Esempio n. 1
    private void flushBuffer() throws SQLException {
      if (rowBuffer.size() == 0) return;

      // flatten rows into a single params list
      Object[] queryParams = new Object[rowBuffer.size() * fieldNames.length];
      int i = 0;
      for (Object[] row : rowBuffer) for (Object value : row) queryParams[i++] = value;


      try {
        SQLUtils.setPreparedStatementParams(stmt, queryParams);
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException ex) {

        try {
        } catch (Throwable thrown) {

        stmt = null;
        conn = null;

        System.err.println("Failed to insert values: " + Arrays.deepToString(rowBuffer.toArray()));
        e = new SQLExceptionWithQuery(baseQuery + "(...)", e);
        throw e;
      } finally {
Esempio n. 2
    public BulkSQLLoader_Direct(Connection conn, String schema, String table, String[] fieldNames)
        throws RemoteException {
      super(conn, schema, table, fieldNames);

      try {
        prevAutoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
        if (prevAutoCommit) conn.setAutoCommit(false);

        String quotedTable = SQLUtils.quoteSchemaTable(conn, schema, table);

        String[] columns = new String[fieldNames.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++)
          columns[i] = SQLUtils.quoteSymbol(conn, fieldNames[i]);

        baseQuery =
                "INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES ", quotedTable, StringUtils.join(",", columns));

        rowQuery = "(" + StringUtils.mult(",", "?", fieldNames.length) + ")";

        rowBuffer = new Vector<Object[]>(setQueryRowCount(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE));
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new RemoteException("Error initializing BulkSQLLoader_Direct", e);
Esempio n. 3
  public static void copyCsvToDatabase(
      Connection conn, String csvPath, String sqlSchema, String sqlTable)
      throws SQLException, IOException {
    String query = null;
    String formatted_CSV_path = csvPath.replace('\\', '/');
    String dbms = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();
    Statement stmt = null;
    String quotedTable = SQLUtils.quoteSchemaTable(conn, sqlSchema, sqlTable);

    try {
      if (dbms.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLUtils.MYSQL)) {
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        // ignoring 1st line so that we don't put the column headers as the first row of data
        query =
                "load data local infile '%s' into table %s fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\"' lines terminated by '\\n' ignore 1 lines",
                formatted_CSV_path, quotedTable);
      } else if (dbms.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLUtils.POSTGRESQL)) {
        query = String.format("COPY %s FROM STDIN WITH CSV HEADER", quotedTable);
        ((PGConnection) conn).getCopyAPI().copyIn(query, new FileInputStream(formatted_CSV_path));
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new SQLExceptionWithQuery(query, e);
    } finally {
Esempio n. 4
 public static ResultSet getPosts() throws SQLException {
   Connection conn = SQLUtils.getConnection();
   String query = "SELECT * FROM placowki;";
   Statement st = conn.createStatement();
   ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query);
   return rs;
Esempio n. 5
   * @param args
   * @throws SQLException
  public static void addPost(String nazwa, String adres, String telefon, String email)
      throws SQLException {

    Connection conn = SQLUtils.getConnection();
    String query =
        "insert into placowki (nazwa, adres, telefon, mail) values (\'"
            + nazwa
            + "\', \'"
            + adres
            + "\', \'"
            + telefon
            + "\', \'"
            + email
            + "\');";
    try (Statement st = conn.createStatement()) {
    } catch (SQLException e) {

        "Dodano placowke do bazy: (nazwa: "
            + nazwa
            + ", adres: "
            + adres
            + ", telefon: "
            + telefon
            + ", email: "
            + email
            + ")");
  public ResultSet addRecord(final ProductEntry record) throws SQLException {
    int i = 1;
    if (record.getFile() == null) stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, "");
    else stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, record.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, record.getName());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, record.getMission());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, record.getProductType());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, record.getAcquisitionMode());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, record.getPass());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getFirstNearGeoPos().getLat());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getFirstNearGeoPos().getLon());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getFirstFarGeoPos().getLat());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getFirstFarGeoPos().getLon());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getLastNearGeoPos().getLat());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getLastNearGeoPos().getLon());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getLastFarGeoPos().getLat());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getLastFarGeoPos().getLon());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getRangeSpacing());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getAzimuthSpacing());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDate(i++, SQLUtils.toSQLDate(record.getFirstLineTime()));
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getFileSize());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setDouble(i++, record.getLastModified());
    stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, record.getFileFormat());
    final String geoStr = record.formatGeoBoundayString();
    if (geoStr.length() > 1200) {
      System.out.println("Geoboundary string exceeds 1200");
      stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, "");
    } else {
      stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(i++, geoStr);

    final int rowCount = stmtSaveNewRecord.executeUpdate();
    return stmtSaveNewRecord.getGeneratedKeys();
Esempio n. 7
    public BulkSQLLoader_CSV(Connection conn, String schema, String table, String[] fieldNames)
        throws RemoteException {
      super(conn, schema, table, fieldNames);

      try {
        String dbms = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();
        if (!dbms.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLUtils.MYSQL) && !dbms.equalsIgnoreCase(SQLUtils.POSTGRESQL))
          throw new RemoteException("BulkSQLLoader_CSV does not support " + dbms);
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new RemoteException("Unable to initialize bulk loader", e);

      try {
        this.tempRows[0] = new Object[fieldNames.length];
        outputNullValue = SQLUtils.getCSVNullValue(conn);
        quoteEmptyStrings = outputNullValue.length() > 0;

        file = File.createTempFile("Weave", ".csv", temporaryFilesDirectory);
        writer = new FileWriter(file);

        addRow((Object[]) fieldNames); // header
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RemoteException("Unable to initialize bulk loader", e);
Esempio n. 8
  * @param args
  * @throws SQLException
 public static void submit(String command) throws SQLException {
   Connection conn = SQLUtils.getConnection();
   try (Statement st = conn.createStatement()) {
   } catch (SQLException e) {
Esempio n. 9
 // returns a string format of the SQL Datatype of the column using the getFieldType function from
 // DBaseFileHeader
 private static String getSQLDataType(Connection conn, DbaseFileHeader dbfHeader, int index) {
   char dataType = dbfHeader.getFieldType(index);
   String sqlDataType = "";
   if (dataType == 'C')
     sqlDataType = SQLUtils.getVarcharTypeString(conn, dbfHeader.getFieldLength(index));
   else if (dataType == 'N' || dataType == 'F') {
     // if it has not 0 decimals return type as integer else Double Precision
     if (dbfHeader.getFieldDecimalCount(index) == 0)
       sqlDataType = SQLUtils.getBigIntTypeString(conn);
     else sqlDataType = SQLUtils.getDoubleTypeString(conn);
   } else if (dataType == 'D') {
     sqlDataType = SQLUtils.getDateTimeTypeString(conn);
   } else {
     throw new RuntimeException(
         "Unknown DBF data type: " + dataType + " in column " + dbfHeader.getFieldName(index));
   return sqlDataType;
Esempio n. 10
  public static BulkSQLLoader newInstance(
      Connection conn, String schema, String table, String[] fieldNames) throws RemoteException {
    // BulkSQLLoader_CSV doesn't work for mysql unless LOAD DATA LOCAL feature is enabled...

    String dbms = SQLUtils.getDbmsFromConnection(conn);
    if (dbms.equals(SQLUtils.POSTGRESQL))
      return new BulkSQLLoader_CSV(conn, schema, table, fieldNames);
    else return new BulkSQLLoader_Direct(conn, schema, table, fieldNames);
Esempio n. 11
    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

      try {
      } catch (SQLException ex) {

Esempio n. 12
   * Get All acquisition modes for specified mission
   * @param missions the selected missions
   * @return list of acquisition modes
   * @throws SQLException .
  public String[] getAcquisitionModes(final String[] missions) throws SQLException {
    if (missions == null || missions.length == 0) return new String[] {};
    String strMissionAcquisitionModes =
        "SELECT DISTINCT " + AbstractMetadata.ACQUISITION_MODE + " FROM " + TABLE + " WHERE ";
    strMissionAcquisitionModes += SQLUtils.getOrList(AbstractMetadata.MISSION, missions);

    final List<String> listEntries = new ArrayList<>();
    final Statement queryStatement = dbConnection.createStatement();
    final ResultSet results = queryStatement.executeQuery(strMissionAcquisitionModes);
    while ( {
    return listEntries.toArray(new String[listEntries.size()]);
Esempio n. 13
 private static String vstr(TemplateModel o) {
   try {
     if (o == null) {
       return "";
     if (o instanceof TemplateBooleanModel) {
       return Boolean.toString(((TemplateBooleanModel) o).getAsBoolean());
     } else if (o instanceof TemplateNumberModel) {
       return ((TemplateNumberModel) o).getAsNumber().toString();
     } else if (o instanceof TemplateScalarModel) {
       return SQLUtils.toSql(((TemplateScalarModel) o).getAsString());
     } else {
       throw new TemplateModelException("Object type error");
   } catch (TemplateModelException e) {
     throw new ServerException(BaseErrors.PLATFORM_SQL_TEMPLATE_ERROR, e);
Esempio n. 14
   * @param dbfFile a list of DBF files to merge
   * @param conn a database connection
   * @param sqlSchema schema to store table
   * @param sqlTable table name to store data
   * @return The number of rows affected after sql INSERT queries
   * @throws IOException,SQLException
  public static void storeAttributes(
      File[] dbfFiles,
      Connection conn,
      String sqlSchema,
      String sqlTable,
      boolean overwriteTables,
      String[] nullValues)
      throws IOException, SQLException {
    if (!overwriteTables && SQLUtils.tableExists(conn, sqlSchema, sqlTable))
      throw new SQLException("SQL Tables already exist and overwriteTables is false.");

    // read records from each file
    List<String> fieldNames = new Vector<String>(); // order corresponds to fieldTypes order
    List<String> fieldTypes = new Vector<String>(); // order corresponds to fieldNames order

    FileInputStream[] inputStreams = new FileInputStream[dbfFiles.length];
    DbaseFileHeader[] headers = new DbaseFileHeader[dbfFiles.length];
    DbaseFileReader[] readers = new DbaseFileReader[dbfFiles.length];

    // open each file, read each header, get the complete list of field names and types
    for (int i = 0; i < dbfFiles.length; i++) {
      inputStreams[i] = new FileInputStream(dbfFiles[i]);
      readers[i] =
          new DbaseFileReader(inputStreams[i].getChannel(), false, Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"));
      headers[i] = readers[i].getHeader();

      int numFields = headers[i].getNumFields();
      // keep track of the full set of field names
      for (int col = 0; col < numFields; col++) {
        String newFieldName = headers[i].getFieldName(col);
        if (ListUtils.findString(newFieldName, fieldNames) < 0) {
          fieldTypes.add(getSQLDataType(conn, headers[i], col));

    // begin SQL code
    try {

      // create the table
      if (overwriteTables) SQLUtils.dropTableIfExists(conn, sqlSchema, sqlTable);
      fieldNames.add(0, "the_geom_id");
      fieldTypes.add(0, SQLUtils.getSerialPrimaryKeyTypeString(conn));
      SQLUtils.createTable(conn, sqlSchema, sqlTable, fieldNames, fieldTypes);

      // import data from each file
      for (int f = 0; f < dbfFiles.length; f++) {
        int numFields = headers[f].getNumFields();
        int numRecords = headers[f].getNumRecords();
        // insert records from this file
        for (int r = 0; r < numRecords; r++) {
          Map<String, Object> record = new HashMap<String, Object>();
          Object[] entry = readers[f].readEntry();
          for (int c = 0; c < numFields; c++) {
            if (ListUtils.findIgnoreCase(entry[c].toString(), nullValues) < 0)
              record.put(headers[f].getFieldName(c), entry[c]);

          // insert the record in the table
          try {
            SQLUtils.insertRow(conn, sqlSchema, sqlTable, record);
          } catch (SQLException e) {
                    "Insert failed on row %s of %s: %s", r, dbfFiles[f].getName(), record));
            throw e;
        // close the file
        // clean up pointers
        readers[f] = null;
        inputStreams[f] = null;
        headers[f] = null;
    } finally {