// Added by Marcel Boeglin 2013.09.22 private Overlay projectHyperStackRois(Overlay overlay) { if (overlay == null) return null; int t1 = imp.getFrame(); int channels = projImage.getNChannels(); int slices = 1; int frames = projImage.getNFrames(); Overlay overlay2 = new Overlay(); Roi roi; int c, z, t; int size = channels * slices * frames; for (Roi r : overlay.toArray()) { c = r.getCPosition(); z = r.getZPosition(); t = r.getTPosition(); roi = (Roi) r.clone(); if (size == channels) { // current time frame if (z >= startSlice && z <= stopSlice && t == t1 || c == 0) { roi.setPosition(c); overlay2.add(roi); } } else if (size == frames * channels) { // all time frames if (z >= startSlice && z <= stopSlice) roi.setPosition(c, 1, t); else if (z == 0) roi.setPosition(c, 0, t); else continue; overlay2.add(roi); } } return overlay2; }
void drawOutline(ImageProcessor ip, Roi roi, int count) { if (showChoice == OVERLAY_OUTLINES || showChoice == OVERLAY_MASKS) { if (overlay == null) { overlay = new Overlay(); overlay.drawLabels(true); overlay.setLabelFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, fontSize)); } Roi roi2 = (Roi) roi.clone(); roi2.setStrokeColor(Color.cyan); if (lineWidth != 1) roi2.setStrokeWidth(lineWidth); if (showChoice == OVERLAY_MASKS) roi2.setFillColor(Color.cyan); overlay.add(roi2); } else { Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); int nPoints = ((PolygonRoi) roi).getNCoordinates(); int[] xp = ((PolygonRoi) roi).getXCoordinates(); int[] yp = ((PolygonRoi) roi).getYCoordinates(); int x = r.x, y = r.y; if (!inSituShow) ip.setValue(0.0); ip.moveTo(x + xp[0], y + yp[0]); for (int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++) ip.lineTo(x + xp[i], y + yp[i]); ip.lineTo(x + xp[0], y + yp[0]); if (showChoice != BARE_OUTLINES) { String s = ResultsTable.d2s(count, 0); ip.moveTo(r.x + r.width / 2 - ip.getStringWidth(s) / 2, r.y + r.height / 2 + fontSize / 2); if (!inSituShow) ip.setValue(1.0); ip.drawString(s); } } }
/** @deprecated replaced by ImagePlus.setOverlay(ij.gui.Overlay) */ public void setDisplayList(Vector list) { if (list != null) { Overlay list2 = new Overlay(); list2.setVector(list); setOverlay(list2); } else setOverlay(null); if (overlay != null) overlay.drawLabels(overlay.size() > 0 && overlay.get(0).getStrokeColor() == null); else customRoi = false; repaint(); }
/** Return the ROI Manager "Show All" list as an overlay. */ public Overlay getShowAllList() { if (!showAllROIs) return null; if (showAllList != null) return showAllList; RoiManager rm = RoiManager.getInstance(); if (rm == null) return null; Roi[] rois = rm.getRoisAsArray(); if (rois.length == 0) return null; Overlay overlay = new Overlay(); for (int i = 0; i < rois.length; i++) overlay.add((Roi) rois[i].clone()); return overlay; }
/** @deprecated replaced by ImagePlus.setOverlay(Shape, Color, BasicStroke) */ public void setDisplayList(Shape shape, Color color, BasicStroke stroke) { if (shape == null) { setOverlay(null); return; } Roi roi = new ShapeRoi(shape); roi.setStrokeColor(color); roi.setStroke(stroke); Overlay list = new Overlay(); list.add(roi); setOverlay(list); }
void addSelection() { ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage(); String macroOptions = Macro.getOptions(); if (macroOptions != null && IJ.macroRunning() && macroOptions.indexOf("remove") != -1) { imp.setOverlay(null); return; } Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null && imp.getOverlay() != null) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("No Selection"); gd.addMessage("\"Overlay>Add\" requires a selection."); gd.setInsets(15, 40, 0); gd.addCheckbox("Remove existing overlay", false); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; if (gd.getNextBoolean()) imp.setOverlay(null); return; } if (roi == null) { IJ.error("This command requires a selection."); return; } roi = (Roi) roi.clone(); if (roi.getStrokeColor() == null) roi.setStrokeColor(Toolbar.getForegroundColor()); int width = Line.getWidth(); Rectangle bounds = roi.getBounds(); boolean tooWide = width > Math.max(bounds.width, bounds.height) / 3.0; if (roi.getStroke() == null && width > 1 && !tooWide) roi.setStrokeWidth(Line.getWidth()); Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay(); if (overlay != null && overlay.size() > 0 && !roi.isDrawingTool()) { Roi roi2 = overlay.get(overlay.size() - 1); if (roi.getStroke() == null) roi.setStrokeWidth(roi2.getStrokeWidth()); if (roi.getFillColor() == null) roi.setFillColor(roi2.getFillColor()); } boolean points = roi instanceof PointRoi && ((PolygonRoi) roi).getNCoordinates() > 1; if (points) roi.setStrokeColor(Color.red); if (!IJ.altKeyDown() && !(roi instanceof Arrow)) { RoiProperties rp = new RoiProperties("Add to Overlay", roi); if (!rp.showDialog()) return; } String name = roi.getName(); boolean newOverlay = name != null && name.equals("new-overlay"); if (overlay == null || newOverlay) overlay = new Overlay(); overlay.add(roi); imp.setOverlay(overlay); overlay2 = overlay; if (points || (roi instanceof ImageRoi) || (roi instanceof Arrow)) imp.killRoi(); Undo.setup(Undo.OVERLAY_ADDITION, imp); }
// Added by Marcel Boeglin 2013.09.23 private Overlay projectStackRois(Overlay overlay) { if (overlay == null) return null; Overlay overlay2 = new Overlay(); Roi roi; int s; for (Roi r : overlay.toArray()) { s = r.getPosition(); roi = (Roi) r.clone(); if (s >= startSlice && s <= stopSlice || s == 0) { roi.setPosition(s); overlay2.add(roi); } } return overlay2; }
void drawAllROIs(Graphics g) { RoiManager rm = RoiManager.getInstance(); if (rm == null) { rm = Interpreter.getBatchModeRoiManager(); if (rm != null && rm.getList().getItemCount() == 0) rm = null; } if (rm == null) { // if (showAllList!=null) // overlay = showAllList; showAllROIs = false; repaint(); return; } initGraphics(g, null, showAllColor); Hashtable rois = rm.getROIs(); java.awt.List list = rm.getList(); boolean drawLabels = rm.getDrawLabels(); currentRoi = null; int n = list.getItemCount(); if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("paint: drawing " + n + " \"Show All\" ROIs"); if (labelRects == null || labelRects.length != n) labelRects = new Rectangle[n]; if (!drawLabels) showAllList = new Overlay(); else showAllList = null; if (imp == null) return; int currentImage = imp.getCurrentSlice(); int channel = 0, slice = 0, frame = 0; boolean hyperstack = imp.isHyperStack(); if (hyperstack) { channel = imp.getChannel(); slice = imp.getSlice(); frame = imp.getFrame(); } drawNames = Prefs.useNamesAsLabels; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String label = list.getItem(i); Roi roi = (Roi) rois.get(label); if (roi == null) continue; if (showAllList != null) showAllList.add(roi); if (i < 200 && drawLabels && roi == imp.getRoi()) currentRoi = roi; if (Prefs.showAllSliceOnly && imp.getStackSize() > 1) { if (hyperstack && roi.getPosition() == 0) { int c = roi.getCPosition(); int z = roi.getZPosition(); int t = roi.getTPosition(); if ((c == 0 || c == channel) && (z == 0 || z == slice) && (t == 0 || t == frame)) drawRoi(g, roi, drawLabels ? i : -1); } else { int position = roi.getPosition(); if (position == 0) position = getSliceNumber(roi.getName()); if (position == 0 || position == currentImage) drawRoi(g, roi, drawLabels ? i : -1); } } else drawRoi(g, roi, drawLabels ? i : -1); } ((Graphics2D) g).setStroke(Roi.onePixelWide); drawNames = false; }
void fromRoiManager() { ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage(); RoiManager rm = RoiManager.getInstance(); if (rm == null) { IJ.error("ROI Manager is not open"); return; } Roi[] rois = rm.getRoisAsArray(); if (rois.length == 0) { IJ.error("ROI Manager is empty"); return; } Overlay overlay = new Overlay(); for (int i = 0; i < rois.length; i++) overlay.add((Roi) rois[i].clone()); imp.setOverlay(overlay); ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas(); if (ic != null) ic.setShowAllROIs(false); rm.setEditMode(imp, false); imp.killRoi(); }
// Added by Marcel Boeglin 2013.09.22 private Overlay projectRGBHyperStackRois(Overlay overlay) { if (overlay == null) return null; int frames = projImage.getNFrames(); int t1 = imp.getFrame(); Overlay overlay2 = new Overlay(); Roi roi; int c, z, t; for (Roi r : overlay.toArray()) { c = r.getCPosition(); z = r.getZPosition(); t = r.getTPosition(); roi = (Roi) r.clone(); if (z >= startSlice && z <= stopSlice || z == 0 || c == 0 || t == 0) { if (frames == 1 && t != t1 && t != 0) // current time frame continue; roi.setPosition(t); overlay2.add(roi); } } return overlay2; }
void toRoiManager() { ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage(); Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay(); if (overlay == null) { IJ.error("Overlay required"); return; } RoiManager rm = RoiManager.getInstance(); if (rm == null) { if (Macro.getOptions() != null && Interpreter.isBatchMode()) rm = Interpreter.getBatchModeRoiManager(); if (rm == null) { Frame frame = WindowManager.getFrame("ROI Manager"); if (frame == null) IJ.run("ROI Manager..."); frame = WindowManager.getFrame("ROI Manager"); if (frame == null || !(frame instanceof RoiManager)) return; rm = (RoiManager) frame; } } rm.runCommand("reset"); for (int i = 0; i < overlay.size(); i++) rm.add(imp, overlay.get(i), i); rm.setEditMode(imp, true); if (rm.getCount() == overlay.size()) imp.setOverlay(null); }
void drawOverlay(Graphics g) { if (imp != null && imp.getHideOverlay()) return; Color labelColor = overlay.getLabelColor(); if (labelColor == null) labelColor = Color.white; initGraphics(g, labelColor, Roi.getColor()); int n = overlay.size(); if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("paint: drawing " + n + " ROI display list"); int currentImage = imp != null ? imp.getCurrentSlice() : -1; if (imp.getStackSize() == 1) currentImage = -1; int channel = 0, slice = 0, frame = 0; boolean hyperstack = imp.isHyperStack(); if (hyperstack) { channel = imp.getChannel(); slice = imp.getSlice(); frame = imp.getFrame(); } drawNames = overlay.getDrawNames(); boolean drawLabels = drawNames || overlay.getDrawLabels(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (overlay == null) break; Roi roi = overlay.get(i); if (hyperstack && roi.getPosition() == 0) { int c = roi.getCPosition(); int z = roi.getZPosition(); int t = roi.getTPosition(); if ((c == 0 || c == channel) && (z == 0 || z == slice) && (t == 0 || t == frame)) drawRoi(g, roi, drawLabels ? i + LIST_OFFSET : -1); } else { int position = roi.getPosition(); if (position == 0 || position == currentImage) drawRoi(g, roi, drawLabels ? i + LIST_OFFSET : -1); } } ((Graphics2D) g).setStroke(Roi.onePixelWide); drawNames = false; }
void initGraphics(Graphics g, Color textColor, Color defaultColor) { if (smallFont == null) { smallFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 9); largeFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12); } if (textColor != null) { labelColor = textColor; if (overlay != null && overlay.getDrawBackgrounds()) bgColor = new Color( 255 - labelColor.getRed(), 255 - labelColor.getGreen(), 255 - labelColor.getBlue()); else bgColor = null; } else { int red = defaultColor.getRed(); int green = defaultColor.getGreen(); int blue = defaultColor.getBlue(); if ((red + green + blue) / 3 < 128) labelColor = Color.white; else labelColor = Color.black; bgColor = defaultColor; } this.defaultColor = defaultColor; g.setColor(defaultColor); }
void addImage() { ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage(); int[] wList = WindowManager.getIDList(); if (wList == null || wList.length < 2) { IJ.error("Add Image...", "The command requires at least two open images."); return; } String[] titles = new String[wList.length]; for (int i = 0; i < wList.length; i++) { ImagePlus imp2 = WindowManager.getImage(wList[i]); titles[i] = imp2 != null ? imp2.getTitle() : ""; } int x = 0, y = 0; Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi != null && roi.isArea()) { Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); x = r.x; y = r.y; } int index = 0; if (wList.length == 2) { ImagePlus i1 = WindowManager.getImage(wList[0]); ImagePlus i2 = WindowManager.getImage(wList[1]); if (i2.getWidth() < i1.getWidth() && i2.getHeight() < i1.getHeight()) index = 1; } else if (imp.getID() == wList[0]) index = 1; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Add Image..."); gd.addChoice("Image to add:", titles, titles[index]); gd.addNumericField("X location:", x, 0); gd.addNumericField("Y location:", y, 0); gd.addNumericField("Opacity (0-100%):", 100, 0); gd.addCheckbox("Create image selection", createImageRoi); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; index = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); x = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); y = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); double opacity = gd.getNextNumber() / 100.0; createImageRoi = gd.getNextBoolean(); ImagePlus overlay = WindowManager.getImage(wList[index]); if (wList.length == 2) { ImagePlus i1 = WindowManager.getImage(wList[0]); ImagePlus i2 = WindowManager.getImage(wList[1]); if (i2.getWidth() < i1.getWidth() && i2.getHeight() < i1.getHeight()) { imp = i1; overlay = i2; } } if (overlay == imp) { IJ.error( "Add Image...", "Image to be added cannot be the same as\n\"" + imp.getTitle() + "\"."); return; } if (overlay.getWidth() > imp.getWidth() && overlay.getHeight() > imp.getHeight()) { IJ.error( "Add Image...", "Image to be added cannnot be larger than\n\"" + imp.getTitle() + "\"."); return; } if (createImageRoi && x == 0 && y == 0) { x = imp.getWidth() / 2 - overlay.getWidth() / 2; y = imp.getHeight() / 2 - overlay.getHeight() / 2; } roi = new ImageRoi(x, y, overlay.getProcessor()); roi.setName(overlay.getShortTitle()); if (opacity != 1.0) ((ImageRoi) roi).setOpacity(opacity); if (createImageRoi) imp.setRoi(roi); else { Overlay overlayList = imp.getOverlay(); if (overlayList == null) overlayList = new Overlay(); overlayList.add(roi); imp.setOverlay(overlayList); overlay2 = overlayList; Undo.setup(Undo.OVERLAY_ADDITION, imp); } }
/** Use ImagePlus.setOverlay(ij.gui.Overlay). */ public void setOverlay(Overlay overlay) { this.overlay = overlay; if (overlay != null) font = overlay.getLabelsFont(); repaint(); }
String getInfo(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) { String s = new String("\n"); s += "Title: " + imp.getTitle() + "\n"; Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); int stackSize = imp.getStackSize(); int channels = imp.getNChannels(); int slices = imp.getNSlices(); int frames = imp.getNFrames(); int digits = imp.getBitDepth() == 32 ? 4 : 0; if (cal.scaled()) { String unit = cal.getUnit(); String units = cal.getUnits(); s += "Width: " + IJ.d2s(imp.getWidth() * cal.pixelWidth, 2) + " " + units + " (" + imp.getWidth() + ")\n"; s += "Height: " + IJ.d2s(imp.getHeight() * cal.pixelHeight, 2) + " " + units + " (" + imp.getHeight() + ")\n"; if (slices > 1) s += "Depth: " + IJ.d2s(slices * cal.pixelDepth, 2) + " " + units + " (" + slices + ")\n"; double xResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelWidth; double yResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelHeight; int places = Tools.getDecimalPlaces(xResolution, yResolution); if (xResolution == yResolution) s += "Resolution: " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n"; else { s += "X Resolution: " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n"; s += "Y Resolution: " + IJ.d2s(yResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n"; } } else { s += "Width: " + imp.getWidth() + " pixels\n"; s += "Height: " + imp.getHeight() + " pixels\n"; if (stackSize > 1) s += "Depth: " + slices + " pixels\n"; } if (stackSize > 1) s += "Voxel size: " + d2s(cal.pixelWidth) + "x" + d2s(cal.pixelHeight) + "x" + d2s(cal.pixelDepth) + " " + cal.getUnit() + "\n"; else s += "Pixel size: " + d2s(cal.pixelWidth) + "x" + d2s(cal.pixelHeight) + " " + cal.getUnit() + "\n"; s += "ID: " + imp.getID() + "\n"; String zOrigin = stackSize > 1 || cal.zOrigin != 0.0 ? "," + d2s(cal.zOrigin) : ""; s += "Coordinate origin: " + d2s(cal.xOrigin) + "," + d2s(cal.yOrigin) + zOrigin + "\n"; int type = imp.getType(); switch (type) { case ImagePlus.GRAY8: s += "Bits per pixel: 8 "; String lut = "LUT"; if (imp.getProcessor().isColorLut()) lut = "color " + lut; else lut = "grayscale " + lut; if (imp.isInvertedLut()) lut = "inverting " + lut; s += "(" + lut + ")\n"; if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp); else s += "Display range: " + (int) ip.getMin() + "-" + (int) ip.getMax() + "\n"; break; case ImagePlus.GRAY16: case ImagePlus.GRAY32: if (type == ImagePlus.GRAY16) { String sign = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? "signed" : "unsigned"; s += "Bits per pixel: 16 (" + sign + ")\n"; } else s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (float)\n"; if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp); else { s += "Display range: "; double min = ip.getMin(); double max = ip.getMax(); if (cal.calibrated()) { min = cal.getCValue((int) min); max = cal.getCValue((int) max); } s += IJ.d2s(min, digits) + " - " + IJ.d2s(max, digits) + "\n"; } break; case ImagePlus.COLOR_256: s += "Bits per pixel: 8 (color LUT)\n"; break; case ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB: s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (RGB)\n"; break; } double interval = cal.frameInterval; double fps = cal.fps; if (stackSize > 1) { ImageStack stack = imp.getStack(); int slice = imp.getCurrentSlice(); String number = slice + "/" + stackSize; String label = stack.getShortSliceLabel(slice); if (label != null && label.length() > 0) label = " (" + label + ")"; else label = ""; if (interval > 0.0 || fps != 0.0) { s += "Frame: " + number + label + "\n"; if (fps != 0.0) { String sRate = Math.abs(fps - Math.round(fps)) < 0.00001 ? IJ.d2s(fps, 0) : IJ.d2s(fps, 5); s += "Frame rate: " + sRate + " fps\n"; } if (interval != 0.0) s += "Frame interval: " + ((int) interval == interval ? IJ.d2s(interval, 0) : IJ.d2s(interval, 5)) + " " + cal.getTimeUnit() + "\n"; } else s += "Image: " + number + label + "\n"; if (imp.isHyperStack()) { if (channels > 1) s += " Channel: " + imp.getChannel() + "/" + channels + "\n"; if (slices > 1) s += " Slice: " + imp.getSlice() + "/" + slices + "\n"; if (frames > 1) s += " Frame: " + imp.getFrame() + "/" + frames + "\n"; } if (imp.isComposite()) { if (!imp.isHyperStack() && channels > 1) s += " Channels: " + channels + "\n"; String mode = ((CompositeImage) imp).getModeAsString(); s += " Composite mode: \"" + mode + "\"\n"; } } if (ip.getMinThreshold() == ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) s += "No Threshold\n"; else { double lower = ip.getMinThreshold(); double upper = ip.getMaxThreshold(); int dp = digits; if (cal.calibrated()) { lower = cal.getCValue((int) lower); upper = cal.getCValue((int) upper); dp = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? 0 : 4; } s += "Threshold: " + IJ.d2s(lower, dp) + "-" + IJ.d2s(upper, dp) + "\n"; } ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas(); double mag = ic != null ? ic.getMagnification() : 1.0; if (mag != 1.0) s += "Magnification: " + IJ.d2s(mag, 2) + "\n"; if (cal.calibrated()) { s += " \n"; int curveFit = cal.getFunction(); s += "Calibration Function: "; if (curveFit == Calibration.UNCALIBRATED_OD) s += "Uncalibrated OD\n"; else if (curveFit == Calibration.CUSTOM) s += "Custom lookup table\n"; else s += CurveFitter.fList[curveFit] + "\n"; double[] c = cal.getCoefficients(); if (c != null) { s += " a: " + IJ.d2s(c[0], 6) + "\n"; s += " b: " + IJ.d2s(c[1], 6) + "\n"; if (c.length >= 3) s += " c: " + IJ.d2s(c[2], 6) + "\n"; if (c.length >= 4) s += " c: " + IJ.d2s(c[3], 6) + "\n"; if (c.length >= 5) s += " c: " + IJ.d2s(c[4], 6) + "\n"; } s += " Unit: \"" + cal.getValueUnit() + "\"\n"; } else s += "Uncalibrated\n"; FileInfo fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo(); if (fi != null) { if (fi.url != null && !fi.url.equals("")) s += "URL: " + fi.url + "\n"; else if (fi.directory != null && fi.fileName != null) s += "Path: " + fi.directory + fi.fileName + "\n"; } ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null) { Point loc = win.getLocation(); Dimension screen = IJ.getScreenSize(); s += "Screen location: " + loc.x + "," + loc.y + " (" + screen.width + "x" + screen.height + ")\n"; } Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay(); if (overlay != null) { String hidden = imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : " "; int n = overlay.size(); String elements = n == 1 ? " element" : " elements"; s += "Overlay: " + n + elements + (imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : "") + "\n"; } else s += "No Overlay\n"; Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi == null) { if (cal.calibrated()) s += " \n"; s += "No Selection\n"; } else if (roi instanceof EllipseRoi) { s += "\nElliptical Selection\n"; double[] p = ((EllipseRoi) roi).getParams(); double dx = p[2] - p[0]; double dy = p[3] - p[1]; double major = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); s += " Major: " + IJ.d2s(major, 2) + "\n"; s += " Minor: " + IJ.d2s(major * p[4], 2) + "\n"; s += " X1: " + IJ.d2s(p[0], 2) + "\n"; s += " Y1: " + IJ.d2s(p[1], 2) + "\n"; s += " X2: " + IJ.d2s(p[2], 2) + "\n"; s += " Y2: " + IJ.d2s(p[3], 2) + "\n"; s += " Aspect ratio: " + IJ.d2s(p[4], 2) + "\n"; } else { s += " \n"; s += roi.getTypeAsString() + " Selection"; String points = null; if (roi instanceof PointRoi) { int npoints = ((PolygonRoi) roi).getNCoordinates(); String suffix = npoints > 1 ? "s)" : ")"; points = " (" + npoints + " point" + suffix; } String name = roi.getName(); if (name != null) { s += " (\"" + name + "\")"; if (points != null) s += "\n " + points; } else if (points != null) s += points; s += "\n"; Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); if (roi instanceof Line) { Line line = (Line) roi; s += " X1: " + IJ.d2s(line.x1d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n"; s += " Y1: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y1d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n"; s += " X2: " + IJ.d2s(line.x2d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n"; s += " Y2: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y2d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n"; } else if (cal.scaled()) { s += " X: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getX(r.x)) + " (" + r.x + ")\n"; s += " Y: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getY(r.y, imp.getHeight())) + " (" + r.y + ")\n"; s += " Width: " + IJ.d2s(r.width * cal.pixelWidth) + " (" + r.width + ")\n"; s += " Height: " + IJ.d2s(r.height * cal.pixelHeight) + " (" + r.height + ")\n"; } else { s += " X: " + r.x + "\n"; s += " Y: " + yy(r.y, imp) + "\n"; s += " Width: " + r.width + "\n"; s += " Height: " + r.height + "\n"; } } return s; }
/** @deprecated replaced by ImagePlus.setOverlay(Roi, Color, int, Color) */ public void setDisplayList(Roi roi, Color color) { roi.setStrokeColor(color); Overlay list = new Overlay(); list.add(roi); setOverlay(list); }
public void run(String arg) { int wOld, hOld, wNew, hNew; boolean fIsStack = false; ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage(); wOld = imp.getWidth(); hOld = imp.getHeight(); ImageStack stackOld = imp.getStack(); if ((stackOld != null) && (stackOld.getSize() > 1)) fIsStack = true; String[] sPositions = { "Top-Left", "Top-Center", "Top-Right", "Center-Left", "Center", "Center-Right", "Bottom-Left", "Bottom-Center", "Bottom-Right" }; String strTitle = fIsStack ? "Resize Stack Canvas" : "Resize Image Canvas"; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(strTitle); gd.addNumericField("Width:", wOld, 0, 5, "pixels"); gd.addNumericField("Height:", hOld, 0, 5, "pixels"); gd.addChoice("Position:", sPositions, sPositions[4]); gd.addCheckbox("Zero Fill", zeroFill); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; wNew = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); hNew = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); int iPos = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); zeroFill = gd.getNextBoolean(); Prefs.set("resizer.zero", zeroFill); int xOff, yOff; int xC = (wNew - wOld) / 2; // offset for centered int xR = (wNew - wOld); // offset for right int yC = (hNew - hOld) / 2; // offset for centered int yB = (hNew - hOld); // offset for bottom switch (iPos) { case 0: // TL xOff = 0; yOff = 0; break; case 1: // TC xOff = xC; yOff = 0; break; case 2: // TR xOff = xR; yOff = 0; break; case 3: // CL xOff = 0; yOff = yC; break; case 4: // C xOff = xC; yOff = yC; break; case 5: // CR xOff = xR; yOff = yC; break; case 6: // BL xOff = 0; yOff = yB; break; case 7: // BC xOff = xC; yOff = yB; break; case 8: // BR xOff = xR; yOff = yB; break; default: // center xOff = xC; yOff = yC; break; } if (fIsStack) { ImageStack stackNew = expandStack(stackOld, wNew, hNew, xOff, yOff); imp.setStack(null, stackNew); } else { if (!IJ.macroRunning()) Undo.setup(Undo.COMPOUND_FILTER, imp); ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); if (win != null && (win instanceof PlotWindow)) ((PlotWindow) win).getPlot().setFrozen(true); ImageProcessor newIP = expandImage(imp.getProcessor(), wNew, hNew, xOff, yOff); imp.setProcessor(null, newIP); if (!IJ.macroRunning()) Undo.setup(Undo.COMPOUND_FILTER_DONE, imp); } Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay(); if (overlay != null) overlay.translate(xOff, yOff); }
/** @deprecated replaced by ImagePlus.getOverlay() */ public Vector getDisplayList() { if (overlay == null) return null; Vector displayList = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < overlay.size(); i++) displayList.add(overlay.get(i)); return displayList; }