private String formatLogicalPackageMessage(LogicalPackage logicalPackage) { IScriptFolder[] fragments = logicalPackage.getScriptFolders(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(logicalPackage.getElementName()); buf.append(ScriptElementLabels.CONCAT_STRING); String message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ boolean firstTime = true; for (int i = 0; i < fragments.length; i++) { IScriptFolder fragment = fragments[i]; IModelElement element = fragment.getParent(); if (element instanceof IProjectFragment) { IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) element; String label = ScriptElementLabels.getDefault() .getElementLabel( root, ScriptElementLabels.DEFAULT_QUALIFIED | ScriptElementLabels.ROOT_QUALIFIED); if (firstTime) { buf.append(label); firstTime = false; } else message = Messages.format( ScriptBrowsingMessages.StatusBar_concat, new String[] {message, label}); } } buf.append(message); return buf.toString(); }
private IHyperlink getTemplateLink(ViewPath viewPath, IRegion wordRegion) { IScriptFolder folder = SymfonyModelAccess.getDefault() .findBundleFolder(viewPath.getBundle(), input.getScriptProject()); if (folder == null) { Logger.debugMSG("Unable to resolve template link: " + viewPath); return null; } String path = "Resources/views/"; if (viewPath.getController() != null) { path += viewPath.getController() + "/"; } path += viewPath.getTemplate(); ISourceModule module = folder.getSourceModule(path); if (module != null) { return new ModelElementHyperlink(wordRegion, module, new OpenAction(editor)); } return null; }
public Object getHierarchicalPackageParent(final IScriptFolder child) { String name = child.getElementName(); IProjectFragment parent = (IProjectFragment) child.getParent(); int index = name.lastIndexOf(IScriptFolder.PACKAGE_DELIMITER); if (index != -1) { String realParentName = name.substring(0, index); IScriptFolder element = parent.getScriptFolder(realParentName); if (element != null && element.exists()) { try { if (fFoldPackages && ScriptExplorerContentProvider.isEmpty(element) && ScriptExplorerContentProvider.findSinglePackageChild(element, parent.getChildren()) != null) { return getHierarchicalPackageParent(element); } } catch (ModelException e) { // ignore } return element; } else if (element != null) { // bug 65240 IResource resource = element.getResource(); if (resource != null) { return resource; } } } if (parent.getResource() instanceof IProject) { return parent.getScriptProject(); } return parent; }
private String getNameDelta(IScriptFolder parent, IScriptFolder fragment) { String prefix = parent.getElementName() + IScriptFolder.PACKAGE_DELIMITER; String fullName = fragment.getElementName(); if (fullName.startsWith(prefix)) { return fullName.substring(prefix.length()); } return fullName; }
private String getNameDelta(IFolder parent, IScriptFolder fragment) { IPath prefix = parent.getFullPath(); IPath fullPath = fragment.getPath(); if (prefix.isPrefixOf(fullPath)) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = prefix.segmentCount(); i < fullPath.segmentCount(); i++) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(IScriptFolder.PACKAGE_DELIMITER); buf.append(fullPath.segment(i)); } return buf.toString(); } return fragment.getElementName(); }
private static boolean hasReadOnlyResourcesAndSubResources(IModelElement modelElement) throws CoreException { switch (modelElement.getElementType()) { case IModelElement.SOURCE_MODULE: IResource resource = ReorgUtils.getResource(modelElement); return (resource != null && Resources.isReadOnly(resource)); case IModelElement.SCRIPT_FOLDER: IResource packResource = ReorgUtils.getResource(modelElement); if (packResource == null) return false; IScriptFolder pack = (IScriptFolder) modelElement; if (Resources.isReadOnly(packResource)) return true; Object[] nonScript = pack.getForeignResources(); for (int i = 0; i < nonScript.length; i++) { Object object = nonScript[i]; if (object instanceof IResource && hasReadOnlyResourcesAndSubResources((IResource) object)) return true; } return hasReadOnlyResourcesAndSubResources(pack.getChildren()); case IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT: IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) modelElement; if (root.isArchive()) return false; IResource pfrResource = ReorgUtils.getResource(modelElement); if (pfrResource == null) return false; if (Resources.isReadOnly(pfrResource)) return true; Object[] nonScript1 = root.getForeignResources(); for (int i = 0; i < nonScript1.length; i++) { Object object = nonScript1[i]; if (object instanceof IResource && hasReadOnlyResourcesAndSubResources((IResource) object)) return true; } return hasReadOnlyResourcesAndSubResources(root.getChildren()); case IModelElement.FIELD: // case IModelElement.IMPORT_CONTAINER: // case IModelElement.IMPORT_DECLARATION: // case IModelElement.INITIALIZER: case IModelElement.METHOD: // case IModelElement.PACKAGE_DECLARATION: case IModelElement.TYPE: return false; default: Assert.isTrue(false); // not handled here return false; } }
/** Adds all of the openables defined within this package fragment to the list. */ private void injectAllOpenablesForPackageFragment(IScriptFolder packFrag, ArrayList openables) { try { IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) packFrag.getParent(); int kind = root.getKind(); if (kind != 0) { boolean isSourcePackageFragment = (kind == IProjectFragment.K_SOURCE); if (isSourcePackageFragment) { ISourceModule[] cus = packFrag.getSourceModules(); for (int i = 0; i < cus.length; i++) { openables.add(cus[i]); } } } } catch (ModelException e) { // ignore } }
/** * Returns the hierarchical packages inside a given folder. * * @param folder The parent folder * @param result Collection where the resulting elements are added * @throws CoreException thrown when elements could not be accessed */ private void getHierarchicalPackagesInFolder( final IFolder folder, final Collection<Object> result) throws CoreException { IResource[] resources = folder.members(); for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { IResource resource = resources[i]; if (resource instanceof IFolder) { IFolder curr = (IFolder) resource; IModelElement element = DLTKCore.create(curr); if (element instanceof IScriptFolder) { if (fFoldPackages) { IScriptFolder fragment = (IScriptFolder) element; IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) fragment.getParent(); element = ScriptExplorerContentProvider.getFolded(root.getChildren(), fragment); } result.add(element); } } } }
@Override public String resolve(IScriptFolder container) { if (container == null) { Logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Unable to resolve namespace, no container available"); return null; } // Try composer first - Symfony 2.1 try { IPath path = ModelAccess.getInstance().resolve(container.getResource()); if (path != null) { return path.toString().replace("/", "\\"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.logException(e); } // fallback to Symfony 2.0 return SymfonyModelAccess.getDefault() .findNameSpace(container.getScriptProject(), container.getPath()); }
/** * Returns the hierarchical packages inside a given fragment or root. * * @param parent The parent package fragment root * @param fragment The package to get the children for or 'null' to get the children of the root. * @param result Collection where the resulting elements are added * @throws JavaModelException */ private void getHierarchicalPackageChildren( final IProjectFragment parent, final IScriptFolder fragment, final Collection<Object> result) throws ModelException { IModelElement[] children = parent.getChildren(); if (fragment == null || fragment.isRootFolder()) { List<IModelElement> newElements = new ArrayList<IModelElement>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { if (children[i] instanceof IScriptFolder) { IScriptFolder scriptFolder = (IScriptFolder) children[i]; if (scriptFolder.isRootFolder()) { IModelElement[] members = scriptFolder.getChildren(); for (int j = 0; j < members.length; ++j) { newElements.add(members[j]); } continue; } } newElements.add(children[i]); } children = newElements.toArray(new IModelElement[newElements.size()]); } String prefix = fragment != null ? fragment.getElementName() + IScriptFolder.PACKAGE_DELIMETER_STR : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ int prefixLen = prefix.length(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i] instanceof IScriptFolder) { IScriptFolder curr = (IScriptFolder) children[i]; String name = curr.getElementName(); if (name.startsWith(prefix) && name.length() > prefixLen && name.indexOf(IScriptFolder.PACKAGE_DELIMITER, prefixLen) == -1) { if (fFoldPackages) { curr = ScriptExplorerContentProvider.getFolded(children, curr); } result.add(curr); } /* * else if (fragment == null && curr.isRootFolder()) { * result.add(curr); } */ } else { result.add(children[i]); } } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.eclipse.jdt.ui.StandardJavaElementContentProvider#getPackageContent * (org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment) */ protected Object[] getScriptFolderContent(final IScriptFolder fragment) throws ModelException { if (fIsFlatLayout) { return super.getScriptFolderContent(fragment); } // hierarchical package mode ArrayList<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(); getHierarchicalPackageChildren((IProjectFragment) fragment.getParent(), fragment, result); Object[] nonPackages = super.getScriptFolderContent(fragment); if (result.isEmpty()) { return nonPackages; } for (int i = 0; i < nonPackages.length; i++) { result.add(nonPackages[i]); } return result.toArray(); }
private static IScriptFolder findSinglePackageChild( final IScriptFolder fragment, final IModelElement[] children) { String prefix = fragment.getElementName() + IScriptFolder.PACKAGE_DELIMITER; int prefixLen = prefix.length(); IScriptFolder found = null; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { IModelElement element = children[i]; String name = element.getElementName(); if (name.startsWith(prefix) && name.length() > prefixLen && name.indexOf(IScriptFolder.PACKAGE_DELIMITER, prefixLen) == -1) { if (found == null) { found = (IScriptFolder) element; } else { return null; } } } return found; }
@Override public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) { // Plugin.isManuallyStarted = true; System.out.println(" is ran ---first line"); targetPart = HandlerUtil.getActivePart(event); IWorkbenchPartSite site = targetPart.getSite(); ISelectionProvider selectionProvider = site.getSelectionProvider(); if (selectionProvider == null) { return null; } ISelection selection = selectionProvider.getSelection(); if (selection == null) { System.out.println("selectProject = "); return null; } IResource iRes = extractSelection(selection); if (iRes == null) { System.out.println("test == null"); return null; } selectProject = iRes.getProject(); if (selectProject == null) { System.out.println("selectProject == null"); return null; } System.out.println("selectProject = " + selectProject.getName()); // the following is temporarily added here pathCollector = ModelRegistry.getPathCollectorForProject(selectProject); if (pathCollector == null) { pathCollector = new PathCollector(selectProject); } paths = pathCollector.getAllPaths(); if (paths == null) paths = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Path>()); System.out.println( " is ran -- start iterating files of the project"); IScriptProject scriptProject = DLTKCore.create(selectProject); if (scriptProject == null) { System.out.println("scirpt project == null"); return null; } int count = 1; // gather statistics // GatherStatistics.NumOfWarningsInEachFile(); // while tablename = ... Utils.removeAllQuestionMarkers(iRes); Plugin.projectResource = iRes; Iterator ite = Plugin.sensitive_DB_Tables.iterator(); String currentSensitiveTableName = null; // commented out Nov. 27 /*while(ite.hasNext()){ currentSensitiveTableName = (String); Plugin.CurrentSensitiveDBTable = currentSensitiveTableName; System.out.println("Current Table is=" + Plugin.CurrentSensitiveDBTable);*/ String currentTableName; while (!Plugin.sensitive_DB_Tables_AlphRanked .isEmpty()) { // collect the warnings that comes from one table, one throughout iteration // for each table, and put the results into the currentTableName = Plugin.sensitive_DB_Tables_AlphRanked.first(); count = 1; Plugin.allMarkerRecords.clear(); while (Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration != null && Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration.size() != 0) { count++; System.out.println("-----------------begin round " + count); System.out.println( "Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration size =!!!" + Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration.size()); IScriptFolder[] folders = null; try { folders = scriptProject.getScriptFolders(); } catch (ModelException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("number of folders ==" + folders.length); /*String pattern = "Exec"; process(selectProject, pattern);*/ //////////////// Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForAnotherIteration.clear(); Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForAnotherIteration = new HashSet(); // System.out.println("at the begining point: size of current " + // Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration.size()); int numOfFiles = 0; for (IScriptFolder folder : folders) { String folderName = folder.getElementName(); if (!Constants.PHPLibraryFolders.contains(folderName)) { ISourceModule[] sourceModules = null; try { sourceModules = folder.getSourceModules(); } catch (ModelException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } numOfFiles += sourceModules.length; } } /* for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) System.out.println("files num = " + numOfFiles);*/ System.out.println("sum of folders =" + folders.length); int currentFolderNum = 1; for (IScriptFolder folder : folders) { System.out.println("folder scanning = " + currentFolderNum + "/" + folders.length); String folderName = folder.getElementName(); System.out.println("folder name = " + folderName); if (!Constants.PHPLibraryFolders.contains(folderName)) { ISourceModule[] sourceModules = null; try { sourceModules = folder.getSourceModules(); } catch (ModelException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } for (ISourceModule tmpSourceModule : sourceModules) { System.out.println("scanning " + tmpSourceModule.getElementName()); // if it is not the first time to run CodeAnnotate on this project, then disable the // scan function, // we have already pop the marker records from the file and displayed in Eclipse // already. if (false) { } // temporarily testing /* if(Plugin.FIRST_TIME_RUN == false){ //simply display the markers based on the marker records in the file String fileDir = tmpSourceModule.getResource().getFullPath().toString(); System.out.println("all markers size = " + Plugin.allMarkerRecords.size()); HashSet<MarkerRecord> markerRecordsInSingleFile = Utils.getMarkerRecordsForSingleFile(Plugin.allMarkerRecords, fileDir); Utils.createMarkersForSingleFile(markerRecordsInSingleFile, tmpSourceModule); HashSet<AnnotationRecord> annotationRecordsInSingleFile = Utils.getAnnotationRecordsForSingleFile(Plugin.allAnnotationRecords, fileDir); Utils.createAnnotationsForSingleFile(annotationRecordsInSingleFile, tmpSourceModule); System.out.println("finished creating markers for fileDir = " + fileDir + ", markerRecordsInSingleFile size = " + markerRecordsInSingleFile.size()); }*/ else { // start scanning the files for sensitive operations // System.out.println("isourcemodule being built = " + // tmpSourceModule.getElementName().toLowerCase()); // System.out.println("full path of the source module is ---" + // tmpSourceModule.getResource().getFullPath().toString()); SensitiveOperationVisitor visitor = new SensitiveOperationVisitor( tmpSourceModule, Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration, Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForAnotherIteration, Plugin.sensitiveOperations); Program root = null; try { root = Utils.getCompilationUnit(tmpSourceModule); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.err.println("root = util.getcompilationUnit() throws exception!"); e.printStackTrace(); } // System.out.println("begin of traverseTopDown"); if (root == null) { System.err.println( "tmpSourceModule name = " + tmpSourceModule.getElementName() + " in " + tmpSourceModule.getPath().toString()); System.err.println("root == null"); // return null; } root.traverseTopDown(visitor); Plugin.sensitiveOperations = visitor.getSensitiveOperations(); Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForAnotherIteration = visitor.getSensitiveOperationsForAnotherIteration(); } } } currentFolderNum++; } Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration.clear(); Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration = new HashSet(); // System.out.println("Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForAnotherIteration size after iteration =" // + Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForAnotherIteration.size()); Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration = (HashSet<SensitiveMethod>) Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForAnotherIteration.clone(); // System.out.println("after assignment, Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteratio size = // " + Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration.size()); /*String newRuleFileName = "newRulesForIteration" + count + "th.txt"; InRunPluginDataSave.writeNewSensitiveRulesIntoFile(newRuleFileName, Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration); String mappingFileName = "numOfWarningsInEachFileInIteration" + (count-1) + "th.txt";; InRunPluginDataSave.writeMappingBetweenWarningsAndFiles(mappingFileName, Plugin.numberOfWarningsInEachFile); if(count == 2){ String newTableNamesFileName = "tableNamesEncounteredInIteration" + (count-1) + "th.txt"; InRunPluginDataSave.writeTableNamesIntoFile(newTableNamesFileName, Plugin.allTableNames); String mappingFileName2 = "numOfWarningsRelatedToEachTableForIteration" + (count-1) + "th.txt"; InRunPluginDataSave.writeMappingBetweenWarningsAndFiles(mappingFileName2, Plugin.numberOfWarningsRelatedToEachTable); }*/ PostRunPluginConfig.writeMarkerRecordIntoFile( Plugin.allMarkerRecords, count, currentTableName); } //// newly added // remove the first table name in the treeset so that we focus on the next table in the next // iteration. Plugin.sensitive_DB_Tables_AlphRanked.pollFirst(); Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration = RulesUtils.getSensitiveOperations(); } // commented out Nov. 27 /*GatherStatistics.writeMarkersForEachTable(Plugin.allMarkerRecords, Plugin.CurrentSensitiveDBTable); Plugin.allMarkerRecords.clear(); Plugin.allMarkerRecords = new HashSet(); count = 1; Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration.clear(); Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration = new HashSet(); Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration = (HashSet<SensitiveMethod>) Plugin.sensitiveOperationsForCurrentIteration_backup.clone(); Plugin.sensitiveOperations.clear(); Plugin.sensitiveOperations = new HashSet(); Plugin.sensitiveOperations = (HashSet<SensitiveMethod>)Plugin.sensitiveOperations_backup.clone(); }*/ // above is temporarily added. // below are temporarily added for the analysis use // GatherStatistics.filesWithoutRequiredAccessControls(Plugin.numberOfWarningsInEachFile, // Plugin.numberOfAccessControlsInEachFile); /* * Use a Job to attach a {@link CodeAnnotateDocumentEditListener} to * each and every IDocument that is related to a ICompilationUnit in the * selected project */ /* * Job job = new MountListenerJob("Mount listener to Java file", * JavaCore.create(selectProject)); job.setPriority(Job.INTERACTIVE); * job.schedule(); */ /* Delegates all heavy lifting to {@link PathFinder} */ /*Job heavy_job = new Job("Finding paths in Project: " + selectProject.getName()) { @Override protected IStatus run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { Plugin.getDefault().getWorkbench().getDisplay() .asyncExec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // PathFinder.getInstance(selectProject).run(monitor); } }); } finally { monitor.done(); } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; heavy_job.setPriority(Job.LONG); heavy_job.schedule(); */ System.out.println("finished scanning, marker records saved"); // PostRunPluginConfig.config(Plugin.allMarkerRecords, Plugin.allAnnotationRecords); // PostRunPluginConfig.writeMarkerRecordIntoFile(Plugin.allMarkerRecords, count); // GatherStatistics.readWarningStatistics(Plugin.sensitive_DB_Tables_AlphRanked, // "Update_Level5.txt"); return null; }
private static boolean isEmpty(final IScriptFolder fragment) throws ModelException { return !fragment.containsScriptResources() && fragment.getForeignResources().length == 0; }