NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS( final Parent xshadow, final String namespaceURI, final String localName) { if (localName == null) { return EMPTYLIST; } if (namespaceURI == null) { return EMPTYLIST; } final boolean alluri = "*".equals(namespaceURI); final boolean allname = "*".equals(localName); final ArrayList<JElement> enodes = new ArrayList<JElement>(); if (xshadow != null) { final Iterator<org.jdom2.Element> it = xshadow.getDescendants(Filters.element()); org.jdom2.Element e = null; if (xshadow instanceof org.jdom2.Element) { e = (org.jdom2.Element) xshadow; } else { if (it.hasNext()) { e =; } } while (e != null) { if ((allname || localName.equals(e.getName())) && (alluri || namespaceURI.equals(e.getNamespaceURI()))) { enodes.add(find(e)); } e = it.hasNext() ? : null; } } return new JNodeList(enodes); }
static void parseXml(Element p_element, MessageDigest p_md, ArrayList<String> p_ignoreList) { p_md.update(p_element.getName().getBytes()); String content = p_element.getText(); if (content != null) { p_md.update(content.getBytes()); } for (Attribute attribute : p_element.getAttributes()) { String name = attribute.getName(); if (p_ignoreList.contains(name)) { continue; } String value = attribute.getValue(); if (value != null) { p_md.update(value.getBytes()); } } for (Element child : p_element.getChildren()) { parseXml(child, p_md, p_ignoreList); } }
static void filterMarkerInElement(List<Element> eltList, Map<String, Object> parameterMap) { final Pattern patternMarker = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([^}]+)\\}"); // matching pattern is ${..} for (Element elt : eltList) { String elementValue = elt.getText(); if (elementValue == null) { continue; } Matcher matcher = patternMarker.matcher(elementValue); while (matcher.find()) { String marker =; // full pattern matched ${..} String markerName =; // get only text between curly braces String parameterValue = ServletUtil.getFirstParameter(parameterMap.get(markerName)); if (parameterValue != null) { elementValue = elementValue.replace(marker, parameterValue); elt.setText(elementValue); } else { logger.warn( "Found marker \"" + marker + "\" with NO matching parameter in Element <" + elt.getName() + ">"); } } } }
protected void parseLauncherTemplate(JnlpTemplate launcher) throws ServletErrorException, IOException { // PARSE JNLP LAUNCHER AS JDOM Element rootElt = null; BufferedReader reader = null; try { // Assume the template has UTF-8 encoding reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( launcher.realPathURL.openConnection().getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); rootElt = new SAXBuilder(XMLReaders.NONVALIDATING, null, null).build(reader).getRootElement(); // rootElt = new SAXBuilder().build(launcher.realPathURL).getRootElement(); // NOTE : doesn't work with all URl like "file://///server/..." } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new ServletErrorException( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Can't parse launcher template", e); } finally { FileUtil.safeClose(reader); } if (!rootElt.getName().equals(JNLP_TAG_ELT_ROOT)) { throw new ServletErrorException( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Invalid JNLP launcher template"); } launcher.rootElt = rootElt; }
private org.jdom2.Element getDataforCase(String specName, String caseID, String data) { String caseData = ""; try { caseData = _ibClient.getCaseData(caseID, _handle); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } org.jdom2.Element result = new org.jdom2.Element(specName); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); org.jdom2.Element root = null; List<org.jdom2.Element> ls = null; try { org.jdom2.Document document = StringReader(data)); root = document.getRootElement(); ls = document.getRootElement().getChildren(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } for (org.jdom2.Element l : ls) { String paramName = l.getName(); org.jdom2.Element advElem = root.getChild(paramName); try { if (advElem != null) { org.jdom2.Element copy = (org.jdom2.Element) advElem.clone(); result.addContent(copy); } else { result.addContent(new org.jdom2.Element(paramName)); } } catch (IllegalAddException iae) { } } return result; }
private void ItemPostConstraint(WorkItemRecord wir, String data) { AdviceQuery query = new AdviceQuery(); List<Advice> advs = query.getAdvicesByAdviceJoinPointID(wir.getID()); if ((advs != null) && (advs.size() > 0)) { suspendCase(wir.getCaseID().substring(0, wir.getCaseID().indexOf('.'))); System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); System.out.println( "suspended case is " + wir.getCaseID().substring(0, wir.getCaseID().indexOf('.'))); for (Advice advice : advs) { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); List<org.jdom2.Element> ls = null; org.jdom2.Element root = null; try { org.jdom2.Document document = StringReader(data)); ls = document.getRootElement().getChildren(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } String s = "<" + advice.getProceedName() + ">"; for (org.jdom2.Element l : ls) { s = s + "<" + l.getName() + ">" + l.getText() + "</" + l.getName() + ">"; } s = s + "</" + advice.getProceedName() + ">"; connect(); advice.setSynched(false); this._Persister.beginTransaction(); this._Persister.update(advice); this._Persister.commit(); System.out.println( "*** try to checkin workitem with proceed id of " + advice.getProceedID() + " - with data: " + s); try { _ibClient.checkInWorkItem(advice.getProceedID(), s, "", _handle); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("************************ problem in checkin"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
private void handlePartOfOrganOfOrgan( Document document, Element description, Element biologicalEntity, String parentOrgan) { String partOfChain = getPartOfChain(document, description, biologicalEntity, 0).replace(" of ", ",").trim(); if (!partOfChain.isEmpty()) { // use explicit part_of log( LogLevel.DEBUG, "===>[pchain] use '" + partOfChain + "' as constraint to '" + biologicalEntity.getName() + "'"); appendConstraint(biologicalEntity, formatParentOrgan(partOfChain)); } else { String part = biologicalEntity.getName(); if (part.matches("\\b(" + nonSpecificParts + ")\\b.*") && !part.contains(",") && parentOrgan.equals("whole_organism")) { parentOrgan = hasPart( biologicalEntity, biologicalEntity, description, parentOrgan, part, nonSpecificParts); if (!parentOrgan.isEmpty()) { log( LogLevel.DEBUG, "===>[part of 2] use '" + parentOrgan + "' as constraint to '" + biologicalEntity.getName() + "'"); appendConstraint(biologicalEntity, formatParentOrgan(parentOrgan)); } /*else{ //quite strong an assumption that the organ of the first clause is the parent organ of all following clauses. //If this is not true, or the part_of hashtable is complete, comment out this part. //log(LogLevel.DEBUG,"===>[default] use '"+pocp+"' as constraint to '"+struct.getName()+"'"); struct.appendConstraint(formatParentOrgan(pocp)); parentorgan = pocp; }*/ } } }
/** * Load all the deals in this element * * @param e an element that contains messages in XML format. */ protected void loadDeals(Element e) { Element root = StringToElement.getElementFromString(e.getValue(), e.getName()); for (Element d : root.getChildren()) { String owner = d.getChildText("owner"); Element deal = d.getChild("Deal"); addDeal(owner, new Contrat(deal)); } }
/** * Gets maps that are not installed, but may be downloaded. * * @return set of all maps available for download */ public static Set<AutoRefMap> getRemoteMaps() { // check the cache first, we might want to just use the cached value long time = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime() - _cachedRemoteMapsTime; if (_cachedRemoteMaps != null && time < AutoRefMap.REMOTE_MAP_CACHE_LENGTH) return _cachedRemoteMaps; Set<AutoRefMap> maps = Sets.newHashSet(); String repo = AutoRefMatch.getMapRepo(); try { Map<String, String> params = Maps.newHashMap(); params.put("prefix", "maps/"); for (; ; ) { String url = String.format("%s?%s", repo, QueryUtil.prepareParams(params)); Element listing = new SAXBuilder().build(new URL(url)).getRootElement(); assert "ListBucketResult".equals(listing.getName()) : "Unexpected response"; Namespace ns = listing.getNamespace(); String lastkey = null; for (Element entry : listing.getChildren("Contents", ns)) { lastkey = entry.getChildTextTrim("Key", ns); if (!lastkey.endsWith(".zip")) continue; String[] keyparts = lastkey.split("/"); String mapfile = keyparts[keyparts.length - 1]; String mapslug = mapfile.substring(0, mapfile.length() - 4); String slugparts[] = mapslug.split("-v"); if (slugparts.length < 2) { AutoReferee.log("Invalid map filename: " + mapfile, Level.WARNING); AutoReferee.log("Map files should be of the form \"\"", Level.WARNING); } else { String etag = entry.getChildTextTrim("ETag", ns); maps.add( new AutoRefMap( slugparts[0], slugparts[1], lastkey, etag.substring(1, etag.length() - 1))); } } // stop looping if the result says that it hasn't been truncated (no more results) if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(listing.getChildText("IsTruncated", ns))) break; // use the last key as a marker for the next pass if (lastkey != null) params.put("marker", lastkey); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JDOMException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } _cachedRemoteMapsTime = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getUptime(); return _cachedRemoteMaps = maps; }
/** * get named element from parent element * * @param elem _more_ * @param eleName _more_ * @return _more_ */ public Element readElements(Element elem, String eleName) { List<Element> children = elem.getChildren(); for (Element child : children) { String childName = child.getName(); if (childName.equals(eleName)) { return child; } } return null; }
public static void xpathAttVal(Document doc, String ruta, String val) { XPathExpression<Element> xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile(ruta, Filters.element()); List<Element> elemento = xpath.evaluate(doc); Iterator it = elemento.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element at = (Element); System.out.println(at.getName() + ": " + at.getAttributeValue(val)); } }
/** * This will invoke the <code>endElement</code> callback in the <code>ContentHandler</code>. * * @param element <code>Element</code> used in callbacks. */ private void endElement(Element element) throws JDOMException { String namespaceURI = element.getNamespaceURI(); String localName = element.getName(); String rawName = element.getQualifiedName(); try { contentHandler.endElement(namespaceURI, localName, rawName); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new JDOMException("Exception in endElement", se); } }
public void addVariables(Element inRoot) throws org.jdom2.DataConversionException { Element vs = inRoot.getChild("decoder").getChild("variables"); Element segment = new Element("segment"); segment.setAttribute("space", "253"); root.addContent(segment); Iterator it = vs.getDescendants(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object o =; if (o instanceof Element) { Element e = (Element) o; if (e.getName().equals("variable")) { // get common attributes String comment = e.getAttributeValue("comment"); for (Object oc : e.getChildren("comment")) { Element ec = (Element) oc; if (ec.getAttributeValue("lang", "xml").equals("")) comment = ec.getText(); } String name = e.getAttributeValue("label"); if (name.equals("")) name = e.getAttributeValue("item"); for (Object on : e.getChildren("label")) { Element en = (Element) on; if (en.getAttributeValue("lang", "xml").equals("")) name = en.getText(); } long cv = e.getAttribute("CV").getIntValue(); // find subtype and process Element type; type = e.getChild("decVal"); if (type != null) { segment.addContent(handleDecVal(type, cv, name, comment, e.getAttributeValue("mask"))); continue; } type = e.getChild("enumVal"); if (type != null) { segment.addContent(handleEnumVal(type, cv, name, comment, e.getAttributeValue("mask"))); continue; } type = e.getChild("shortAddressVal"); if (type != null) { segment.addContent(handleShortAddressVal(type, cv, name, comment)); continue; } type = e.getChild("longAddressVal"); if (type != null) { segment.addContent(handleLongAddressVal(type, cv, name, comment)); continue; } } } } }
/** * This constructor is not intended for usage. * * @param xml An XML string * @throws JDOMException Is thrown when the xml string is invalid * @throws IOException Is thrown when the xml string is invalid */ public LolStatus(String xml) throws JDOMException, IOException { outputter.setFormat(outputter.getFormat().setExpandEmptyElements(false)); final SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); doc = StringReader(xml)); for (final Element e : doc.getRootElement().getChildren()) { boolean found = false; for (final XMLProperty p : XMLProperty.values()) { if ( { found = true; } } if (!found) { System.err.println( "XMLProperty \"" + e.getName() + "\" value: \"" + e.getValue() + "\" not implemented yet!"); } } }
private String parseXmlToHtml(List<Content> docElements) { String html = ""; Iterator<Content> li = docElements.listIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { Content content =; CType type = content.getCType(); if (type == CType.Element) { Element element = (Element) content; if (element.getName().equals("bold")) html += "<b>"; else if (element.getName().equals("italics")) html += "<i>"; else if (element.getName().equals("list")) html += "<ul>"; else if (element.getName().equals("item")) { html = html.trim(); html += "<li>"; } html += parseXmlToHtml(element.getContent()).trim(); if (element.getName().equals("bold")) html += "</b>"; else if (element.getName().equals("italics")) html += "</i>"; else if (element.getName().equals("list")) html += "</ul>"; else if (element.getName().equals("item")) html += "</li>"; } else if (type == CType.Text) { Text text = (Text) content; String str = text.getText(); html += str; } } return html; }
public static AutoRefGoal fromElement(AutoRefTeam team, Element elt) { Class<? extends AutoRefGoal> cls = goalNames.get(elt.getName()); if (cls == null) return null; try { Constructor<? extends AutoRefGoal> cons = cls.getConstructor(AutoRefTeam.class, Element.class); return cons.newInstance(team, elt).getGoalSettings(team, elt); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // 获取JDOM解析器 SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); // 解析文件 File file = new File("xml/books.xml"); Document document =; // 写入XML文件 FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File("D:/aaa.xml")); XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(); xmlOutputter.output(document, fileOutputStream); fileOutputStream.close(); // 获取根节点 Element root = document.getRootElement(); // 获取子节点列表 List<Element> books = root.getChildren(); // 循环遍历子节点 for (int i = 0; i < books.size(); i++) { // 获取某一个子节点 Element book = books.get(i); // 获取得属性值 String isbn = book.getAttributeValue("isbn"); System.out.print("isbn: " + isbn); List<Element> childrenList = book.getChildren(); for (Element element : childrenList) { System.out.print(" " + element.getName() + ": "); System.out.print(element.getText()); } System.out.println(""); } } catch (JDOMException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("耗时: " + (end - start)); }
void metaVersusData(Element p_element) { m_metaSize += p_element.getName().length(); String content = p_element.getText(); if (content != null) m_dataSize += content.length(); for (Attribute attribute : p_element.getAttributes()) { String name = attribute.getName(); m_metaSize += name.length(); String value = attribute.getValue(); if (value != null) { m_dataSize += value.length(); } } for (Element child : p_element.getChildren()) { metaVersusData(child); } }
/** * This will invoke the <code>startElement</code> callback in the <code>ContentHandler</code>. * * @param element <code>Element</code> used in callbacks. * @param nsAtts <code>List</code> of namespaces to declare with the element or <code>null</code>. */ private void startElement(Element element, Attributes nsAtts) throws JDOMException { String namespaceURI = element.getNamespaceURI(); String localName = element.getName(); String rawName = element.getQualifiedName(); // Allocate attribute list. AttributesImpl atts = (nsAtts != null) ? new AttributesImpl(nsAtts) : new AttributesImpl(); for (Attribute a : element.getAttributes()) { atts.addAttribute( a.getNamespaceURI(), a.getName(), a.getQualifiedName(), getAttributeTypeName(a.getAttributeType()), a.getValue()); } try { contentHandler.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, rawName, atts); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new JDOMException("Exception in startElement", se); } }
/** * Amend the given NetcdfFile with metadata from HDF-EOS structMetadata * * @param ncfile Amend this file * @param structMetadata structMetadata as String * @throws IOException on read error */ private void amendFromODL(NetcdfFile ncfile, String structMetadata) throws IOException { Group rootg = ncfile.getRootGroup(); ODLparser parser = new ODLparser(); Element root = parser.parseFromString(structMetadata); // now we have the ODL in JDOM elements FeatureType featureType = null; // SWATH Element swathStructure = root.getChild("SwathStructure"); if (swathStructure != null) { List<Element> swaths = swathStructure.getChildren(); for (Element elemSwath : swaths) { Element swathNameElem = elemSwath.getChild("SwathName"); if (swathNameElem == null) { log.warn("No SwathName element in {} {} ", elemSwath.getName(), ncfile.getLocation()); continue; } String swathName = NetcdfFile.makeValidCdmObjectName(swathNameElem.getText().trim()); Group swathGroup = findGroupNested(rootg, swathName); // if (swathGroup == null) // swathGroup = findGroupNested(rootg, H4header.createValidObjectName(swathName)); if (swathGroup != null) { featureType = amendSwath(ncfile, elemSwath, swathGroup); } else { log.warn("Cant find swath group {} {}", swathName, ncfile.getLocation()); } } } // GRID Element gridStructure = root.getChild("GridStructure"); if (gridStructure != null) { List<Element> grids = gridStructure.getChildren(); for (Element elemGrid : grids) { Element gridNameElem = elemGrid.getChild("GridName"); if (gridNameElem == null) { log.warn("No GridName element in {} {} ", elemGrid.getName(), ncfile.getLocation()); continue; } String gridName = NetcdfFile.makeValidCdmObjectName(gridNameElem.getText().trim()); Group gridGroup = findGroupNested(rootg, gridName); // if (gridGroup == null) // gridGroup = findGroupNested(rootg, H4header.createValidObjectName(gridName)); if (gridGroup != null) { featureType = amendGrid(elemGrid, ncfile, gridGroup, ncfile.getLocation()); } else { log.warn("Cant find Grid group {} {}", gridName, ncfile.getLocation()); } } } // POINT - NOT DONE YET Element pointStructure = root.getChild("PointStructure"); if (pointStructure != null) { List<Element> pts = pointStructure.getChildren(); for (Element elem : pts) { Element nameElem = elem.getChild("PointName"); if (nameElem == null) { log.warn("No PointName element in {} {}", elem.getName(), ncfile.getLocation()); continue; } String name = nameElem.getText().trim(); Group ptGroup = findGroupNested(rootg, name); // if (ptGroup == null) // ptGroup = findGroupNested(rootg, H4header.createValidObjectName(name)); if (ptGroup != null) { featureType = FeatureType.POINT; } else { log.warn("Cant find Point group {} {}", name, ncfile.getLocation()); } } } if (featureType != null) { if (showWork) System.out.println("***EOS featureType= " + featureType.toString()); rootg.addAttribute(new Attribute(CF.FEATURE_TYPE, featureType.toString())); // rootg.addAttribute(new Attribute(CDM.CONVENTIONS, "HDFEOS")); } }
/** * Create a LayoutEditor object, then register and fill it, then pop it in a JFrame * * @param shared Top level Element to unpack. */ @Override public boolean load(Element shared, Element perNode) { boolean result = true; Attribute a; // find coordinates int x = 0; int y = 0; // From this version onwards separate sizes for window and panel are used int windowHeight = 400; int windowWidth = 300; int panelHeight = 340; int panelWidth = 280; int sidetrackwidth = 3; int mainlinetrackwidth = 3; try { x = shared.getAttribute("x").getIntValue(); y = shared.getAttribute("y").getIntValue(); // For compatibility with previous versions, try and see if height and width tags are // contained in the file if ((a = shared.getAttribute("height")) != null) { windowHeight = a.getIntValue(); panelHeight = windowHeight - 60; } if ((a = shared.getAttribute("width")) != null) { windowWidth = a.getIntValue(); panelWidth = windowWidth - 18; } // For files created by the new version, retrieve window and panel sizes if ((a = shared.getAttribute("windowheight")) != null) { windowHeight = a.getIntValue(); } if ((a = shared.getAttribute("windowwidth")) != null) { windowWidth = a.getIntValue(); } if ((a = shared.getAttribute("panelheight")) != null) { panelHeight = a.getIntValue(); } if ((a = shared.getAttribute("panelwidth")) != null) { panelWidth = a.getIntValue(); } mainlinetrackwidth = shared.getAttribute("mainlinetrackwidth").getIntValue(); sidetrackwidth = shared.getAttribute("sidetrackwidth").getIntValue(); } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) { log.error("failed to convert LayoutEditor's attribute"); result = false; } double xScale = 1.0; double yScale = 1.0; a = shared.getAttribute("xscale"); if (a != null) { try { xScale = (Float.parseFloat(a.getValue())); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to convert to float - " + a.getValue()); result = false; } } a = shared.getAttribute("yscale"); if (a != null) { try { yScale = (Float.parseFloat(a.getValue())); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to convert to float - " + a.getValue()); result = false; } } // find the name and default track color String name = ""; if (shared.getAttribute("name") != null) { name = shared.getAttribute("name").getValue(); } if (jmri.jmrit.display.PanelMenu.instance().isPanelNameUsed(name)) { JFrame frame = new JFrame("DialogDemo"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); log.warn("File contains a panel with the same name (" + name + ") as an existing panel"); int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( frame, java.text.MessageFormat.format(rb.getString("DuplicatePanel"), new Object[] {name}), rb.getString("DuplicatePanelTitle"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (n == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { return false; } } String defaultColor = "black"; String defaultTextColor = "black"; if (shared.getAttribute("defaulttrackcolor") != null) { defaultColor = shared.getAttribute("defaulttrackcolor").getValue(); } if (shared.getAttribute("defaulttextcolor") != null) { defaultTextColor = shared.getAttribute("defaulttextcolor").getValue(); } String turnoutCircleColor = "track"; // default to using use default track color for circle color if (shared.getAttribute("turnoutcirclecolor") != null) { turnoutCircleColor = shared.getAttribute("turnoutcirclecolor").getValue(); } int turnoutCircleSize = 2; if (shared.getAttribute("turnoutcirclesize") != null) { try { turnoutCircleSize = shared.getAttribute("turnoutcirclesize").getIntValue(); } catch (DataConversionException e1) { // leave at default if cannot convert log.warn("unable to convert turnoutcirclesize"); } } boolean turnoutDrawUnselectedLeg = true; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("turnoutdrawunselectedleg")) != null && a.getValue().equals("no")) { turnoutDrawUnselectedLeg = false; } // create the objects LayoutEditor panel = new LayoutEditor(name); panel.setLayoutName(name); panel.setMainlineTrackWidth(mainlinetrackwidth); panel.setSideTrackWidth(sidetrackwidth); panel.setDefaultTrackColor(defaultColor); panel.setDefaultTextColor(defaultTextColor); panel.setTurnoutCircleColor(turnoutCircleColor); panel.setTurnoutCircleSize(turnoutCircleSize); panel.setTurnoutDrawUnselectedLeg(turnoutDrawUnselectedLeg); panel.setXScale(xScale); panel.setYScale(yScale); // turnout size parameters double sz = 20.0; a = shared.getAttribute("turnoutbx"); if (a != null) { try { sz = (Float.parseFloat(a.getValue())); panel.setTurnoutBX(sz); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to convert to float - " + a.getValue()); result = false; } } a = shared.getAttribute("turnoutcx"); if (a != null) { try { sz = (Float.parseFloat(a.getValue())); panel.setTurnoutCX(sz); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to convert to float - " + a.getValue()); result = false; } } a = shared.getAttribute("turnoutwid"); if (a != null) { try { sz = (Float.parseFloat(a.getValue())); panel.setTurnoutWid(sz); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to convert to float - " + a.getValue()); result = false; } } a = shared.getAttribute("xoverlong"); if (a != null) { try { sz = (Float.parseFloat(a.getValue())); panel.setXOverLong(sz); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to convert to float - " + a.getValue()); result = false; } } a = shared.getAttribute("xoverhwid"); if (a != null) { try { sz = (Float.parseFloat(a.getValue())); panel.setXOverHWid(sz); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to convert to float - " + a.getValue()); result = false; } } a = shared.getAttribute("xovershort"); if (a != null) { try { sz = (Float.parseFloat(a.getValue())); panel.setXOverShort(sz); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to convert to float - " + a.getValue()); result = false; } } // grid size parameter int iz = 10; // thisw value is never used but it's the default a = shared.getAttribute("gridSize"); if (a != null) { try { iz = (Integer.parseInt(a.getValue())); panel.setGridSize(iz); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to convert to int - " + a.getValue()); result = false; } } // set contents state String slValue = "both"; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("sliders")) != null && a.getValue().equals("no")) { slValue = "none"; } if ((a = shared.getAttribute("scrollable")) != null) { slValue = a.getValue(); } boolean edValue = true; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("editable")) != null && a.getValue().equals("no")) { edValue = false; } boolean value = true; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("positionable")) != null && a.getValue().equals("no")) { value = false; } panel.setAllPositionable(value); value = true; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("controlling")) != null && a.getValue().equals("no")) { value = false; } panel.setAllControlling(value); value = true; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("animating")) != null && a.getValue().equals("no")) { value = false; } panel.setTurnoutAnimation(value); boolean hbValue = true; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("showhelpbar")) != null && a.getValue().equals("no")) { hbValue = false; } boolean dgValue = false; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("drawgrid")) != null && a.getValue().equals("yes")) { dgValue = true; } boolean sgaValue = false; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("snaponadd")) != null && a.getValue().equals("yes")) { sgaValue = true; } boolean sgmValue = false; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("snaponmove")) != null && a.getValue().equals("yes")) { sgmValue = true; } boolean aaValue = false; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("antialiasing")) != null && a.getValue().equals("yes")) { aaValue = true; } value = false; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("turnoutcircles")) != null && a.getValue().equals("yes")) { value = true; } panel.setTurnoutCircles(value); value = false; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("tooltipsnotedit")) != null && a.getValue().equals("yes")) { value = true; } panel.setTooltipsNotEdit(value); value = false; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("autoblkgenerate")) != null && a.getValue().equals("yes")) { value = true; } panel.setAutoBlockAssignment(value); value = true; if ((a = shared.getAttribute("tooltipsinedit")) != null && a.getValue().equals("no")) { value = false; } panel.setTooltipsInEdit(value); // set default track color if ((a = shared.getAttribute("defaulttrackcolor")) != null) { panel.setDefaultTrackColor(a.getValue()); } // set default track color if ((a = shared.getAttribute("defaultoccupiedtrackcolor")) != null) { panel.setDefaultOccupiedTrackColor(a.getValue()); } // set default track color if ((a = shared.getAttribute("defaultalternativetrackcolor")) != null) { panel.setDefaultAlternativeTrackColor(a.getValue()); } try { int red = shared.getAttribute("redBackground").getIntValue(); int blue = shared.getAttribute("blueBackground").getIntValue(); int green = shared.getAttribute("greenBackground").getIntValue(); panel.setDefaultBackgroundColor(ColorUtil.colorToString(new Color(red, green, blue))); panel.setBackgroundColor(new Color(red, green, blue)); } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) { log.warn("Could not parse color attributes!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // considered normal if the attributes are not present } if (shared.getAttribute("useDirectTurnoutControl") != null) { if (shared.getAttribute("useDirectTurnoutControl").getValue().equals("yes")) { panel.setDirectTurnoutControl(true); } } // Set editor's option flags, load content after // this so that individual item flags are set as saved panel.initView(); // load the contents List<Element> items = shared.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { // get the class, hence the adapter object to do loading Element item = items.get(i); String adapterName = item.getAttribute("class").getValue(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { String id = "<null>"; try { id = item.getAttribute("ident").getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { } log.debug("Load " + id + " for [" + panel.getName() + "] via " + adapterName); } try { XmlAdapter adapter = (XmlAdapter) Class.forName(adapterName).newInstance(); // and do it adapter.load(item, panel); if (!panel.loadOK()) { result = false; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception while loading " + item.getName() + ":" + e); result = false; e.printStackTrace(); } } panel.disposeLoadData(); // dispose of url correction data // final initialization of objects panel.setConnections(); // display the results panel.setAllEditable(edValue); // set first since other attribute use this setting panel.setShowHelpBar(hbValue); panel.setDrawGrid(dgValue); panel.setSnapOnAdd(sgaValue); panel.setSnapOnMove(sgmValue); panel.setAntialiasingOn(aaValue); panel.setScroll(slValue); panel.pack(); panel.setLayoutDimensions(windowWidth, windowHeight, x, y, panelWidth, panelHeight); panel.setVisible(true); // always show the panel panel.resetDirty(); // register the resulting panel for later configuration InstanceManager.getOptionalDefault(jmri.ConfigureManager.class).registerUser(panel); if (jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.TransitManager.class).getSystemNameList().size() > 0) { if (shared.getAttribute("openDispatcher") != null) { if (shared.getAttribute("openDispatcher").getValue().equals("yes")) { panel.setOpenDispatcherOnLoad(true); jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.DispatcherFrame.instance(); } else { panel.setOpenDispatcherOnLoad(false); } } } return result; }
/** * form and apply a parent organ to parts * * @param description: * @param statement * @param parentStructure element holding a candidate parent * @param parentOfParentStructure string of the name of the parent organ of the parentstructure * @return */ private String attachParentOrganToOtherBiologicalEntities( Document document, Element description, Element statement, Element parentStructure, String parentOfParentStructure, String nonSpecificParts) { String parentOrgan = getParentOrgan(document, description, parentStructure, parentOfParentStructure); // parentorgan = parentorgan.trim(); // attach parentorgan to other 'structures' in this statement List<Element> biologicalEntities = statement.getChildren("biological_entity"); // could include 'relation' too String parentStructureName = null; for (Element biologicalEntity : biologicalEntities) { if (!biologicalEntity.equals(parentStructure)) { // skip the 1st structure which is parentstruct if (!hasStructuralConstraint(biologicalEntity)) { String partOfChain = getPartOfChain(document, description, biologicalEntity, 3) .replace(" of ", ",") .trim(); // part of organ of organ String part = biologicalEntity.getAttributeValue("name") + (partOfChain.isEmpty() ? "" : "," + partOfChain); if (part.matches("\\b(" + nonSpecificParts + ")\\b.*") && !part.contains(",") && parentOrgan.equals("whole_organism")) { parentStructureName = hasPart( parentStructure, biologicalEntity, description, parentOrgan, part, nonSpecificParts); if (!parentStructureName.isEmpty()) { log( LogLevel.DEBUG, "===>[part of 1] use '" + parentStructureName + "' as constraint to '" + biologicalEntity.getName() + "'"); appendConstraint(biologicalEntity, formatParentOrgan(parentStructureName)); } else if (possess(parentStructure, biologicalEntity, description)) { parentStructureName = formatParentOrgan(parentOrgan); log( LogLevel.DEBUG, "===>[possess] use '" + parentStructureName + "' as constraint to '" + biologicalEntity.getName() + "'"); appendConstraint(biologicalEntity, formatParentOrgan(parentStructureName)); } } } } } return parentStructureName != null ? parentStructureName : parentOrgan.replaceAll("(^,|,$)", ""); }
/** * if parentStruct and partStruct has a non-possessing relation, return "" (e.g., The nucleus * situated in the posterior part of the body. => Body is not part of Nucleus.) otherwise (i.e. * has no relation, or has a possessing relation), return parent structure name as a string * * @param parentStructure * @param partStructure * @param description * @param parentName a list of organ, separated by ',', listed from suborgan to parent organ. * @param partName a list of organ, separated by ',', listed from suborgan to parent organ. * @return the name of parent structure (Format: "blade,leaf"), or "" if parentStruct is not a * parent */ private String hasPart( Element parentStructure, Element partStructure, Element description, String parentName, String partName, String nonSpecificParts) { if (partName.contains(",")) { return partName.substring(partName.indexOf(",")).trim(); } List<Element> statements = description.getChildren("statement"); // check relations for evidence boolean hasRelation = false; boolean hasPossessRelation = false; for (Element statement : statements) { List<Element> relations = statement.getChildren("relation"); for (Element relation : relations) { String from = relation.getAttributeValue("from"); String to = relation.getAttributeValue("to"); if ((from != null && from.equals(parentStructure.getAttributeValue("id")) && to != null && to.equals(partStructure.getAttributeValue("id")))) { hasRelation = true; if (possessionTerms.contains(relation.getName())) hasPossessRelation = true; } } } // check character constraints for evidence String parentId = parentStructure.getAttributeValue("id"); String partId = partStructure.getAttributeValue("id"); for (Element statement : statements) { List<Element> biologicalEnties = statement.getChildren("biological_entity"); for (Element biologicalEntity : biologicalEnties) { for (Element character : biologicalEntity.getChildren("character")) { String constraintId = character.getAttributeValue("constraintid"); String constraint = character.getAttributeValue("constraint"); if (constraintId != null && constraintId.equals(partId) && biologicalEntity.getAttributeValue("id").equals(parentId) && constraint != null) { hasRelation = true; if (possessionTerms.contains( constraint.contains(" ") ? constraint.substring(0, constraint.indexOf(" ")) : constraint)) // first word in constraint string is in possess hasPossessRelation = true; } } } } if (!hasRelation || (hasRelation && hasPossessRelation)) { if (partName.matches("\\b(" + nonSpecificParts + ")\\b.*") && !partName.contains(",")) { parentName = parentName.replaceFirst( "(\\b(" + nonSpecificParts + ")\\b,? ?)+", ""); // "base of surface, stem" does not make sense. return parentName; } } return ""; }
public static void read(org.jdom2.Element root, StringBuilder errlog) { List children = root.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { Element elem = (Element) children.get(i); if (elem.getName().equals("ioServiceProvider")) { String className = elem.getAttributeValue("class"); try { ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile.registerIOProvider(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { errlog.append( "CoordSysBuilder class not found= " + className + "; check your classpath\n"); } catch (Exception e) { errlog.append("IOServiceProvider " + className + " failed= " + e.getMessage() + "\n"); } } else if (elem.getName().equals("coordSysBuilder")) { String conventionName = elem.getAttributeValue("convention"); String className = elem.getAttributeValue("class"); try { ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordSysBuilder.registerConvention(conventionName, className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { errlog.append( "CoordSysBuilder class not found= " + className + "; check your classpath\n"); } catch (Exception e) { errlog.append("CoordSysBuilder " + className + " failed= " + e.getMessage() + "\n"); } } else if (elem.getName().equals("coordTransBuilder")) { String transformName = elem.getAttributeValue("name"); String className = elem.getAttributeValue("class"); try { ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordTransBuilder.registerTransform(transformName, className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { errlog.append( "CoordSysBuilder class not found= " + className + "; check your classpath\n"); } catch (Exception e) { errlog.append("CoordTransBuilder " + className + " failed= " + e.getMessage() + "\n"); } } else if (elem.getName().equals("typedDatasetFactory")) { String typeName = elem.getAttributeValue("datatype"); String className = elem.getAttributeValue("class"); FeatureType datatype = FeatureType.valueOf(typeName.toUpperCase()); if (null == datatype) { errlog.append( "TypedDatasetFactory " + className + " unknown datatype= " + typeName + "\n"); continue; } try { ucar.nc2.dt.TypedDatasetFactory.registerFactory(datatype, className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { errlog.append( "CoordSysBuilder class not found= " + className + "; check your classpath\n"); } catch (Exception e) { errlog.append("TypedDatasetFactory " + className + " failed= " + e.getMessage() + "\n"); } } else if (elem.getName().equals("gribParameterTable")) { String editionS = elem.getAttributeValue("edition"); String centerS = elem.getAttributeValue("center"); String subcenterS = elem.getAttributeValue("subcenter"); String versionS = elem.getAttributeValue("version"); String filename = elem.getText(); if ((centerS == null) || (versionS == null) || (filename == null)) { errlog.append("table element must center, version and filename attributes\n"); continue; } // Grib1ParamTables.addParameterTable(int center, int subcenter, int tableVersion, String // filename) { // use reflection to decouple from the grib package try { int center = Integer.parseInt(centerS); int subcenter = (subcenterS == null) ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(subcenterS); int version = Integer.parseInt(versionS); // ucar.nc2.grib.grib1.tables.Grib1ParamTables.addParameterTable(int center, int // subcenter, int tableVersion, String tableFilename) Class c = RuntimeConfigParser.class .getClassLoader() .loadClass("ucar.nc2.grib.grib1.tables.Grib1ParamTables"); Method m = c.getMethod("addParameterTable", int.class, int.class, int.class, String.class); m.invoke(null, center, subcenter, version, filename); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String strictS = elem.getAttributeValue("strict"); if (strictS != null) { boolean notStrict = strictS.equalsIgnoreCase("false"); try { Class c = RuntimeConfigParser.class .getClassLoader() .loadClass("ucar.grib.grib1.tables.Grib1ParamTables"); Method m = c.getMethod("setStrict", boolean.class); m.invoke(null, !notStrict); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } continue; } } else if (elem.getName().equals("gribParameterTableLookup")) { String editionS = elem.getAttributeValue("edition"); String filename = elem.getText(); // ucar.nc2.grib.grib1.tables.Grib1ParamTables.addParameterTableLookup(String // lookupFilename) try { Class c = RuntimeConfigParser.class .getClassLoader() .loadClass("ucar.nc2.grib.grib1.tables.Grib1ParamTables"); Method m = c.getMethod("addParameterTableLookup", String.class); m.invoke(null, filename); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (elem.getName().equals("table")) { String type = elem.getAttributeValue("type"); String filename = elem.getAttributeValue("filename"); if ((type == null) || (filename == null)) { errlog.append("table element must have both type and filename attributes\n"); continue; } try { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("GRIB1")) { // ucar.grib.grib1.GribPDSParamTable.addParameterUserLookup( filename); // use reflection instead to decouple from the grib package try { Class c = RuntimeConfigParser.class .getClassLoader() .loadClass("ucar.grib.grib1.GribPDSParamTable"); Method m = c.getMethod("addParameterUserLookup", String.class); m.invoke(null, filename); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("GRIB2")) { // ucar.grib.grib2.ParameterTable.addParametersUser( filename); try { Class c = RuntimeConfigParser.class .getClassLoader() .loadClass(" ucar.grib.grib2.ParameterTable"); Method m = c.getMethod("addParametersUser", String.class); m.invoke(null, filename); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { errlog.append("Unknown table type " + type + "\n"); continue; } } catch (Exception e) { errlog.append("table read failed on " + filename + " = " + e.getMessage() + "\n"); } } else if (elem.getName().equals("bufrtable")) { String filename = elem.getAttributeValue("filename"); if (filename == null) { errlog.append("bufrtable must have filename attribute\n"); continue; } // reflection is used to decouple optional jars Class bufrTablesClass; try { bufrTablesClass = RuntimeConfigParser.class .getClassLoader() .loadClass( "ucar.nc2.iosp.bufr.tables.BufrTables"); // only load if bufr.jar is present java.lang.Class[] params = new Class[1]; params[0] = String.class; Method method = bufrTablesClass.getMethod("addLookupFile", params); Object[] args = new Object[1]; args[0] = filename; method.invoke(null, args); // static method has null for object } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof FileNotFoundException) errlog.append("bufrtable read failed on " + filename + " = " + e.getMessage() + "\n"); else errlog.append("bufr.jar is not on classpath\n"); } } else if (elem.getName().equals("Netcdf4Clibrary")) { // cdm does not have a dependency on netcdf4 (and we don't want to introduce one), // so we cannot refer to the Nc4Iosp.class object. String nc4IospClassName = "ucar.nc2.jni.netcdf.Nc4Iosp"; /* <Netcdf4Clibrary> <libraryPath>/usr/local/lib</libraryPath> <libraryName>netcdf</libraryName> <useForReading>false</useForReading> </Netcdf4Clibrary> */ String path = elem.getChildText("libraryPath"); String name = elem.getChildText("libraryName"); if (path != null && name != null) { // reflection is used to decouple optional jars try { Class nc4IospClass = RuntimeConfigParser.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(nc4IospClassName); Method method = nc4IospClass.getMethod( "setLibraryAndPath", new Class[] {String.class, String.class}); method.invoke(null, path, name); // static method has null for object } catch (Throwable e) { errlog.append(nc4IospClassName + " is not on classpath\n"); } } boolean useForReading = Boolean.parseBoolean(elem.getChildText("useForReading")); if (useForReading) { try { // Registers Nc4Iosp in front of all the other IOSPs already registered in // NetcdfFile.<clinit>(). // Crucially, this means that we'll try to open a file with Nc4Iosp before we try it // with H5iosp. NetcdfFile.registerIOProvider(nc4IospClassName); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassNotFoundException e) { errlog.append( String.format( "Could not register IOSP '%s': %s%n", nc4IospClassName, e.getMessage())); } } } } }
/** Parse a DAX file with jdom */ private void parseXmlFile(String path) { try { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); // parse using builder to get DOM representation of the XML file Document dom = File(path)); Element root = dom.getRootElement(); List list = root.getChildren(); for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Element node = (Element); if (node.getName().toLowerCase().equals("job")) { long length = 0; String nodeName = node.getAttributeValue("id"); String nodeType = node.getAttributeValue("name"); /** * capture runtime. If not exist, by default the runtime is 0.1. Otherwise CloudSim would * ignore this task. BUG/#11 */ double runtime = 0.1; if (node.getAttributeValue("runtime") != null) { String nodeTime = node.getAttributeValue("runtime"); runtime = 1000 * Double.parseDouble(nodeTime); if (runtime < 100) { runtime = 100; } length = (long) runtime; } else { Log.printLine("Cannot find runtime for " + nodeName + ",set it to be 0"); } // multiple the scale, by default it is 1.0 length *= Parameters.getRuntimeScale(); List fileList = node.getChildren(); List mFileList = new ArrayList<org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File>(); for (Iterator itf = fileList.iterator(); itf.hasNext(); ) { Element file = (Element); if (file.getName().toLowerCase().equals("uses")) { String fileName = file.getAttributeValue("name"); // DAX version 3.3 if (fileName == null) { fileName = file.getAttributeValue("file"); // DAX version 3.0 } if (fileName == null) { Log.print("Error in parsing xml"); } String inout = file.getAttributeValue("link"); double size = 0.0; String fileSize = file.getAttributeValue("size"); if (fileSize != null) { size = Double.parseDouble(fileSize) /*/ 1024*/; } else { Log.printLine("File Size not found for " + fileName); } /** a bug of cloudsim, size 0 causes a problem. 1 is ok. */ if (size == 0) { size++; } /** Sets the file type 1 is input 2 is output */ int type = 0; if (inout.equals("input")) { type = Parameters.FileType.INPUT.value; } else if (inout.equals("output")) { type = Parameters.FileType.OUTPUT.value; } else { Log.printLine("Parsing Error"); } org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File tFile; /* * Already exists an input file (forget output file) */ if (size < 0) { /* * Assuming it is a parsing error */ size = 0 - size; Log.printLine("Size is negative, I assume it is a parser error"); } if (type == Parameters.FileType.OUTPUT.value) { /** It is good that CloudSim does tell whether a size is zero */ tFile = new org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File(fileName, (int) size); } else if (ReplicaCatalog.containsFile(fileName)) { tFile = ReplicaCatalog.getFile(fileName); } else { tFile = new org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File(fileName, (int) size); ReplicaCatalog.setFile(fileName, tFile); } tFile.setType(type); mFileList.add(tFile); } } Task task; // In case of multiple workflow submission. Make sure the jobIdStartsFrom is consistent. synchronized (this) { task = new Task(this.jobIdStartsFrom, length); this.jobIdStartsFrom++; } task.setType(nodeType); task.setUserId(userId); mName2Task.put(nodeName, task); for (Iterator itm = mFileList.iterator(); itm.hasNext(); ) { org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File file = (org.cloudbus.cloudsim.File); task.addRequiredFile(file.getName()); } task.setFileList(mFileList); this.getTaskList().add(task); /** Add dependencies info. */ } else if (node.getName().toLowerCase().equals("child")) { List pList = node.getChildren(); String childName = node.getAttributeValue("ref"); if (mName2Task.containsKey(childName)) { Task childTask = (Task) mName2Task.get(childName); for (Iterator itc = pList.iterator(); itc.hasNext(); ) { Element parent = (Element); String parentName = parent.getAttributeValue("ref"); if (mName2Task.containsKey(parentName)) { Task parentTask = (Task) mName2Task.get(parentName); parentTask.addChild(childTask); childTask.addParent(parentTask); } } } } } /** If a task has no parent, then it is root task. */ ArrayList roots = new ArrayList<Task>(); for (Iterator it = mName2Task.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Task task = (Task); task.setDepth(0); if (task.getParentList().isEmpty()) { roots.add(task); } } /** Add depth from top to bottom. */ for (Iterator it = roots.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Task task = (Task); setDepth(task, 1); } /** Clean them so as to save memory. Parsing workflow may take much memory */ this.mName2Task.clear(); } catch (JDOMException jde) { Log.printLine("JDOM Exception;Please make sure your dax file is valid"); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.printLine("IO Exception;Please make sure dax.path is correctly set in your config file"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.printLine("Parsing Exception"); } }