Esempio n. 1
  // for use by the UI to get events for a single day
  public ArrayList<Event> getEventsForDay(int y, int d, int m) throws SQLException {


    int year = y;
    int day = d;
    int month = m;
    Date target = new Date(year, month, day);

    ArrayList<Event> result = new ArrayList<Event>(db.getEventsForDay(eventTable, target));
    return result;
Esempio n. 2
  // returns true if there's conflict
  protected boolean checkForConflict(Event e) throws SQLException {

    Date dateBeingAddedStart = e.startTime;
    Date dateBeingAddedStop = e.stopTime;

    ArrayList<Event> currentEvents = db.getEventsForDay(eventTable, dateBeingAddedStart);

    for (int i = 0; i < currentEvents.size(); i++) {

      Date dateStarted = currentEvents.get(i).startTime;

      Date dateEnding = currentEvents.get(i).stopTime;

      // if the events are on the same day, check the times
      if (isDayEqualToExistingEventDay(dateBeingAddedStart, dateStarted)) {
        // if there's a conflict, return true
        if (compareTimes(dateBeingAddedStart, dateBeingAddedStop, dateStarted, dateEnding))
          return true;
      } // end if
    } // end for
    // if no conflicts, return false
    return false;
  } // end checkForConflict