup released the glass"); glasses.remove(g); animationStatus = AnimationStatus.Nothing; actionStatus = ActionStatus.Nothing; robots.get(g.robotIndex).status = RobotStatus.Empty; print("" + myIndex + "machine " + g.getRobotIndex() + " is set to empty!~~~~~"); nextCF.msgHereIsGlass(; conveyor.msgPopupAvailable(); return; } } } }
public void passGlass(MyGlass g) { Integer[] popupArgs = new Integer[1]; popupArgs[0] = myIndex; Integer[] conveyorArgs = new Integer[1]; conveyorArgs[0] = conveyor.getMyIndex(); nextFamilyAvailable = false; transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.POPUP, TEvent.POPUP_DO_MOVE_DOWN, popupArgs); animationStatus = AnimationStatus.PopupMovingDown; // try { // animationSem.acquire(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // released by POPUP_GUI_MOVED_DOWN // // transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.CONVEYOR,TEvent.CONVEYOR_DO_START,conveyorArgs); // try { // animationSem.acquire(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // released by POPUP_GUI_LOAD_FINISHED // transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.POPUP,TEvent.POPUP_RELEASE_GLASS,popupArgs); // try { // animationSem.acquire(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // released by POPUP_GUI_RELEASE_FINISHED // nextCF.msgHereIsGlass(; // glasses.remove(g); stateChanged(); // move down, take the glass and pass it to the next family when the family is ready }
public void fixRobot(int i) { for (MyGlass g : glasses) { if (g.robotIndex == i && g.status == GlassStatus.Handling) { glasses.remove(g); robots.get(i).status = RobotStatus.Empty; conveyor.msgPopupAvailable(); stateChanged(); break; } } }
public void popupActionPopupMovedDown() { if (actionStatus == ActionStatus.deliverGlass || actionStatus == ActionStatus.passGlass) { Integer[] conveyorArgs = new Integer[1]; conveyorArgs[0] = conveyor.getMyIndex(); transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.CONVEYOR, TEvent.CONVEYOR_DO_START, conveyorArgs); animationStatus = AnimationStatus.StartingConveyor; stateChanged(); } else if (actionStatus == ActionStatus.getGlassFromMachine) { Integer[] popupArgs = new Integer[1]; popupArgs[0] = myIndex; transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.POPUP, TEvent.POPUP_RELEASE_GLASS, popupArgs); animationStatus = AnimationStatus.PopupReleasingGlass; stateChanged(); } }
public void deliverGlass(MyGlass g) { System.out.println("deliver the glass is called:" + myIndex + " " + g.getRobotIndex()); g.status = GlassStatus.Delivering; Integer[] popupArgs = new Integer[1]; popupArgs[0] = myIndex; Integer[] conveyorArgs = new Integer[1]; conveyorArgs[0] = conveyor.getMyIndex(); Integer[] robotArgs = new Integer[1]; robotArgs[0] = g.robotIndex; // move down, take glass, take it to the next available machine transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.POPUP, TEvent.POPUP_DO_MOVE_DOWN, popupArgs); animationStatus = AnimationStatus.PopupMovingDown; // try { // animationSem.acquire(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // released by POPUP_GUI_MOVED_DOWN // print("popup"+myIndex+" moved down the pop up"); // transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.CONVEYOR,TEvent.CONVEYOR_DO_START,conveyorArgs); // try { // animationSem.acquire(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // released by POPUP_GUI_LOAD_FINISHED // print("popup"+myIndex+"popup finished loading"); // transducer.fireEvent(TChannel.POPUP,TEvent.POPUP_DO_MOVE_UP,popupArgs); // print("popup"+myIndex+"popup moved up"); // transducer.fireEvent(myChannel, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_LOAD_GLASS,robotArgs); // try { // animationSem.acquire(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // released by WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED // //TODO // print("workStation"+robotArgs[0]+"load glass finished"); // transducer.fireEvent(myChannel, TEvent.WORKSTATION_DO_ACTION,robotArgs); // robots.get(g.robotIndex).robot.msgHereIsGlass(; stateChanged(); }
public void eventFired(TChannel channel, TEvent event, Object[] args) { if (channel == TChannel.POPUP) { if (args[0] == myIndex) { if (event == TEvent.POPUP_GUI_MOVED_DOWN) { if (!popupJam) { if (animationStatus == AnimationStatus.PopupMovingDown) { if (actionStatus != ActionStatus.Nothing) { animationStatus = AnimationStatus.PopupMovedDown; print("POPUP_GUI_MOVED_DOWN is finished"); stateChanged(); } else { System.err.println( "POPUP_GUI_MOVED_DOWN is released" + animationStatus + " " + actionStatus); } } } else { System.err.println("got message when jamming " + event); } } else if (event == TEvent.POPUP_GUI_LOAD_FINISHED) { if (!popupJam) { if (animationStatus == AnimationStatus.StartingConveyor && (actionStatus != ActionStatus.Nothing)) { animationStatus = AnimationStatus.PopUpGuiLoadFinished; print("POPUP_GUI_LOAD_FINISHED is released"); stateChanged(); } else if (animationStatus == AnimationStatus.WorkStationReleasingGlass && actionStatus == ActionStatus.getGlassFromMachine) { animationStatus = AnimationStatus.PopUpGuiLoadFinished; print("POPUP_GUI_LOAD_FINISHED is released"); stateChanged(); } else { System.err.println( "POPUP_GUI_LOAD_FINISHED is released" + animationStatus + " " + actionStatus); } } else { System.err.println("got error when jamming " + event); } } else if (event == TEvent.POPUP_GUI_MOVED_UP) { if (!popupJam) { if (animationStatus == AnimationStatus.PopUpMovingUp && actionStatus == ActionStatus.deliverGlass) { animationStatus = AnimationStatus.PopUpMovedUp; stateChanged(); print("POPUP_GUI_MOVED_UP is released" + animationStatus + " " + actionStatus); } else if (animationStatus == AnimationStatus.PopUpMovingUp && actionStatus == ActionStatus.getGlassFromMachine) { animationStatus = AnimationStatus.PopUpMovedUp; stateChanged(); print("POPUP_GUI_MOVED_UP is released"); } else { System.err.println( "POPUP_GUI_MOVED_UP is released" + animationStatus + " " + actionStatus); } } else { System.err.println("got message when jamming " + event); } } else if (event == TEvent.POPUP_GUI_RELEASE_FINISHED) { if (!popupJam) { if (animationStatus == AnimationStatus.PopupReleasingGlass) { if (actionStatus == ActionStatus.getGlassFromMachine || actionStatus == ActionStatus.passGlass) { animationStatus = AnimationStatus.PopupReleaseFinished; stateChanged(); print("POPUP_GUI_RELEASE_FINISHED is released"); } else { System.err.println( "POPUP_GUI_RELEASE_FINISHED is released" + animationStatus + " " + actionStatus); } } else { System.err.println( "POPUP_GUI_RELEASE_FINISHED is released" + animationStatus + " " + actionStatus); } } else { System.err.println("got message when jamming " + event); } } else if (event == TEvent.POPUP_JAM) { if (!popupJam) { cp.tracePanel.print( "Popup is jammed: Channel: " + myChannel + " conveyor is stopped.\n", this); popupJam = true; conveyor.msgIamJammed(); } } else if (event == TEvent.POPUP_UNJAM) { if (popupJam) { cp.tracePanel.print( "Popup 's jamming issue is fixed: Channel: " + myChannel + " conveyor is resumed.\n", this); popupJam = false; conveyor.msgIamUnJammed(); } } } } else if (channel == myChannel) { if (event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED) { if (!popupJam) { if (actionStatus == ActionStatus.deliverGlass && animationStatus == AnimationStatus.WorkStationLoadingGlass) { animationStatus = AnimationStatus.WorkStationLoadFinished; print("WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED is released"); stateChanged(); } else { System.err.println( "WORKSTATION_LOAD_FINISHED is released" + animationStatus + " " + actionStatus); } } else { System.err.println("got message when jamming " + event); } } else if (event == TEvent .WORKSTATION_GUI_ACTION_FINISHED) { // we do not have machine agent so we use this // eventFired Integer tempIndex = (Integer) args[0]; int intIndex = tempIndex.intValue(); robots.get(intIndex).startTime = 0; msgGlassReady(tempIndex); } else if (event == TEvent.ROMOVE_GLASS_OFFLINE) { int tempIndex = ((Integer) (args[0])).intValue(); robots.get(tempIndex).status = RobotStatus.Fixing; stateChanged(); } else if (event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_FIXED) { int tempIndex = ((Integer) (args[0])).intValue(); cp.getTracePanel() .print( "Workstation is fixed : machine channel: " + myChannel + " index: " + tempIndex + "\n", this); robots.get(tempIndex).status = RobotStatus.Fixing; stateChanged(); } else if (event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_OFFLINE_CHANGE_SPEED) { if (channel == myChannel) { int speedup = ((Integer) (args[0])).intValue(); speedDown = 10 / speedup; } } else if (event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_DISABLE_OFFLINE) { int machineIndex = ((Integer) (args[0])).intValue(); robots.get(machineIndex).status = RobotStatus.Working; stateChanged(); } else if (event == TEvent.WORKSTATION_ENABLE_OFFLINE) { int machineIndex = ((Integer) (args[0])).intValue(); robots.get(machineIndex).status = RobotStatus.Empty; stateChanged(); } } }