  public void scoreBoardShouldReactToGoal() {
    ScoreBoard scoreBoard = new ScoreBoard();
    String reaction = scoreBoard.react();

    assertEquals("Score!", reaction);
Esempio n. 2
  public long insertScoreBoard(ScoreBoard scoreBoard) {
    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put(SCOREBOARD_GROUPNAME, scoreBoard.getGroupName());
    cv.put(SCOREBOARD_CLASSNAME, scoreBoard.getClassName());
    cv.put(SCOREBOARD_SCORE, scoreBoard.getScore());
    cv.put(SCOREBOARD_TIME, scoreBoard.getTime());

    long rowID = db.insert(SCOREBOARD_TABLE, null, cv);

    return rowID;
Esempio n. 3
  public int updateScoreBoard(ScoreBoard scoreBoard) {
    ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    cv.put(SCOREBOARD_GROUPNAME, scoreBoard.getGroupName());
    cv.put(SCOREBOARD_CLASSNAME, scoreBoard.getClassName());
    cv.put(SCOREBOARD_SCORE, scoreBoard.getScore());
    cv.put(SCOREBOARD_TIME, scoreBoard.getTime());

    String where = SCOREBOARD_ID + "= ?";
    String[] whereArgs = {String.valueOf(scoreBoard.getId())};
    int rowCount = db.update(SCOREBOARD_TABLE, cv, where, whereArgs);
    return rowCount;
 // This method is called once a second, and it is a good place to
 // do things like check if the snake has collided into the wall
 // or the apple.
 public void onTimer() {
   if ((snake.hasHitTail() == false) && (snake.hasHitWall(gameBoard) == false)) {
     if (snake.hasHitApple(apple)) {
       apple.setPos(gameBoard.getRandomXCoord(), gameBoard.getRandomYCoord());
       System.out.println("It hit the apple");
   } else gameOver = true;
Esempio n. 5
  public List<ScoreBoard> getScoreBoard() {
    List<ScoreBoard> scoreBoardList = new ArrayList<ScoreBoard>();
    String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + SCOREBOARD_TABLE;

    SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);

    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
      do {
        ScoreBoard scoreBoard = new ScoreBoard();
      } while (cursor.moveToNext());
    return scoreBoardList;
Esempio n. 6
 public void updateScoreboard() {
   ScoreBoard board = new ScoreBoard();
   board.add(ChatColor.YELLOW + "" + this.experience + " Exp!");
   board.add(" ");
   board.add(ChatColor.BLUE + "Members:");
   for (UUID id : this.players.keySet()) {
     if (Utils.getPlayer(id) != null) {
       String str =
               + Utils.getPlayer(id).getName()
               + " "
               + ChatColor.YELLOW
               + Math.round(((Float) this.players.get(id)).floatValue() / this.experience * 100.0F)
               + "%";
       if ((str.length() > 16) && (Utils.getPlayer(id).getName().length() >= 10)) {
         str =
                 + Utils.getPlayer(id).getName().substring(0, 9)
                 + ". "
                 + ChatColor.YELLOW
                 + Math.round(
                     ((Float) this.players.get(id)).floatValue() / this.experience * 100.0F)
                 + "%";
   for (UUID id : this.players.keySet()) {
             + Utils.getPlayer(this.creator).getName()
             + "s "
             + ChatColor.BLUE
             + "group",
Esempio n. 7
 public static void nextTurn() {
   try {
     // System.gc();//Maybe good or maybe very bad idea...-_-|||
     // if(age >= 2)
     // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,hands,"Hand Card List",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
     // handCard.unload();
     if (turn < 6) {
       if (age == 2) {
         handCard.nextHand(hands[(2 * numOfPlayers - turn + observeIndex) % numOfPlayers], false);
         Manager.debug("Player is taking hands[" + (2 * numOfPlayers - turn) % numOfPlayers + "]");
       } else {
         handCard.nextHand(hands[(turn + observeIndex) % numOfPlayers], false);
         Manager.debug("Player is taking hands[" + (turn) % numOfPlayers + "]");
     } else {
       changeCardGivenUp(CardsGivenup + numOfPlayers);
       for (int i = 0; i < numOfPlayers; i++) {
         int[][] mvps = boards[i].getMilitaryVPS();
         // if(i == 0 )
         // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
         // "Left:"+mvps[KernelManager.LEFT][age] + "  Right:" +
         // mvps[KernelManager.RIGHT][age]);
         if (mvps[KernelManager.LEFT][age] > 0) wonder[i].addBattleSign(age, true);
         else if (mvps[KernelManager.LEFT][age] < 0) wonder[i].addBattleSign(0, true);
         if (mvps[KernelManager.RIGHT][age] > 0) wonder[i].addBattleSign(age, false);
         else if (mvps[KernelManager.RIGHT][age] < 0) wonder[i].addBattleSign(0, false);
         // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
         // mvps[KernelManager.LEFT][age] + "\t" +
         // mvps[KernelManager.RIGHT][age]);
       if (age < 3) {
         turn = 1;
                     new Circle(29, Color.web("white", 0)),
                     Color.web("white", 0.7),
                     0.3 * (age != 2 ? -1 : 1)));
         hands = Manager.getKernel().getHands();
         handCard.nextHand(hands[0], true);
         if (age == 2) {
         } else {
       } else { // Game finished
         if (Manager.getKernel().isReplayMode()) replayControl.stop();
         handCard.nextHand(null, true);
         ScoreBoard sb = new ScoreBoard(boards);
         sb.setLayoutX((screenX - sb.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth()) / 2);
         Timeline tl =
             new Timeline(
                 new KeyFrame(
                     new KeyValue(sb.opacityProperty(), 0),
                     new KeyValue(sb.layoutYProperty(), -300)),
                 new KeyFrame(
                     new KeyValue(sb.opacityProperty(), 1),
                     new KeyValue(
                         (screenY - sb.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight()) / 2)));
         // quit();//Only for test
   } catch (Throwable e) {
     StringWriter str = new StringWriter();
     PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(str);
Esempio n. 8
 public void gainScore(IPlayer player, int i) {
   scoreboard.addScore(player, i);
 // This method is called once a second to redraw the canvas,
 // so you can do things like draw the snake.
 public void redrawCanvas(Graphics canvas) {
   scoreBoard.drawScore(canvas, gameOver);
Esempio n. 10
   * Prepare the world for the start of the program. That is: create the initial objects and add
   * them to the world.
  private void prepare() {
    Small small = new Small();
    addObject(small, 127, 105);
    Big big = new Big();
    addObject(big, 843, 121);
    small.setLocation(113, 95);
    big.setLocation(860, 113);
    big.setLocation(885, 111);
    Number_5 number_5 = new Number_5();
    addObject(number_5, 157, 288);
    Number_4 number_4 = new Number_4();
    addObject(number_4, 69, 297);
    number_5.setLocation(167, 295);
    Number_6 number_6 = new Number_6();
    addObject(number_6, 273, 300);
    number_6.setLocation(266, 295);
    Number_7 number_7 = new Number_7();
    addObject(number_7, 369, 303);
    number_7.setLocation(361, 298);
    Number_8 number_8 = new Number_8();
    addObject(number_8, 463, 300);
    number_8.setLocation(456, 298);
    Number_9 number_9 = new Number_9();
    addObject(number_9, 559, 305);
    Number_10 number_10 = new Number_10();
    addObject(number_10, 659, 312);
    Number_11 number_11 = new Number_11();
    addObject(number_11, 767, 312);
    Number_12 number_12 = new Number_12();
    addObject(number_12, 872, 315);
    number_9.setLocation(552, 298);
    number_10.setLocation(650, 300);
    number_11.setLocation(747, 299);
    number_12.setLocation(843, 302);
    Number_13 number_13 = new Number_13();
    addObject(number_13, 950, 306);
    number_13.setLocation(942, 303);
    Combo1And2 combo1and2 = new Combo1And2();
    addObject(combo1and2, 173, 478);
    Combo5And6 combo5and6 = new Combo5And6();
    addObject(combo5and6, 948, 480);
    combo1and2.setLocation(149, 467);
    combo5and6.setLocation(948, 472);

    Number_14 number_14 = new Number_14();
    addObject(number_14, 1046, 311);
    number_14.setLocation(1039, 303);
    Number_15 number_15 = new Number_15();
    addObject(number_15, 1145, 308);
    number_15.setLocation(1138, 303);
    Number_16 number_16 = new Number_16();
    addObject(number_16, 1245, 310);
    number_16.setLocation(1238, 305);
    Number_17 number_17 = new Number_17();
    addObject(number_17, 1342, 309);
    number_17.setLocation(1336, 303);
    big.setLocation(1277, 101);
    big.setLocation(1283, 104);
    small.setLocation(114, 101);
    big.setLocation(1287, 101);
    combo1and2.setLocation(162, 467);
    combo5and6.setLocation(943, 472);
    Combo1And2 combo1and22 = new Combo1And2();
    addObject(combo1and22, 1237, 683);
    TwoDie twodie = new TwoDie();
    addObject(twodie, 76, 467);
    Combo1And3 combo1and3 = new Combo1And3();
    addObject(combo1and3, 251, 475);
    combo1and3.setLocation(243, 469);
    Combo1And4 combo1and4 = new Combo1And4();
    addObject(combo1and4, 331, 476);
    combo1and4.setLocation(325, 469);
    Combo1And5 combo1and5 = new Combo1And5();
    addObject(combo1and5, 409, 477);
    combo1and5.setLocation(402, 468);
    Combo1And6 combo1and6 = new Combo1And6();
    addObject(combo1and6, 493, 475);
    combo1and6.setLocation(487, 469);
    combo1and5.setLocation(404, 470);
    combo1and6.setLocation(486, 470);
    Combo2And3 combo2and3 = new Combo2And3();
    addObject(combo2and3, 570, 473);
    combo2and3.setLocation(565, 470);
    Combo2And4 combo2and4 = new Combo2And4();
    addObject(combo2and4, 653, 476);
    combo2and4.setLocation(646, 470);
    Combo2And6 combo2and6 = new Combo2And6();
    addObject(combo2and6, 824, 479);
    Combo2And5 combo2and5 = new Combo2And5();
    addObject(combo2and5, 734, 480);
    combo2and5.setLocation(726, 471);
    combo2and6.setLocation(802, 471);
    Combo3And4 combo3and4 = new Combo3And4();
    addObject(combo3and4, 885, 478);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1039, 472);
    combo3and4.setLocation(883, 472);
    combo2and5.setLocation(726, 471);
    Combo1And5 combo1and52 = new Combo1And5();
    addObject(combo1and52, 1233, 659);
    Combo3And6 combo3and6 = new Combo3And6();
    addObject(combo3and6, 968, 478);
    combo3and6.setLocation(961, 471);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1305, 478);
    Combo4And6 combo4and6 = new Combo4And6();
    addObject(combo4and6, 1131, 481);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1211, 474);
    combo4and6.setLocation(1130, 477);
    Combo4And5 combo4and5 = new Combo4And5();
    addObject(combo4and5, 1049, 479);
    combo4and5.setLocation(1040, 473);
    combo4and6.setLocation(1118, 474);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1196, 473);
    combo1and2.setLocation(162, 467);
    combo2and5.setLocation(726, 475);
    combo3and6.setLocation(961, 473);
    combo3and4.setLocation(883, 474);
    combo2and6.setLocation(805, 473);
    combo3and6.setLocation(961, 473);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1197, 472);
    Combo1And1 combo1and1 = new Combo1And1();
    addObject(combo1and1, 274, 131);
    Combo2And2 combo2and2 = new Combo2And2();
    addObject(combo2and2, 368, 140);
    combo2and2.setLocation(363, 131);
    Combo3And3 combo3and3 = new Combo3And3();
    addObject(combo3and3, 459, 137);
    combo3and3.setLocation(454, 132);
    OneWinsEleven onewinseleven = new OneWinsEleven();
    addObject(onewinseleven, 1038, 736);
    EachDoubleOneWinsEleven eachdoubleonewinseleven = new EachDoubleOneWinsEleven();
    addObject(eachdoubleonewinseleven, 363, 38);
    eachdoubleonewinseleven.setLocation(360, 33);
    Combo6And6 combo6and6 = new Combo6And6();
    addObject(combo6and6, 1136, 130);
    number_15.setLocation(1136, 298);
    number_16.setLocation(1235, 299);
    number_17.setLocation(1330, 300);
    number_14.setLocation(1039, 298);
    number_13.setLocation(942, 295);
    number_12.setLocation(842, 296);
    number_11.setLocation(748, 294);
    number_12.setLocation(844, 296);
    number_10.setLocation(650, 295);
    number_8.setLocation(456, 297);
    combo2and3.setLocation(564, 468);
    combo2and4.setLocation(646, 467);
    combo2and5.setLocation(726, 470);
    combo2and6.setLocation(804, 471);
    combo3and4.setLocation(883, 472);
    combo3and6.setLocation(960, 469);
    combo4and5.setLocation(1039, 468);
    combo4and6.setLocation(1118, 468);
    combo4and5.setLocation(1039, 468);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1198, 467);
    Combo5And5 combo5and5 = new Combo5And5();
    addObject(combo5and5, 1042, 136);
    combo5and5.setLocation(1043, 132);
    Combo4And4 combo4and4 = new Combo4And4();
    addObject(combo4and4, 950, 136);
    combo4and4.setLocation(949, 133);
    combo4and4.setLocation(950, 130);
    EachDoubleOneWinsEleven eachdoubleonewinseleven2 = new EachDoubleOneWinsEleven();
    addObject(eachdoubleonewinseleven2, 1054, 35);
    eachdoubleonewinseleven2.setLocation(1041, 33);
    combo2and4.setLocation(646, 470);
    combo2and5.setLocation(728, 473);
    combo3and6.setLocation(961, 469);
    combo4and5.setLocation(1040, 471);
    combo4and6.setLocation(1119, 471);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1198, 470);
    SicBoTiles tiles = new SicBoTiles();
    Dice dice_1 = new Dice_1();
    addObject(dice_1, 570, 139);
    dice_1.setLocation(568, 140);
    Dice dice_2 = new Dice_2();
    addObject(dice_2, 684, 150);
    dice_2.setLocation(679, 146);
    dice_2.setLocation(678, 145);
    Dice dice_3 = new Dice_3();
    addObject(dice_3, 828, 145);
    dice_2.setLocation(686, 130);
    dice_1.setLocation(587, 125);
    dice_3.setLocation(799, 130);
    dice_2.setLocation(693, 129);
    dice_3.setLocation(811, 129);
    dice_2.setLocation(699, 129);
    dice_3.setLocation(820, 129);
    dice_2.setLocation(704, 128);
    Triple triple = new Triple();
    addObject(triple, 49, 605);
    triple.setLocation(359, 752);

    dice_3.setLocation(819, 125);
    dice_2.setLocation(704, 127);
    dice_1.setLocation(588, 124);
    dice_1.setLocation(589, 139);
    dice_2.setLocation(704, 144);
    dice_3.setLocation(818, 144);
    SingleValue_1 singlevalue_1 = new SingleValue_1();
    addObject(singlevalue_1, 215, 645);
    singlevalue_1.setLocation(201, 589);
    SingleValue_2 singlevalue_2 = new SingleValue_2();
    addObject(singlevalue_2, 392, 593);
    singlevalue_2.setLocation(384, 589);
    singlevalue_2.setLocation(384, 588);
    SingleValue_3 singlevalue_3 = new SingleValue_3();
    addObject(singlevalue_3, 574, 598);
    singlevalue_3.setLocation(567, 592);
    singlevalue_2.setLocation(385, 592);
    singlevalue_1.setLocation(201, 595);
    SingleValue_4 singlevalue_4 = new SingleValue_4();
    addObject(singlevalue_4, 760, 599);
    singlevalue_4.setLocation(749, 592);
    SingleValue_5 singlevalue_5 = new SingleValue_5();
    addObject(singlevalue_5, 947, 596);
    singlevalue_5.setLocation(934, 592);
    SingleValue_6 singlevalue_6 = new SingleValue_6();
    addObject(singlevalue_6, 1134, 598);
    singlevalue_6.setLocation(1120, 590);
    singlevalue_2.setLocation(387, 594);
    singlevalue_3.setLocation(569, 593);
    singlevalue_4.setLocation(755, 593);
    singlevalue_6.setLocation(1141, 590);
    singlevalue_5.setLocation(944, 592);
    singlevalue_6.setLocation(1134, 593);
    singlevalue_3.setLocation(570, 596);
    singlevalue_5.setLocation(961, 789);
    singlevalue_4.setLocation(722, 766);
    singlevalue_3.setLocation(494, 754);
    singlevalue_2.setLocation(326, 758);
    singlevalue_6.setLocation(1145, 593);
    singlevalue_4.setLocation(714, 629);
    singlevalue_5.setLocation(955, 595);
    singlevalue_4.setLocation(762, 595);
    singlevalue_3.setLocation(574, 596);
    singlevalue_2.setLocation(389, 596);
    singlevalue_4.setLocation(763, 597);
    singlevalue_5.setLocation(956, 596);
    singlevalue_6.setLocation(1144, 594);
    OneIsToOne oneistoone = new OneIsToOne();
    addObject(oneistoone, 306, 678);
    oneistoone.setLocation(299, 671);
    TwoIsToOne twoistoone = new TwoIsToOne();
    addObject(twoistoone, 680, 678);
    twoistoone.setLocation(677, 671);
    ThreeIsToOne threeistoone = new ThreeIsToOne();
    addObject(threeistoone, 1060, 676);
    threeistoone.setLocation(1054, 670);
    IPlayer nobody = new Nobody();
    Display disp = new Display(nobody);
    ScoreBoard scoreboard = new ScoreBoard(disp);
    addObject(scoreboard, 701, 824);
    // Reset reset=new Reset();
    // addObject(reset,1073, 824);
    Combo3And5 combo3and5 = new Combo3And5();
    addObject(combo3and5, 1348, 597);
    combo4and5.setLocation(1339, 471);
    combo3and6.setLocation(1047, 470);
    combo3and5.setLocation(965, 472);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1258, 468);
    combo4and6.setLocation(1179, 469);
    combo4and5.setLocation(1130, 470);
    combo4and6.setLocation(1187, 469);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1305, 472);
    combo4and5.setLocation(1126, 471);
    combo4and6.setLocation(1205, 473);
    combo5and6.setLocation(1285, 472);
    triple.setLocation(650, 418);
    triple.setLocation(700, 154);
    // NumberInputBox1 numberinputbox1 = new NumberInputBox1();
    // addObject(numberinputbox1, 106, 745);
    // NumberInputBox2 numberinputbox2 = new NumberInputBox2();
    // addObject(numberinputbox2, 304, 753);
    // numberinputbox2.setLocation(309, 749);
    // numberinputbox2.setLocation(311, 746);
    CreateChip1 createchip1 = new CreateChip1();
    addObject(createchip1, 120, 846);
    CreateChip2 createchip2 = new CreateChip2();
    addObject(createchip2, 395, 847);
    // numberinputbox2.setLocation(383, 749);
    // numberinputbox1.setLocation(116, 748);
    NumberInputBox numberinputbox = new NumberInputBox();
    addObject(numberinputbox, 168, 749);
    numberinputbox.setLocation(253, 742);
    dice_1.setLocation(581, 53);
    dice_2.setLocation(695, 53);
    dice_3.setLocation(809, 53);
    /*dice_1.setLocation(785, 362);
    dice_1.setLocation(906, 851);
    dice_3.setLocation(766, 440);
    triple.setLocation(690, 119);
    triple.setLocation(697, 114);
    //reset.setLocation(1216, 721);
    dice_2.setLocation(1061, 843);
    dice_3.setLocation(1150, 828);
    dice_1.setLocation(906, 821);
    dice_2.setLocation(1019, 825);
    dice_3.setLocation(1130, 821);
    dice_3.setLocation(1130, 825);*/
    numberinputbox.setLocation(262, 771);
    createchip2.setLocation(437, 848);
    scoreboard.setLocation(842, 823);
    createchip2.setLocation(480, 853);
    numberinputbox.setLocation(324, 770);
    createchip2.setLocation(531, 843);
    scoreboard.setLocation(878, 814);

    numberinputbox.setLocation(676, 690);
    scoreboard.setLocation(702, 809);

    createchip2.setLocation(1207, 817);
    scoreboard.setLocation(679, 805);
    createchip1.setLocation(156, 804);
    createchip2.setLocation(1203, 791);
    createchip2.setLocation(1199, 794);
    createchip1.setLocation(157, 795);
    createchip2.setLocation(1200, 797);
    createchip2.setLocation(1199, 793);
    createchip2.setLocation(1199, 795);
    Dice.pScoreOne = 0;
    Dice.pScoreTwo = 0;