public static void sendMavlinkMessage(MavLinkDrone drone, MavlinkMessageWrapper messageWrapper) {
    if (drone == null || messageWrapper == null) return;

    MAVLinkMessage message = messageWrapper.getMavLinkMessage();
    if (message == null) return;

    message.compid = drone.getCompid();
    message.sysid = drone.getSysid();

    // Set the target system and target component for MAVLink messages that support those
    // attributes.
    try {
      Class<?> tempMessage = message.getClass();
      Field target_system = tempMessage.getDeclaredField("target_system");
      Field target_component = tempMessage.getDeclaredField("target_component");

      target_system.setByte(message, (byte) message.sysid);
      target_component.setByte(message, (byte) message.compid);
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException
        | SecurityException
        | IllegalAccessException
        | IllegalArgumentException
        | ExceptionInInitializerError e) {
      Timber.e(e, e.getMessage());

    drone.getMavClient().sendMavMessage(message, null);