static void filterMarkerInAttribute(List<Element> eltList, Map<String, Object> parameterMap) { final Pattern patternMarker = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{([^}]+)\\}"); // matching pattern is ${..} for (Element elt : eltList) { for (Attribute attribute : elt.getAttributes()) { String attributeValue = attribute.getValue(); if (attributeValue == null) { continue; } Matcher matcher = patternMarker.matcher(attributeValue); while (matcher.find()) { String marker =; // full pattern matched ${..} String markerName =; // get only text between curly braces String parameterValue = ServletUtil.getFirstParameter(parameterMap.get(markerName)); if (parameterValue != null) { attributeValue = attributeValue.replace(marker, parameterValue); attribute.setValue(attributeValue); } else { logger.warn( "Found marker \"" + marker + "\" with NO matching parameter in Element <" + elt.getName() + "> " + attribute); } } } } }
static void parseXml(Element p_element, MessageDigest p_md, ArrayList<String> p_ignoreList) { p_md.update(p_element.getName().getBytes()); String content = p_element.getText(); if (content != null) { p_md.update(content.getBytes()); } for (Attribute attribute : p_element.getAttributes()) { String name = attribute.getName(); if (p_ignoreList.contains(name)) { continue; } String value = attribute.getValue(); if (value != null) { p_md.update(value.getBytes()); } } for (Element child : p_element.getChildren()) { parseXml(child, p_md, p_ignoreList); } }
private void checkID(final JElement je) { final org.jdom2.Element emt = (org.jdom2.Element) (je.shadow); if (emt.hasAttributes()) { for (final Attribute a : emt.getAttributes()) { if (a.getAttributeType() == AttributeType.ID) { if (idmap.put(a.getValue(), je) != null) { throw new DOMException( DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR, "Multiple elements with id " + a.getValue()); } } } } }
/** * This will invoke the <code>startElement</code> callback in the <code>ContentHandler</code>. * * @param element <code>Element</code> used in callbacks. * @param nsAtts <code>List</code> of namespaces to declare with the element or <code>null</code>. */ private void startElement(Element element, Attributes nsAtts) throws JDOMException { String namespaceURI = element.getNamespaceURI(); String localName = element.getName(); String rawName = element.getQualifiedName(); // Allocate attribute list. AttributesImpl atts = (nsAtts != null) ? new AttributesImpl(nsAtts) : new AttributesImpl(); for (Attribute a : element.getAttributes()) { atts.addAttribute( a.getNamespaceURI(), a.getName(), a.getQualifiedName(), getAttributeTypeName(a.getAttributeType()), a.getValue()); } try { contentHandler.startElement(namespaceURI, localName, rawName, atts); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new JDOMException("Exception in startElement", se); } }
void metaVersusData(Element p_element) { m_metaSize += p_element.getName().length(); String content = p_element.getText(); if (content != null) m_dataSize += content.length(); for (Attribute attribute : p_element.getAttributes()) { String name = attribute.getName(); m_metaSize += name.length(); String value = attribute.getValue(); if (value != null) { m_dataSize += value.length(); } } for (Element child : p_element.getChildren()) { metaVersusData(child); } }
Portal loadPortal(Element elem) { String sysName = null; String userName = elem.getAttribute("portalName").getValue(); if (elem.getAttribute("systemName") == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Portal systemName is null"); } } else { sysName = elem.getAttribute("systemName").getValue(); } String fromBlockName = null; String toBlockName = null; // Portals must have user names. Portal portal = _portalMgr.getByUserName(userName); if (portal != null) { fromBlockName = portal.getFromBlock().getSystemName(); toBlockName = portal.getToBlock().getSystemName(); } else { portal = _portalMgr.providePortal(userName); } if (portal == null) { log.error( "unable to create Portal (" + sysName + ", " + userName + ") " + elem + " " + elem.getAttributes()); return null; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("create Portal: (" + sysName + ", " + userName + ")"); } OBlock fromBlock = null; Element eFromBlk = elem.getChild("fromBlock"); if (eFromBlk != null && eFromBlk.getAttribute("blockName") != null) { String name = eFromBlk.getAttribute("blockName").getValue(); if (fromBlockName != null && !fromBlockName.equals(name)) { log.error( "Portal has user name \"" + userName + "\" conflicting with " + portal.toString()); } else { fromBlock = getBlock(name); if (fromBlock != null) { portal.setFromBlock(fromBlock, false); fromBlock.addPortal(portal); List<Element> ePathsFromBlock = eFromBlk.getChildren("path"); for (int i = 0; i < ePathsFromBlock.size(); i++) { Element e = ePathsFromBlock.get(i); String pathName = e.getAttribute("pathName").getValue(); String blockName = e.getAttribute("blockName").getValue(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Load portal= " + userName + " fromBlock= " + fromBlock.getSystemName() + " pathName= " + pathName + " blockName= " + blockName); } /*(if (fromBlock.getSystemName().equals(blockName))*/ { // path is in the fromBlock OPath path = getPath(fromBlock, pathName); portal.addPath(path); } } } } } else { log.error("Portal \"" + userName + "\" has no fromBlock!"); } OBlock toBlock = null; Element eToBlk = elem.getChild("toBlock"); if (eToBlk != null && eToBlk.getAttribute("blockName") != null) { String name = eToBlk.getAttribute("blockName").getValue(); if (toBlockName != null && !toBlockName.equals(name)) { log.error( "Portal has user name \"" + userName + "\" conflicting with " + portal.toString()); } else { toBlock = getBlock(name); if (toBlock != null) { portal.setToBlock(toBlock, false); toBlock.addPortal(portal); List<Element> ePathsToBlock = eToBlk.getChildren("path"); for (int i = 0; i < ePathsToBlock.size(); i++) { Element e = ePathsToBlock.get(i); String pathName = e.getAttribute("pathName").getValue(); String blockName = e.getAttribute("blockName").getValue(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Load portal= " + userName + " toBlock= " + toBlock.getSystemName() + " pathName= " + pathName + " blockName= " + blockName); } /*if (toBlock.getSystemName().equals(blockName))*/ { // path is in the toBlock OPath path = getPath(toBlock, pathName); portal.addPath(path); } } } } } else { log.error("Portal \"" + userName + "\" has no toBlock!"); } Element eSignal = elem.getChild("fromSignal"); if (eSignal != null) { String name = eSignal.getAttribute("signalName").getValue(); float length = 0.0f; try { Attribute attr = eSignal.getAttribute("signalDelay"); if (attr != null) { length = attr.getFloatValue(); } } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) { log.error( "Could not parse signalDelay for signal (" + name + ") in portal (" + userName + ")"); } portal.setProtectSignal(Portal.getSignal(name), length, toBlock); } eSignal = elem.getChild("toSignal"); if (eSignal != null) { String name = eSignal.getAttribute("signalName").getValue(); float length = 0.0f; try { Attribute attr = eSignal.getAttribute("signalDelay"); if (attr != null) { length = attr.getFloatValue(); } } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) { log.error( "Could not parse signalDelay for signal (" + name + ") in portal (" + userName + ")"); } portal.setProtectSignal(Portal.getSignal(name), length, fromBlock); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("End Load portal " + userName); } return portal; }
void loadBlock(Element elem) { if (elem.getAttribute("systemName") == null) { log.error("unexpected null in systemName " + elem + " " + elem.getAttributes()); return; } String sysName = elem.getAttribute("systemName").getValue(); String userName = null; if (elem.getAttribute("userName") != null) { userName = elem.getAttribute("userName").getValue(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Load block sysName= " + sysName + " userName= "******"Null block!! sysName= " + sysName + ", userName= "******"comment"); if (c != null) { block.setComment(c); } if (elem.getAttribute("units") != null) { block.setMetricUnits(elem.getAttribute("units").getValue().equals("true")); } else { block.setMetricUnits(false); } if (elem.getAttribute("length") != null) { block.setLength(Float.valueOf(elem.getAttribute("length").getValue()).floatValue()); } if (elem.getAttribute("curve") != null) { block.setCurvature(Integer.parseInt((elem.getAttribute("curve")).getValue())); } List<Element> sensors = elem.getChildren("sensor"); if (sensors.size() > 1) { log.error("More than one sensor present: " + sensors.size()); } if (sensors.size() > 0) { // sensor String name = sensors.get(0).getAttribute("systemName").getValue(); block.setSensor(name); } Element errSensor = elem.getChild("errorSensor"); if (errSensor != null) { // sensor String name = errSensor.getAttribute("systemName").getValue(); // Sensor sensor = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().provideSensor(name); block.setErrorSensor(name); } Element reporter = elem.getChild("reporter"); if (reporter != null) { // sensor String name = reporter.getAttribute("systemName").getValue(); // Sensor sensor = InstanceManager.sensorManagerInstance().provideSensor(name); try { Reporter rep = InstanceManager.reporterManagerInstance().getReporter(name); if (rep != null) { block.setReporter(rep); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("No Reporter named \"" + name + "\" found. threw exception: " + ex); } if (reporter.getAttribute("reportCurrent") != null) { block.setReportingCurrent(reporter.getAttribute("reportCurrent").getValue().equals("true")); } else { block.setReportingCurrent(false); } } if (elem.getAttribute("permissive") != null) { block.setPermissiveWorking(elem.getAttribute("permissive").getValue().equals("true")); } else { block.setPermissiveWorking(false); } if (elem.getAttribute("speedNotch") != null) { try { block.setBlockSpeed(elem.getAttribute("speedNotch").getValue()); } catch (jmri.JmriException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, ex.getMessage() + "\n" + elem.getAttribute("speedNotch").getValue()); } } List<Element> portals = elem.getChildren("portal"); for (int k = 0; k < portals.size(); k++) { block.addPortal(loadPortal(portals.get(k))); } List<Element> paths = elem.getChildren("path"); for (int j = 0; j < paths.size(); j++) { if (!block.addPath(loadPath(paths.get(j), block))) { log.error( "load: block \"" + sysName + "\" failed to add path \"" + paths.get(j).getName() + "\" in block \"" + block.getSystemName() + "\""); } } }
@Override public boolean load(Element shared, Element perNode) { WarrantManager manager = InstanceManager.getDefault(WarrantManager.class); // don't continue on to build NXFrame if no content if (shared.getChildren().size() == 0) return true; if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { NXFrame nxFrame = NXFrame.getInstance(); loadNXParams(nxFrame, shared.getChild("nxparams")); // nxFrame.init(); don't make visible } List<Element> warrantList = shared.getChildren("warrant"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Found " + warrantList.size() + " Warrant objects"); for (int i = 0; i < warrantList.size(); i++) { Element elem = warrantList.get(i); if (elem.getAttribute("systemName") == null) { log.warn("unexpected null in systemName " + elem + " " + elem.getAttributes()); break; } String sysName = null; if (elem.getAttribute("systemName") != null) sysName = elem.getAttribute("systemName").getValue(); String userName = null; if (elem.getAttribute("userName") != null) userName = elem.getAttribute("userName").getValue(); boolean SCWa = true; log.debug("loading warrant " + sysName); Attribute wType = elem.getAttribute("wtype"); if (wType == null) { log.debug("wtype is null for " + sysName); SCWa = false; } else if (!wType.getValue().equals("SC")) { log.debug("wtype is " + wType.getValue() + " for " + sysName); SCWa = false; } long timeToPlatform = 500; Attribute TTP = elem.getAttribute("timeToPlatform"); if (TTP != null) { try { timeToPlatform = TTP.getLongValue(); } catch (DataConversionException e) { log.debug( "ignoring DataConversionException (and reverting to default value): " + e.toString()); } } Warrant warrant = manager.createNewWarrant(sysName, userName, SCWa, timeToPlatform); if (warrant == null) { "Warrant \"" + sysName + "(" + userName + ")\" previously loaded. This version not loaded."); continue; } List<Element> orders = elem.getChildren("blockOrder"); for (int k = 0; k < orders.size(); k++) { BlockOrder bo = loadBlockOrder(orders.get(k)); if (bo == null) { break; } warrant.addBlockOrder(bo); } String c = elem.getChildText("comment"); if (c != null) { warrant.setComment(c); } Element order = elem.getChild("viaOrder"); if (order != null) { warrant.setViaOrder(loadBlockOrder(order)); } order = elem.getChild("avoidOrder"); if (order != null) { warrant.setAvoidOrder(loadBlockOrder(order)); } List<Element> throttleCmds = elem.getChildren("throttleCommand"); for (int k = 0; k < throttleCmds.size(); k++) { warrant.addThrottleCommand(loadThrottleCommand(throttleCmds.get(k))); } Element train = elem.getChild("train"); if (train != null) { loadTrain(train, warrant); } } return true; }