Esempio n. 1
 /** Reset all of the control signals (after each instruction execution in Stage 5) */
 public static void reset_control_signals() {
   cpu.c_reg_address_A = 0;
   cpu.c_reg_address_B = 0;
   cpu.c_reg_address_C = 0;
   cpu.c_mux_B_select = 0;
   cpu.c_mux_C_select = 0;
   cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
   cpu.c_RF_write = 0;
   cpu.c_condition_signal = 0;
   cpu.c_ALU_op = 0;
   cpu.RA = 0;
   cpu.RB = 0;
   cpu.RM = 0;
   cpu.RY = 0;
   cpu.RZ = 0;
Esempio n. 2
  * ALU method, note that I was unsure of the typical ALU operation codes so I used the following:
  * 0: And, 1: Or, 2: Add, 3: If less-than, 4: If greater-than, 5: If greater-than or equal 6:
  * Substract, 7: If less-than or equal, 8: If-equal, 9: Not equal
 public static int ALU(int ALU_op, int input_A, int input_B) {
   switch (ALU_op) {
     case 0: // And
       return input_A & input_B;
     case 1: // Or
       return input_A | input_B;
     case 2: // Add
       return input_A + input_B;
     case 3: // If less-than
       if (input_A < input_B) {
         cpu.c_condition_signal = 1; // Set condition signal
     case 4: // If greater-than
       if (input_A > input_B) {
         cpu.c_condition_signal = 1; // Set condition signal
     case 5: // If greater-than or equal
       if (input_A >= input_B) {
         cpu.c_condition_signal = 1; // Set condition signal
     case 6: // Subtract
       return input_A - input_B;
     case 7: // If less-than or equal
       if (input_A <= input_B) {
         cpu.c_condition_signal = 1; // Set condition signal
     case 8: // If equal
       if (input_A == input_B) {
         cpu.c_condition_signal = 1; // Set condition signal
     case 9: // If not-equal
       if (input_A != input_B) {
         cpu.c_condition_signal = 1; // Set condition signal
   return 0;
Esempio n. 3
  /** Decode - Stage 2 */
  public static void stage2_decode() throws IOException {
    String binary_rep = pad_binary(Integer.toBinaryString(cpu.IR), 32);
    String op_code = (String) binary_rep.subSequence(binary_rep.length() - 6, binary_rep.length());

    String r_src = ""; // Source Register (Rsrc)
    String r_dst = ""; // Destination Register (Rdst)
    String i_val = ""; // Immediate value (Imm16)

    switch (op_code) {
      case definitions
          .ADDI: // ----------------------------  ADDI	(I-Type) ---------------------------- //
        r_src = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        r_dst = binary_rep.substring(5, 10);
        i_val = binary_rep.substring(10, 26);

        cpu.c_RF_write = 1; // Writing to a register, therefore set RF_write control signal
        cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2); // Calculate reg_address_A
        cpu.RA = cpu.R[Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2)]; // Set RA

        cpu.c_mux_B_select = 1; // Using immediate value, therefore set mux_B to 1
        cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0; // Using the value from the ALU, therefore set mux_Y to 0
        cpu.c_ALU_op = 2; // Set the ALU operation to 2 (Add)

            "Add Immediate: Store in R"
                + Integer.parseInt(r_dst, 2)
                + ", Add: ("
                + cpu.RA
                + ")+("
                + calc_imm_val(i_val)
                + ")");

      case definitions
          .BR: // ----------------------------  BR  	(B-Type) ---------------------------- //
        cpu.c_condition_signal = 1;
        i_val = binary_rep.substring(0, 26);

        // System.out.println("Branch to address:"+calc_imm_val(i_val));

      case definitions
          .ANDI: // ----------------------------  ANDI	(I-Type) ---------------------------- //
        r_src = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        r_dst = binary_rep.substring(5, 10);
        i_val = binary_rep.substring(10, 26);

        cpu.c_mux_B_select = 1;
        cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
        cpu.c_ALU_op = 0;
        cpu.c_RF_write = 1;

        cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2);
        cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];

            "And Immediate: Rdst:"
                + Integer.parseInt(r_dst, 2)
                + ", RA:"
                + cpu.RA
                + ", Immediate Value:"
                + calc_imm_val(i_val));

      case definitions
          .BGE: // ----------------------------  BGE 	(I-Type) ---------------------------- //
        r_src = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        r_dst =
            binary_rep.substring(5, 10); // actually r_src_two but i'll call it a dst for simplicity
        i_val = binary_rep.substring(10, 26);

        cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2);
        cpu.c_reg_address_B = Integer.parseInt(r_dst, 2);
        cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
        cpu.RB = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_B];

        cpu.c_mux_B_select = 0;
        cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
        cpu.c_ALU_op = 5;

            "Branch if greater than or equal: "
                + cpu.RA
                + ">="
                + cpu.RB
                + ", label:"
                + calc_imm_val(i_val));

      case definitions
          .ORI: // ----------------------------  ORI 	(I-Type) ---------------------------- //
        r_src = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        r_dst = binary_rep.substring(5, 10);
        i_val = binary_rep.substring(10, 26);

        cpu.c_mux_B_select = 1;
        cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
        cpu.c_ALU_op = 1;
        cpu.c_RF_write = 1;

        cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2);

        cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];

            "Or immediate: Rdst:"
                + Integer.parseInt(i_val, 2)
                + ", RA:"
                + cpu.RA
                + ", Immediate Value:"
                + calc_imm_val(i_val));

      case definitions
          .STW: // ----------------------------  STW 	(I-Type) ---------------------------- //
        r_src = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        r_dst = binary_rep.substring(5, 10);
        i_val = binary_rep.substring(10, 26);

        cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2);
        cpu.c_reg_address_B = Integer.parseInt(r_dst, 2);
        cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
        cpu.RB = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_B];

        cpu.c_ALU_op = 2; // Add
        cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 1; // Memory

            "Store value in R"
                + Integer.parseInt(r_dst, 2)
                + " at address: "
                + calc_imm_val(i_val)
                + " in memory");

      case definitions
          .BLT: // ----------------------------  BLT 	(I-Type) ---------------------------- //
        r_src = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        r_dst =
            binary_rep.substring(5, 10); // actually r_src_two but i'll call it a dst for simplicity
        i_val = binary_rep.substring(10, 26);

        cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2);
        cpu.c_reg_address_B = Integer.parseInt(r_dst, 2);
        cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
        cpu.RB = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_B];

        cpu.c_mux_B_select = 0;
        cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
        cpu.c_ALU_op = 3;

            "Branch if less than: " + cpu.RA + "<" + cpu.RB + ", label:" + calc_imm_val(i_val));

      case definitions
          .LDW: // ---------------------------- LDW 		(I-Type) ---------------------------- //
        r_src = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        r_dst = binary_rep.substring(5, 10);
        i_val = binary_rep.substring(10, 26);

        cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2);
        cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
        cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 1;
        cpu.c_ALU_op = 2;
        cpu.c_mux_B_select = 1;
        cpu.c_RF_write = 1;

            "Load word: into R:"
                + Integer.parseInt(r_dst, 2)
                + ", Rsrc:"
                + cpu.RA
                + ", offset:"
                + calc_imm_val(i_val));

      case definitions
          .BNE: // ---------------------------- BNE	 	(I-Type) ---------------------------- //
        r_src = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        r_dst =
            binary_rep.substring(5, 10); // actually r_src_two but i'll call it a dst for simplicity

        cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2);
        cpu.c_reg_address_B = Integer.parseInt(r_dst, 2);
        cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
        cpu.RB = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_B];

        cpu.c_mux_B_select = 0;
        cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
        cpu.c_ALU_op = 9;

            "Branch if not equal: " + cpu.RA + "!=" + cpu.RB + ", label:" + calc_imm_val(i_val));

      case definitions
          .BEQ: // ---------------------------- BEQ 		(I-Type) ---------------------------- //
        r_src = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        r_dst =
            binary_rep.substring(5, 10); // actually r_src_two but i'll call it a dst for simplicity

        cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src, 2);
        cpu.c_reg_address_B = Integer.parseInt(r_dst, 2);
        cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
        cpu.RB = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_B];

        cpu.c_mux_B_select = 0;
        cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
        cpu.c_ALU_op = 8;

            "Branch if equal: " + cpu.RA + "==" + cpu.RB + ", label:" + calc_imm_val(i_val));

      case definitions
          .R_TYPE: // ---------------------------- R-TYPE 		(R-Type) ---------------------------- //
        String opcode_ext = binary_rep.substring(binary_rep.length() - 12, binary_rep.length() - 6);

        String r_src_one = binary_rep.substring(0, 5);
        String r_src_two = binary_rep.substring(5, 10); // Don't need atm
        String r_dst_one = binary_rep.substring(10, 15);

        if (opcode_ext.equals(
            definitions.AND)) // -------------------- And 	(R-Type) -------------------- //
          cpu.c_mux_B_select = 0;
          cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
          cpu.c_ALU_op = 0;
          cpu.c_RF_write = 1;

          cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src_one, 2);
          cpu.c_reg_address_B = Integer.parseInt(r_src_two, 2);

          cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
          cpu.RB = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_B];

              "And: Rdst:" + Integer.parseInt(r_dst_one, 2) + ", RA:" + cpu.RA + ", RB:" + cpu.RB);
        } else if (opcode_ext.equals(
            definitions.ADD)) // --------------- Add 	(R-Type) -------------------- //
          cpu.c_mux_B_select = 0;
          cpu.c_ALU_op = 2;
          cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
          cpu.c_RF_write = 1;

          cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src_one, 2);
          cpu.c_reg_address_B = Integer.parseInt(r_src_two, 2);

          cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
          cpu.RB = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_B];

              "Add: Rdst:" + Integer.parseInt(r_dst_one, 2) + ", RA:" + cpu.RA + ", RB:" + cpu.RB);
        } else if (opcode_ext.equals(
            definitions.SUB)) // --------------- Sub 	(R-Type) -------------------- //
          cpu.c_mux_B_select = 0;
          cpu.c_ALU_op = 6; // ALU operation is subtract (6)
          cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
          cpu.c_RF_write = 1;

          cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src_one, 2);
          cpu.c_reg_address_B = Integer.parseInt(r_src_two, 2);

          cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
          cpu.RB = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_B];

              "Sub: Rdst:" + Integer.parseInt(r_dst_one, 2) + ", RA:" + cpu.RA + ", RB:" + cpu.RB);
        } else if (opcode_ext.equals(
            definitions.OR)) // --------------- Or  	(R-Type) -------------------- //
          cpu.c_mux_B_select = 0;
          cpu.c_mux_Y_select = 0;
          cpu.c_ALU_op = 1;
          cpu.c_RF_write = 1;

          cpu.c_reg_address_A = Integer.parseInt(r_src_one, 2);
          cpu.c_reg_address_B = Integer.parseInt(r_src_two, 2);

          cpu.RA = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_A];
          cpu.RB = cpu.R[cpu.c_reg_address_B];

              "Or: Rdst:" + Integer.parseInt(r_dst_one, 2) + ", RA:" + cpu.RA + ", RB:" + cpu.RB);