Esempio n. 1
  // for use by the UI to get events for a single day
  public ArrayList<Event> getEventsForDay(int y, int d, int m) throws SQLException {


    int year = y;
    int day = d;
    int month = m;
    Date target = new Date(year, month, day);

    ArrayList<Event> result = new ArrayList<Event>(db.getEventsForDay(eventTable, target));
    return result;
Esempio n. 2
 public void deleteEvent(String name, Date start) throws SQLException {
   for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++) {
     if (events[i].getEventName() == name && events[i].getStartTime() == start) {
       db.deleteSingleEventByName(eventTable, events[i]);
       events[i] = null;
Esempio n. 3
  public void createEvent(
      String name, String desc, String loc, boolean repeat, Date start, Date stop)
      throws SQLException {

    events[count1] = new Event(name, desc, loc, repeat, start, stop);
    if (!checkForConflict(events[count2])) {

      db.addEvent(events[count2], eventTable);

    } else {
      events[count2] = null;
      System.out.println("There is a conflict with this date");
Esempio n. 4
  // returns true if there's conflict
  protected boolean checkForConflict(Event e) throws SQLException {

    Date dateBeingAddedStart = e.startTime;
    Date dateBeingAddedStop = e.stopTime;

    ArrayList<Event> currentEvents = db.getEventsForDay(eventTable, dateBeingAddedStart);

    for (int i = 0; i < currentEvents.size(); i++) {

      Date dateStarted = currentEvents.get(i).startTime;

      Date dateEnding = currentEvents.get(i).stopTime;

      // if the events are on the same day, check the times
      if (isDayEqualToExistingEventDay(dateBeingAddedStart, dateStarted)) {
        // if there's a conflict, return true
        if (compareTimes(dateBeingAddedStart, dateBeingAddedStop, dateStarted, dateEnding))
          return true;
      } // end if
    } // end for
    // if no conflicts, return false
    return false;
  } // end checkForConflict
Esempio n. 5
  // makes new Event in the events array and adds it to the specified day
  public void createRepeatEvent(
      String name,
      String desc,
      String loc,
      boolean repeat,
      Date start,
      Date stop,
      int duration,
      int freq)
      throws SQLException {
    // duration = how many days, weeks, or months to repeat
    // frequency = how many times should the event repeat
    Date tempStart = start;
    Date tempStop = stop;

    if (freq == 0) {
      // frequency 1 = repeat daily

      for (int i = 0; i < duration; i++) {
        rpevents[count2] = new Event(name, desc, loc, repeat, tempStart, tempStop);
        if (!checkForConflict(rpevents[count2])) {
          db.addEvent(rpevents[count2], eventTable);
          tempStart.setDate(tempStart.getDate() + 1);
          tempStop.setDate(tempStop.getDate() + 1);
          // System.out.println("it worked");
        } else {
          rpevents[count2] = null;
          System.out.println("There is a conflict with this event");
    } else if (freq == 1) {
      // frequency 2 = repeat weekly

      for (int i = 0; i > duration; i++) {
        rpevents[count2] = new Event(name, desc, loc, repeat, start, stop);
        if (!checkForConflict(rpevents[count2])) {
          db.addEvent(rpevents[count2], eventTable);
          tempStart.setDate(tempStart.getDate() + 7);
          tempStop.setDate(tempStop.getDate() + 7);
        } else {
          rpevents[count2] = null;
          System.out.println("There is a conflict with this event");
    } else if (freq == 2) {
      // frequency 3 = repeat monthly

      for (int i = 0; i > duration; i++) {
        rpevents[count2] = new Event(name, desc, loc, repeat, start, stop);
        if (!checkForConflict(rpevents[count2])) {
          db.addEvent(rpevents[count2], eventTable);
        } else {
          rpevents[count2] = null;
          System.out.println("There is a conflict with this event");
    } else System.out.println("DIDN'T WORK YOU COWARD");
Esempio n. 6
  public Calendar() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {

    db = new CalendarDB();

Esempio n. 7
 public ArrayList<Event> getEventsForWeek(int y, int start, int month) throws SQLException {
   Date startDate = new Date(y, month, start);
   ArrayList<Event> result = new ArrayList<Event>(db.getEventsForWeek(eventTable, startDate));
   return result;