public void updateProperties() { if (editActors == null) return; updateProperties = true; Actor model = editActors.get(0); getStage().setKeyboardFocus(null); name.setText(model.getName()); visible.setChecked(model.isVisible()); positionX.setText(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.2f", model.getX())); positionY.setText(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.2f", model.getY())); rotation.setText(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.2f", model.getRotation())); lockRatio.setChecked(Math.abs(model.getScaleX() - model.getScaleY()) < 0.01f); scaleX.setText(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.2f", model.getScaleX())); scaleY.setText(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.2f", model.getScaleY())); Color color = model.getColor(); r.setText(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.0f", color.r * 255)); g.setText(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.0f", color.g * 255)); b.setText(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.0f", color.b * 255)); a.setText(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.0f", color.a * 255)); scaleY.setDisabled(lockRatio.isChecked()); scaleY.setColor(lockRatio.isChecked() ? disableColor : enableColor); updateProperties = false; }
private TextField findNextTextField( Array<Actor> actors, TextField best, Vector2 bestCoords, Vector2 currentCoords, boolean up) { for (int i = 0, n = actors.size; i < n; i++) { Actor actor = actors.get(i); if (actor == this) continue; if (actor instanceof TextField) { TextField textField = (TextField) actor; if (textField.isDisabled() || !textField.focusTraversal) continue; Vector2 actorCoords = actor.getParent().localToStageCoordinates(tmp3.set(actor.getX(), actor.getY())); if ((actorCoords.y < currentCoords.y || (actorCoords.y == currentCoords.y && actorCoords.x > currentCoords.x)) ^ up) { if (best == null || (actorCoords.y > bestCoords.y || (actorCoords.y == bestCoords.y && actorCoords.x < bestCoords.x)) ^ up) { best = (TextField) actor; bestCoords.set(actorCoords); } } } else if (actor instanceof Group) best = findNextTextField(((Group) actor).getChildren(), best, bestCoords, currentCoords, up); } return best; }
public void drawDebug(SpriteBatch batch) { if (debugRenderer == null) { if ( debugRenderer = new ImmediateModeRenderer20(64, false, true, 0); else debugRenderer = new ImmediateModeRenderer10(64); } float x = getX(), y = getY(); debugRenderer.begin(batch.getProjectionMatrix(), GL10.GL_LINES); float x1 = x; float y1 = y; float x2 = x1 + getPrefWidth(); float y2 = y1 + getPrefHeight(); drawDebugItem(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1, 0, 0); for (Actor a : getChildren()) { if (debugRenderer.getNumVertices() == 64) { debugRenderer.end(); debugRenderer.begin(batch.getProjectionMatrix(), GL10.GL_LINES); } x1 = x + a.getX(); y1 = y + a.getY(); x2 = x1 + a.getWidth(); y2 = y1 + a.getHeight(); drawDebugItem(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, 1, 0); } debugRenderer.end(); }
/** * @return the positions of the actors in the list * @param actors */ private List<Vector2> getPositions(SnapshotArray<Actor> actors) { List<Vector2> oldPositions = new ArrayList<Vector2>(); for (Actor actor : actors) { oldPositions.add(new Vector2(actor.getX(), actor.getY())); } return oldPositions; }
public void drawDebug(SpriteBatch batch) { if (getDebug() == Debug.none || debugRects == null) return; if (debugRenderer == null) { if ( debugRenderer = new ImmediateModeRenderer20(64, false, true, 0); else debugRenderer = new ImmediateModeRenderer10(64); } float x = 0, y = 0; Actor parent = getTable(); while (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof Group) { x += parent.getX(); y += parent.getY(); } parent = parent.getParent(); } debugRenderer.begin(batch.getProjectionMatrix(), GL10.GL_LINES); for (int i = 0, n = debugRects.size; i < n; i++) { DebugRect rect = debugRects.get(i); float x1 = x + rect.x; float y1 = y + rect.y - rect.height; float x2 = x1 + rect.width; float y2 = y1 + rect.height; float r = rect.type == Debug.cell ? 1 : 0; float g = rect.type == Debug.widget ? 1 : 0; float b = rect.type == Debug.table ? 1 : 0; debugRenderer.color(r, g, b, 1); debugRenderer.vertex(x1, y1, 0); debugRenderer.color(r, g, b, 1); debugRenderer.vertex(x1, y2, 0); debugRenderer.color(r, g, b, 1); debugRenderer.vertex(x1, y2, 0); debugRenderer.color(r, g, b, 1); debugRenderer.vertex(x2, y2, 0); debugRenderer.color(r, g, b, 1); debugRenderer.vertex(x2, y2, 0); debugRenderer.color(r, g, b, 1); debugRenderer.vertex(x2, y1, 0); debugRenderer.color(r, g, b, 1); debugRenderer.vertex(x2, y1, 0); debugRenderer.color(r, g, b, 1); debugRenderer.vertex(x1, y1, 0); if (debugRenderer.getNumVertices() == 64) { debugRenderer.end(); debugRenderer.begin(batch.getProjectionMatrix(), GL10.GL_LINES); } } debugRenderer.end(); }
/** * Transforms the specified point in the actor's coordinates to be in the stage's coordinates. * Note this method will ONLY work for screen aligned, unrotated, unscaled actors! */ public Vector2 localToStageCoordinates(Vector2 localCoords) { Actor actor = this; while (actor != null) { if (actor.getRotation() != 0 || actor.getScaleX() != 1 || actor.getScaleY() != 1) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Only unrotated and unscaled actors may use this method."); localCoords.x += actor.getX(); localCoords.y += actor.getY(); actor = actor.getParent(); } return localCoords; }
/** Draws selection, icons, and expand icons. */ private void draw(SpriteBatch batch, Array<Node> nodes, float indent) { Drawable plus =, minus = style.minus; float x = getX(), y = getY(); for (int i = 0, n = nodes.size; i < n; i++) { Node node = nodes.get(i); Actor actor =; if (selectedNodes.contains(node, true) && style.selection != null) { style.selection.draw( batch, x, y + actor.getY() - ySpacing / 2, getWidth(), node.height + ySpacing); } else if (node == overNode && style.over != null) { style.over.draw( batch, x, y + actor.getY() - ySpacing / 2, getWidth(), node.height + ySpacing); } if (node.icon != null) { float iconY = actor.getY() + Math.round((node.height - node.icon.getMinHeight()) / 2); batch.setColor(actor.getColor()); node.icon.draw( batch, x + - iconSpacing - node.icon.getMinWidth(), y + iconY, node.icon.getMinWidth(), node.icon.getMinHeight()); batch.setColor(Color.WHITE); } if (node.children.size == 0) continue; Drawable expandIcon = node.expanded ? minus : plus; float iconY = actor.getY() + Math.round((node.height - expandIcon.getMinHeight()) / 2); expandIcon.draw( batch, x + indent - iconSpacing, y + iconY, expandIcon.getMinWidth(), expandIcon.getMinHeight()); if (node.expanded) draw(batch, node.children, indent + indentSpacing); } }
public SelectionGhost(ShapeRenderer shapeRenderer, Actor representedActor) { this.shapeRenderer = shapeRenderer; this.representedActor = representedActor; setOrigin(representedActor.getOriginX(), representedActor.getOriginY()); setBounds( representedActor.getX(), representedActor.getY(), representedActor.getWidth(), representedActor.getHeight()); setRotation(representedActor.getRotation()); setScale(representedActor.getScaleX(), representedActor.getScaleY()); startingRotation = representedActor.getRotation(); }
protected void checkBounds() { if (follow) { setX(followed.getX() - getWidth() / 2); setY(followed.getY() + followed.getHeight()); } if (getX() + getWidth() > setX(getX() - (getWidth() - ( - getX()))); if (getY() + getHeight() > setY(getY() - (getHeight() - ( - getY()))); if (getX() < 0) setX(0); if (getY() < 0) setY(0); }
private LinkedList<Unit> selectCharacters() { LinkedList<Unit> units = new LinkedList<>(); for (Actor actor : getStage().getActors()) { if (!(actor instanceof Unit)) continue; Rectangle boundingBox = new Rectangle(actor.getX(), actor.getY(), actor.getWidth(), actor.getHeight()); if (selectionBox.overlaps(boundingBox)) { units.add((Unit) actor); } } return units; }
/** * Creates a {@link ModelEntity}. This method should only be invoked if the return value of the * {@link #save()} method was true. */ public void createSceneElement() { ModelEntity savedElement = this.controller.getTemplates().createSceneElement(this.savePath.path()); Actor rootGroup = scaledView.getGroupEditorDragListener().getRootGroup(); Actor scaledAct = rootGroup == null ? scaledView : rootGroup; savedElement.setScaleX(1 / scaledAct.getScaleX()); savedElement.setScaleY(1 / scaledAct.getScaleY()); Vector2 pos = mesh.getPosition(); savedElement.setX(pos.x - scaledAct.getX()); savedElement.setY(pos.y - scaledAct.getY()); Q.getComponent(savedElement, RepoElement.class).setThumbnail(; this.controller.action(AddSceneElement.class, savedElement); }
/** Adjusts the position and size of the given group to its children */ public static void adjustGroup(Actor root) { if (!(root instanceof Group)) { return; } Group group = (Group) root; if (group.getChildren().size == 0) { return; } Vector2 origin = Pools.obtain(Vector2.class); Vector2 size = Pools.obtain(Vector2.class); Vector2 tmp3 = Pools.obtain(Vector2.class); Vector2 tmp4 = Pools.obtain(Vector2.class); calculateBounds(group.getChildren(), origin, size); /* * minX and minY are the new origin (new 0, 0), so everything inside the * group must be translated that much. */ for (Actor actor : group.getChildren()) { actor.setPosition(actor.getX() - origin.x, actor.getY() - origin.y); } /* * Now, we calculate the current origin (0, 0) and the new origin (minX, * minY), and group is translated by that difference. */ group.localToParentCoordinates(tmp3.set(0, 0)); group.localToParentCoordinates(tmp4.set(origin.x, origin.y)); tmp4.sub(tmp3); group.setBounds(group.getX() + tmp4.x, group.getY() + tmp4.y, size.x, size.y); group.setOrigin(size.x / 2.0f, size.y / 2.0f);;;;; }
@Override public void draw(SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) { if (widget == null) return; validate(); // Setup transform for this group. applyTransform(batch, computeTransform()); if (scrollX) hKnobBounds.x = hScrollBounds.x + (int) ((hScrollBounds.width - hKnobBounds.width) * getScrollPercentX()); if (scrollY) vKnobBounds.y = vScrollBounds.y + (int) ((vScrollBounds.height - vKnobBounds.height) * (1 - getScrollPercentY())); // Calculate the widget's position depending on the scroll state and available widget area. float y = widgetAreaBounds.y; if (!scrollY) y -= (int) maxY; else y -= (int) (maxY - visualAmountY); if (!fadeScrollBars && scrollbarsOnTop && scrollX) { float scrollbarHeight = 0; if (style.hScrollKnob != null) scrollbarHeight = style.hScrollKnob.getMinHeight(); if (style.hScroll != null) scrollbarHeight = Math.max(scrollbarHeight, style.hScroll.getMinHeight()); y += scrollbarHeight; } float x = widgetAreaBounds.x; if (scrollX) x -= (int) visualAmountX; widget.setPosition(x, y); if (widget instanceof Cullable) { widgetCullingArea.x = -widget.getX() + widgetAreaBounds.x; widgetCullingArea.y = -widget.getY() + widgetAreaBounds.y; widgetCullingArea.width = widgetAreaBounds.width; widgetCullingArea.height = widgetAreaBounds.height; ((Cullable) widget).setCullingArea(widgetCullingArea); } // Caculate the scissor bounds based on the batch transform, the available widget area and the // camera transform. We need to // project those to screen coordinates for OpenGL ES to consume. getStage().calculateScissors(widgetAreaBounds, scissorBounds); // Draw the background ninepatch. Color color = getColor(); batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha); if (style.background != null) style.background.draw(batch, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); batch.flush(); // Enable scissors for widget area and draw the widget. if (ScissorStack.pushScissors(scissorBounds)) { drawChildren(batch, parentAlpha); ScissorStack.popScissors(); } // Render scrollbars and knobs on top. batch.setColor( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha * Interpolation.fade.apply(fadeAlpha / fadeAlphaSeconds)); if (scrollX && scrollY) { if (style.corner != null) { style.corner.draw( batch, hScrollBounds.x + hScrollBounds.width, hScrollBounds.y, vScrollBounds.width, vScrollBounds.y); } } if (scrollX) { if (style.hScroll != null) style.hScroll.draw( batch, hScrollBounds.x, hScrollBounds.y, hScrollBounds.width, hScrollBounds.height); if (style.hScrollKnob != null) style.hScrollKnob.draw( batch, hKnobBounds.x, hKnobBounds.y, hKnobBounds.width, hKnobBounds.height); } if (scrollY) { if (style.vScroll != null) style.vScroll.draw( batch, vScrollBounds.x, vScrollBounds.y, vScrollBounds.width, vScrollBounds.height); if (style.vScrollKnob != null) style.vScrollKnob.draw( batch, vKnobBounds.x, vKnobBounds.y, vKnobBounds.width, vKnobBounds.height); } resetTransform(batch); }
private void toStageCoordinates(Actor actor, Vector2 point) { point.x += actor.getX(); point.y += actor.getY(); toStageCoordinates(actor.getParent(), point); }
/** * Draws all children. {@link #applyTransform(SpriteBatch)} should be called before and {@link * #resetTransform(SpriteBatch)} after this method if {@link #setTransform(boolean) transform} is * true. If {@link #setTransform(boolean) transform} is false these methods don't need to be * called, children positions are temporarily offset by the group position when drawn. This method * avoids drawing children completely outside the {@link #setCullingArea(Rectangle) culling area}, * if set. */ protected void drawChildren(SpriteBatch batch, float parentAlpha) { parentAlpha *= getColor().a; DelayedRemovalArray<Actor> children = this.children; children.begin(); if (cullingArea != null) { // Draw children only if inside culling area. if (transform) { for (int i = 0, n = children.size; i < n; i++) { Actor child = children.get(i); if (!child.isVisible()) continue; float x = child.getX(); float y = child.getY(); if (x <= cullingArea.x + cullingArea.width && y <= cullingArea.y + cullingArea.height && x + child.getWidth() >= cullingArea.x && y + child.getHeight() >= cullingArea.y) { child.draw(batch, parentAlpha); } } batch.flush(); } else { // No transform for this group, offset each child. float offsetX = getX(); float offsetY = getY(); setPosition(0, 0); for (int i = 0, n = children.size; i < n; i++) { Actor child = children.get(i); if (!child.isVisible()) continue; float x = child.getX(); float y = child.getY(); if (x <= cullingArea.x + cullingArea.width && y <= cullingArea.y + cullingArea.height && x + child.getWidth() >= cullingArea.x && y + child.getHeight() >= cullingArea.y) { child.translate(offsetX, offsetY); child.draw(batch, parentAlpha); child.setPosition(x, y); } } setPosition(offsetX, offsetY); } } else { if (transform) { for (int i = 0, n = children.size; i < n; i++) { Actor child = children.get(i); if (!child.isVisible()) continue; child.draw(batch, parentAlpha); } batch.flush(); } else { // No transform for this group, offset each child. float offsetX = getX(); float offsetY = getY(); setPosition(0, 0); for (int i = 0, n = children.size; i < n; i++) { Actor child = children.get(i); if (!child.isVisible()) continue; float x = child.getX(); float y = child.getY(); child.translate(offsetX, offsetY); child.draw(batch, parentAlpha); child.setPosition(x, y); } setPosition(offsetX, offsetY); } } children.end(); }