@Override public void initResources() { final int MARGIN = 30; int x = container.getWidth(); int y = container.getHeight(); Image tmp = ResourceManager.getImage("butRetour"); int larg = tmp.getWidth(); int haut = tmp.getHeight(); int yBut = y - haut - MARGIN; shapeListeServers = new Rectangle(MARGIN, 50, x / 2 - MARGIN - 10, yBut - 50); listeServers = new ListeDeroulante( container, ResourceManager.getImage("transparent"), (int) shapeListeServers.getX() + 5, (int) shapeListeServers.getY() + 5); listeServers.setScrolled(true); listeServers.setMaxElementsToDraw((int) shapeListeServers.getHeight() / 20); butRetour = new MouseOverArea( container, ResourceManager.getImage("butRetour"), MARGIN, yBut, larg, haut); butRetour.setMouseOverImage(ResourceManager.getImage("butRetourOver")); butCreerServer = new MouseOverArea(container, tmp, tmp.getWidth() + MARGIN * 2, yBut, larg, haut); butCreerServer.setMouseOverImage(ResourceManager.getImage("MenuJouerOver")); timerRefreshServers = new Timer(7000); }
/** Special render method for the TiledMap foreground layer. */ private void renderFore() { if (playerIsBehindForeground(curPlayerX, curPlayerY) || movedIntoOpen) { // Update the non-rendered tiles if the player // is occupying a new tile this frame if (updateForeground || movedIntoOpen) { updateForeground = false; for (int i = 0; i < foreAlpha.length; i++) { map.setTileId(foreAlpha[i][0], foreAlpha[i][1], foregroundLayerIndex, foreAlpha[i][2]); } foreAlphaIndex = 0; } if (changedPosition && !movedIntoOpen) { for (int y = curPlayerY - foregroundAlphaRadius; y <= curPlayerY + foregroundAlphaRadius; y++) { for (int x = curPlayerX - foregroundAlphaRadius; x <= curPlayerX + foregroundAlphaRadius; x++) { int dX = curPlayerX - x; int dY = curPlayerY - y; float dd = (float) Math.sqrt((dX * dX) + (dY * dY)); if (dd <= foregroundAlphaRadius + 0.5 && x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < map.getWidth() && y < map.getHeight()) { addToForegroundAlpha( x, y, map.getTileId(x, y, foregroundLayerIndex), map.getTileImage(x, y, foregroundLayerIndex)); map.setTileId(x, y, foregroundLayerIndex, 0); } } } } } renderLayer("FOREGROUND"); if (playerIsBehindForeground(curPlayerX, curPlayerY)) { for (int i = 0; i < foreAlphaImage.length; i++) { try { int x = foreAlpha[i][0]; int y = foreAlpha[i][1]; float dX = (vPlayerX / tileWidth) - x; float dY = (vPlayerY / tileHeight) - y; float dd = (float) Math.sqrt((dX * dX) + (dY * dY)); float alpha = (dd / foregroundAlphaRadius) + 0.25f; Image image = foreAlphaImage[i]; image.setAlpha(alpha); image.draw(x * tileWidth, y * tileHeight); } catch (Exception e) { } } } }
@Override public void update(GameContainer gameContainer, StateBasedGame stateBasedGame, int delta) throws SlickException { super.update(gameContainer, stateBasedGame, delta); rotation += (targetrotation - rotation) / rotationEase; tandwiel1.setRotation(rotation); tandwiel2.setRotation((float) ((float) -(rotation * 1.818181818181818) + 16.36363636363636)); spinner.setRotation(rotation); if (frameGrabber != null && updateCamera) { updateCamera = false; buffer = frameGrabber.grabFrame(); awtFrame = new BufferToImage((VideoFormat) buffer.getFormat()).createImage(buffer); BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage( awtFrame.getWidth(null), awtFrame.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); bufferedImage.createGraphics().drawImage(awtFrame, 0, 0, this); baseImage = bufferedImage; try { texture = BufferedImageUtil.getTexture("", baseImage); webcamFeed.setTexture(texture); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e); } } calculatePulse(); }
public void render(GameContainer arg0, StateBasedGame arg1, Graphics g) throws SlickException { g.drawString("Choose your Vehicle", 240, 30); try { base = new Image("sideView/base.png"); turret = new Image("sideView/turret.png"); gun = new Image("sideView/gun.png"); plane = new Image("sideView/plan.png"); boat = new Image("sideView/boat.png"); } catch (SlickException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (base != null) { base = base.getScaledCopy(3); turret = turret.getScaledCopy(3); gun = gun.getScaledCopy(3); plane = plane.getScaledCopy(3); boat = boat.getScaledCopy(3); g.drawImage(base, 50, 50); g.drawImage(turret, 150, 50); g.drawImage(gun, 250, 50); g.drawImage(plane, 350, 50); g.drawImage(boat, 450, 50); } }
@Override public void update(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, int delta) throws SlickException { Input input = container.getInput(); int mouseX = input.getMouseX(); int mouseY = input.getMouseY(); boolean startGame = false; boolean exitGame = false; if ((mouseX >= menuX && mouseX <= menuX + startGameOption.getWidth()) && (mouseY >= menuY && mouseY <= menuY + startGameOption.getHeight())) { startGame = true; } else if ((mouseX >= menuX && mouseX <= menuX + exitOption.getWidth()) && (mouseY >= menuY + 100 && mouseY <= menuY + 100 + exitOption.getHeight())) { exitGame = true; } if (input.isMouseButtonDown(Input.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) { if (startGame) { game.enterState(RunGame.GAMEPLAYSTATE); } else if (exitGame) { container.exit(); } } }
public Lightning(float x, float y, String i, World world) { super(x, y, i, world); int numFrames = 4; Image sheet; try { sheet = new Image("assets/Art/Transformations/Animations/lightning.png"); projectileWidth = sheet.getWidth() / numFrames; projectileHeight = sheet.getHeight(); SpriteSheet ss = new SpriteSheet(sheet, projectileWidth, projectileHeight); projectileRightAnimation = new Animation(ss, 100); projectileRightAnimation.stopAt(projectileRightAnimation.getFrameCount() - 1); ss = new SpriteSheet(ss.getFlippedCopy(true, false), projectileWidth, projectileHeight); projectileLeftAnimation = new Animation(ss, 100); projectileLeftAnimation.stopAt(projectileLeftAnimation.getFrameCount() - 1); } catch (SlickException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } damage = 3; projectileRange = 600; projectileXVelocity = 3; dropChance = false; startUpTime = .01; reloadTime = 800; projectileOffsets = new Rectangle(10, 10, 20, 20); }
@Override public void render(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game, Graphics g) throws SlickException { background.draw(0, 0); startGameOption.draw(menuX, menuY); exitOption.draw(menuX, menuY + 100); }
@Override public void render(Graphics g) { int sx = 0; int sy = 0; if (moving() && onGround()) { sx = frame % nb_sprites; sy = 0; } else if (onGround()) { sx = 0; sy = 0; } // get the appropriate sprite Image image = walk.getSprite(sx, sy); image = image.getFlippedCopy(true, false); // if we're facing the other direction, flip the sprite over if (facingRight()) { image = image.getFlippedCopy(true, false); } image.draw(getX() - width / 2, getY() - height / 2, width, height + 4); permanentSound(); }
public Image getImage() throws SlickException { noOffset.getGraphics().clear(); // Strange things happen without this... for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++) // Loop to generate the background image, which is 20 tiles long { if (blockArray[i] == false) // Draw these tiles if there isn't a block at this position { noOffset.getGraphics().drawImage(sheet.getSprite(0, 0), i * 32, 0); noOffset.getGraphics().drawImage(sheet.getSprite(0, 1), i * 32, 32); } else // Draw these tiles if there IS a block at this position { noOffset.getGraphics().drawImage(sheet.getSprite(0, 3), i * 32, 0); noOffset.getGraphics().drawImage(sheet.getSprite(0, 4), i * 32, 32); } if (gapArray[i] == false) // Draw this tile if there isn't a gap. If there is a gap, no tile is drawn // (convenient eh?) { noOffset.getGraphics().drawImage(sheet.getSprite(0, 2), i * 32, 64); } } return noOffset.getSubImage( timeElapsed / 5, 0, 32 * 19, 32 * 3); // Return the part of the image that is drawn on screen, // which is shifted depending on time elapsed. // In 160 ms, the tile will be shifted 32 pixels. }
@Override public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sb, Graphics g) throws SlickException { // Background etc. g.setAntiAlias(true); g.drawImage( background, gc.getWidth() / 2 - background.getWidth() / 2, gc.getHeight() / 2 - background.getHeight() / 2); uniTitle.drawString( gc.getWidth() / 2 - uniTitle.getWidth("Highscores") / 2, (float) 0, "Highscores", Color.orange); count = 0; // Zeichnet die Überschrift MenuItem item = levelNames.get(0); uniNormal.drawString(item.getPos().x, item.getPos().y, item.getName(), item.getColor()); item = playerNames.get(0); uniNormal.drawString(item.getPos().x, item.getPos().y, item.getName(), item.getColor()); item = times.get(0); uniNormal.drawString(item.getPos().x, item.getPos().y, item.getName(), item.getColor()); // Von start bis zu end for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { // Falls wir am ende der Liste angekommen sind, abbrechen und itemsOnSide setzen if (i == levelNames.size()) { itemsOnSide = i - start; break; } // Maximale itemsOnSide = 10 else { itemsOnSide = 10; } // Zeichnen der Highscores item = levelNames.get(i); uniNormal.drawString(item.getPos().x, item.getPos().y, item.getName(), item.getColor()); item = playerNames.get(i); uniNormal.drawString(item.getPos().x, item.getPos().y, item.getName(), item.getColor()); item = times.get(i); uniNormal.drawString(item.getPos().x, item.getPos().y, item.getName(), item.getColor()); } g.setColor(Color.green); g.draw(selection); // aktuelle Seite zeichnen String displayside = "Seite " + (side + 1) + " von " + sideCount; uniNormal.drawString( gc.getWidth() / 2 - uniNormal.getWidth(displayside) / 2, gc.getHeight() - uniNormal.getHeight(displayside), displayside, Color.orange); // ESC String uniNormal.drawString( 0, gc.getHeight() - uniNormal.getHeight("ESC = Zurück"), "ESC = Zurück", Color.orange); }
public Level(int id, GameFactory factory) throws SlickException { super(id, EntityType.LEVEL); this.currentPlayerId = -1; this.factory = factory; AssetMgr assets = factory.getAssetMgr(); // Load Images Image tmp = assets.storeImage(Assets.LevelBackgroundImageId, "backgrounds/background.png"); assets.storeImage(Assets.LevelBackgroundImageId, tmp.getScaledCopy(1350, 800)); tmp = assets.storeImage(Assets.LevelMiddlegroundImageId, "backgrounds/middleground.png"); assets.storeImage(Assets.LevelMiddlegroundImageId, tmp.getScaledCopy(1850, 800)); this.groundMap = assets.storeTiledMap(Assets.LevelTileMapId, "tiles/blocks.tmx"); // gfx this.backgroundImage = factory.createImageEntity(Assets.LevelBackgroundImageId, Assets.LevelBackgroundImageId); this.backgroundImage.setVisible(true); add(this.backgroundImage); this.middlegroundImage = factory.createImageEntity(Assets.LevelMiddlegroundImageId, Assets.LevelMiddlegroundImageId); this.middlegroundImage.setVisible(true); add(this.middlegroundImage); this.ground = factory.createTiledMapEntity(Assets.LevelTileMapId, Assets.LevelTileMapId); this.ground.setVisible(true); this.ground.setActive(true); add(this.ground); // physics setData(new float[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}); // network setUpdateStrategy(EntityUpdateStrategy.Local); // order setOrder(EntityOrder.Level); // Shader Setup if (textureBuffer == null && Constants.Debug.shadersActive) { textureBuffer = new Image(JumpNRun.SCREENWIDTH, JumpNRun.SCREENHEIGHT); fbGraphics = textureBuffer.getGraphics(); blur1D = new BlurShader(); glowshader = new Shader("content/jumpnrun/shader/simple.vert", "content/jumpnrun/shader/glow.frag"); glowshader2 = new Shader("content/jumpnrun/shader/simple.vert", "content/jumpnrun/shader/glow.frag"); // For testing params = new ShaderParams(); params.showEditor("Shader-Einstellungen!!!"); } // setup setActive(true); setVisible(true); }
public TexturedQuad(Image img, Orientation orientation, int angle) { this.img = img; this.flip = orientation == Orientation.LEFT; this.angle = angle; centerX = img.getWidth() / 2; centerY = img.getHeight() / 2; }
@Override public void init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException { background = new Image("tloc/gui/res/background.png"); Image menuOptions = new Image("tloc/gui/res/menuoptions.png"); startGameOption = menuOptions.getSubImage(0, 0, 240, 70); exitOption = menuOptions.getSubImage(135, 127, 240, 60); }
public Rock(Image image, float x, float y, int id) { this.image = image; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.height = image.getHeight(); this.width = image.getWidth(); this.id = id; }
public Enemy(Image image, Vector2f location) { this.image = image; loc = location; collisionRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); collisionRect.setCenterX(loc.x); collisionRect.setCenterY(loc.y); isDead = false; }
/** * @see org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame#render(org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer, * org.newdawn.slick.Graphics) */ public void render(GameContainer container, Graphics g) { g.setBackground(Color.lightGray); // image.draw(0,0, inside ? Color.red : Color.white); // timage.draw(10,310); image.draw(); timage.draw(image.getWidth(), 0); }
public Button(Image button, int x, int y, int images) { int imageHeight = button.getHeight() / images; Image btn = button.getSubImage(0, 0, button.getWidth(), imageHeight); Image hover = button.getSubImage(0, imageHeight, button.getWidth(), imageHeight); Image click = button.getSubImage(0, imageHeight * 2, button.getWidth(), imageHeight); Image disabled = button.getSubImage(0, imageHeight * 3, button.getWidth(), imageHeight); constructorHack( null, btn, hover, click, disabled, new Rectangle(x, y, button.getWidth(), imageHeight)); }
@Override public void render(GameContainer container, Graphics g) throws SlickException { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); // g.drawString("Hello World", 100, 100); land.draw(0, 0); plane1.draw( (float) jugador1.getPosicion().getX(), (float) jugador1.getPosicion().getY(), 0.75f); plane2.draw( (float) jugador2.getPosicion().getX(), (float) jugador2.getPosicion().getY(), 0.75f); }
public Player( World world, float x, float y, float mass, String name, SoundWrapper soundWrapper, Image image) { super(world, x, y, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), mass, name, soundWrapper); setImage(image); }
public static Image makeTestImage(int width, int height, Color color, String text) throws SlickException { Image im = new Image(width, height); im.getGraphics().setColor(color); im.getGraphics().fillRect(0, 0, width, height); im.getGraphics().setColor(Color.white); im.getGraphics().setFont(Constants.PRIMARY_FONT); im.getGraphics().drawString(text, 0, 0); im.getGraphics().flush(); return im; }
@Override public void init(GameContainer container, StateBasedGame game) throws SlickException { this.container = container; this.game = game; this.input = container.getInput(); // initialize buttons Image button = GameImage.MENU_BUTTON_MID.getImage(); button = button.getScaledCopy(container.getWidth() / 2, button.getHeight()); Image buttonL = GameImage.MENU_BUTTON_LEFT.getImage(); Image buttonR = GameImage.MENU_BUTTON_RIGHT.getImage(); for (MenuState ms : MenuState.values()) ms.init(container, game, button, buttonL, buttonR); }
@Override public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g) throws SlickException { knight.draw(594, 360); mage.draw(784, 360); thief.draw(976, 360); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("Name:", 650, 500); tf.render(gc, g); tf.setFocus(true); for (int i = 0; i < buttons.size(); i++) { buttons.get(i).draw(g); } }
public Button( Image button, Image buttonHover, Image buttonClick, Image buttonDisabled, int x, int y) { if (button == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Button image cannot be null."); } constructorHack( null, button, buttonHover, buttonClick, buttonDisabled, new Rectangle(x, y, button.getWidth(), button.getHeight())); }
public void render(GameContainer container, Graphics g) throws SlickException { if (isFlippedHorizontally) { currentImage = imageLeft; spinAngularVelocity = -15; } else { currentImage = imageRight; spinAngularVelocity = 15; } spinAngle += spinAngularVelocity; currentImage.setRotation(spinAngle); currentImage.draw(xCoord, yCoord); // g.draw(getHitbox()); }
@Override protected void processEntities(ImmutableBag<Entity> entities) { ensurePlayerEntity(); if (player != null) { hudBg.draw( 0, container.getHeight() - hudBg.getHeight(), container.getWidth(), hudBg.getHeight()); renderHealth(); renderAmmo(); } renderMinimap(); }
/** * Indicates whether the game is over or not. If the game is over it draws a message showing which * player has won. * * @return Whether the game is over or not. * @throws SlickException */ private boolean gameOver(StateBasedGame sbg, GameContainer gc) throws SlickException { if (!gameOver) { return false; } else { if (player1.getLives() <= 0) { sbg.enterState(Main.GAMEOVERSTATE); } else { // Draws a message saying player1 has won. Image gameOverMessage = new Image("data/player1_win.png"); gameOverMessage.draw( windowSizeX / 2 - gameOverMessage.getWidth() / 2, windowSizeY / 2 - gameOverMessage.getHeight() / 2); } } return true; }
public void Render(int i, Graphics g) throws SlickException { if (i == 0) { pic.draw(150, 200); g.drawString("Name " + name, 100, 100); g.drawString("Hp " + hp, 100, 120); g.drawString("Damage " + damage, 100, 140); g.drawString("Delay " + delay, 100, 160); } else { pic.draw(550, 200); g.drawString("Name " + name, 400, 100); g.drawString("Hp " + hp, 400, 120); g.drawString("Damage " + damage, 400, 140); g.drawString("Delay " + delay, 400, 160); } }
public void render(Graphics g) { // render all except entities for (int l = 0; l < map.getLayerCount(); l++) { String value = map.getLayerProperty(l, "type", null); if (value == null || !value.equalsIgnoreCase("entity")) { for (int w = 0; w < map.getWidth(); w++) { for (int h = 0; h < map.getHeight(); h++) { Image img = map.getTileImage(w, h, l).getScaledCopy(4); if (img != null) { g.drawImage(img, w * img.getWidth(), h * img.getHeight()); } } } } } }
@Override public void render(GameContainer gc, Graphics g) throws SlickException { backgroundImage.draw(); Airplane airplaneHandle; Iterator<Airplane> it; it = airQueue.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { airplaneHandle = it.next(); airplaneHandle.render(g, airplaneImage); } it = groundQueue.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { airplaneHandle = it.next(); airplaneHandle.render(g, airplaneImage); } airplaneHandle = runway.getCurrentAirplane(); if (airplaneHandle != null) airplaneHandle.render(g, airplaneImage); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("Airport Simulator", gc.getWidth() - 170, 10); g.drawString("Update: " + currentUpdate, gc.getWidth() - 130, gc.getHeight() - 30); }
@Override public void update(GameContainer container, int delta) throws SlickException, InterruptedException { if (isFlippedHorizontally) { angularVelocity = 2; spinAngularVelocity = 15; xCoord = xCenterOfRotation + (float) (radius * Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180)) - imageRight.getWidth(); yCoord = yCenterOfRotation - (float) (radius * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180)); } else { angularVelocity = -2; spinAngularVelocity = -15; xCoord = xCenterOfRotation + (float) (radius * Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180)); yCoord = yCenterOfRotation - (float) (radius * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180)); } angle += angularVelocity; // Remove when angle = PI,0 if (angle <= 0 || angle > 180) { world.remove(this); } setHitboxLocation(xCoord, yCoord); }